

单词 午时

See also:

7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse

External sources (not reviewed)

证词:2012 年 6 月 6 日星期三午 10 时,他与许多其他农民一样,正在 Qubayr 农场以西约 500 米处的自家地里割麦子。
Stated that on Wednesday 6 June 2012 at 10 a.m., he was on his land some 500 metres west of Qubayr farm, like many other farmers who were harvesting wheat.
总务委员会提请大会注意,根据第 57/301 号决议和第 64/555 号决定,大会 第六十五届会议一般性辩论应从 2010 年 9 月 23 日星期四午 9 时开始继续到 9 月 25 日星期六,并从 9 月 27 日星期一到 9 月 30 日星期四;9 月 24 日星期五的 一般性辩论会议将从午 11 时 30 分午 2 时,从下午 3 时到晚上 9 时;9 月 25 日星期六的会议将从午 9 时到下午 1 时,从下午 3 时到傍晚 6 时,但此种安 排绝不应对今后届会构成先例。
The General Committee draws to the attention of the General Assembly that, pursuant to resolution 57/301 and decision 64/555, the general debate for the sixty-fifth session shall begin at 9 a.m. on Thursday, 23 September, and continue to Saturday, 25 September and from Monday, 27 September to Thursday, 30 September 2010; that the meetings for the general debate on Friday, 24 September will be held from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. and the meetings on Saturday, 25 September will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.; and that these arrangements shall in no way create a precedent for future sessions.
大多数购物中心价格固定、合理且具有新引力,营业时间通常为 午 10 时 至 晚 上10时。
A majority of these malls offer attractive and reasonable yet fixed prices and are generally
[...] open for trading from 10am to 10pm.
古巴常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团致意,谨通知如下:2010 年 7 月 23 日午 11 时,约 有 12 人聚集在古巴代表团大楼门前,高呼攻击性和 侮辱性的口号,阻碍工作人员进出,并扰乱外交使团平和正常地履行职能。
The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and, wishes to inform it that, on Friday 23 July 2010 at 11:09 a.m., a group of around 12 people gathered in front of the entrance doors of the Mission’s building, shouting offensive and insulting slogans, blocking the staff’s comings and goings and disturbing the peace and proper functioning of the diplomatic Mission.
实施情况审议组第一次会议将于 2010 年 6 月 28 日(星期一)午 10 时在 M 楼 I 号会议厅(M1)召开。
The first meeting of the Implementation Review Group will be convened on Monday, 28 June 2010, at 10 a.m. in the M-Building, Conference Room I (M1).
您可以选择以下设施(根据您所在的邮轮)来度过您的 午时 光 , 例如游泳池(分成人和儿童泳池)、水上公园、健身房、保龄球、迷你高尔夫、游戏厅、4D电影院、图书馆阅览、咖啡馆上网,在MSC水疗中心享受,或者参与到我们为大众开放的常规免费项目。
Choose to spend your morning in one of the many [...]
onboard facilities, such as (depending on your ship) swimming (adults-only
and kids-only pools available), aqua park, gym, bowling, mini-golf, the games arcade, 4D cinema, browsing in the library, catching up in the Internet café, a moment in the MSC Aurea Spa, or joining in one of our general activities which are free and open to all.
2008 年 12 月 24 日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信(S/2008/813) 下午 3 时 15 分 复会。 主席(以阿拉伯语发言):根据安理会先前磋商中 达成的谅解,我认为安全理事会同意按照其暂行议事 规则第 39 条,向非洲联盟和平与安全理事会主席爱 德华·阿霍-格莱勒先生发出邀请。
Identical letters dated 24 December 2008 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council (S/2008/813) ): In accordance with the understanding reached in the Council’s prior consultations, I shall take it that the Security Council agrees to extend an invitation under rule 39 of its provisional rules of procedure to Mr. Edouard Aho-Glele, Chairperson of the African Union Peace and Security Council.
纽约市警察局报告说,纽约警察于午 11 时 26 分 离开古巴代表团附近街区, 他们这样做是警方确定示威人群对古巴常驻代表团、其成员或广大公众不构成任 何威胁。
The New York City Police Department reports that their officers departed the vicinity of the Mission at 11.26 a.m., doing so only after the police determined that the group of demonstrators posed no threat to the Permanent Mission, its members or the public at large.
当地时间昨天午 6 时左右 ,在联黎部队行动区 之外的塞达镇附近的沿海公路上发生了一起针对联 [...]
Yesterday, at
[...] around 6 p.m. local time, an explosion targeted [...]
a UNIFIL convoy along the coastal road near the town of Saida,
which is outside UNIFIL’s area of operations.
[...] 括一次简短的开幕全体会议,然后连续举行四次听证会,每天两次,午 10 时 至下午 1 时和下午 3 时至下午 6 时。每 次会议将由来自具有经济及社会理事会咨 商地位的非政府组织、民间社会组织和私营部门的受邀与会者发言并与会员国交 [...]
The hearings shall consist of a brief opening plenary meeting followed by four sequential sessions of the
hearings on the basis of
[...] two sessions a day, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Each session will [...]
consist of presentations
by invited participants from non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Econ omic and Social Council, civil society organizations and the private sector and an exchange of views with Member States.
我们之间的时差为 [5] 小时,因此我的时间早上 [9] 时/您时间下午 [2] 时对您来 说怎么样?
The time difference between us is [5] hours, so how would [9am] my time / [2pm] your time [...]
work for you?
议主席。会议在午 10 时 30 分开始,在此之前,第 I 选举组请求能多给点时间以提交 [...]
对规则第 13.2 条的修正案,对该条的修正是根据爱沙尼亚代表团前一天的建议进行的, 增加了一句话“只要委员会的委员国数量达到 24 个,则六个选举组中每一组至少应拥有 3 个席位。
The session started at 10.30 am following the request by Electoral Group I to
[...] have some additional time in order to submit [...]
an amendment to Rule
13.2, which had been amended, following the proposal made by the Delegation of Estonia the day before, by adding the sentence “As soon as the number of States Members of the Committee reaches 24, at least three seats shall be attributed to each of the six electoral groups”.
此外,还将在北草坪大楼 NL-01022 室开设一个卫星诊所,开放时间 为星期一至星期五午 9 时至晚 11 时 30 分,星期六为午 11 时至晚 7 时。
In addition, a Satellite Clinic will be opened Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. and Saturday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the North Lawn Building, Room NL-01022.
2011 年 8 月 29
[...] 日,阿尔及利亚常驻联合国代表团通知安全理事会主席说, 当地时间该日午 8 时 45 分,萨菲亚·卡扎菲在阿伊莎、汉尼拔和穆罕默德·卡 [...]
On 29 August 2011, the Permanent Mission of Algeria to the United Nations informed the President of the Security
Council of the arrival in Algeria that day, at
[...] 8.45 a.m. local time, of Safia Qadhafi, [...]
accompanied by Aisha, Hannibal and Mohammed
Qadhafi, all of whom are subject to the travel ban.
From 0:00 am to 5:59am, a 100% charge will be included automatically in your room's bill and the Check-Out for this period is at 11am of the same day.
文件首先说明了将根据大会第 二十八届会议通过的第 28 C/22 号决议选举的上述各机构的成员人数,随后列出了截至 2011 年 11 月 2 日午 10 时提名委员会秘书处登记的各选举组的候选人名单,以及各选举组的离 任委员名单。
This document is not official; it is intended to simplify the work of the Nominations Committee, firstly indicating the number of members to be elected for each of the above-mentioned organs, in accordance with 28 C/Resolution 22 adopted by the General Conference at its 28th session and, secondly, listing the nominations registered by the secretariat of the Nominations Committee up to 2 November 2011 at 10 a.m., by electoral groups, and the outgoing members, also by electoral groups.
雷德先生(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):我完全 注意到午 6 时,我们已过迷人的时分。
Mr. Reid (United States of America): I am very mindful
[...] of the 6 p.m. witching hour that we are [...]
自 2012 年 10 月 5 日星期五起,所有出入证和身份证业务将返回位于 45 街
[...] 和一大道路口训研所大楼 U-100 室的出入证和身份证股,工作时间为午 9 时至 下午 4 时。
Beginning Friday, 5 October 2012, all pass and identification operations will return to the Pass
and Identification Unit, room U-100,
[...] UNITAR Building, on First Avenue at 45th Street, [...]
and the hours of operation will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
斐济的多数商店营业时间为午8时至 下 午6时。
Most stores here
[...] are open for trading from 8am to 6pm.
建议的会议时间为午 10 时至下午 1 时和下 午 3 时至 6 时。
Suggested meeting times are from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m.
该委员会将于午 3 时再次 举行会议,审议对委员会工作方法进行 审查的问题。
The Committee will meet again at 3 p.m. to consider review of the methods of work of the Committee.
筹备委员会第三次全体会议和持发大会上午的全体会议定于午 10 时至下 午 1 时举行,下午的全体会议定于午 3 时至 6 时举行,视需要举行的晚间会议 一般于午 6 时开始
Morning plenary meetings of both the third session of the Preparatory Committee and the Conference are scheduled to take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and afternoon plenary meetings from 3 to 6 p.m. Evening sessions, if required, will generally begin at 6 p.m.
她声称,她在午1 时左右 被6 名男子抓 住,这些人声称他们是传统猎人治安维持会的。
She stated that she was seized at about 1.00 am by a group of six men who alleged they were a dozo (traditional hunters) vigilante group.
4 场高级别圆桌会议将有一个共同主题:“探讨落实联合国可持续发展大会预 期成果的前进之路”,与全体会议并行举行,具体安排如下: 6 月 20 日星期三午 4 时 30 分至 7 时 30 分;6 月 21 日星期四午 10 时至下午 1 时和下午 3 时至 6 时;6 月 22 日星期五午 10 时至下午 1 时。
The four high-level round tables will have a common theme “Looking at the way forward in implementing the expected outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development” and will be held in parallel with the plenary meetings as follows: Wednesday, 20 June, from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m., Thursday, 21 June, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m., and Friday, 22 June, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
如要更改定期存款到期指示,请於存款到期日前最少一个工作天之截数时间前办理(星期一至星期五午 9 时至下午 5 时之办公时间内)。
1. To revise existing time deposit maturity instruction, please submit the instruction at least one
working day before the maturity
[...] date and before the cut-off time (Between office hours [...]
from Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.).
会议于 2009 年 3 月 30 日星期一午 10 时由主 席 Husamuddin Ahmadzai 先生(瑞 典)宣布开幕。他称赞增资谈判取得的成功,并强调指出,新的三年期给予了执行委员会 继续出色进行工作的重大责任,特别是在第 5 条国家遵守 2010 年氟氯化碳淘汰最后期限和 加快落实加快淘汰氟氯烃方面。
The Meeting was opened at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, 30 March 2009, by the Chair, Mr. Husamuddin Ahmadzai (Sweden), who applauded the success of the replenishment negotiations, and stressed that, in the new triennium, the Executive Committee had been given the great responsibility of continuing its good work, particularly with regard to compliance with the 2010 CFC phase-out deadline for Article 5 countries and with expediting the accelerated phase-out of HCFCs.
会议于 2008 年 11 月 8 日星期六午 10 时由主 席 Albert Rombonot(加蓬)先生宣 布开幕。他表示,本次会议是 2006-2008 年三年期的最后一次会议,因此也是确保缔约方 为这一供资阶段所确定的目标能够实现的最后机会。
The Meeting was opened at 10.00 a.m. on Saturday, 8 November 2008, by the Chair, Mr. Albert Rombonot (Gabon), who remarked that it was the last meeting of the triennium 2006-2008 and therefore the last opportunity to ensure that the goals set by the Parties for that funding period were met.
高级别会议和一般性辩论的色标出入证可从 2012 年 9 月 21 日星期五开始到 礼宾和联络处(NL-2063 室)领取,领取时间为午 10 时后。
Colour-coded access cards for the high-level meetings and the general debate will be ready for collection at the Protocol and Liaison Service (room NL-2063) starting on Friday, 21 September 2012, after 10 a.m.
主席(以英语发言):我提醒各代表团,现在已经 过了午 6 时。我 想在今天结束本次辩论会,所以我 希望各位代表能够作非常简要的发言。
I take this opportunity to urge the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to respond to our calls to demonstrate its willingness and sincerity with regard to denuclearization through concrete actions, instead of the provocation shown today.




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