

单词 千难万难

千难万难 ()

extremely difficult

See also:


ten million
one must by all means


extremely difficult
against all odds
countless difficulties



External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 所有这些问题都包括进去,那么这次辩论会对于那些 因缺乏“人的安全”而遭受难的千 百 万 人 来 说,也 许不会有多大帮助。
Unless we include all these issues, this debate may not be of
[...] much help to the millions who are suffering [...]
from a dearth of human security.
然而,正如秘书长特别代表指出的那样,尽管取 得了这些进展,局势依然脆弱并可逆转,因为不仅部 分国土仍处在中央政府控制之外,特别是在该国北部
[...] 地区,中央政府仍要应付青年党的恐怖行径以及由此 给千上万难民和 流离失所者造成的人类苦难和人 道主义后果。
However, in spite of that progress, the situation remains fragile and reversible, as has been noted by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, because not only do some portions of the national territory remain outside of the control of the central Government, but the central Government is confronted with terrorist acts by Al-Shabaab, particularly in the north of the country, with all
of the human and humanitarian consequences flowing
[...] from it for hundreds of thousands of refugees [...]
and displaced persons.
这对于让身在肯 尼亚和埃塞俄比亚的千上万难民能 够返回家园也 有着重要意义。
That will also be important to
[...] enable hundreds of thousands of refugees located in Kenya [...]
and Ethiopia to return to their homeland.
最后,也许最明显的是,古特雷斯高级专员难 民署关心千百万人的 坚定不移的支持者,他花时间 同难民、境内流离失所者和其他冲突和动乱的受害者 [...]
会面并听取他们的声音,寻找更好的办法为世界上最 弱势群体提供保护和解决办法——这是所有各方的 共同事业并且植根于联合国的创始原则之中。
Finally, and perhaps most notably, High Commissioner
Guterres has been an unwavering
[...] advocate on behalf of the millions of persons of concern to [...]
UNHCR, taking the time to meet
with and listen to refugees, the internally displaced and other victims of conflict and upheaval to find better ways to bring protection and solutions to the world’s most vulnerable – a cause shared by all and imbedded in the founding principles of the United Nations.
应对洪灾的援助工作已经有 若干积极的成果:难民营里成千上 万 的 儿 童来说,受教育的机会破天荒第一次 变成事实,许多其他的人(包括大量的妇女)领到了身份卡,因而可以参加政府的 [...]
There have been some positive outcomes because of the aid efforts in response to the floods:
access to education became a reality
[...] for the first time for thousands of children in camps, [...]
and many more people (including a
large number of women) were issued identity cards, which allow access to the Government’s cash card system.
我们已提请大家关注被迫逃离暴力 的千上万难民的 困境和为他们提供一切可能人道 主义援助的必要性。
We have drawn attention to the
[...] plight of the thousands and thousands of refugees forced to flee [...]
the violence and the need to
afford them all humanitarian assistance possible.
由于中国惧怕朝鲜 政权崩塌,担心千上万朝鲜难民蜂 拥入境,忧虑 韩朝迅速统一可能带来的战略后果,中国仍然会继 续保护朝鲜免受更严厉的惩罚,包括更强硬的经济 [...]
Given its fear of regime
[...] implosion, or hundreds of thousands of North Korean refugees streaming across [...]
the border, or the strategic
consequences of a precipitous reunification with South Korea, Beijing continues to act in ways that shield the DPRK from more punitive measures, including stronger economic sanctions.
[...] 影响,特别是石油危机、粮食危机和世界金融危机所 造成的影响。其中金融危机又演变为一场让阿拉伯发 展中国难以保持经千辛万苦取 得的成就的经济 危机。
The report also covers the impact of the international economic crisis on the achievement of the MDGs, especially in the aftermath of the oil crisis, the food crisis and the transformation of the world financial crisis into an economic crisis
that has undermined the ability of Arab
[...] developing countries to preserve what they had achieved with [...]
such great effort.
千上万的难民 和 流离失所者被迫逃离这一地区以躲避暴力。
Tens of thousands of refugees and displaced [...]
persons have been forced to flee the region in order to escape the violence.
巴基斯坦今年雨季发生的历史罕见的重大水灾 导致约 2 000 万人受灾,千人罹难或失踪。
The massive floods during this year’s monsoon season
in Pakistan, which were on a scale rarely seen, have
[...] affected about 20 million people and left thousands dead or missing.
[...] 由各国政府和地方社区,包括那些几十年来一直接待 千 上 万 名 难 民 的 各国政府 和地方社区,每天所表现的慷慨、团结和责任分享是极具价值的。
UNHCR acknowledges the valuable expressions of generosity, solidarity and responsibility-sharing
demonstrated daily by governments and local communities, including those that
[...] have been hosting millions of refugees for decades.
作为一个收 容了千上万难民儿童的国家,今天议程上的问题令 亚美尼亚政府尤其关切。
As mine a country that
[...] has hosted tens of thousands of refugee children, the [...]
issue on today’s agenda is of particular concern
for the Government of Armenia.
尽管阿塞拜疆约有 20%的国土仍受到我们邻国亚 美尼亚共和国的军事占领,尽管由此导致我国约有 100 万难民和 境内流离失所者,但阿塞拜疆政府重申, 它坚定地致力于到 2015 年全面、切实落千年发展 目标。
Despite the ongoing military occupation of about 20 per cent of the territory of Azerbaijan by our neighbour, the Republic of
Armenia, and the resulting
[...] presence of almost 1 million refugees and forcibly displaced persons in our country, the Government of Azerbaijan reiterates its strong commitment to fully and effectively implementing the MDGs by 2015.
y 为印度、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、约旦、黎巴嫩、尼日尔、巴勒斯坦被占 领土、塞内加尔、索马里、斯里兰卡、苏丹和也门的 千 上 万难 民 实施 住房项目并分发衣物。
Housing project and distributed clothes to thousands of refugees in India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the Niger, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, the Sudan and Yemen.
痛惜被上述行为逐出家园千百万难 民 和 流离失所者处境困难,并重申 他们有权安全和体面地自愿返回家园
Deplores the plight of millions of refugees and displaced [...]
persons who have been uprooted as a result of the aforementioned
acts, and reaffirms their right to return to their homes voluntarily in safety and honour
据估计,2010 年巴基斯坦的特大洪灾波及2 千万人,包括难民和境内流离 失所者。
Catastrophic floods in Pakistan in 2010 affected
[...] an estimated 20 million people, including refugees and IDPs.
全世 界有千万难民和 境内流离失所者生活在极端困难 的条件下,因为难民营内过度拥挤、安全和人道主义 [...]
状况不稳定、极端贫穷及疾病,更不用提为数众多和 一再发生的侵犯他们最基本权利的行为。
Worldwide, tens of millions of refugees and displaced [...]
persons live in extremely difficult conditions, because of overcrowding
in camps, volatile security and humanitarian conditions, extreme poverty and disease, not to mention numerous and repeated violations of their most basic rights, in some cases by the very people responsible for protecting them.
虽然导弹发射架可 能比便携式防空系统难偷运,但 千万 要 对 此物资加以适当控制,因为这种武 器一旦落入恐怖分子之手,后果不堪设想。
While mounted missile
[...] launchers may be more difficult to smuggle than man-portable [...]
air defence systems, proper control over
this materiel is crucial, as the implications of such weapons getting into the hands of terrorists are extremely worrying.
由于亚美尼亚发动的侵略, 将近五分之一的阿塞拜疆领土被占领,大约 100 万遭 到 族裔清洗的阿塞拜疆人成为境内流离失所者难 民,数以千计阿塞拜疆的历史和文化遗产被毁或被劫。
As a result of the aggression carried out by Armenia, almost one-fifth of the territory of
Azerbaijan has been
[...] occupied, approximately 1 million ethnically cleansed Azerbaijanis have become internally displaced persons or refugees and thousands of Azerbaijan’s historical [...]
and cultural
heritage artifacts have been destroyed or looted.
也难以忽视毁灭性自然灾害的增 加,最近日本发生的悲惨地震和海啸便是例证,这场 难 夺 去了 成 千 上 万 人 的 生 命,并严重影响了千百万人,特别是沿海社区。
It is also difficult to ignore the increase in
devastating natural disasters, as recently evidenced by the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan,
[...] which have claimed thousands of lives and severely affected millions of others, in [...]
particular in coastal communities.
[...] 而面临独特的发展挑战,迫切需要扩大有针对性的发 展援助,否则这些国家难以在实现 千 年 目 标方面取 得进展。
Both those groups face unique development challenges because of their geographical limitations and are in
dire need for scaled-up targeted development assistance if they are to
[...] make progress towards the attainment of the MDGs.
[...] 长期“冻结”的冲突中,平民、特别是最脆弱的群 体 - 如妇女和儿童 - 仍然是武装冲突的主要受害 者,因此,千上万的难民和 人员被迫流离失所。
In many regions and countries in crisis, as well as in the numerous long-lasting “frozen” conflicts, civilians, especially the most vulnerable groups — such as women and children — are still
the main victims of armed conflict,
[...] hence the hundreds of thousands of refugees and persons suffering [...]
forced displacement.
告诫 为防止设施流体部件的交叉污染 千万 不 要 互换部件 A 和部件 B。
To prevent
[...] cross-contamination of the equipment’s [...]
wetted parts, never interchange component A and component B.
在冲突时期,政治情况瞬万变,很 难 获 得政策承诺,在某些重要领域,如两性 问题领域,似乎已经失去了势头,但深入的游说工作终于在教育部产生了专门的协调 中心,如性别问题协调中心(在教育部下的每个机构 )、艾滋病毒/艾滋病协调中心和 教育信息通信技术协调中心。
Policy commitments have been hard to obtain with rapid political changes during times of conflict, and momentum seems lost on certain important areas like gender, but intensive lobbying has resulted in dedicated focal points in the Ministry of Education, e.g. for gender (each agency under MOES), HIV/AIDS and for ICT in education.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有千丝 万 缕 的 联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, [...]
和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不
真正地从政治、经济和社会三方面增强妇女权能,和平就无从谈起;不具备世俗 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不创造就业机会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 对公民负追究责任,不全面尊重法治,和平就无从谈起。
that peace, democracy and
[...] empowerment of the people are inextricably [...]
linked; peace is integral to humane development; global
peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible without including the marginalized; peace is impossible without job creation; peace is impossible without transparency and accountability of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
[...] 为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区千百万妇女 和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立 [...]
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005)
proposed a number of initiatives of
[...] vital importance to millions of women and girls [...]
in conflict and post-conflict areas,
including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity; more effective protection of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.
在苏丹也是同样的状况,苏丹政府和联合国难 民事务高级专员办事处维持着稳定的合作关系,为 国家东部的 15 万难民提供帮助,并鼓励许多难民返 回南部:尽管 A/64/12 号报告中的结论只在特定的时 期有价值,非政府组织从此可以更容易地进入达尔 富尔地区,但是苏丹政府还没有对联合国难民事务 高级专员办事处驻地方小组的某些要求做出答复, 使其完成保护达尔富尔北部和南部难民、并对难民 营进行管理的任务。
The same was true of the Sudan, whose Government worked closely with UNHCR to provide aid to 150,000 refugees in the eastern part of the country and to encourage many refugees to return to the south: although the conclusions contained in his report (A/64/12) applied only to the period concerned, and non-governmental organizations had gained improved access to Darfur since that time, the fact remained that the Sudanese Government had yet to respond to some requests made by the UNHCR country team related to the fulfilment of its mission to protect refugees and manage camps in northern and southern Darfur.
有令人满意的迹象表 明,新政府打算在过去的倡议的基础上,提高生活
[...] 在黎巴嫩的巴勒斯坦人的生活水平,同时继续协商 巴勒斯坦人的就业问题,尊重千名 巴 勒斯 难民 的人权,以及改善 12 个难民营的居住条件。
There were welcome indications that the new Government intended to build upon past initiatives to improve Palestinian living conditions in Lebanon, while consultations continued with it on access to employment for
Palestinians, respect for the
[...] human rights of the thousands of Palestine refugees, and [...]
improvement of living conditions in the 12 refugee camps.
起义发生前生活在阿拉伯利比亚民众国的 千 名 难 民 仍 身陷原地,或住在边 境的营地,因持续动乱而无法回国或因怕遭迫害或受到其他的侵权而不能返回原 [...]
Many thousands of refugees living in the [...]
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya prior to the uprising remain stranded there or in border
camps, unable to return to the country because of the ongoing instability or to their countries of origin for fear of persecution and other human rights violations.




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