

单词 升市

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此外,文章亦呼籲,在經濟逆轉的情況下,政府應著手推行適合的文化政策,以 升市 民 的 精神素質。
Besides, the article proposed that,
under such adverse conditions, the government should pursue appropriate
[...] cultural policies to boost people's spiritual life.
这些平台将升市场的 透明度,为天然气市 场竞争的发展打下基础,并且使设定参考价格成为可能。
These tools will enhance market transparency, lay the groundwork for development of competition in the gas market and will allow [...]
for reference prices to be set.
為了提 高 香港的國際 形象和 金融中 心 地位及 實現可持 續 發 展 ,本 會 促 請 政 府 從 速 與 商界、 公 營機構及志願 團 體 等建立 夥伴關 係 , 共 同 磋 商 及制訂有效的 方 法,落實企
業 社 會 和 環境責任的理念 ; 同 時,政府 應 指 令 公 營機構帶 頭 落實有關工 作 ,
[...] 並透過廣 泛 的 教 育 和 宣 傳 ,升 市 民 對 企 業 社 會 和 環境責任的 [...]
關 注 , 促 使有關企 業 承擔本身的 責任。
That, in order to enhance Hong Kong's international image and its position as a financial centre and achieve sustainable development, this Council urges the Government to expeditiously develop a partnership relationship with the business sector, public organizations and voluntary agencies, etc, and to discuss with them to jointly formulate effective ways to implement the concept of corporate social and environmental responsibility; at the same time, the Government should direct the public sector to take the lead in implementing the relevant actions
and, through extensive education and
[...] publicity, raise the public's awareness of [...]
corporate social and environmental responsibility
as well as give impetus to the corporations concerned to shoulder their responsibility.
與此同時,本集團將繼 續謹慎尋求及評估投資商機,並結合內涵增長, 升市 場 份 額,確保市場份額的領先地 位。
At the same time, the Group will continue to seek and evaluate investment opportunities in a
prudent manner while pursuing organic growth in order to
[...] achieve higher market share and solidify its leading market position.
根據該合約,藝團必須:(i)在所屬藝團 範疇、本地藝術界發揮其領導角色;(ii)爭取社會支 持及升市民對有關藝術範疇的興趣;(iii)在地區及 國際藝壇建立聲譽;(iv)落實承諾舉辦的活動;及(v) 履行該合約訂明的所有責任及義務,例如在每年6月 30日或之前向政府提交年度終結自我評估與評核報 告及其高級行政人員數目、職級及薪酬的每年檢討結 果;在每年9月 30日或之前,向政府提交經審計周年 財務報表及周年財務報告;以及每年10月 31日或之 前,向政府提交周年報告等。
In the FSA, the groups were required to: (i) provide artistic leadership in their respective art form in the local community; (ii) establish community support and develop public interest in their respective art form; (iii) establish regional and international reputation for their own group; (iv) implement their committed level of activities; and (v) discharge all their duties and obligations under the FSA, such as submitting to the Government their year-end self-evaluation and assessment report and their annual review findings on the number, ranking and remuneration of their top tiers administrative staff by 30 June each year, their audited annual financial statement and annual financial report by 30 September each year, and their Annual Report by 31 October each year, etc.
的確,在香港這個朝氣蓬勃的現代化 市 , 要 提 升市 民 的 生活質素,必須講求創意和科技,而研發工作是推動科技發展的主要動力。
Indeed, in a modern and vibrant society like Hong Kong, innovation and technology are essential to enhance the quality of people's lives while R&D is a key impetus for technological advancement.
要提高企业竞争力,需要进行升市 场 的改革,还需建立监管框 架以监督市场运行,具体工作包括制定并执行竞争和消费政策及法律,制定企业 发展和商业联络计划,并设立能够在特定行业增加业务需求的相关机构。
Supporting enterprise
[...] competitiveness requires market-enhancing reforms as well as regulatory frameworks to monitor the operations of the market, including [...]
through the design
and enforcement of competition and consumer policies and laws, enterprise development and business linkages programmes, and related agencies that can promote the needs of business in particular sectors.
认证产品有时能够实现显著的价格溢价,即使没有认证也可帮助确保 升市 场 准 入、增加 市场份额或提高声誉。
Certified products sometimes achieve a significant price
premium; even if not certification can help
[...] to ensure improved market access, increased market share or improved [...]
政府應著意研究推行適切的文化政策,提倡家庭生活、精神藝術和心靈涵養的價值, 升市 民 的 精神素質,激發他們堅毅不屈的精神,使社會生氣再現。
The government should study how to pursue appropriate cultural policies to emphasize the importance
of family life, spiritual arts, and the value of moral
[...] culture, in order to boost people's morale [...]
and revitalize society.
我 们的目标是促进市民的身体及心理社交健康,透过尽早采取措施, 升市 民 的 身 体机能,延缓成年阶段的机能衰退,并改善弱能人士的生命质素。
Our goal is to promote physical and psychosocial health by maximising people’s functional capacity through early life interventions, slowing down functional decline in adulthood, and improving the quality of life of those falling below the disability threshold.
[...] 買商品的範圍而言,商品價格上升可能導致本集團蒙受虧損,因其屆時需設法於升 市場 購買相關商品。
Conversely, to the extent the Group agrees to sell a commodity to a customer and does not immediately have a matching contract to acquire the commodity from a supplier, an increase in the price of the
commodity could result in losses to the Group, as it then seeks to acquire the
[...] underlying commodity in a rising market.
長期而言,新的監管法規應可增強銀行業的財 政實力,升市場對 其資金情況的信心,亦可增加金融體系的靈 活性。
Over the longer term, new regulations should result in banks with healthier and stronger balance sheets and higher confidence in their funding positions, and in a more resilient financial system.
政府一向致力升市民的健康水平,並確保本港發展與國際趨勢一致, 故主動推行強制性營養資料標籤制度。
As part of the Government’s ongoing efforts to enhance public health and in line with the international trend, the Government has taken active steps to introduce a mandatory nutrition labelling scheme.
一方面,对Ray-Ban来说,这是一个它在中国市场加强其品牌形象和 升市 场 认 知度的机会,并能借此将自己定位为顶尖的眼镜专家。
On the one hand, it is an opportunity for Ray-Ban
to strengthen its brand image and awareness
[...] in the Chinese market, positioning [...]
itself as a state-of-the-art eye wear specialist.
我们会继续恒常于地区及各中小学举办食物安全讲座,以 升市 民 及 学生对食物安全的认知。
Seminars will continue to be regularly held in the districts and primary and secondary schools to enhance food safety perception of the public and the students.
她亦會進一步加 強 AIA
[...] 香港在多元渠道分銷範疇之實力,推行重要的業務發展計劃,藉此 升市 場 佔 有率及 服務水平。
She will also further expand the insurer’s
multi-channel distribution capabilities and lead key growth
[...] initiatives to gain market share and to maximize [...]
business opportunities.
升市觸發 / 跌市觸發的條件指示盤,在未被觸發時,期貨至尊寶內所顯示的訂單狀態則為 "等待中"。
For Up Trigger/ Down Trigger Conditional Orders, before order is triggered, the order status displayed in SP Futures is "PEND".
集 團 繼 續 以「百 城 萬 店」形 象 店 的 策 略 強 化 分 銷 網 絡, 使 集 團 產 品 覆 蓋 全 國,有 效升 市 場 份 額。
Vinda International currently has up to 200,000 points of sales in the PRC with an increasing product distribution rate.
例如在 2009-10 年度,我們會推展“活化歷史建築伙伴計劃”第一批及第
二批歷史建築的選定項目,透過由非牟利機構營辦社會企業,以活化歷史建築; 繼續監管“維修資助計劃”的推行,為業主提供資助以維修其私人擁有的已評級歷
[...] 史建築;探討多項方案,以善用具商業潛質的歷史建築,如虎豹別墅;以及繼續 舉辦推廣活動,升市民對文物保育的興趣和知識等。
For instance, in 2009-10, we will take forward selected projects under Batch I and launch Batch II of the “Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme” which will involve revitalisation of historic buildings through the operation of social enterprises by non-profit-making organisations; continue to oversee the implementation of the “Financial Assistance for Maintenance Scheme” to provide financial assistance on maintenance of private graded historic buildings to their owners; explore various options to make the best use of historic buildings with commercial potentials such as Haw Par
Mansion; and continue to organise promotional
[...] activities to enhance public interest [...]
in and knowledge of heritage conservation; etc.
z 香港政府推出環保措施鼓勵提早更換柴油車,此舉將於未來數年大大 升市 場 對 環 保貨車及巴士的需求,作為貨車及巴士市場的領導者,集團已準備好配合市場殷切 的需求。
As the market leader in this field, the Group is well positioned to meet the surging demand.
倘基於任何原因 (包括但不限於電腦, 電子系統或設備出現的故障或錯誤)導至本行延遲執行、部分執行、未能執行限價止損 /升市觸發/跌市觸發訂單,對客戶因而衍生的任何虧損、損失或開支,及相應之虧損、損失及開支,本行恕不負責。
Haitong International will not be responsible in any manner for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages incurred by the user as a result of any delay, incomplete, or failed execution of the conditional order(s).
成功的公关可以加强企业的声誉,提高品牌知名度及竞争力,从而 升市 场 占 有率。
Successful public relations can
enhance an organisation’s reputation, boost its brand recognition, increase its
[...] competitiveness, and enhance its market share.
李倬先生凭借自己丰富的行业经验以及领导力,带领团队努力工作,持续为大北欧 升市 场 份 额,并为客户提供专业和优质的服务。
With abundant experience and leadership, Jonas, together
with his team, sustainably provide professional and high-quality services as well
[...] as increase the market share of Jabra.
[...] 展投资,包括为创造就业提供财政激励,投资于可再生能源基础设施、可持续农 业和经济多元化,升市场准入和为低收入国家提供充分的发展融资。
They should focus on job creation and investments in sustainable development, including through fiscal incentives for job creation, investment in infrastructure related to renewable energy,
sustainable agriculture and economic
[...] diversification, and enhanced market access and adequate [...]
development finance for low-income countries.
本公司成立于2005年5月,目标是在大中华区促进销售,推广西门子气化技术(众所周知的GSP技术), 升市 场 占 有率。
The company was founded in May, 2005 with the purpose to
[...] promote sales and marketing of Siemens Gasification [...]
Technology (well-known as GSP Technology) in Greater China.
2.1 The Cape on Bowen收集個人信息用於以下目的︰ * 與客戶建立和維持負責任的商業關係; *
在特定收集個人信息的情況,根據個人確定的目的或明顯的目的; *
[...] 符合法律及監管規定; * 理解個人的需要和喜好; * 開發、升、市場推 廣及/或提供產品和服務; * 管理及發展The [...]
Cape on Bowen的業務和運營,包括在聯營公司之間轉讓信息。
2.1 The Cape On Bowen collects personal information for the following purposes: * to establish and maintain a responsible commercial relationship with customers; * for purposes identified to individuals or purposes obvious to individuals, in respect of particular collections of personal information; * to meet legal and regulatory requirements; * to understand
needs and preferences of individuals;
[...] * to develop, enhance, market and/or provide products [...]
and services; * to manage and develop
The Cape On Bowen’s business and operations, including transfer of data among affiliated entities.
[...] 商購買商品的範圍而言,商品價格上升可能導致Glencore蒙受虧損,因其屆時需設法於升 市 場 購 買 相 關 商品。
Conversely, to the extent Glencore agrees to sell a commodity to a customer and does not immediately have a matching contract to acquire the com Counterparty credit and performance risk Glencore, in particular via its marketing activities, is subject to non performance risk by its suppliers, customers and hedging counterparties. modity from a supplier, an increase in the price of
the commodity could result in losses to Glencore, as it then seeks to acquire the
[...] underlying commodity in a rising market.
更糟糕的是,联通面临来自中国最小的三大电信运营商中国电信(HKEx: 728; NYSE:
[...] CHA)的重大挑战,中国电信刚宣布的一些数据暗示它将向中国联通和行业领袖中国移动(HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL)展开更大攻势以升市场占有率。
To make matters worse, the company is facing a major challenge from China Telecom (HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA), the smallest of China’s 3 major carriers, which has just announced some new figures suggesting it will get even
more aggressive in its highly
[...] effective campaign to steal market share from both Unicom [...]
and industry leader China Mobile (HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL).




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