单词 | 千禧年 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 千禧年—millennium千禧年noun—jubileen millenarianismn See also:千禧n—milleniumn 千年—millennium 禧—joy symbol of good luck, esp. marriage
他们启动了“特奥会中国千禧年三月”并展开了特奥历史上最具雄心的发展活动。 specialolympics.org | They launch the Special [...] Olympics China MillenniumMarch andbegin the [...]most ambitious growth campaign in the movement’s history. specialolympics.org |
1998 年,美国国会通过了《千禧年数码版权法案》,该法案和其它规定一起禁止对科 技保护措施(即编密码)的破坏。 iprcommission.org | In 1998, Congress [...] passed the Digital MillenniumCopyrightAct (DMCA) [...]which, inter alia, forbids the circumvention of technological protection (i.e. encryption). iprcommission.org |
千禧年过後,赵无极依旧创作大尺幅的画作,甚至是双联幅或三联幅的巨制,作品彩度较高。 ravenelart.com | In the new millennium, Zao Wou-kihas continued [...] to produce large-scale canvases, some of them taking the form of huge double- [...]or even triple-screen works, which display an enhanced use of color. ravenelart.com |
1999 年,香港特区政府和康复界 [...] 携手完成了《香港康复计划方案》的检讨,为香港康复服务进入千禧年的发展作 出了规划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1999, the HKSAR Government, in collaboration with the rehabilitation sector, conducted [...] a review of the RPP to formulate a development plan to take Hong Kong’s [...] rehabilitation services into the new millennium. daccess-ods.un.org |
这将是观察到,在gelasian列表拒绝了许多作家都在这里生活和天主教共融死亡,但他们的一些着作的一部分不正确,例如Semipelagian错误归咎于卡西安和浮士德,在对Victorinus对评结论千禧年说启示录(圣杰罗姆发出删改版,在打印只有一个人还),对丢失“Hypotyposes”克莱门特不健全,等等,防止被谈到这些作家,如希拉里由Jerome是,“inoffenso [...] pede percurritur“。 mb-soft.com | It will be observed that many of the writers rejected in the Gelasian list lived and died in Catholic communion, but incorrectness in some part of their writings, eg the [...] Semipelagian error attributed to Cassian [...] and Faustus,thechiliasm of theconclusion [...]of Victorinus's commentary on the Apocalypse [...](St. Jerome issued an expurgated edition, the only one in print as yet), the unsoundness of the lost "Hypotyposes" of Clement, and so forth, prevented such writers from being spoken of, as Hilary was by Jerome, "inoffenso pede percurritur". mb-soft.com |
所有青年人都能接受高质量的教育,这一中心议题直接涉及到《达喀尔行动纲领》的第 3 项和 第 6 [...] 项目标,也直接涉及到联合国大会 2000 年 9 月 8 日确定的《千禧年宣言》中的目标,后者更是 涉及到发展、消除贫困、环境保护、人权、民主、良好的管理、保护易受伤害群体、适应非洲的特 [...]殊需要。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The issue of quality education for all young people is directly linked, on the one hand, to goals 3 and 6 of the Dakar [...] Framework for Action and, on the other hand, [...] to those of the Millenium Declaration, defined [...]on 8 September 2000 by the General [...]Assembly of the United Nations and which more specifically concern development and the eradication of poverty, the protection of our shared environment, human rights, democracy and good governance, the protection of vulnerable groups and meeting the special needs of Africa. unesdoc.unesco.org |
踏进千禧年,香港特区开始大力发展以社区为本的康复服务,为居于社区 的残疾人士和他们的家人提供所需的照顾和支援。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1.6 The new millenniumsaw Hong Kong breaking [...] new ground in community-based rehabilitation services through the provision [...]of necessary care and support to persons with disabilities and their families to facilitate their living in the community. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们所做的工作,是以在宗滴恩与达喀尔国际社会提出的全民教育 [...] (EPT)以及为提高所有青年教育质量所做的承诺为核心,也是以联合国通过的千禧年目标以及旨在可持续发展的十年教育和 10 年扫盲为目的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Education for All (EFA) goals were at the centre of our efforts and of the commitments made by the international community in [...] Jomtien, Dakar and within the essence [...] reflected inthe Millennium Development Declaration and [...]those of the United Nations Decade [...]of Education for Sustainable Development and the International Literacy Decade, to improve the quality of education for all young people. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在千禧年的基本想法,因为理解的基督教作家,可规定如下:在年底的时候基督将在他的所有辉煌回到刚刚凝聚起来,消灭敌对势力,并在地球上发现一个荣耀之国为最高的精神和物质生活带来的享受;他本人也将作为国王的统治,所有的公正,包括圣人召回的生命,将参与其中。 mb-soft.com | The fundamental idea of millenarianism, as understood by [...] Christian writers, may be set forth as follows: At the end of time [...]Christ will return in all His splendour to gather together the just, to annihilate hostile powers, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth for the enjoyment of the highest spiritual and material blessings; He Himself will reign as its king, and all the just, including the saints recalled to life, will participate in it. mb-soft.com |
本报告将就 99 [...] 年度我国「政府开发援助」统计资料、 年度执行概况、以「联合国千禧年发展目标」为蓝图,追求 人类永续发展及未来展望,分别提出说明。 mofa.gov.tw | This report will detail Taiwan’s ODA statistics and [...] provide a summary of efforts made in 2010, a blueprint for [...] reachingthe UN MDGs, an overview of [...]how the nation intends [...]to pursue sustainable development as well as its outlook on the future. mofa.gov.tw |
但在这转化过程中,人必须甘心作神的狗,顺服地尊基督为主,甘愿吃扫下的碎渣,才能最终成为神的孩子,在千禧年中,坐在宴席的桌上。 bcbsr.com | But in the process of conversion one must become God's dog by submitting [...] to Christ as Lord and eating the crumbs, before he can become God's child and sit [...] at the table in the Millenial Kingdom. bcbsr.com |
根据 59/237决议,DESD的目的为:促进可持续发 展教育(ESD)的相关人士之间的联系;改善可 [...] 持续发展教育的教与学的素质;透过可持续发 展教育的努力,帮助国家达至千禧年发展目标 (MDGs);及协助国家将可持续发展教育与教 育改革的努力融合。 worldinfo.org | According to resolutions 59/237, the objectives for the DESD are to: facilitate interaction among stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), foster an increased quality of teaching and [...] learning in ESD, help [...] countries attain Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) through ESDefforts, [...]and assist countries to [...]incorporate ESD into education reform efforts. worldinfo.org |
2007-2013 [...] 对华战略文件》说明中国的扶贫工作成果惊人,对于达成全球千禧 年发展目标做出了卓越贡献。 eu-china.net | The Country Strategy Paper 2007–2013 depicts China as a country with [...] dramatic poverty reduction and a significant contribution to the [...] achievement of theglobal MillenniumDevelopment Goal [...]targets. eu-china.net |
1999/2000:千禧年的到来为ACM集团带来新的机遇及挑战,全体员工竭力扩大市场,为完美的产品和服务而奋斗。 fontane-acm.com | 1999/2000: The [...] arrival of the new millenniumbroughtboth opportunities [...]and challenges to Fontane ACM Group. fontane-acm.com |
为顺应世界潮流,符合全球永续发展,我以联合国千禧 年发展目标为蓝图,并配合我国技术强项及优势产业,择定 「消除贫穷与饥饿」、「普及初级教育」、「对抗传染病」、「确 保环境永续」及「全球发展之夥伴关系」五项发展目标作为 我推动国际合作主要项目。 mofa.gov.tw | Taking these together with Taiwan’s technical advantages and competitive industries as its basis, Taiwan has selected five development goals as the focus of international cooperation: eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing a global partnership for development. mofa.gov.tw |
日本武田肿瘤药品公司的子公司千禧年三年前曾向西雅图基因支付 6000 万美元用于能够在美国之外的 市场销售的新抗癌药物,该药物已获准在欧盟区 27 个国家销售。 seattletradealliance.com | Seattle Genetics cashed a $60 million check three [...] years agofrom Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company,as Millennium wanted a piece [...]of a potent new cancer [...]drug it could sell outside the U.S. ... Read more... seattletradealliance.com |
千禧年新经济研究基金会31 C.I/C.II 理事会第二十四届执行会议 daccess-ods.un.org | Jubilee Research at the New [...] Economics Foundation31 C.I/C.II daccess-ods.un.org |
千禧年生态系统评估警 告,假如这些生态系统和水源受到破坏,“不 单单令贫穷人士情况变得更糟,而是当生态系 [...] 统变差时,贫穷人士的情况会不合比例地变得 更糟。 worldinfo.org | If these ecosystems and water resources are [...] destroyed, theMillennium Ecosystem Assessment [...]warns that, “poor people are made [...]not just worse off, but disproportionately worse off when ecosystems are degraded”. worldinfo.org |
矿业不仅在魁北克北部地区而且就全省而言都在经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用(参见附录F,处于高级阶段的主要 [...] 矿业项目地图)。45 《北部大开发计划》所覆盖的地区,自千禧年开始,已经在以每年近10亿加元的速度吸引矿业 [...]开发的投资。 dwpv.com | The mining sector plays a central role in the economies of Québec’s northern region as well as the province as a whole (see Appendix F for a map of the major mining projects in the advanced phase and Appendix G for maps of mineral locations).45 The territory covered under the Plan Nord has been attracting investment in mining development at a rate [...] of nearly $1 billion per year since the [...] beginning of the millennium.46 In2011,the investment [...]influx in northern Québec surpassed [...]$1 billion for the first time. dwpv.com |
他的价格指数不 断上涨,在千禧年之初购入卡尔德作品的收藏者的确作出了十分明智的投资决 定,因为其作品价值在十年间增长了接近120%。 imgpublic.artprice.com | His price index is constantly on the up, and Calder collectorswho bought works at the start of the millennium made an excellent investment, because his prices have increased by 120% over the decade imgpublic.artprice.com |
在 永续发展报告中,我们向相关人员公开我们在实践联合国全球盟约的十项原则,以及支持广大的 2015 年联合国千禧年目标的工作进展。 hk.grundfos.com | In the Sustainability reporting, we disclose to stakeholders our progress made in [...] implementing the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, and in supporting [...] the broad 2015 UN MillenniumDevelopmentGoals. grundfos.com |
这 个 市 场 修 正 过程虽然相当的严厉,但相对于千禧年初期销售结果,市场表现并非相当疲弱。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The top end of the contemporary art market was particularly affected with 77% fewer 7-figure sales (193 in 2008 vs. 44 in 2009). imgpublic.artprice.com |
(c) 下列工商业部门的与会者:国际商会和发展筹资问题私营部门指导委员 会;(d) 下列民间社会组织的与会者:非洲债务和发展论坛和网络、千禧年南方 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The following business sector participants: International Chamber of Commerce and Private Sector Steering Committee on Financing for Development daccess-ods.un.org |
从这个过去多年的经验和行业的具体能力来看,进入千禧年之后,它的结构已经变得很成熟并且自从2002年以来,GPC集中发展其核心业务,即用于金属加工机械贸易。 used-machines.de | From this past and many years of experience and industry specific competence GPC [...] has developed structures which it has [...] takeninto thismillennium andsince 2002 GPC [...]concentrates on its core business namely [...]– trading with used metalworking machinery. used-machines.de |
阿巴迪如此评述赵无极千禧年後的创作,他说道:「近几年,或许是他不再需要向任何人证明什麽,他采取华丽冒险,以最意想不到的解决方式完成一幅画。 ravenelart.com | In his appraisal of the [...] work that Zao Wou-ki hasproduced since [...]the year 2000, Abadie notes that "In recent years, and perhaps [...]because he has nothing to prove to anybody anymore, he has taken the luxury of taking every possible risk, and to come up with the most unexpected solutions to complete a painting. ravenelart.com |
回想起千禧年的这个城市,与我们现在所看到的广州有着非常大的不同.一支热情而有经验的团队带着对德国饮食的热爱,使得第一间1920餐厅诞生在优美的珠江河畔。 diningcity.com | With a passion for all things‘German’and a richly-experienced team of dedicated staff,1920 was born in an exquisite location on the banks of the Pearl River. diningcity.com |
因此,任何圣洁的灵魂都 不要低估这些预言的日期的证据,它们的意 图就是在千禧年的清晨,在日出前,指导我 们的言行,而那时世俗和名义上的教会仍在 睡梦中,不知道也没留意天意的变化正在 发生。这些预言的日期的证据在很大程度上 是上帝引起作者注意的手段,为了让他对 神圣计划的其他特征更加全面细致地关注。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | This is the object of time prophecy, and how important, how indispensable—that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished, at this time. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |