

单词 千克



Paziklike thousand-Buddha grotin the Turpan basin, Xinjiang

See also:

be able to
Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares

External sources (not reviewed)

高揮發性B級煙煤發熱量 在7,212到7,785千卡/千克之間 ,高揮發性A級煙煤發熱量高於 7, 7 8 5 千 卡 / 千克。
High volatile B produces between 7,212 to 7,785 kcal/kg and high volatile A produces greater than 7,785 kcal/kg heat output.
本清单所列冻干设备系指 24 小时冷凝能力大于等于 10 千克、小1000 千 克,并可蒸汽消毒的冻干设备。
Steam sterilisable freeze-drying equipment with a condenser capacity of 10 kgs of ice or greater in 24 hours and less than 1000 kgs of ice in 24 hours.
国际编码系统编号、添加剂名称、最大含量(用百分数或 克/千克 表 示 ),按功 能类别分组。
INS number, name of additive, maximum level
[...] (in percentage or mg/kg), grouped by functional [...]
秘书处注意到以下:a) 建议的聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业计划已经拥有一个可以接受的 成效;b) 通过将拟在没有多边基金援助的情况下予以淘汰的额外消费量(即 1,429 公吨, 合 157.19 ODP 吨,包括进口和出口的使用氟氯烃的多元醇)纳入计划,进一步提高成效 ,将其从千克 4.27 美元提高到千克 2.65 美元;c) 通过拟议战略,沙特阿拉伯将实现 在 2020 年之前完全淘汰 3,357 公吨(369.27 ODP 吨)HCFC-141b;以及 d) 所申请的资金 数额 10,024,920 美元与工发组织 2012-2014 年业务计划中分配给沙特阿拉伯的数额一致。
The Secretariat noted the following: a) the PU foam sector plan as proposed had already an acceptable cost effectiveness; b) by including the additional consumption to be phased out without assistance from the Multilateral Fund (i.e. 1,429 mt or 157.19 ODP tonnes including imported and exported HCFC-based polyols) the cost-effectiveness further improves from US $4.27/kg to US $2.65/kg; c) with the proposed strategy Saudi Arabia will achieve the total phase-out of 3,357 mt (369.27 ODP tonnes) of HCFC-141b well before 2020; and d) the level of funds requested of US $10,024,920 is consistent with the allocation for Saudi Arabia in UNIDO’s 2012-2014 Business Plan.
在巴塞罗那给冰块打开包装:由于外墙外保温系统的作用, 1, 0 0 0 千克 的 冰块在经过两个星期的加泰罗尼亚酷暑后还剩余 8 0 0 千克 冰。
Unveiling the ice block in Barcelona: thanks to the EIFS system, 800 of the original 1,000 kilos of ice withstood the heat of the Catalonian summer.
教科文组织享有法国外交部批准的一定量的烟草(每年 5 940 千克)。
UNESCO has been authorized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to procure a specific amount of tobacco (5,940kg per year).
委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的总费用估计为 17,796,549 美 元,其中,3,156,430 美元用于淘汰共计 403.1 公吨(44.3 ODP 吨)制造行业使用的氟氯 烃,14,640,120 美元用于淘汰共计 3,253.4 公吨(178.9 ODP 吨)制冷和空调维修行业使用 的 HCFC-22(成本效益估计为 4.50 美元/千克)。
The total estimated cost of the implementation of the HPMP for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as submitted is US $17,796,549 comprising of US $3,156,430 for the total phase-out of 403.1 mt (44.3 ODP tonnes) of HCFCs used in the manufacturing sector and US $14,640,120 for the total phase-out of 3,253.4 mt (178.9 ODP tonnes) of HCFC-22 used in the refrigeration and air conditioning servicing sector (estimated at US $4.50/kg).
每个受益者都领到了一个 “应急包” (足够栽种 0.5 公顷的庄稼),包内有 100 千克秋小麦种子、60 千克的肥 料和 8 千克的燃料。
Each beneficiary received an “emergency
package” (sufficient to plant 0,5
[...] ha), which included: 100 kg of autumns wheat seeds, 60 kg of fertilisers and 8 kg of fuel.
底层鱼类继续是北欧和北 美消费者喜好的主要物种(2009年人均分别为 8 . 6 千克 和 7 . 0 千克 ) , 而头足类主 要是地中海和东亚国家消费者的喜好。
Demersal fish continue to be among the main species favoured by consumers in Northern Europe and in North America (8.6 kg and 7.0 kg per capita per year, respectively, in 2009), whereas cephalopods are mainly preferred by Mediterranean and East Asian countries.
此外,牛油亦由 2006 年年底的每 25 千克 480 元升至 2007 年年底的 [...]
700 元,升幅為 75%,到今年年初再飆升至 1,050 元,升幅達 到 162.5%。
What is more, the price of butter [...]
had also increased by 75% from $480 per 25 kg at the end of 2006 to $700 at the end of
2007, which then further increased by 162.5% to $1,050 early this year.
全新的鋁合金車身的重量約110 千克,比上一代採用鋼鐵製作的為輕。
The new aluminium bodyshell
[...] weighs around 110 kilograms less than it would [...]
use the steel tech-nology from the predecessor.
这些被拘留者被转交给金沙萨,2011 年 3 月 25 日,刚果民主共和国国家检 察官 Flory Kabange 宣布,这些个人已支付 300
[...] 万美元的罚款,当局还缴获了 435 千克黄金 和 600 万美元现金,之后,这些人最终被释放。
The detainees were transferred to Kinshasa and eventually released, after the State prosecutor of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Flory Kabange, announced on 25 March 2011 that the
individuals had paid a US$ 3 million fine and that the authorities had
[...] also seized 435 kg of gold and US$ 6 [...]
million in cash.
b) 对于儿童首饰:含铅(Pb)总量不可超过3 00 毫 克 每 千克 ; 其 它有害元素的总含量应符合4.2.1 [...]
a中的要求;可溶性元素总含量不 可超过表2中所列的对应最高上限。
b) For children jewellery: the
total content of Lead (Pb) shall be less
[...] than or equal to 300mg/kg; total contents [...]
of other baneful elements should meet the
requirement in 4.2.1 a); the contents of soluble elements should be less than or equal to the correspondent maximum limitation listed in Table 2.
例如过去二十年,撒哈拉以南 非洲的一些国家(例如刚果、南非、加蓬、马拉维和利比里亚)以及日本的人均 水产品消费量停滞或下降,而每年人均水产品消费量在东亚(从1961年的 1 0 . 6千 克到2009年的34.5千克)、 东南亚(从1961年的 1 2 . 8 千克 到 20 09年的 3 2 . 0 千克 )和 北非(从1961年的2.8千克到2009年的10.6 千克 ) 有 着最实质性的增长。
For example, per capita fish consumption has remained static or decreased in some countries in sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. the Congo, South Africa, Gabon, Malawi and Liberia) and in Japan in the last two decades, while the most substantial increases in annual per capita fish consumption have occurred in East Asia (from 10.6 kg in 1961 to 34.5 kg in 2009), Southeast Asia (from 12.8 kg in 1961 to 32.0 kg in 2009) and North Africa (from 2.8 kg in 1961 to 10.6 kg in 2009).
根据所确定的 允许放射性污染标准,土壤上层同位素 235 中天然铀和贫化铀含量限度为千克 200Bq。
The level of 200 Bq per kg of uranium content, both natural and depleted, existing in isotope 235 in the upper layers of soil has been adopted as the allowed level of radioactive contamination.
For the net weight of the cultural object (possibly with its stand), the unit of
[...] measurement is kilograms or grams.
(e) 集束弹药专门设计为反跑道弹药,并撒布或释放每个重量 在5 千克以 上 爆炸性子弹药,其攻击目标为大体积混凝土、钢筋混凝土、沥青或用这些材料 [...]
(e) the cluster munition is designed exclusively as an anti-runway munition and disperses or releases
explosive sub-munitions each of which weighs
[...] more than five kilograms, and is used against [...]
hard-surfaced runways, constructed
from mass concrete, reinforced concrete, asphalt or a combination of these, or from an equivalent material which yields the same compressive strength.
瓦克在巴塞罗那参加了一次不寻常的竞猜活动:一块重达 1, 0 0 0 千克 的 冰 块用外墙外保温系统包裹起来,在一个为期两周的能源效率展览会期间在烈日炎炎下保持了两个星期。
WACKER took part in an uncommon competition in Barcelona: a 1,000 kilo block of ice was packed inside an exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) and left outdoors in the summer heat as part of a two-week exhibition concerning energy efficiency.
在米飯、米類食品、麫、麫包糕點和麫粉漿類食品組別中,較常食 用的亞洲食物的丙烯酰胺含量都很低,一般少於 千克 60 微克,但 鍋巴 和日式鐵板麫除外(其丙烯酰胺含量分別可達 千克 67 微克及 84 微 克)。
The levels of acrylamide in the more commonly consumed Asian style food items in the food groups rice and rice product dishes, noodles, bakery products and batter-based products were low and generally less than 60 Pg/kg, except for deep-fried sizzling rice (guo-ba) and Japanese fried noodle (teppan-yaki soba) with levels up to 67 Pg/kg and 84 Pg/kg respectively.
大多数欧洲经委会经济体的生产能源强度(每 1 美元国内生产总值千克油 当量)自 1990 年以来已逐渐下降。
The energy intensity of production (kg of oil equivalent per $1 of GDP) has gradually declined in most ECE economies since 1990.
在生命周期评估 (LCA)
[...] 中,我们对采用埃奇得和埃能宝茂金属聚乙烯树脂制成的 25 千克(55 磅)自动成型灌装封口 (FFS) [...]
A life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluated the environmental
[...] impact profile of 25 kilogram (55 pound) form [...]
fill and seal (FFS) sacks made from Exceed
and Enable mPE resins compared with more conventional solutions of three-layer paper/PE/paper structures.
在图中的水槽表示一个化学驱动力的固定值,这正象在巴黎的米 千克 的 原型 表示长度和质量的固定值一样。
The cell in the figure represents a fixed value
of chemical drive just as the original meter
[...] and the original kilogram in Paris represent [...]
fixed length and mass values.
尽管有的文献指出,施加的硼元素有 很大一部分被当前种植的作物所吸收,但我们在棉花和水稻的多年、多领域实地实验表明,每 公顷施加1–1.5千克硼肥的土地上种植的作物,收割后它们只吸收了所施剂量的1–2%(Rashid 等,未发表数据)。
Though the literature indicates that a much higher fraction of the applied B is taken up by the current crop, our multi-year, multi-location field experiments on rice and cotton have revealed that actual fraction of fertilizer B removed in the harvested plant parts of these crops is only 1–2% of the 1–1.5 kg B ha-1 dosage (Rashid et al., unpublished data).
规格:发动机类型:四冲程,单缸,4气门SOCH,冷却:液体容积:493sm3发动机:32马力燃料系统:化油器三国- Ctarter:电动/手动尺寸:2120h1170h1230mm轴距1290毫米,离地间隙275毫米干重 3 3 7 千克 , 型 前悬挂:独立制动器:前双/后单盘驻车制动:机械磁盘的传输:自动(CVT无级变速器),4种模式,H / L / N / R,手动选择,+“停车”。
Specifications:-Engine type: 4-stroke, single cylinder, 4 valve SOCH-Cooling: Liquid-Volume:
493sm3-Engine: 32 hp -Fuel
[...] system: Carburetor Mikuni-Ctarter: electric / manual-Dimensions: 2120h1170h1230mm-wheelbase 1290mm, Ground Clearance 275 mm Dry weight 337kg,-type front [...]
suspension: independent-Brakes:
front dual-/ rear-single-disk parking brake: mechanical , disk-Transmission: Automatic (CVT CVT), 4 modes, H / L / N / R, with manual selection, + "parking".
美联航接受年龄达到六个月或体重达到 20 磅(9 千克)( 以最先符合的条件为准)的以下犬种,且必须使用符合国际航空运输协会 (IATA) 集装箱运输要求第 82 条规定的加固板条箱承载。
United will accept the following breeds of dogs once they have reached either six months of age or 20 pounds (9 kg) in weight (whichever comes first) only in a reinforced crate meeting International Air Transport Association (IATA) Container Requirement #82.
通过在聚合物生产厂中使用的现有拉伸套管膜配方中添加威达美丙烯基弹性体,可减少材料用量并降低成本,同时可确保 25 千克的聚 合物颗粒包装袋的货盘装载稳定性。
Adding Vistamaxx PBE to an existing stretch hood film formulation being used at a
polymer plant results in lower material use and cost
[...] while ensuring pallet load stability [...]
for 25kg sacks of polymer pellets.
第一次採用全鋁合金製造車身,全新SL 系列的重量比上一代輕達140 千克,其 極致剛性的全鋁合金車身不但能提供優越的操控感,更將駕駛感受推上更高境界,配以舒適的乘坐感受。
The new SL has been pro-duced for the first time almost entirely from aluminium and
[...] weighs up to 140 kilograms less than its [...]
法院指 出,如果原告没有认定或没有资质或能力认定“3%的
[...] Bara-Ton fein”与“40 千 克 Bara clay”一致,则原告应在交货当日向被告发出相关通知,从原告当时在交 [...]
The Court stated that if the appellant did not think and was not entitled to think
that “3 per cent Bara-Ton fein”
[...] corresponds to “40 kg Baraclay”, then the appellant [...]
should have given notice to the defendant
on the day of delivery, when according to its signature on the delivery receipt, it discovered the discrepancy or at least should have discovered it.




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