

单词 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴

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这使他之无愧于所有的蚂蚁钦佩的 - 除了ZOC。
This earns him the admiration of all the ants – except Zoc.
HOVA和卢卡斯了解蚁和人类之间的 差异。
Hova and Lucas both learn
[...] about the differences between ants and humans.
如秘书长于联合国利里亚特 派团的特别报告(S/2009/299)所述, 2009 年 4 月 26 日至 5 月 6 日访问该国的技术评估团指出,尽管许多主要领域 取得了进展,但起点极低——该国经过 14 年内战后百废待兴,基础设施支离破 碎,全国三之一人口流离失所,公共部门也完全 溃 — — 有争议的问题和政治 暗流众多,如果没有联利特派团的制止,这些问题都会迅速发展成为主要的破坏 稳定因素。
As the Secretary-General
[...] indicated in his special report on the United Nations Mission in Liberia (S/2009/299), the technical assessment mission that visited the country from 26 April to 6 May 2009 noted that, although progress had been made in many key areas, notwithstanding an extremely low starting point — that of a completely failed State after 14 years of civil war, with an infrastructure in ruins, [...]
a third of the population displaced and a completely collapsed public sector — there
were many contentious issues and political undercurrents that, without the deterrence provided by UNMIL, could rapidly develop into major destabilizing factors.
本周初,以色列总理宣布了进一步加强对被占巴勒斯坦领土上的巴勒斯坦考古和遗产之控制 的计划,其中包括希伯伦已有 千 年 历 史的哈拉姆·易卜拉欣(希伯伦的亚伯拉罕 圣地或易卜拉欣清真寺始祖穴)和 古老的比拉尔宾拉巴清真寺(伯利恒的拉结墓),挑衅 地宣布这两处于以色 列国家遗产地的组成部分。
Earlier this week the Israeli Prime Minister announced plans to further consolidate control over Palestinian archaeology and heritage areas in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Hebron’s 1,000-year old Haram Al-Ibrahimi (Sanctuary of Abraham or Tomb of the Patriarchs Mosque of Ibrahim [...]
in Hebron), and the historic Bilal
Bin Rabah Mosque (Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem) by provocatively declaring them part of Israel’s national heritage sites.
西撒特派团为了应对这 一局势会晤了波利里奥阵线代表,并同意向波利 里 奥 阵 线提供其航班时刻表 和旅客名单副本,以及跨堤地面 巡逻队的详细组成情况,因为西撒特派团也定 期向堤另一 侧的摩洛哥当局提供这一信息,在这次会 之 后 ,限制行动自由的 次数减少。
The number of restrictions decreased after MINURSO met with Frente
Polisario representatives to address the
[...] situation and agreed to provide the Frente Polisario with copies of MINURSO flight schedules and passenger lists, as well as details of the composition of ground patrols crossing the berm, as this information was being routinely provided to the Moroccan authorities on the other side of the berm.
他是成为世界的巨大的穴,毛 毛虫和 蚁 的 蚁 丘。
He is carried to the anthill
[...] into a world of giant caves, caterpillars and ants.
该联盟总部于里斯本 ,任务是加强成员城 之 间 团 结与合作的纽带,并推动各 种倡议,使城市、公司和机构共同努力,实现更广泛的和平,增加公民参与,并 且协调三者之间的发展,从而推千 年 发 展目标的实现,即消除所有葡语城市贫 困和饥饿。
The Union’s headquarters
[...] are located in Lisbon and its mission is to foster bonds of solidarity and cooperation between the member cities and to promote various initiatives that bring the cities, companies and institutions together to achieve greater peace, increased citizen participation, and harmonious development between them and, therefore, to pursue the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, [...]
namely to end poverty
and hunger in all Portuguese-speaking cities.
由于救护车无法到达他们所在的地方,在该地区找到的这些儿童 和其他伤者不得不用手推车送往等着向他们提供紧急医疗的救护车,而这些救护 车在加沙已经非常稀少,因为里的 医 疗服务按照世界卫生组织的说法已经是 “于崩溃的边缘”。
Due to the inability of ambulances to reach them, the children and other wounded found in the area had to be transported by carts to ambulances waiting to provide them with emergency medical care, which is
already scarce in Gaza
[...] since the health services there are, according to the World Health Organization, “on the point of collapse”.
D、 M (中 度 耐 久 ) 或 S这 几 个 子 类 也于 描 述蚁 的 抵 抗 力 。
Subclasses of D, M (moderately durable), or S are also used to describe resistance to termites.
最近几个月,于索马 里中南部对其施加的压力,青年党 试图在戈利斯山脉北部建立新的基地, 里 有 洞 穴 和 林 区,还可通到沿海,是一 个理想的藏之处; 他们还试图在索马里兰托德希尔区域某些地区建立新的基 地。
In recent months, as a result of
[...] the pressure exerted on it in south central Somalia, Al-Shabaab has attempted to establish new bases in the northern Golis Mountains, an ideal hideout with its caves, forested areas and access to the coast, and [...]
in some
parts of the Togdheer region, in Somaliland.
此外, 中心还可以与很多国家中从事岩溶学专题研究(如岩溶水文地质学和 穴 学 等) 的岩溶研究机构进行密切合作,例如瑞士纳沙特尔大学的水文地质研究中心、奥 地利格拉茨大学的水文地质系、新西兰奥克兰大学的地理系、德国不来梅大学的 实验物理研究所、土耳其赫色特普大学的岩溶水研究中心、波兰 西 里 西 亚 大学的 地理学院、斯洛文尼亚波斯托依娜的岩溶研究所、美国俄亥俄州查尔斯镇的岩溶 水研究所、英格兰赫德斯菲尔德大学的石灰岩研究小组,以及美国国家公园管理 局穴与岩溶计划署。
Furthermore, the centre has close collaborations with karst research institutions of many countries which deal with special topics of karst
science, such as
[...] karst hydrogeology, speleology, etc. such as Centre d’Hydrogéologie, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Department of Hydrogeology, Graz University, Austria; Department of Geography, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany; Center of Karst Water Research, Hecetteppe University, Turkey; Institute of Geography, University of Silesia, Poland; Karst Research Institute, Postoina, Slovenia; Karst Water Institute, Charles Town, Ohio, United States of America; Limestone Research Group, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom; National Park Service Cave and Karst Program, [...]
United States of America.
波利里奥阵 线对摩洛哥皇家陆军提出指控涉及在缓冲区修建铁丝网围栏、在限 制区建造一座飞机场和一个仓库、增加 堤 高 度 、挖掘新的反坦克壕沟、坦克调 动和爆炸声、无人驾驶飞行器(无人机)进行侦查飞行以及以机械方式改善和加固堤。
Frente Polisario allegations against the Royal Moroccan Army related to the construction of a barbed-wire fence in the buffer strip, the construction of an airfield and a warehouse in the restricted area, the raising of the height of the berm, the digging of new anti-tank trenches, sounds of tank movements and explosions, reconnaissance overflights by unmanned aerial vehicles and the improving and reinforcing of the berm by mechanical means.
這段防波 牆會經過方塊海堤登岸梯級,與兩側的沉箱海堤連接,而 方塊海堤登岸梯級亦可作為防波牆與重力沉箱 堤 構 件之 間的過渡溶合結構。
These are tied back into the caisson seawalls on either side,
with blockwork landing steps providing
[...] a transition between the piled wave walls and the gravity caisson seawall units.
财政支持和石油交易将 有助于防止在短期内南北苏丹或其中任何一方的经 济发生溃,但对于将提 供多少财政援助必须小 心,以免其强化负面的政治态度,而只是使问题解 决受到推迟。
Financial support and a deal on oil could help prevent economic collapse in one or both states in the near term, but care must be taken as to how financial assistance is offered lest it reinforce negative political dynamics and simply defer the problem.
和平与秩序于崩溃,索马里政府 在 这个具有战略意义、资源富饶的国家无法管理安全和 促进社会经济的发展,导致了不仅在该国沿海水域而 [...]
The breakdown in peace and order and
[...] the inability of the Somali Government to manage [...]
security and foster socio-economic
development in that strategic and resource-rich country triggered the intensification of maritime piracy, not just in the country’s coastal waters but also in the Gulf of Aden and the wider Indian Ocean.
教科文组织努力将文化融入联合国开展的各发展援助计划所面临的最严峻的挑 之一 无疑是于千年发展目标没有明确提及文化的作用。
It is clear that one of the greatest challenges facing UNESCO in advocating the integration of culture into United Nations
development aid programmes is linked to the lack of any specific reference to
[...] culture as such in the Millennium Development Goals.
委员会建议应在《亚太 灾害报告》中继续刊登从经济和社会角度对各种灾害的冲击力进行分 析的文章、介绍开展区域合作的情况以及对空间应用及信息和通信技 术(信通技术)在减少灾害风险方面的作用所进行的分析;同时亦增 列以下各项新内容:(a) 介绍那些致于减少 灾害风险工作的领军人 物的信息资料;(b) 社会和心理分析文章;(c) 报道各种社区做法与全 球视之间的比照;(d) 分析《兵库行动框架》与各千年发 展目之间可 能存在的关联;(e) 与《全球减少灾害风险评估报告》之间的 关联。
The Committee recommends that the Report continue to feature such elements as economic and social analysis of the impacts of disasters, descriptions of regional cooperation and analysis of the role of space applications and information and communications technology (ICT) in disaster risk reduction, in addition to new elements, such as (a) information on champions for disaster risk reduction,
(b) social and psychological analysis, (c)
[...] coverage of community practices vis-à-vis global perspectives, (d) analysis of a possible linkage between the Hyogo Framework for Action and the Millennium Development Goals and (e) linkage to the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.
历史使这个城市没有进一步提及,甚至没有在联接争取在山Thabor脚下的浴血奋战,在公元 前 5 3 之 间 , 阿 里 斯 托布鲁斯的儿子亚历山大,并Gabinius,庞培(中尉“ 蚁。
History makes no further mention of this city, not even in connexion with the bloody battles fought
at the foot of Mount
[...] Thabor in 53 BC between Alexander, the son of Aristobulus, and Gabinius, the lieutenant of Pompey ("Ant. Jud.", XIV, vi, [...]
3; "Bell. Jud.", I, viii, 7).
在生产天然杀虫剂时使用了 10
[...] 余种植物,其中包括在该国自然 生长的胡椒、洋葱、韭菜、烟草、番茄叶片,有 于 控 制 苍蝇、 蚁 、 毛 虫和其 他对农作物有害的昆虫。
Over 10 species of plants are used in the production of natural pesticides, including pepper, onions, leeks, tobacco and tomato leaves, which
grow naturally in the country and
[...] are useful for controlling flies, termites, caterpillars [...]
and other insects harmful to crops.
刺激这穴 位, 可以调节五脏六腑的功能,而且促进 肌里的血液循环。
Stimulation of these points can regulate the function of organs and meridians, and enhance circulation in the skin.
国家报纸用整版评论报道了 他的缅甸之行:千里之行终于迈出 了第一步”,缅甸政府“因为 美国深化双边关系、缓解国家间分歧的立场,非常热情地与(韦 [...]
A full-page commentary in the staterun paper said of his visit:
“It is indeed the first step toward
[...] marching to a 1,000-mile destination”, and the [...]
Myanmar government “enthusiastically
cooperated with (Webb) because of its stance to deepen the bilateral relations and relieve the disagreements between the countries”.
一时间,期间里曼将获得优势是由 千 年 之 后 的 十年,在其中的一个伟大的先知会出现每个人,预示着未来的Soshyant(或Sosioch),征服者和法官将尸体抬谁的生命。
A time during which Ahriman will gain the
[...] ascendancy is to be followed by two millennial periods, in each of which a [...]
great prophet will appear
to herald the coming of Soshyant (or Sosioch), the Conqueror and Judge who will raise the dead to life.
(6) 興建及維修或有助於或促使興建或維修道路、電車軌道 堤 岸 、 橋樑、污水渠、 公園、遊樂場地、學校、教堂、市場、工廠、工場、閱覽室、浴室及其他本公 司可能認為直接或間接有助於本公司(無論以擁有人、承租人、承建商或其他 身份)擁有權之任何物業發之樓 宇 、工程及便利設施。
(6) To construct and maintain or contribute to or procure the
construction or maintenance of roads, tramways, embankments, bridges sewers, parks, pleasure-grounds, schools, churches, markets, factories workshops, reading-rooms, baths, and other buildings, works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
由于缺乏监测幅员 26.6 万平方里的整 个该领 土的能力,军事观察员的主要监测工作目前侧 于 护 堤 及 其 两侧的禁区,即通过地 面巡逻和空中侦察观察和报告《一号军事协定》的停火规定遵守情况。
Lacking the capability to cover
[...] the entire 266,000 km2 of the Territory, the military observers now focus their main monitoring efforts on the berm and the restricted [...]
areas on either side,
through ground patrols and air reconnaissance, in order to observe and report on compliance with the ceasefire under the terms of military agreement No. 1.
根据于纳米 比亚卫生动态性质的各种统计数据,政府充分了解,如果要实 现到 2015 年将儿童死亡率降低三之二的千年 发 展目标,就必须在同一时期内 将全国的死亡率降低一半(纳米比亚共和国,2007;路线图:4);如果不进行营 养监测和促进孕产妇和儿童营养,不改善全国弱势群体(尤其是妇女、儿童的和 HIV/艾滋病感染者)的营养状况;不通过使用抗逆转录病毒治疗来预防母亲将艾 [...]
2015 年可 能无法实现千年发展目标 3、4、5 和 6。
Given various statistical data on the
[...] dynamic nature of health in Namibia, the Government is fully informed that the Millennium Development Goal to reduce child mortality by two thirds by 2015 can only be achieved [...]
if national
mortality is halved during the same period (Republic of Namibia, 2007; road map:4); and that without nutritional surveillance and promotion of maternal and child nutrition, as well as improving the national status of nutrition among the vulnerable groups (particularly women, children, and people living with HIV/AIDS); prevention of HIV transmission from mother to the unborn child through the use of antiretroviral treatment; and improvement of the infrastructure for health services, Millennium Development Goals 3, 4, 5, and 6 may not be achieved by 2015 (OECD, 2008:488; Republic of Namibia, 2010:3-4; Republic of Namibia, 2008.
我知道的 士行業是政府的穴之一, 但如果有些事情是要做的,而又獲得立法會支 持,我是會支持局長做的,因為外面在叫苦連天,他們認為現時這種做法很 不公道。
I know that the taxi trade is one of the knotty problems to the Government, but if something has to be done and it has secured the support of the Legislative Council, I will pledge my support to the Secretary because the public is suffering and there are public outcries saying that the present state of affairs is most unfair.
里•马歇尔教授和罗宾•沃伦博士因1982年发现幽门螺杆菌导致了人类最为普遍和重要的疾 之 一 “ 消化系 溃 疡 ” 而获得了2005年诺贝尔医学奖。
Professor Barry Marshall and Dr J.
[...] Robin Warren were awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their 1982 discovery that a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, causes one of the most common and important diseases of mankind, peptic ulcer disease.




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