

单词 千亿

千亿 ()

hundred billion

See also:


100 million

External sources (not reviewed)

泥炭地是所有生态系统中最高效的碳存储空间,它 们仅占地球表面陆地的 3%,却可存储 5.5 千亿吨碳 (Parish 等,2008 年)。
Peatlands are the most space-efficient carbon storage of all ecosystems; they cover only 3% of the terrestrial earth surface yet store 550 gigatonnes of carbon (Parish et al. 2008).
当富国调动 数万亿美元解决金融问题时,难道我们会在只有 千亿 美 元 的官方发展援助方面 “例行节约”?
Are we to “economize” on official development assistance (ODA), worth some hundred billion dollars, while trillions of dollars are mobilized in the rich countries to fight their financial problems?
这个骗局使烟草公司的销售额达 千亿 美 元 ,对烟民却造成了悲 剧性结果。
This fraud has resulted
[...] in hundreds of billions of dollars in [...]
sales for the cigarette companies, and tragic results for smokers.
我奉劝利比亚代表承诺保护所剩 利比亚平民,并利用他的政治诡辩能力尽力挽回他
[...] 的国家的主权、独立和稳定,以及从利比亚人民处 掠夺的数千亿计的美元,掠夺这些财富的正是那 些操控第1970(2011)号和第1973(2011)号决议 [...]
I advise the representative of Libya to commit himself to the protection of the remaining Libyan civilians and to use his political eloquence to try to regain his country’s sovereignty,
independence and stability, as well as
[...] the hundreds of billions of dollars plundered [...]
from the Libyan people by the same
forces that invaded his country after manipulating resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011).
但是,这千亿美元 购置的武器对于根本不存在的 敌人起不到任何作用,这些钱被白白浪费掉了,对 [...]
However, as all
[...] those hundreds of billions of dollars were [...]
being spent on weapons that did not work against enemies that
did not exist, they were just money down the drain and did nothing to bolster the country’s security.
(f) 应引入金融交易税以挽回因金融拯救计划而给纳税人带来的损失,帮助
[...] 稳定金融市场,并创造每年所需的数 千亿 美 元 计的收益以支持发展中国家过渡 到能满足所有千年发展目标的更公正和更可持续发展的道路上来。
(f) A financial transactions tax should be introduced to recoup the losses to taxpayers caused by financial rescue plans, help
stabilize financial markets and generate
[...] the hundreds of billions of dollars needed [...]
each year to support developing countries
to transition to more equitable and sustainable development paths capable of meeting all the Millennium Development Goals.
据专家预测,到了2005年,中国消费物品的总零售额将达到 近 5 千 8 4 1 亿 美 元至 6 千 45 亿9千 万 元
According to experts' predictions, by 2005, the total retail sales of
consumer goods in China will reach around
[...] USD 580.41 billion to USD 604.59 billion and annual growth [...]
rate will reach 8-10%.
美国 50
[...] 年来对古巴的罪恶封锁政策,使古巴的经济和社会遭受高达 千亿 美元 的严重损失,同时影响到许多第三国,妨碍全球性努力实现国际议定的发展 [...]
The criminal blockade policy against Cuba pursued by the United States for five
decades has caused serious losses amounting
[...] to hundreds of billions of United States [...]
dollars in the economic and social fields
of Cuba and also impacted many third countries while hindering the global effort to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
同时,毒品贩运正在助长价值千亿美 元的全球犯罪业。
Meanwhile, drug trafficking is fuelling a global criminal enterprise
[...] worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
近期项目包括帮助一家中国私募基金公司发起和完成第一个以美元计价的基金,并介绍给管理2万亿美元的有限合伙人(LPs);为一家新 的 2 千亿 美 元规模的主权财富基金撰写三年期商业计划书,内容包括战略、组织和治理;与一个亚洲投资人合作寻找商品领域交易,实现80亿美元的交易量。
Recent engagements include helping a Chinese PE firm raise and close its first
USD-denominated fund, introducing it to LPs
[...] managing ~$2 trillion ; writing the [...]
3-year business plan for a new $200B sovereign
wealth fund, covering strategy, organization and governance ; and working with an Asian investor to source commodities sector transactions, leading to $8 billion in deals
从2009年到2011年,成千上万的在美国的对内投资之中,大致每年超 过 2 千亿 美 元 ,CFIUS审查了来自世界各地的269项交易。
From 2009 to 2011,
[...] out of the thousands and thousands of inbound investments into the United States, roughly over $200 billion a year, CFIUS [...]
reviewed 269 transactions from around the world.
今年43岁的冯俊,是深圳易特照明有限公司的老板,他认为,这也不能完全怪政府,因为即使到了今天,深圳的LED企业也没几个做得特别大的,产值过亿的企业不太多,而发展互联网或生物等深圳确定的新兴战略产业,随便一个项目都 千亿 元 , “这样的行业,在土地资源这么紧缺的深圳,显然是政府看不上眼的”。
LTD in shenzhen, he thinks, it also can't blame the government, because even today, shenzhen LED companies can do not many particularly large, output value of billions of enterprises are not too much, and the development of the Internet or shenzhen determine strategic emerging
industries such as biology, literally a
[...] project is one hundred billion yuan, "the industry, [...]
in such a shortage of land resources
in shenzhen, is clearly government despises eye".
令人 困惑的是,这个可在武器上花费成百 千亿 美 元的世 界眼前却面临着一场粮食危机,而只要花上 300 亿美 元就可保证粮食增产并驱除饥荒和贫穷现象。
It was paradoxical that a world that spent
[...] hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons currently faced a food crisis while 30 billion dollars a [...]
year could guarantee
increased production and ward off famine and poverty.
[...] 砍伐森林和森林退化造成的碳排放量协议》志在保护和增加森林面积,而绿色气候基金的建立,将在 2020年筹措千亿美元 的资金,用于支持发展中国家参与气候变化的治理工作。
Coming out of Copenhagen and Cancun, The UN REDD Agreement will incentivise preservation or extension
of forests, while a new Green Climate
[...] Fund totaling $100 billion by 2020 has been [...]
created to support developing countries
to adapt to climate change, although the actual required scale and distribution of funds remains controversial.
三十多年来,彩虹集团累计实现销售收入 千亿 元 , 实 现利税逾百亿元,现拥有二级全资、控股公司11家,参股公司9家,拥有2家上市公司:彩虹股份(600707.SH)和彩虹电子(0438.HK);员工约2 [...]
For more than 30 years, the rainbow group realized
total sales income of more
[...] than one hundred billion yuan, now more than ten billion yuan of real [...]
profits, now have a secondary
wholly owned and holding company 11, share company nine, with two listed companies: rainbow shares (600707. SH) and rainbow electronic (0438, HK); About 20000 employees, with total assets of more than 170 yuan, is China's electronic information industry's vigorous development made outstanding contributions.
据美国环境保护署(EPA)估算,2006 年美国数据耗能 610 亿千瓦时,总电力成本约为 45 亿美元,这与 [...]
2000 年相比增加了整整一倍。
In the United States alone, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) has estimated that data centers
[...] consumed about 61 billion kilowatt-hours in 2006, [...]
for a total electricity cost of about $4.5 billion.
从 1993 年 6 月到
[...] 2010 年底,广州抽水蓄能发电站已发电 409.7 亿千瓦时、蓄能发电 527.7 亿千瓦时,启动 153499 次,运行 350409 个小时。
From June 1993 to the end of 2010, Guangzhou
Pumped Storage Plant has
[...] produced 41 billion KWH of generated power and 52.77 billion KWH of pumped [...]
power, while starting
153 499 times and running for 350 409 hours.
2009 年底,中国就业人员总数 为 7 亿 7 千 950 万人,其中 3 亿 1 千 120 万人在城镇就业。
At the end of 2009, the total number of employed people in China was 779.95 million, of whom 311.20 million worked in cities and towns.
根据行政与财务委员会主席 的报告,大会在其第七次全体会议上临时性批准了
[...] 2012--2013 年度预算最高额为 6 亿 5 千 300 万美元。
Upon the report of the Chairperson of the ADM Commission, the budget
[...] ceiling of $653 million for 2012-2013 [...]
was approved, on a provisional basis, by the
General Conference at its seventh plenary meeting.
特别是在燃料电池 及氢渗透膜、超导电等新能源及 LED(发光二极管)领域方面,美国 TKI 正积极推行在美国量产 的 R&D(研究开发),在 R&D 中充分利用贵金属材料的新技术也日趋重要。美国 TKI 将以使用于 燃料电池等新能源及 LED 等的贵金属材料作为扩大美国销售事业的主力,目标是在 2013 年度将 2011 年度所预估 1 亿 3 千万美元(约 108 亿日元)的营业额,提升至 1 亿 7 千万美元(约 141 亿 日元)。
In particular, R&D aimed at mass production in the fields of LEDs (light emitting diodes) and new energy such as fuel cells, hydrogen permeable film and superconductivity has been active in the United States, and new technologies using precious metals are gaining importance in such R&D. By expanding its sales in the United States focused on precious metal materials used in LEDs and new energy such as fuel cells, TKI America aims to increase its sales from a projected USD130 million (approx. 10.8 billion yen) in fiscal 2011 to USD170 million (approx. 14.1 billion yen) in fiscal 2013.
自从2009年的新疆暴动造成将近两百人死亡之後,政府在新疆省首府乌鲁木齐安装了将近四万部监视摄影机,并将今年的地方安全预算提高一半以上, 达 2 8 亿9千 万 元 ( 4 亿 4 7 0 0万 美元)。
Since the unrest in Xinjiang in 2009 when nearly 200 people were killed, the authorities have installed some 40,000 surveillance cameras in the provincial
capital Urumqi and increased by more than half this year's regional security
[...] budget, to 2.89 billion yuan (US$447 million).
此外,公用服务消费有所增长:用水量增长 0.9%,达到 16.3732 亿加 仑(2006/07 年为
[...] 16.2230 亿加仑);耗电量增长 12%,达到 5.1064 亿千瓦小时。
The consumption of utility services increased: water usage expanded by 0.9 per cent to 1,637.32 million gallons (from
1,622.30 million gallons in 2006/07), while electricity consumption increased by 12 per
[...] cent, to 510.64 million kilowatt-hours.
戴尔估计,LED显示屏将客户节省约为2000万美元和 2 2 0 亿千 瓦 小时,在2010年和2011年相结合,从能量超过10,000家¹使用所造成的二氧化碳排放量相当于每年。
Dell estimates LED displays will
save customers approximately $20 million
[...] and 220 million kilowatt-hours in 2010 [...]
and 2011 combined, the equivalent of annual
CO2 emissions resulting from energy use of more than 10,000 homes¹.
截至2012年8月31日,玛泽自创始以来全球营业额首次达到10亿欧元的里程碑, 为 1 0 亿1千 3 百 40万欧元,于2011/2012财年取得了5.9%的业绩增长。
With global turnover reaching for the first time in our
[...] history the 1 billion euros milestone, [...]
€1,013.4 million at 31 August 2012, Mazars
achieved 5.9% growth in its business the 2011/2012 financial year.
这个预算是以 6 亿1千万美 元(即上一个 双年度的水平)为基准,再加上为会员国确定的一些优先计划另行提供的 2 千 5 百万美元, 因此预算总额为 8 亿 3 千 5 百万美元。
The budget, which
[...] has been drawn up on a $610 million basis – that is, the same level as for the previous biennium – and provides for $25 million of additional resources for the financing of some priority programmes identified by Member States, is estimated at $635 million.
伊泰普有 20 台机组正在运行且由于巴拉那河的水流更加稳定,与长江相比水文条件更加优越,因此伊泰普的年预期发电量可超过 95 0亿千瓦时 ,而三峡目前的预期发电量为  100 0亿千瓦时
With 20 machines in operation and favorable hydrological conditions due to the steady flow of the Paraná compared to the Yangtze, Itaipu is expected to reach an annual output of over 95 000 GWh, compared to a currently estimated 100 000 GWh for Three Gorges.
摘要根据发展和改革委员会六部委联合下发,“半导体照明的意见能源产业》、文件2015,半导体照明工业总产值节约30%的年平均增长率;市场占有率逐年增加,功能灯背光液晶显示器的20%上升到50%、园林装饰及其他产品的市场份额的70%以上,有效提升自主创新能力的企业、大型MOCVD设备、关键原材料,超过70%的芯片,局部的上游芯片规模3 -
[...] 5家厂家;工业集中显著增加,用自己的品牌,一个更大的市场的中坚力量的影响在10龙头企业,初步建立标准为半导体照明系统,完成年度节能 4 0 0 亿千 瓦 时以上,相当于减少4000万吨的二氧化碳排放。
According to Development and Reform Commission jointly issued by six ministries, "the views of the semiconductor lighting energy industry", file 2015, the semiconductor lighting industrial output value of saving 30% average annual growth rate; market share increase year by year, functional lighting 20% of LCD backlight up to 50%, and landscape decorations and other products for more than 70% market share; significantly enhance the ability of independent innovation of enterprises, large-scale MOCVD equipment, the key raw materials, and more than 70% of the chip, the localized upstream chip scale 3-5 home manufacturers; industry concentration significantly increased, with their own brand, the backbone of a larger market impact of 10 leading enterprises around; initially established standards for
semiconductor lighting system; achieve annual
[...] energy saving 40 billion kwh, equivalent to [...]
less 40 million tons of carbon dioxide emission.
他指出,到目前为止平均每年向多边基金提供的金额为 1 亿 5 千万美 元,最终加速 氯氟烃淘汰而带来的臭氧层的保护和气候利益证明继续向多边基金和《蒙特利尔议定书》 提供财务支持是正确的。
He noted that the contributions to the Multilateral Fund had so far averaged US $150 million per year and that the ozone protection and climate benefits of eventual 57 accelerated HCFC phase-out justified continued financial support of the Multilateral Fund and of the Montreal Protocol.




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