

单词 千方百计

百计千方 ()

exhaust every means to achieve sth [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

澳大利亚积极保障土著人民 的基本权利千方百计促进 消除土著澳大利亚人和 非土著澳大利亚人之间的权利不平等。
Australia was committed to the basic rights of indigenous peoples and was making considerable efforts to address inequalities in rights between indigenous Australians and non-indigenous Australians.
目前,我们佛得角人正在积极努力,尽可能利用 河流流域千方百计节约用水,并在新技术的帮助下 采用现代灌溉方式。
In Cape Verde we are making efforts to make the best possible use of our river basins, saving water wherever possible and adopting modern irrigation methods with the help of new technologies.
伊拉克还加强司法独立千方百计地 保 障廉政, 保护公民权利。
The Government had
[...] strengthened the independence of the judiciary, and [...]
was doing its utmost to guarantee its integrity in
the protection of citizens’ rights.
事实上,它们还应当向国际社会解释,它们为何 催促安理会对一个只是力图行使其不可剥夺的合法 权利的国家采取行动,同时同样是这少数几个国家千方百计地阻 止安全理事会对以色列政权践踏国际 法和国际人道主义法最基本原则(如戈德斯通报告 (A/HRC/12/48)所述)采取行动,一再阻止本机构采 取行动制止犹太复国主义大规模侵犯巴勒斯坦人民 和黎巴嫩人民?
Indeed, they should also explain to the international community why they are pushing the Council to take action against a nation that is only trying to exercise its legal and inalienable rights, while at the same time the same few countries resort to every possible effort to prevent the Security Council from taking action against the Israeli regime’s violations of the most basic principles of international law and international humanitarian law, as documented by the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48), and have repeatedly prevented this body from moving to stop the massive aggression of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.
不幸的是,在这个问 题上对我们大家起指导作用的明显道理再次受到那千方百计企图 使这些努力政治化的人的挑战。
Unfortunately, the moral clarity that guides us all on this issue has been challenged once again by strenuous attempts to politicize these efforts.
这次企图通过叙利亚从伊朗转运武器给加沙地带恐怖组织的行动公然违反 安全理事会的无数决议,包括安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议——也是这两个国千方百计走私 武器进入加沙地带的非法行为的冰山一角。
This attempt to transfer weaponry from Iran to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip through Syria constitutes a blatant violation of numerous Security Council resolutions, including Council resolution 1860 (2009) — and represents only the tip of the iceberg of these two countries’ illegal efforts to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip.
我们千方百计, 与 国际社会其他成员一道协助解决中东问题,当然会 考虑到,最终解决方案必须是全面的,必须包括叙利 [...]
We will leave no stone unturned in order to [...]
assist, together with other members of the international community, in achieving
a settlement in the Middle East, mindful, of course, of the fact that a final settlement must be comprehensive and include the Syrian and Lebanese fronts.
这伙人在正门口停留了一段时间,因而阻碍了我们的工作人员自由通行,使 我团的工作受到干扰,千方百计要 使 局势升级为暴力的身体对抗。
The group remained at the main entrance for some time, thus blocking the free passage of our personnel, interfering in the performance of the Mission, and creating all conditions to escalate the situation into a violent physical confrontation.
(b) 黎巴嫩再次提醒国际社会,以色列 千方百计 地 企 图破坏第 1701(2006) 号决议。
(b) Lebanon reminds the international community yet again that Israel is seeking to undermine resolution 1701 (2006) by every means possible.
委员会还请工发组千方百计以高 效方 19 式重新部署为前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国已取消的气溶胶项目(MDN/ARS/32/ [...]
INV/17) 购置的设备,以免再购置新设备;如果不能把前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国的部分或分部设 备重新调配给科特迪瓦的
COPACI 气溶胶淘汰项目,也要继续努力把这些设备重新调配 到别处,并向执行委员会的未来会议报告。
The Committee
[...] also requested UNIDO to make all attempts [...]
to redeploy the equipment purchased for a cancelled aerosol project
in the FYR Macedonia (MDN/ARS/32/INV/17) in a cost effective manner in order to offset the need to purchase additional new equipment; and in the event that some or all of the equipment from the FYR Macedonia cannot be redeployed to the COPACI aerosol project in Côte d’Ivoire, to continue to attempt to redeploy the equipment elsewhere and to report back to a future Meeting of the Executive Committee.
我们认为,联合国作为唯一各国普遍参加的国际 论坛,必须带头朝着这一方向努力 千方百计 促 进不 同文化间对话。
We believe that the United Nations, as the sole international forum with universal membership, must take the lead towards that end and exert every effort to promote intercultural dialogue.
越来越多的会员千方百计解决 可持续发展教育问题是另一个重要信号,预示着可持续发展 [...]
The increasing number
[...] of Member States making a variety of efforts [...]
to address ESD is another important sign that it is being
considered a critical component of governments’ efforts to improve the quality of education and to make progress towards sustainable development.
Moreover, I have tried to take into account the constructive suggestions of all of the parties that participated in the latest election for the Majilis.
同时,前总统行政当千方百计地获得其得以继续掌权所需的财政手段, 包括支付公务员、效忠的军队和雇佣军薪金所需的资金(见上文第 47 至 54 段)。
In the meantime, the former President’s administration has launched desperate manoeuvres to obtain the necessary financial means to allow it to remain in power, including funds required to pay the salaries of civil servants, loyal military forces, and mercenaries (see paras. 47-54 above).
尤其是今年,由于金融危机和欧元升值的影 响,租借办公楼的公司开千方百计 降 低租 金成本。
Leasers have started to look for savings as well in the rental side costs.
最后,我们要强调,必千方百计尽 可 能努力促 进海地司法机构的工作,以防止有罪不罚,确保法院、 监狱和警察工作运转正常,充分尊重人权法和人权规 则。
[...] we would like to stress that every possible effort must be made to promote [...]
the work of Haiti’s judicial institutions
in order to prevent impunity and ensure the proper functioning of the courts, prisons and police, in full respect for human rights laws and rules.
在第 67 段中,联合国大学同意审计委员会关于 千方百计 用 英 文以外的语 言来分发项目产出的建议。
In paragraph 67, UNU agreed with the Board’s recommendation that it make every effort to increase the use of other languages than English to disseminate project outputs.
恐怖分子千方百计地利 用灾难、不稳定、疏远 和冲突,试图利用贫困或政治怨愤来达到暴力目的, [...]
并设法以似是而非的社会、经济和政治论点来为无理 的行为辩护。
Terrorists will try to exploit
disasters, instability, alienation and
[...] conflict wherever they can, seeking to harness [...]
poverty or political grievances to violent
ends, and trying to justify the unjustifiable with specious social, economic and political arguments.
在整个这个时期,联合千方百计作 出 努力,将最贫穷、最弱势群体的需求 置于国际日程的中心,吸引了数十亿美元新投资,以加速千年发展目标的进展。
Throughout this period, the United Nations has striven to put the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable at the centre of the international agenda, attracting billions of dollars in new investments to accelerate progress on the Millennium Development Goals.
专门涉及“离散家庭” 的特殊情况的《第一议定书》第七十四条规定以色 列有义务“千方百计地促 进因武装冲突而离散的家庭的团聚”,并敦促其与人 道主义组织合作,争取在占领的困难条件下安排更多的家庭联系。
Article 74 of Protocol I, which is devoted to the special circumstances of “dispersed families”, imposes an obligation on Israel to “facilitate in every possible way the reunion of families dispersed as a result of armed conflicts”, and urges cooperation with humanitarian organizations seeking to arrange for more family connections under the difficult conditions of the occupation.
前军情局长 Uri Saguy 少将的 话就是许多例子中的一个,他曾参加 2000 年比尔·克 林顿组织的 Shepherdstown 会谈,在 其 最近出版的题 为“僵硬的手:为什么以色列惧怕与叙利亚的和平甚 过惧怕战争”的书中,Saguy 先生认为,以色千方 百计破坏与叙利亚的任何解决方案,而前总理埃胡 德·巴拉克使与叙利亚的和平进程夭折。
One example among many are the remarks by Major General Uri Saguy, former head of military intelligence, who took part in the 2000 Shepherdstown talks organized by Bill Clinton, in his recently published book
格里森的夹具设计工程师接到了设计全新系列夹具的任务,要 千方百计 地 减 小哪怕一分钟的更换夹具所用的非生产时间,因此就设计出了不需要螺钉连接的新型结构,这样就不用为拧紧或拧松螺钉,或者为准备工具而耗费时间。
Given the mission of designing a system that would squeeze precious minutes out of non-productive workpiece changeover time, Gleason engineers invented a system that changes requires none of the typical screws and bolts to tighten or loosen, or tools to find and apply.
工发组织在与中国各主要利方 讨论之后,重新计了项 目的某些部分,将项目费用减少到约 1 千 4 百万美元,其中包括 在第四十一次会议上已经核准的 4 百万美元。
After discussions with major stakeholders in China, UNIDO had redesigned some project components, resulting in a reduction in [...]
project costs to about US $14 million,
including US $4 million already approved at the 41st Meeting.
既然㆗國的最高領導㆟也承認制度的重要 性,也推許㆒個良好制度的建立,何以㆗方卻㆒直恐懼香港建立㆒個民主的政制千 方百計加 以阻撓,甚至在基本法內為香港未來的民主政制發展設㆘重重關卡呢?
Given that the top Chinese leader has admitted the importance of having a system and commended the establishment of a good system, why is China all along afraid of Hong Kong building up a democratic political system, so much so that it has tried all means to obstruct democratic development and even putting in place in the Basic Law hurdles after hurdles to the future development of democracy in Hong Kong?
尽管 hybris 客户的平台系统中已经集成或部署了 百 上 千 个 第 三 方 产 品 ,但只有与 hybris 保持密切合作关系且承诺与 [...]
hybris 软件预集成的供应商才有资格进入 hybris Extend - 确保客户获得更高质量的产品、更平滑高效的部署以及更密切的业务关系。
While hundreds of third-party products have been [...]
integrated and deployed in hybris customer implementations, only those
vendors having a close working relationship with hybris and promising pre-built integrations with hybris software qualify for hybris Extend -- assuring customers higher quality, smoother, more efficient deployments and better business relationships.
为尊重和促进人权提供实际保障,这一点体现在国家一级的各种计划和战 略中,比如:《2005-2009 年政府活动方案“国家的现代化――国家的福利”》、摩 尔多瓦共和国-欧盟《关于欧洲邻国关系的行动计划》、摩尔多瓦共和国-北约 《关于个别伙伴关系的行动计划》、《国家人权行 计 划 》 、在《美国 千 年挑方案》 范围内形成的《摩尔多瓦共和国国家初步方案》等等。
The guarantee and assurance of respect and promotion of human rights is reflected at national level in various plans and strategies, as for instance: The Programme of Activity of the Government for the years 2005–2009 “Modernisation of the country – welfare of the nation”, European Neighbourhood Action Plan Republic of Moldova — EU, Republic of Moldova — NATO Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), National Human Rights Action Plan, Preliminary Country Programme of the Republic of Moldova within the USA Programme “Millennium Challenges” etc.
迄今为止,方面的经验已使古巴阻止或挫败了 630 多起攻击古巴革命领导 人菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯的事件,以及数 百计 的 其 他恐怖主义行为,其中许 多在古巴提交给安理会反恐怖主义委员会的第一份报告(S/2002/15),1 古巴关 于执行《消除国际恐怖主义宣言》的声明2 和其他文件中都提到过。
This experience has enabled it, thus far, to prevent or foil over 630 attacks on the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, and hundreds of other terrorist acts, [...]
many of which were mentioned
in the first report submitted by Cuba to the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee (S/2002/15)1 and in the declaration on the implementation by Cuba of the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism,2 among other documents.
舉例 說,有些政府支持恐怖主義活動,有些 千方百 計 逃避聯合國在軍備及其他方面的 禁運限制;我們有時候亦要調查在香港進行的同類活動。
For example, there are some governments that sponsor terrorism; there are some governments that seek to circumvent United Nations arms and other embargoes; and sometimes we do investigate those activities in Hong Kong.




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