

单词 千载难逢

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举办这样的活动使LSBF从其他ACCA培训机构中脱颖而出,因为它让像我这样的学生有机会结识来自不同行业的顶级商业领袖,这是一个 千载难逢 的 机 会。
Having such talks really makes LSBF stand out from other ACCA tuition providers because it gives students like myself the golden opportunity to meet and network with top business
leaders from various sectors,” said ACCA student
[...] Cheong Yee Leong, a Management Accountant at [...]
Micron Semiconductor Asia.
Susan finds a golden chess piece and replies somberly, “I think we did.
可持续发展大会代表着一个通过增强能力建设和源源不断的资金来加强环 境署千载难逢的良机。
The Conference on Sustainable Development represents a unique window of opportunity to strengthen UNEP through better capacity-building and sustained funding.
这显然是一千载难逢的机 会和一个非常罕见的没有任何这样的房产允许如此靠近海滩。
This is clearly a once in a lifetime opportunity and a very rare occurrence to have any such properties permitted so close to the beach.
我们欢迎即将于 2012 年 6 月召开的联合国可持续发展大会——持发大 会为在可持续发展框架下应对经济、社会和环境挑战提供了一 千载难逢 的契 机。
We welcome the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012 as a unique opportunity to tackle economic, social and environmental challenges in the context of sustainable development and we commit ourselves to making the Conference a success.
Berardi部长说,参加2010年上海世博会对于圣马力诺是具有历史意义的,参加世博会存在着一定的组织及经济上的难度,尤其是对于圣马力诺这样的小国来说,但这也是 千载难逢 的 不 容错过的机会,来向中国的游客展示自己的国家、历史、传统文化及旅游资源,全世界187个国家来到正在不断发展的中国,来到上海这座现代化的人口密集的城市,以不可复制的模式打造了本世纪最大的展览。
Berardi pointed out that San Marino’s participation to Expo 2010 was an historic event and in spite of some the inevitable difficulties of a logistic and economic nature, especially for a small country like San Marino, it had been considered as a one and only opportunity not to be missed in making our country, its history, traditions and tourist potentials known to the Chinese visitors in such a great context, witnessing 187 countries from all over the world coming together, in such a modern densely populated city as Shanghai, in such a nation in continual expansion as China and on such a unique occasion as the greatest exhibition of the century.
世界黄金协会(World Gold
[...] Council)回答了所有上述问题,给我提供了一 千载难逢 的 机 会,慷慨提供足够的金属来实现我的这一梦想:让我走出工匠舒适区的主要原因,同时也是向慧眼识金的公众展示成果的仅有绝好机会。
It was the World Gold Council that answered all these
[...] questions, and gave me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, [...]
with their generous offer of sponsorship
for enough metal to make it possible: a pressing reason to move out of my comfort-zone in terms of craftsmanship, and a wonderful and unique chance to show the result to a discerning public.
前程万里 (MileagePlus) 常飞旅客计划一直被国际旅游杂志评为“全球最有价值的忠诚计划”,它让乘客以全新的方式赢取并使用奖励里程,并通过美联航的全球航线网络获 千载难逢 的 体 验机会,体验时下最流行的娱乐活动。
Consistently voted the world’s Best Frequent Flyer Program by Global Traveler magazine, MileagePlus offers innovative ways to earn and use award miles, from flights in United’s global network to once-in-a-lifetime experiences and the latest in entertainment.
如果我們能藉着這個機會,這可以說 千 載 難 逢 的 機 會,我相 信英基是不會胡亂或隨便將其法例再提交立法會修訂的。
Should we grasp this opportunity, which is said to be an opportunity that must not be missed, I believe ESF would not rashly or indiscriminately introduce legislative amendments to this Council again.
中期审查报载有关于难民儿 童等群体的儿童死亡率和营养不良以 及童工的数据,她对此表示保留。
She expressed reservations about the data in the report on midterm reviews regarding child mortality and malnutrition, particularly pertaining to refugee children, and child labour.
高级专员的基本任载于其《联合 难 民 事务高级专员办事处(难民署)章 程》(大会第 428(V)号决议)。
The basic mandate of the High Commissioner is found in the
statute of the Office of the United Nations
[...] High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (General Assembly [...]
resolution 428 (V)).
本周在摩加迪沙,联合难民事 务高级专员办事 处一架载了为数千名流 离失所者提供的31 吨住房 材料和约 2 500 个紧急救济包的飞机降落在首都,这 是 5年来的首次。
In Mogadishu this week, an Office of the
United Nations High
[...] Commissioner for Refugees airlift carrying 31 tons of shelter material and some 2,500 emergency assistance packages for thousands of displaced people [...]
landed in the capital,
for the first time in five years.
大会第六十五届会议欢迎非洲联盟《保护和援助非洲境内流离失所者公约》 获得通过并正处于批准进程,表示赞赏今年 逢 成 立六十周年的联合 难 民 事 务 高级专员办事处所展示的领导能力,赞扬该办事处不断努力,在国际社会支持下, [...]
助高级专员办事处的难民方案,同时考虑到非洲对有关方案的需求大增(第 65/193 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the adoption and the ongoing ratification of the African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa, expressed its appreciation, in the
year which marked the
[...] sixtieth anniversary of the Office of the High Commissioner, for the leadership [...]
shown by the Office,
and commended the Office for its ongoing efforts, with the support of the international community, to assist African countries of asylum, and urged the international community, in the spirit of international solidarity and burden-sharing, to continue to fund generously the refugee programmes of the Office, taking into account the substantially increased needs of programmes in Africa (resolution 65/193).
我數星期前在議事堂內 提及,我們有一千載難逢的機 會,讓議會的議員可以向政府的施 政,提供一些良性的危機感,使其正視我們缺乏長遠規劃的問題,也 就是我剛才所說的管治思維的嚴重缺陷。
Several weeks ago, I said in this Chamber that we had an opportunity of a life-time for Members of this Council to give a positive sense of vigilance to the Government in administration, so that it can face up to the problem of a lack of long-term planning, that is, the serious deficiency in its mindset of administration pointed out by me just now.
(二 ) 報 告 指 出 西九龍文 娛藝術區計劃,是一千載難 逢的機 會,其 落 成 將標誌香港 文 化 發 展 的 新 天 地 。
(b) As pointed out in the Report, the WKCD presents an unprecedented opportunity and its completion will provide a new horizon of cultural development for Hong Kong.
在 2005 年的世界首脑会议上,世界各国领导人承诺“到 2015
[...] 会议提出的普遍获得生殖保健服务的目标,并把这项目标纳入各项战略,以实现 国际商定发展目标,包括千年宣 言》 载 旨 在 降低孕产妇死亡率、改善产妇保 健、降低婴儿死亡率、促进两性平等、防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病和消除贫困的目标” [...]
60/1 号决议,第 57(g)段)。
At the 2005 World Summit, world leaders committed themselves to achieving “universal access to reproductive health by 2015, as set out at the International Conference on Population and Development, integrating this goal in strategies to attain the
internationally agreed development
[...] goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, [...]
aimed at reducing maternal mortality,
improving maternal health, reducing child mortality, promoting gender equality, combating HIV/AIDS and eradicating poverty” (General Assembly resolution 60/1, para. 57 (g)).
本报告载建议不涉难民署 可能考虑对不遵守其《财务条例和细则》、行 政指示和其他相关指示的官员采取的措施。
The recommendations contained in this report do not address steps that UNHCR may wish to [...]
consider in respect of officials
for instances of non-compliance with its Financial Rules, administrative instructions and other related directives.
除此以外,面對這千載難逢的機遇,我們也要努力自強,改善本地的 營商環境,才可以把 CEPA 對本港的優點充分發揮,讓我們的大、中、小型 企業在嚴峻的環境之下依然保持競爭力,不致被形勢淘汰。
Only in this way can we bring the merits of CEPA into full play for Hong Kong, so as to enable our large, medium and small enterprises to maintain their competitiveness despite the tough environment, and in this way, they may avoid the dismal fate of being eliminated out of the race by adverse circumstances.
这项《全球战略》是一难逢的机 会, 妇女和儿童的健康问题可以趁此机会得到最高程度的注视和支持。
The Global Strategy is a momentous opportunity through which women’s and children’s health can obtain the highest level of visibility and support.
然而,正如秘书长特别代表指出的那样,尽管取 得了这些进展,局势依然脆弱并可逆转,因为不仅部 分国土仍处在中央政府控制之外,特别是在该国北部 地区,中央政府仍要应付青年党的恐怖行径以及由此 给千上万难民和 流离失所者造成的人类苦难和人 道主义后果。
However, in spite of that progress, the situation remains fragile and reversible, as has been noted by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, because not only do some portions of the national territory remain outside of the control of the central Government, but the central Government is confronted with terrorist acts by Al-Shabaab, particularly in the north of the country, with all of the human and humanitarian consequences flowing from it for hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced persons.
[...] 而面临独特的发展挑战,迫切需要扩大有针对性的发 展援助,否则这些国家难以在实现 千 年 目 标方面取 得进展。
Both those groups face unique development challenges because of their geographical limitations and are in
dire need for scaled-up targeted development assistance if they are to
[...] make progress towards the attainment of the MDGs.
319 A(IV) 号决载明了难民署 的任务,根据该决议于1951年1月1日 设立了联合国难民事务高级专员办事处;第428(V) [...]
号决议阐明了《难民署章 程》。
The mandate for the Office of the United Nations High
[...] Commissioner for Refugees is contained in General Assembly [...]
resolution 319 A (IV), by which
the Assembly established UNHCR as from 1 January 1951, and resolution 428 (V), which sets out the Statute of the Office.
最后,也许最明显的是,古特雷斯高级专员难 民署关心千百万 人的坚定不移的支持者,他花时间 同难民、境内流离失所者和其他冲突和动乱的受害者 会面并听取他们的声音,寻找更好的办法为世界上最 弱势群体提供保护和解决办法——这是所有各方的 共同事业并且植根于联合国的创始原则之中。
Finally, and perhaps most notably, High Commissioner Guterres has been an unwavering advocate on behalf of the millions of persons of concern to UNHCR, taking the time to meet with and listen to refugees, the internally displaced and other victims of conflict and upheaval to find better ways to bring protection and solutions to the world’s most vulnerable – a cause shared by all and imbedded in the founding principles of the United Nations.
有令人满意的迹象表 明,新政府打算在过去的倡议的基础上,提高生活
[...] 在黎巴嫩的巴勒斯坦人的生活水平,同时继续协商 巴勒斯坦人的就业问题,尊重千名 巴 勒斯 难民 的人权,以及改善 12 个难民营的居住条件。
There were welcome indications that the new Government intended to build upon past initiatives to improve Palestinian living conditions in Lebanon, while consultations continued with it on access to employment for
Palestinians, respect for the
[...] human rights of the thousands of Palestine refugees, and [...]
improvement of living conditions in the 12 refugee camps.
事實 上,文委 會已表明 支持西九發展計劃, 並認為這千載 難逢的 機 會發 展香港的文化藝術。
- the Administration should articulate a plan or strategy to implement the recommendations put forward in the CHC Report. support to the WKCD development, and considered this project an unprecedented opportunity to develop arts and culture in Hong Kong.
生活在英國人的家中,並得到一個極好的機會,在以英語為母語的家庭生活!此外,您將獲得一次在一 千 載 難 逢 的 文化洗禮,當你成為家庭的一部分,並了解第一手英國風俗習慣。
Live with a family of Brits and get an excellent opportunity to live in an English-speaking home! In addition, you will gain a once-in-a-lifetime cultural immersion as you become a part of the family and learn British customs first-hand.
正如前文化委員會 2003 年 發表的《 政策建 議報告》指出,文娛藝術區發展計劃是一千載難逢的機 會,其落成將標誌香港文化的進一步 發展。
As the former CHC’s Policy Recommendation Report (2003) has pointed out, the WKCD development presents an unprecedented opportunity for a new horizon of cultural development in Hong Kong, and emphasis should be given to the principles of "people-oriented", "partnership" and "community-driven" in its development.
11. 高级专员发表了开幕词,作为一般性辩论基调,其案 载 于 难 民 署 网站 (www.unhcr.org)。在高级专员致词之后,突尼斯共和国代理总统 Fouad [...]
Mebazaâ 先生阁下对执行委员会讲了话。
As the basis for the general debate, the High Commissioner
delivered an opening
[...] statement, the text of which is available on UNHCR’s website (www.unhcr.org). Following [...]
the High Commissioner’s
statement, the guest speaker, the Acting President of the Republic of Tunisia, His Excellency Mr. Fouad Mebazaâ, addressed the Executive Committee.
经济及社会理事会在其第 2010/263 号决定中注意到刚果常驻联合国代表团 2010 年 7 月
[...] 12 日给秘书长的普通照会(E/2010/103)所载 关 于扩 大 难 民 事务高级 专员办事处执行委员会成员的请求,并建议大会第六十五届会议就将执行委员会 [...]
成员从 84
个增加到 85 国家的问题作出决定。
By its decision 2010/263, the Economic and Social Council took note of the request to enlarge the membership of the Executive Committee of the
Programme of the United Nations High
[...] Commissioner for Refugees contained in the note verbale [...]
dated 12 July 2010 from the Permanent
Mission of the Congo to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (E/2010/103) and recommended that the General Assembly, at its sixty-fifth session, decide on the question of enlarging the membership of the Executive Committee from 84 to 85 States.
目前,产业界对C-RAN已展开全面研究,最早提出“超级基带池”解决方案的中兴通讯已经和中国移动共同完成“ 千载 频 基 带池”技术方案论证和基于通用处理器原型机的验证,以及有源天线、LTE-A原型机等面向未来的C-RAN技术方案。
ZTE has worked with China Mobile to
develop a baseband pool solution that
[...] supports more than a thousand carriers, to develop a [...]
prototype based on general-purpose
processors, and to develop a future-proof C-RAN solution involving active antenna and LTE-A prototype.




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