单词 | 千禧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 千禧 noun —millenium nExamples:千禧年—millennium 千禧年 n—millenarianism n • jubilee n See also:禧—joy • symbol of good luck, esp. marriage
他们启动了“特奥会中国千禧年三 月”并展开了特奥历史上最具雄心的发展活动。 specialolympics.org | They launch the Special [...] Olympics China Millennium March and begin the [...]most ambitious growth campaign in the movement’s history. specialolympics.org |
1998 年,美国国会通过了《千禧年数 码版权法案》,该法案和其它规定一起禁止对科 技保护措施(即编密码)的破坏。 iprcommission.org | In 1998, Congress [...] passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) [...]which, inter alia, forbids the circumvention of technological protection (i.e. encryption). iprcommission.org |
一直以來,政府官員、康復諮詢委員會代表、非 政府機構及殘疾人士團體皆積極參與各項由亞太經社會舉 辦關於殘疾問題的會議及項目,例如:在2002年及2007年 [...] 舉行的2003-2012年亞洲及太平洋殘疾人十年計劃高級別 [...] 政府間會議、2003年及2004年的殘疾相關關注專題工作 組、2006年的琵琶湖千禧綱領 (在亞太區爲殘疾人士建立一 個融合、無障礙和能享應得權利的社會),以及2008年探討 [...]透過2010年人口及住房普查對促進收集殘疾數據的區域研 討會。 legco.gov.hk | Government officials, representatives of RAC, NGOs and groups of persons with disabilities have participated actively in the various conferences and programmes run by the UN ESCAP on disability matters, such as High-Level Intergovernmental Meetings on the Asian Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons for 2003-2012 held in 2002 and 2007, meetings of the Thematic Working Group on [...] Disability-related Concerns in [...] 2003 and 2004, Biwako Millennium Framework for Action Towards [...]an Inclusive, Barrier-free and [...]Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and Pacific in 2006 and Regional Workshop on Promoting Disability Data Collection through the 2010 Population and Housing Censuses in 2008. legco.gov.hk |
著名的办公大楼千禧塔坐落在布达佩 斯 千禧 城 的 中心。 tahydronics.com | The prestigious office [...] development Millennium Tower II is situated in the heart of the Millennium City Center [...]in Budapest. tahydronics.com |
这将是观察到,在gelasian列表拒绝了许多作家都在这里生活和天主教共融死亡,但他们的一些著作的一部分不正确,例如Semipelagian错误归咎于卡西安和浮士德,在对Victorinus对评结 论 千禧 年 说启示录(圣杰罗姆发出删改版,在打印只有一个人还),对丢失“Hypotyposes”克莱门特不健全,等等,防止被谈到这些作家,如希拉里由Jerome是,“inoffenso [...] pede percurritur“。 mb-soft.com | It will be observed that many of the writers rejected in the Gelasian list lived and died in Catholic communion, but incorrectness in some part of their writings, eg the [...] Semipelagian error attributed to Cassian and [...] Faustus, the chiliasm of the conclusion [...]of Victorinus's commentary on the Apocalypse [...](St. Jerome issued an expurgated edition, the only one in print as yet), the unsoundness of the lost "Hypotyposes" of Clement, and so forth, prevented such writers from being spoken of, as Hilary was by Jerome, "inoffenso pede percurritur". mb-soft.com |
所有青年人都能接受高质量的教育,这一中心议题直接涉及到《达喀尔行动纲领》的第 3 项和 第 6 [...] 项目标,也直接涉及到联合国大会 2000 年 9 月 8 日确定的《千禧年宣 言》中的目标,后者更是 涉及到发展、消除贫困、环境保护、人权、民主、良好的管理、保护易受伤害群体、适应非洲的特 [...]殊需要。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The issue of quality education for all young people is directly linked, on the one hand, to goals 3 and 6 of the Dakar [...] Framework for Action and, on the other hand, [...] to those of the Millenium Declaration, defined [...]on 8 September 2000 by the General [...]Assembly of the United Nations and which more specifically concern development and the eradication of poverty, the protection of our shared environment, human rights, democracy and good governance, the protection of vulnerable groups and meeting the special needs of Africa. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们所做的工作,是以在宗滴恩与达喀尔国际社会提出的全民教育 [...] (EPT)以及为提高所有青年教育质量所做的承诺为核心,也是以联合国通过 的 千禧 年 目标 以及旨在可持续发展的十年教育和 10 年扫盲为目的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Education for All (EFA) goals were at the centre of our efforts and of the commitments made by the international community in [...] Jomtien, Dakar and within the essence [...] reflected in the Millennium Development Declaration and [...]those of the United Nations Decade [...]of Education for Sustainable Development and the International Literacy Decade, to improve the quality of education for all young people. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鑒於香港經 濟正朝 高 增 值 、 高 科技及知 識 為本的方向轉型 , 加 上 中 國 即將加入世 界貿易組織, 本 地人力市場備 受 巨 大 沖擊, 本 會 促 請 政 府 積極制 訂一套穩定及包括教育、 培 訓 、 移 [...] 民 、 勞 工及財政等 各 方 面 的長遠 政 策以減低失業率, 以 及提升 工 作 人 口 的技能 和 適應 能 力 , 尤 其 是 協 助技術 及教育水 平 較 低 [...] 的人士加 強 裝 備 , 以 應 付 千 禧 年 的經濟 挑 戰 。 legco.gov.hk | That, as the restructuring of Hong Kong's economy towards the high value-added, high-technology and knowledge based directions and China's impending accession to the World Trade Organization will affect the local workforce severely, this Council urges the Government to actively formulate a set of stable and long-term policies on education, training, migrants, labour and finance etc., with a view to reducing the rate of unemployment, upgrading the capability and adaptability of the workforce and, in particular, assisting the [...] less skilled and less educated in better equipping themselves, so as to meet the [...] economic challenges of the new millennium. legco.gov.hk |
千禧年過 後,趙無極依舊創作大尺幅的畫作,甚至是雙聯幅或三聯幅的巨製,作品彩度較高。 ravenelart.com | In the new millennium, Zao Wou-ki has continued [...] to produce large-scale canvases, some of them taking the form of huge double- [...]or even triple-screen works, which display an enhanced use of color. ravenelart.com |
在千禧年的 基本想法,因为理解的基督教作家,可规定如下:在年底的时候基督将在他的所有辉煌回到刚刚凝聚起来,消灭敌对势力,并在地球上发现一个荣耀之国为最高的精神和物质生活带来的享受;他本人也将作为国王的统治,所有的公正,包括圣人召回的生命,将参与其中。 mb-soft.com | The fundamental idea of millenarianism, as understood by [...] Christian writers, may be set forth as follows: At the end of time [...]Christ will return in all His splendour to gather together the just, to annihilate hostile powers, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth for the enjoyment of the highest spiritual and material blessings; He Himself will reign as its king, and all the just, including the saints recalled to life, will participate in it. mb-soft.com |
尽管曾被视为单纯的背景装饰,珍珠圆点打磨纹已堂而皇之升格成为Mille na ry 千禧系列4101机芯的表面装饰。 audemarspiguet.com | Once considered mere background decoration, this technique has been promoted to the face of the Millenary caliber 4101. audemarspiguet.com |
于2010年,爱彼为了向这位独特非凡的人物致敬,发行了以他为名的限量版系列腕表 : 千禧 昆 西 琼斯(the Millenary Quincy [...] Jones),设计灵感来自钢琴的黑色键盘,这是这位艺术家最钟爱的乐器。 audemarspiguet.com | In 2010, the Manufacture paid homage to this extraordinary personality by [...] dedicating a limited edition collection in [...] his name: the Millenary Quincy Jones, [...]a model inspired by the black keys of the [...]piano keyboard, the artist’s favorite instrument. audemarspiguet.com |
1999 年,香港特区政府和康复界 [...] 携手完成了《香港康复计划方案》的检讨,为香港康复服务进 入 千禧 年 的 发展作 出了规划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1999, the HKSAR Government, in collaboration with the rehabilitation sector, conducted [...] a review of the RPP to formulate a development plan to take Hong Kong’s rehabilitation [...] services into the new millennium. daccess-ods.un.org |
他经常全球演讲,涉及主题包括:互联网和技术对我们日常生活的影响,协作、社交网络和视频的重要性,以及为何每家公司都应该高度关 注 千禧 一 代 (或“Y代人”)的出现和数量的剧增。 medidatasolutions.com | He speaks frequently to audiences worldwide on the impact the Internet and technology are having on our lives, and the importance of collaboration, social networking [...] and video – and why every company should pay attention to the large and [...] emerging group of millennials, or Generation Y. medidatasolutions.com |
计划亦提出纲领,说明如何将DESD融 入於其他国际教育工程,例如是千禧 发 展 目标 丶全人教育运动(EFA)和联合国扫盲十年计划 [...] (UNLD)。 worldinfo.org | It also outlines how DESD can be incorporated into [...] other international education [...] initiatives, such as the Millennium Development Goals, [...]the Education for All (EFA) movement, [...]and the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD). worldinfo.org |
這項方案隸屬於肯亞政府住宅部,經費來源包括官方、聯合國與世界銀行,這項夥伴關係相當合理,聯合國人類住居規劃署(UN-HABITAT)設於奈洛比, 「 千禧 發 展目標」亦明確主張讓貧民窟消失。 thisbigcity.net | It was a logical partnership, as UN-HABITAT, the UN [...] agency for urban issues, is based in [...] Nairobi and the UN Millennium Development Goals [...]emphatically call for the elimination of slum conditions. thisbigcity.net |
作為本地串流廣播先驅及大中華市場領導者,VCAST曾參與亞太區數百個大型網上廣播項目,包括香港97回歸、中國國慶50週年、香 港 千禧 倒 數 、2008北京奧運、數碼政府合署、施政報告、財政預算案等,主要客戶來自政府部門、工商企業、教育團體以及傳媒機構,並獲多項國際認證包括Microsoft Certified Partner, Windows Media Product Vendor & Service Provider, Real Partner等等。 ipress.com.hk | VCAST has over hundreds successful track records of large-scale public webcasting projects across Asia region, e.g. HK Handover 97, China Anniversary 50¡¦, HK Millennium Extravaganza, Hong Kong Art Festival, Intel APAC Training, Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO), Policy Address (2004-2008), Budget Speech (2004/05-2008/09), etc., and we are recognized as the market leader in Greater China and accredited as Microsoft Certified Partner, Windows Media Product Vendor & Service Provider, Real Partner, etc. Our solutions are currently deployed in Telcos/ ISPs, government, education, enterprise and media sectors across the regions. ipress.com.hk |
踏进千禧年,香港特区开始大力发展以社区为本的康复服务,为居于社区 的残疾人士和他们的家人提供所需的照顾和支援。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1.6 The new millennium saw Hong Kong breaking [...] new ground in community-based rehabilitation services through the provision [...]of necessary care and support to persons with disabilities and their families to facilitate their living in the community. daccess-ods.un.org |
本報告將就 99 [...] 年度我國「政府開發援助」統計資料、 年度執行概況、以「聯合國千禧年發 展目標」為藍圖,追求 人類永續發展及未來展望,分別提出說明。 mofa.gov.tw | This report will detail Taiwan’s ODA statistics and [...] provide a summary of efforts made in 2010, a blueprint for [...] reaching the UN MDGs, an overview of [...]how the nation intends [...]to pursue sustainable development as well as its outlook on the future. mofa.gov.tw |
根据 59/237决议,DESD的目的为:促进可持续发 展教育(ESD)的相关人士之间的联系;改善可 [...] 持续发展教育的教与学的素质;透过可持续发 展教育的努力,帮助国家达至千禧年 发 展目标 (MDGs);及协助国家将可持续发展教育与教 育改革的努力融合。 worldinfo.org | According to resolutions 59/237, the objectives for the DESD are to: facilitate interaction among stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), foster an increased quality of teaching and [...] learning in ESD, help [...] countries attain Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through ESD efforts, [...]and assist countries to [...]incorporate ESD into education reform efforts. worldinfo.org |
银行街 40 号位于伦敦最新开发的商业办公区、国际知名的商业地标——金丝雀码头,摩天大厦令人叹为观止,置身其中您可以俯瞰泰晤士河、金丝雀码头、连廊、冬季花园东街、伦敦奥运会第二竞技区( 原 千禧 穹 顶 )。 servcorp.com.cn | Boasting sweeping views over the river Thames, Canary wharf, the linked atrium, East winter gardens and the o2 arena, 40 Bank Street offers complete access to Canary Wharf's premier amenities, over 200 shops in three major retail malls, 5 star hotels, and numerous restaurants and bars. servcorp.bh |
从位于泰恩河盖茨黑德一侧的波罗的海当地艺术中心的楼顶,您可以看到这座城市的壮丽景色,其中包括诺曼·福斯特设计的呈波浪起伏状的盖茨黑德音乐中心(Sage Centre)、著名的拱形泰恩河大桥以及醒目 的 千禧 大 桥。 visitbritain.com | From the top of the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the Gateshead side of the river, you get a fantastic view of the city that takes in [...] the billowing Sage Centre, designed by Norman Foster, the famous arched Tyne Bridge [...] and the striking Millennium Bridge. visitbritain.com |
為順應世界潮流,符合全球永續發展,我以聯合 國 千禧 年發 展目標為藍圖,並配合我國技術強項及優勢產業,擇定 「消除貧窮與飢餓」、「普及初級教育」、「對抗傳染病」、「確 保環境永續」及「全球發展之夥伴關係」五項發展目標作為 我推動國際合作主要項目。 mofa.gov.tw | Taking these together with Taiwan’s technical advantages and competitive industries as its basis, Taiwan has selected five development goals as the focus of international cooperation: eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, ensuring environmental sustainability, and developing a global partnership for development. mofa.gov.tw |
上帝计划的总体纲要及其日期和 [...] 时节,现在都是明晰可辨的,这个特殊的 事实充分表明,我们现在生活在当前邪恶 统治的末期,并处在千禧日的 黎明时刻。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | And the very fact that the entire outline of our Father’s plan, and also his times and seasons, are now clearly discernible, is strong proof that we are now living in the time of the [...] end of the present dominion of evil, and [...] the dawn of the Millennial Day, when knowledge [...]should be increased, and the wise should understand. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
日本武田肿瘤药品公司的子公司千禧 年 三年前曾向西雅图基因支付 6000 万美元用于能够在美国之外的 市场销售的新抗癌药物,该药物已获准在欧盟区 27 个国家销售。 seattletradealliance.com | Seattle Genetics cashed a $60 million check three [...] years ago from Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company, as Millennium wanted a piece [...]of a potent new cancer [...]drug it could sell outside the U.S. ... Read more... seattletradealliance.com |
最後的分析會突顯 莫特曼思想中的千禧年主 義与天啟式主義的對照, 並且我提議, [...] 若与呂科爾之哲 學銳見一起讀解, 可得出許多今天在亞洲處境中神學反思的新可能性。 stephenchanweb.org | The analysis will end by elevating the [...] polarity of millennialism and apocalypticism [...]in Moltmann’s thought, which I suggest, [...]if read in conjunction with Ricoeur’s philosophical insights, can yield much possibility for theological reflection in today’s Asian setting. stephenchanweb.org |
所幸千禧世代已頗具公民精神(雖然有些人質疑僅限於高所得家庭),其中原因包括911恐怖攻擊事件的文化衝擊、伊拉克與阿富汗戰事、卡翠娜颶風、網路遍及全球、年輕志願精神要求日增等。 thisbigcity.net | Fortunately, the Millennial generation has [...] been recognized for being one of the most civic-minded generations in decades(though [...]there is some dispute that this is only among young people from higher-income backgrounds). thisbigcity.net |
另方面,我們亦留意到,一旦我們偏離電力技術所及的業務 領域,例如在千禧年代 初,中電進軍以香港為基地的電訊業務,結果就往 往不如理想。 clp.com.cn | We have also noted that whenever we have moved beyond the reach of our electricity-based skills, such as our venture into a Hong Kong-based telecommunications business in the early 2000s, our efforts have not usually been accompanied by success. clp.com.hk |
矿业不仅在魁北克北部地区而且就全省而言都在经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用(参见附录F,处于高级阶段的主要 [...] 矿业项目地图)。45 《北部大开发计划》所覆盖的地区, 自 千禧 年 开始,已经在以每年近10亿加元的速度吸引矿业 [...]开发的投资。 dwpv.com | The mining sector plays a central role in the economies of Québec’s northern region as well as the province as a whole (see Appendix F for a map of the major mining projects in the advanced phase and Appendix G for maps of mineral locations).45 The territory covered under the Plan Nord has been attracting investment in mining development at a rate [...] of nearly $1 billion per year since the [...] beginning of the millennium.46 In 2011, the investment [...]influx in northern Québec surpassed [...]$1 billion for the first time. dwpv.com |