单词 | 千斤顶 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 千斤顶 —jack (for lifting weight)Examples:液压千斤顶—hydraulic jack 齿条千斤顶—rack and pinion jack 螺旋千斤顶—screw jack See also:斤—catty • weight equal 0.5 kg 顶 n—roof n • substitute n 顶—apex • classifier for objects with protruding top, such as hats, tents • push to the top • (slang) "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile • crown of the head • be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc) • go against • carry on the head
借助海卓泰特的全新起顶系统,四个重 型 千斤顶 分 别位于发动机的四个角落,能够在 0.0002-0.0003" 内进行对准。 hydratight.com | With the new Hydratight jacking system, four Heavy Lift jacks are positioned on each of the four corners of the generator, these are able to align within 0.0002-0.0003". hydratight.com |
如果安装支承的中心 没有对齐,则应使用千斤顶将设备原地 顶起,并对齐安装支承的中心。 vibrodynamics.com | If isolator is not centered, jack the machine up at that point and center the isolator. vibrodynamics.com |
请利用千斤顶用螺 纹,在保持设备平行的状态下进行拆卸。 kosmek.co.jp | It is recommended to use rough guides to contain the pallet within the allowable eccentricity. kosmek.co.jp |
他们不理解对方,但自我介绍,并 千斤顶 把 他 的藏身之处。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They don’t understand each other but introduce themselves and jack takes him to the hideout. en.seekcartoon.com |
然后使用瓶式千斤顶每次提升一个角,总共需要耗费 150 个工时来完成工作。 hydratight.com | A bottle jack was then used to lift one corner at a time, all in all this would take over 150 man hours to perform. hydratight.com |
DBS 采用重型爱克米斯千斤顶来提升和降低浓缩池刮板机。 dbsmfg.com | Lifts can be manually operated or power driven. DBS uses heavy-duty acme thread screw jacks to raise and lower the thickener rake mechanism. dbsmfg.com |
在我们的产品目录册里,您可以发现更多关于气 动 千斤顶 系 统 的技术特点以及零件编号。 staubli.com | Discover all the advantages, technical features and part numbers of the Airjack systems in our catalog. staubli.com |
由于千斤顶所承 受的负载较为集中,因此应将该 千斤顶放在 支腿/支脚筋板或连杆等的下方(如图 3 所示)。 vibrodynamics.com | Due to the high concentrated load, the cylinder should be located under a foot/leg gusset, tie rod, etc. See Figure 3. vibrodynamics.com |
设计紧凑,采用轻质,高强度材料,旋转选项使得史陶比尔气 动 千斤顶 使 用 非常方便,符合人体工学,高效且安全。 staubli.com | Compact design, light, resistant materials and a swivel option make the Stäubli Airjack very user-friendly, ergonomic, efficient and safe. staubli.com |
墨西哥当局报告说,在其领土上存在以及进入其领 土的大麻药草绝大部分是经陆路走私;经干燥后,大麻药草借助压力机和液压 千斤顶被装 在塑料袋内,然后运往墨西哥和其他国家的非法市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mexican authorities reported that the vast majority of cannabis herb exiting, as well as entering, its territory was smuggled by land; once dried, the cannabis herb was packed in plastic bags with the help of presses and hydraulic jacks and then transported to illicit markets, both in Mexico and in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
燃气轮机对准千斤顶套件就是其中的一款工具,用于对准通用电气涡轮机的发电机。 hydratight.com | One of these tools, the Gas Turbine Alignment Jack Kit is used for generator alignment within GE turbines. hydratight.com |
该千斤顶直接 作 用于轮盘,而不是车身,因此不需要太长 的 千斤 顶,即可使轮盘离地。 wipo.int | Therefore, less length of jack lift is sufficient to free the wheels from the ground. wipo.int |
小尺寸的ALGA-Cable-T15系统锚具及 千斤顶 在 实用方面尤其是在箱型梁内部施拉预力时,可允许较小尺寸的‘混凝士支承座’。 algacn.com | In fact, using Alga Cable T15 Post-Tensioning System, the anchorages can be placed much closer to the main ribs without increasing the deviation of the cables to face the cumbersome size of jacks. algacn.com |
双安全特性防止千斤顶意外展开。 staubli.com | Dual safety features prevent accidental deployment of the jack. staubli.com |
无论用于发动机、中央传动装置、减震器还是液 压 千斤顶 , LeSegment AB 为其客户设计金属压缩环系统并保证完美的密封性。 afe.fr | Whether for engines, central control [...] actuators, shock absorbers, or [...] hydraulic jacks, Le Segment AB designs metal compression ring systems with [...]its customers that ensure perfect sealing. afe.fr |
该项发明提供了一种新型的千斤顶, 用来 托起使用弹簧安装的汽车轮盘。 wipo.int | The invention provides a novel jack for lifting spring-mounted wheels of a vehicle. wipo.int |
操作更为轻松,归功于平行钢框背愣间的间距比较大,可伸 缩 千斤顶 耐 受 力强 doka.com | easier working conditions, thanks to the wide spacing between the parallel girder frame units, and the heavy-duty telescopic screw-jack system doka.com |
千斤頂的 力與位移:透過量測訊號可了解結構物的容量區線 與反覆載重行為特性。 ncree.org | The measured signal was used to realize the global acceleration and story force response of the test frame. ncree.org |
您不需要一款感觉重达千斤的笨 重耳机。 jabra.cn | And you can’t have a headset that feels like it weighs a ton. jabra.com |
邊柱之樑柱接頭加大並用鉛板補強,以 利於反覆載重時千斤頂之加載。 ncree.org | Therefore, in the present study the authors attempt to use the FRFs-based approach to detect any damage. ncree.org |
尖峰石阵位于珀斯以北三小时车程处,在风景优美的印度洋公路(Indian Ocean Drive)沿途,由散布在南本国家公园的黄色沙丘间的 数 千 座 岩石 尖 顶 组 成。 australia.com | Sitting three hours north of Perth, off the scenic Indian Ocean Drive, [...] the Pinnacles are thousands of rock spires scattered [...]across the yellow sand dunes of Nambung National Park. australia.com |
左图 Norlina 工厂顶部的 500 千瓦 (kW) 太阳能电池阵是 Progress Energy 可 [...] 再生能源项目中产能最大的,可产生的电力相当于 47 个一般家庭一年的用 电量。 glenraven.com | LEFT The 500-kilowatt (kW) solar array atop Norlina Plant [...] is the most powerful in the Progress Energy renewable energy program, [...]capable of generating the equivalent of electric use by 47 typical homes in one year. glenraven.com |
無千斤頂升降台車配備可刺穿機身的刺針噴管,在機艙內噴射 水、泡沫或乾粉,撲滅機艙內的火警,包括波及輔助動力裝置或 機尾引擎的火焰。 legco.gov.hk | Jackless Snorkels are equipped with a nozzle which can pierce through the fuselage and discharge water spray, foam and dry powder to tackle fire in the cabin of the aircraft, including fire involving the auxiliary power unit or tail engine. legco.gov.hk |
大幅上升的3,24%,IBOV返回顶部55千分 点。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The sharp rise of 3,24% made [...] the IBOV return to top of 55 thousand points. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
首 先,特 區 政府寧 願 死 抱 僵 化 的政策教條, 也要堅 決 反對採 納 業 界 、 環 保團體和我 們 議員的一致訴 求 , 始 終 不肯利用“ 四 兩 撥 千 斤 ”的方 式 , 為 環 保 工 業提供 有 利 的 營商環境, 從而引入私營企業的力 量 來 解 開 垃圾長 期 堆 積 的 死 結 , 反而堅 持 獨 力包攬 幾 乎 所 有的垃圾處 理 工作。 legco.gov.hk | In the first place, the SAR Government has blindly adhered to rigid policies and dogmas, firmly refusing to accept the request unanimously made by members of the industry, environmental protection groups and Members, and all along saying no to a way of "using a small gadget to jack up a heavy load" by providing the environmental protection industries with a business-friendly environment so as to bring in the strength of private enterprises to undo the fast knot of refuse incessantly piling up. legco.gov.hk |
政 府資料 顯示, 在 2001年,香港的 捕 撈 量只有 174 000 噸,價值大幅 下 跌 至 17 億元,到 南海捕 魚 的 漁船數 目也因 此而減少至不足 2 000 艘,與全盛 時期千 帆 並 舉、網網千 斤 比較,可 說 是 “ 差 天 共 地 "。 legco.gov.hk | The number of fishing vessels venturing into the South China Sea for fish capture has thus gone down to less than 2 000, which can hardly compare with the "armadas" and huge capture volumes at the prime of the industry. legco.gov.hk |
回报的看涨趋势,下降的形式校正的时刻,是健康的,但我认为今年我们的主要指标要求再次逼近该地区的 的 7 0 千 点 , 顶 部 附 近的这家历史悠久的2008约73.900坏了,我们会看到一个强势回归的高和广泛的兴奋entre2004 [...] a2007的看法,公布了一系列的IPO(首次公开募股)。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | With the return of the bullish trend, moments of falling in the form of correction are healthy, but I think this year, our main [...] index seek again approaching [...] the region of 70 thousand points, near the top of this historic [...]2008 about 73.900 that is broken, [...]we will see a strong return of high and widespread euphoria entre2004 a2007 view, with the announcement of a series of IPOs (initial public offering). en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
否則,我擔心只會好像柴油商業車換車資助計劃 般,計劃推行半年以來,在全港 7.5 萬輛歐盟前期和 I 期的重型車輛中,至 今只收到 1 579 個申請,反應一般,顯示要車主換車是他們 的 千斤 重 擔。 legco.gov.hk | Since the implementation of the scheme six months ago, the Government has received only 1 579 applications from the 75 000 pre-Euro and Euro I heavy vehicles throughout Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
银行街 40 号位于伦敦最新开发的商业办公区、国际知名的商业地标——金丝雀码头,摩天大厦令人叹为观止,置身其中您可以俯瞰泰晤士河、金丝雀码头、连廊、冬季花园东街、伦敦奥运会第二竞技区( 原 千 禧 穹 顶 )。 servcorp.com.cn | Boasting sweeping views over the river Thames, Canary wharf, the linked atrium, East winter gardens and the o2 arena, 40 Bank Street offers complete access to Canary Wharf's premier amenities, over 200 shops in three major retail malls, 5 star hotels, and numerous restaurants and bars. servcorp.bh |