

单词 升值


未变现升值 n

unrealised appreciation n

External sources (not reviewed)

让汇升值会负面影响出口导向型部门,而紧缩财政和货币政 策以避免过热则可能会限制国内需求,并危及经济复苏与增长。
Letting the
[...] exchange rate appreciate can adversely [...]
affect export-oriented sectors, while tightening fiscal and monetary
policies to avoid overheating may constrain domestic demand and jeopardize economic recovery and growth.
主 要 是 由 於 部 分
[...] 非 美 元 幣 種 兌 美升 值 產 生 的 滙 兌 收 益、軟 [...]
件 產 品 增 值 稅 退 稅 收 入 及 政 府 補 助 增 長 所 致。
The increase was attributable mainly to exchange gains arising from the appreciation of certain
non-USD currency against the US Dollar
[...] and growth in value-added tax rebates [...]
for software products and government subsidies.
另一方面,国际商品 价格和货升值帮助 降低通货膨胀率,限制实际收入的减少,从而至少部分抵消 [...]
On the other, international commodity prices, combined
[...] with currency appreciation, helped to [...]
significantly lower the rate of inflation
and limit the erosion of real income, thereby at least partially offsetting the downturn in labour indicators.
倘於報告日港元兌澳升值 10%, 權益及溢利將減少或虧損增加以上所示之 金額。
A 10% strengthening of HK$ against AUD at the reporting date would decrease in equity and profit or increase in loss by the amount shown above.
这种套利交易操作可能在 短期造成货升值而产 生负面后果,而从长远来说,会导致货币危机(关于套利 交易的阐述,见 A/66/164)。
Such carry-trade operations may have negative consequences in terms of currency appreciation in the short-run and currency crises in the long-run (for a discussion of carry trade see A/66/164).
富人的投資可能有回報,中產 階級的薪酬有所增加,而持有的股票或樓宇也可 升值。
There may be investment returns for the rich and salary increases for the middle classes, coupled with the appreciation of their stocks and properties.
这种问题的一种表现就是“荷兰病”,即 自然资源收入的增加引起货币快 升值 , 造 成出口产品 竞争力下降,出口额降低。
One aspect of this problem is the “Dutch disease”, whereby increased natural resource revenue causes rapid currency appreciation which results in decreased competitiveness of and thus decline in other exports.
人 民升 值 帶 來 的 競 爭 壓 力 及 外 滙 交 易 的 風 險 會 長 期 存 在。
Meanwhile, there are long-term risks relating to competition and foreign currency transaction as a result of the appreciation of RMB.
雖然港幣與美元掛鉤,香港的長期及短期通脹卻可能會較高,因為香港與中國 大陸更緊密的經濟關係,而後者的貨幣正 升值。
Although the Hong Kong Dollar is pegged to the US Dollar, long and short term inflation in Hong Kong is likely
to be higher due to a closer economic relationship between Hong Kong and Mainland China, whose
[...] currency is appreciating.
为 了缓和汇率波动升值问题 ,特别是在实际汇率达到历史低水平的情形下,一些 国家采取了包括准备金累积在内的措施(阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、 危地马拉、墨西哥和秘鲁),设法减少资本流入(巴西采取了征税和限制等手段, 这增加了固定收益证券外国投资的金融交易税,这一税率首先增加到 4%,后来在 10 月份增加到 6%),增加资金流出(智利和秘鲁提高了对外国的退休基金投资的 总限额)。
To moderate exchange-rate volatility and appreciation, especially in situations of historically low effective rates of exchange, some countries deployed measures that included reserve accumulation (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru) and sought to stem capital inflows (by means of taxes and restrictions in Brazil, which increased the financial transaction tax on foreign investment in fixed-income instruments — first to 4% and then, in October, to 6%) and increased outflows (Chile and Peru raised the overall limit on pension fund investments abroad).
发展中国家由于资本流入增加 而必须对资本进行控制而导致其货 升值 , 这 使其对外竞争力受到压力。
Developing countries’ external competitiveness had come under pressure, owing to appreciation of their currencies prompted by increased capital inflows that necessitated capital controls.
於二零零九年、二零一零年及二零一一年十二月三十一日以及二零一二年六月三十日, 在其他參數維持不變下,倘美元兌人民 升值 ╱ 貶 值 5 % , 換算該等非功能貨幣項目將導致天 鍛集團及天鍛於二零零九年、二零一零年及二零一一年年度以及二零一二年六月三十日期間之 溢利分別被正面╱負面影響約人民幣15,000元、人民幣25,000元、人民幣178,000元及人民幣 26,000元。
At 31 December 2009, 2010 and 2011 and 30 June 2012, with all other variables held constant, if US$ had strengthened/weakened against Renminbi by 5%, the Tianduan Group’s and Tianduan’s profit for the year of 2009, 2010 and 2011 and the period of 30 June 2012 would have been favourably/unfavourably impacted by approximately RMB15,000, RMB25,000, RMB178,000 and RMB26,000 respectively as a result of the translation of those Non-Functional Currency Items.
子基金的投資目標乃主要透過投資於(不少於其資產淨值的 80%)中國的人民幣定息證券,達致資升 值及賺取收入。
The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve capital appreciation and income generation by primarily (i.e. not less than 80% of its net assets) investing in the PRC Renminbi (“RMB”) fixed income securities.
Minimum wages and appreciation of RMB against the Hong Kong dollars
[...] further accelerate rising cost of living.
更進一步的是,該區域的波動性並非呈現單向——如圖1所示,人民幣 升值 , 而越南盾則是貶值。
Furthermore, this volatility is not always unidirectional across the
region - as Figure 1 shows, the renminbi (RMB) has been appreciating while the Vietnamese
[...] dong (VND) has been depreciating.
董事預期,人民幣兌港升值不會 對本集團業務造成任何重大不利影響。
The directors do not expect the appreciation of the RMB against the HK$ to have any material adverse effect on the operation of the Group.
(iv) 如果在用美元或欧元以外的其它货币缴纳会费以后12个月内 的任何时候,该货币对美元的兑换值提高 升值 , 有 关会员 国可以要求总干事在接到通知后交付调整差额,以交还会费 [...]
(iv) if, at any time within the 12 months following the payment of a contribution in a currency other than the United States dollar or the euro,
there should occur an increase in the
[...] exchange value or a revaluation of such currency [...]
in terms of United States dollars, the
Member State concerned may require the Director-General, upon notification, to make an adjustment payment to cover the exchange gain pertaining to the unspent balance of the contribution; such adjustment payments will be made in the national currency of the Member State
目前可再生能源在中 能源消费中的比例还很低(不超过5%),但 是到2020年为止,可再生能源占波兰总能耗 中的比例升值20%。
Currently, the share of renewable sources in the primary energy balance is not substantial (it does not exceed 5%).
AIA 香港首席市場總監李滿能先生指出:「中國經濟持續迅速發展,人民幣匯率 未來或有進一升值的潛力。
Mr. Thomas Lee, Chief Marketing
Officer of AIA Hong Kong said, “As China’s economy continues its growth momentum, RMB may
[...] have further room to appreciate.
中華民國僑務委員會為配合行政院推動「健康照 升值 白 金 方案」,自2009年起積極推廣台灣醫療服務國際化,向全球僑界推廣行銷,宣傳台灣數十年來所累積的醫學成就、高品質醫療水準、專業醫療團隊貼心服務、高科技醫療設備、合理收費價格,以及融合中醫養生療法多樣性醫療服務等優勢,提供海外華人及友人來台體驗優質醫療服務的多樣選擇。
The goal of the tour was to actively promote the internationalization of Taiwan’s medical services since 2009 to the global promotional marketing, promotional medical achievements accumulated for decades in Taiwan, high-tech medical equipment, the reasonably price they are charged at and the integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy divisions of medical services and other advantages.
惟 若 境 外人 民 幣 (CNH) 並 非 投 資 者 的 基 本 貨 幣 , 則 投 資 於 本 基 金 可 能 會 面 對 外 匯 風 險 , 投 資 者 於 將 人 民 幣 所 得 款 項 兑 換 為 其 基 本 貨 幣 ( 該 等 貨 幣 兌 人 民升 值 ) 而 蒙 受 損 失 。
However, invest in the Fund might incur exchange rate risk if RMB (CNH) is not the base currency of the investors. Investors might suffer lost when they convert their investment proceed to base currency which appreciates against RMB.
誠如「首次公開招股後權益的估計價值與保證價值的比較」一節所述,建 議首次公開招股成功後會為 貴公司提供首次公開招股後權益價值的潛升 值機會
With successful Proposed IPO, the Company is presented with the opportunities of potential appreciation in the value of the Post-IPO Interest as
discussed in the paragraph headed ‘‘Comparison of
[...] the estimated valuation of the Post-IPO Interest to the Guaranteed Value’’.
二零一一年上半年的盈利能力受到澳 升值 及 高 維修成本的影響,部分由1HPAL高壓管路於二零一零年五月故障後接獲臨時保險金19百萬澳元所 抵銷。
partially offset by the receipt of an interim insurance payment of AUD 19 million arising from the Train 1 HPAL autoclave pipeline failure in May 2010.
实施生态系统办法对用于渔业和水产养殖的淡水资源进行管理,将 有必要促使这些竞争性行业参与,提升淡水资源多种利用 升值。
Implementing an ecosystem approach to managing freshwater resources for fisheries and aquaculture
will necessitate involving these competing sectors
[...] and appreciating the value of multiple uses of [...]
freshwater resources.
南非蘭特兌美元的平均匯升值 8.5% ,亦對期內出口銷售成本造成負面影響。
US Dollar average exchange rate by 8.5% also had a negative impact on the cost of export sales during the period.
管 理層認為,由於董事預期人民幣兌港 升值 不 會 對目標集團業務造成任何重大不利影響, 故目標集團毋須面對重大外幣風險。
The management considers the Target Group is not exposed to significant foreign currency risk as the directors do not expect the appreciation of the RMB against the HK$ to have any material adverse effect on the operation of the Target Group.
表 4 说明了产生差额的一些原因:2003
年的一些核定资金被转移到了 2004 年;工发 组织的一览表中没有反映期票的情况;有必要把执行机构收到的一些利息考虑在内;第 41/65
[...] 号决定只为中国的制冷战略提供了一半资金;期票的撤销;过早归还的结余;杂项 收入支出和货升值以及 2002 年对账产生的收入。
Table 4 demonstrates some of the reasons for the differences: some approved funds in 2003 were transferred in 2004, promissory notes were not reflected in UNIDO’s schedules; some interest received by implementing agencies needed to be taken into account; Decision 41/65 funding half of a refrigeration strategy for China; the revocation of promissory notes;
balances returned prematurely; miscellaneous income
[...] charges and currency revaluation; and income from [...]
the 2002 reconciliation.
於二零一零年十二月三十一日,在所有其他因素不變之情況下,若港元對新加坡元 值 ╱ 升值 5 % , 則 權 益將增加╱減少36,100,000港元(二零零九年:16,500,000港元),主要因為換算以新加坡元計值之可供出 售金融資產錄得收益╱虧損、聯營公司權益及聯營公司貸款。
At 31 December 2010, if HK dollars had weakened/strengthened by 5% against Singapore dollars with all other variables held constant, equity would have been HK$36.1M (2009: HK$16.5M) higher/lower, mainly as a result of foreign exchange gains/losses on translation of Singapore dollar-denominated available-for-sale financial assets, interests in associates and loans to associates.
进一步向金融市场注入流动性、以及与亚太区域的 利率之间的差别,将继续使本区域的资本市场和货币对于外国投资者
[...] 更具吸引力,但这亦将加剧资本市场的泡沫风险、并加大汇 升值和 通胀压力。
Further injection of liquidity to the financial markets as well as the interest rate differential with the Asia-Pacific region will continue to make asset markets and currencies in the region attractive to foreign
investors, but this will heighten the risk of asset market bubbles,
[...] exchange rate appreciation and inflationary [...]
於二零零七年十二月三十一日,在所有其他因素不變之情況下,若港元對英鎊 值 ╱ 升值 5 % , 則權益將 增加╱減少1,500,000港元(二零零六年:1,400,000港元),主要因為換算以英鎊計值之業務錄得收益╱虧 損。
At 31 December 2007, if HK dollars had weakened/strengthened by 5% against the UK pound with all other variables held constant, equity would have been HK$1.5 M (2006: HK$1.4 M) higher/lower, mainly as a result of foreign exchange gains/losses on translation of UK pound-denominated operations.




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