单词 | 十项 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 十项 —ten itemsless common: decathlon (athletics) Examples:十项全能—decathlon
反贪腐也是联合国全球契约的基石, “十项原则 ”中的一项就是:企业应当反 对各种形式的贪腐,包括敲诈勒索和行贿 [...] 受贿。 tetrapak.com | Fighting corruption is a cornerstone of the UN [...] Global Compact. Its tenth principle states [...]that “businesses should work against corruption [...]in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”. tetrapak.com |
这份文件列出对残疾人至关重要的 十项 权 利 ,并指出 了有关残疾人机会平等的主要政策领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | This document lists ten rights of special [...] importance for persons with disabilities and identifies key areas of the policy [...]of equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
蒙古也是联合国七项劳工公约与劳工组织 二 十项 公 约 的缔约 国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mongolia is also a party to 7 UN conventions and 20 ILO conventions on labour. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Emerson 数据中心模型中,能效逻辑头十项策 略 的运用实际上节约了三分之二宝贵的高层空间、三分之一不间断电源和 [...] 40% 的精确制冷。 emerson.com | In the Emerson data center model, [...] implementation of the top 10 Energy Logic [...]strategies actually freed up two-thirds of valuable [...]raised floor space, one-third of uninterruptible power supply capacity, and 40 percent of precision cooling capacity. emerson.com |
非洲经委会力求满足数十项有关 新出现和一直存在的发展方面问题的技术 合作要求,这些问题包括气候变化、两性平等、信息和通信技术促进发展、贸易 和加强区域一体化。 daccess-ods.un.org | ECA catered to scores of technical cooperation requests concerning emerging and persistent development issues, including climate change, gender, ICT for development, trade and strengthening regional integration. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球契约办事处应该同所有的利益攸关者协商,设法通过一项关于参与者的 [...] 类别和区域构成的政策决定,以便确保全球契约参与者的数量和质量之间的适当 平衡,同时加强十项原则 的普遍适用性和相关性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Global Compact Office should seek to adopt, after consultation with all stakeholders, a policy decision on the composition of participants by category and geographical region, in order to ensure an appropriate balance between the number of Global Compact [...] participants and qualitative representation, and reinforce the universal application [...] and relevance of the ten principles. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的产品拥有几十项大型呼叫中心项目的成功案例,于2009年和2010年赢得“亚太最佳呼叫中心整体解决方案供应商奖”。 pactera.com | Our products have dozens of successful cases covering large call center projects, and have won [...] “Asia-Pacific Best Call Center [...]Total Solutions Provider” award in 2009 and 2010. pactera.com |
在此之后的这段时间 内,根据执行局就此问题通过的十一 项 决 定 和大会 的 十项 决 议 ,巴勒斯坦权力机构借助以下 措施积极参加了联合国教科文组织的活动:1993 [...] 年 12 月成立了其职权是讨论合作开展共同 优先事项的联合国教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委员会;1994年4月制定了"援助巴 [...]勒斯坦人民计划"(PAPP),2000 年 4 月将其重新定名为"联合国教科文组织援助巴勒斯坦 计划"(UPP);1997年5月开设了联合国教科文组织哈马拉办事处,主要通过权力下放和 筹集追加资金,使该办事处的活动能力在本双年度期间再次得到了实质性的加强;在加沙城 设立项目分部有助于本组织积极参与对因加沙地带的近期冲突(2008 年 12 月-2009 年 1 月)所受影响提供人道主义应急行动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Since then, in [...] compliance with the 11 decisions of the Executive Board and ten resolutions [...]of the General Conference in [...]that regard, the Palestinian Authority has been closely associated with the activities of the Organization thanks to: the establishment in December 1993 of the Joint UNESCO/Palestinian Authority Committee, whose mandate is to discuss joint cooperation priorities; the creation in April 1994 of the Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP), which became the UNESCO Programme for Palestine (UPP) in April 2000; the opening in May 1997 of a UNESCO Office in Ramallah whose capacity for action has been substantially reinforced during the current biennium, primarily by the decentralization and mobilization of additional funds and the setting up of a Project Antenna in Gaza City enabling the Organization to contribute actively to the humanitarian response following the recent conflict (December 2008January 2009) which has affected the Gaza Strip. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,Emerson 模型还计算了这十项策略 中每一项的投资收益率/回收期,帮助各机构就每个具体数据中心的最有效技术做出更好的抉择。 emerson.com | The Emerson model also calculates ROI/payback periods for each of the 10 strategies to help organizations make better decisions regarding the most efficient technologies for a particular data center. emerson.com |
4 月 7 日和 8 日,政府在联合 [...] 国开发计划署(开发署)和经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)的支持下,安排与国家 和国际利益攸关者进行磋商,讨论脆弱国家国际承 诺 十项 原 则 ,并验证 2001 年 1 月有关《巴黎宣言》和《在脆弱国家和局势中的良好国际参与原则》调查的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 7 and 8 April, the Government, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), organized consultations with national and [...] international stakeholders [...] to discuss the 10 principles for international commitment in fragile States, [...]and to validate the findings of the surveys on the Paris Declaration and the Principles for Good International [...]Engagement in Fragile States and Situations conducted in January 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
该战略 中的十项教育 目标除了推进千年发展目标 2 和 3 以外,也直接间接为其他六项目 标作出重大贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | set out in the strategy will also, above and beyond advancing Millennium Development Goals 2 and 3, make a fundamental contribution to the other six Goals, either directly or indirectly. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为联合国全球契约(UN Global Compact )的签署人,我们承诺与股东一起参与促进全球契约 的 十项 原 则 和更广泛的目标,诸如千年发展目标。 foss.cn | As a signatory to the UN Global Compact we are committed to engaging with stakeholders to advance the Compact’s ten principles as well as broader objectives such as the Millennium Development Goals”, says Tue Byskov Bøtkjær, Senior Vice President HR, IT & Communications. foss.nl |
毒品和犯罪问题 [...] 办公室与全球契约推出了供私人部门使用的关于 第 十项 原 则和《反腐败公约》 的电子学习工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC and the Global Compact launched an e-learning tool for the private [...] sector on the tenth principle and [...]the Convention against Corruption. daccess-ods.un.org |
全 球契约办公室应重新审查其方法,并重新优先重视制 订一个更协调一致的任务规定,将 十项 原 则 纳入其所 有业务活动中,与民间社会和工商界以外的其他行为 [...] 体合作,同时促进联合国与公共和私营部门建立新的 伙伴关系,支持联合国的目标和价值观。 daccess-ods.un.org | The GCO should revisit its approach and refocus [...] its priorities on a more coherent mandate, [...] incorporating the ten principles into [...]all the activities of businesses, in cooperation [...]with civil society and other actors outside the business world, while involving the Organization and private and public sectors in forging new partnerships in support of United Nations goals and values. daccess-ods.un.org |
假设 1 十项典型研究提供了支持假设1的证据。 fao.org | Ten case studies provided evidence [...] supporting Hypothesis 1. fao.org |
政府提出一系列改善免入息审查贷款计划运作的建议,共 有 十项 , 藉 以(i)减轻学生贷款人的还款负担;(ii)避免贷款人过度借贷及加强合资格申请免入息审查贷款课程的质素保证;以及(iii)更有效地打击拖欠还款的问题。 forum.gov.hk | The Government has drawn up a package of 10 improvement measures aim to (i) ease the repayment burden of student loan borrowers; (ii) reduce excessive borrowing of loan borrowers and ensure the quality of eligible courses; and (iii) tackle the student loan default problem more effectively. forum.gov.hk |
协助全球顶尖品牌建立和保持道德文化的道德合规性行业领先企业Integrity Interactive Corporation( www.i2c.com )今天宣布新增十项新课 程和十二个新通信工具。 tipschina.gov.cn | Integrity Interactive Corporation ( www.i2c.com ), a leader in the ethical compliance industry, helping some of the world's top brands build and maintain ethical cultures, today announced the addition of ten new courses and twelve new communication tools. tipschina.gov.cn |
毒品和犯罪问题办公室推出 了以第十项原则 和《联合国反腐败公约》为重点的私营部门电子学习工具。2毒 [...] 品和犯罪问题办公室将共同主办联合国系统私营部门联络点 2012 年关于“加快 联合国—企业伙伴关系”的会议,该会议将于 2012 年 3 月 [...]28 日和 29 日在维也 纳举行。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC launched an e-learning tool for the private [...] sector focusing on the tenth principle and the [...]United Nations Convention against [...]Corruption.2 UNODC will co-host the United Nations System Private Sector Focal Points Meeting 2012 on “Accelerating United Nations-business partnerships”, to be held in Vienna on 28 and 29 March 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
成宇时代致力于成为CCTV产品的市场主导者,每年都要投入大量的科研经费在新产品的研发和已有产品的改进中,每年都有 数 十项 新 产 品或新技术推向客户,以提供最新,最优质的产品去满足广大客户的需求。 cn.cytech.net.cn | CYTech invest a lot for new products [...] R&D to go in for CCTV market main leader,, every [...] year there are dozens of new products [...]for clients new high-level quest. cytech.net.cn |
1 以 下十项标准 被认为是选定地区总部所在地的最重要标准:(1) [...] 与客户和市场的近距离、(2) 有利的法律和监管 环境、(3) 稳定且有利的政治环境、(4) 有利的商业环境、(5) 有利的税收环境、(6) 人力资本的获取、(7) 运营 成本、(8) [...]透明且宽松的市场准入制度、(9) 与生产设施的近距离,以及 (10) 分销渠道的建立。 euccc.com.cn | The following ten criteria were considered [...] most important for the location of a regional headquarters: (1) proximity to [...]clients and markets, (2) favourable legal and regulatory environment, (3) stable and favourable political environment, (4) favourable business environment, (5) favourable tax environment, (6) access to human capital, (7) cost of operations, (8) transparent and easy market access, (9) proximity to production facilities, and (10) access to distribution channels. euccc.com.cn |
显示按钮上的图像的禁用状态时,此 选 项十 分有 用。 redlion.net | This option is useful when showing the disabled state of an image on a button. redlion.net |
创 建触摸时应进行反馈的自定义按钮时,此 选 项十 分 有 用。 redlion.net | This option is useful when creating custom buttons that should provide feedback when touched. redlion.net |
欧洲委员会和项目合作伙伴认为欧洲地名项目是 一 项十 分 成功的项目,它现 在为欧洲地理协会及其成员、欧洲国家制图和地籍局协会提供了极佳的机会,以 国家和欧洲空间资料基础设施的参考资料提供者的身份,来满足今后的需要(例 如欧洲共同体空间信息基础设施 INSPIRE)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognized as a very successful project by the European Commission and the project partners, EuroGeoNames now provides excellent opportunities for EuroGeographics and its members, the European association of national mapping and cadastral agencies, to meet future requirements (e.g., INSPIRE) in their role as reference information providers for national and European spatial data infrastructures. daccess-ods.un.org |
2007 至 2017 年,该组织正在实施一项十年期 试点项目,以提升、恢复和 发展部落地区,包括使吉大港山区的乞丐和部落男女融入社会主流;以及使整 [...] 个孟加拉国的失业青年男女、孤儿和受灾害影响的男女老少得到复原。 daccess-ods.un.org | From 2007 to 2017, the organization [...] is implementing a ten-year pilot plan to uplift, [...]rehabilitate and develop tribal areas, [...]including the integration of beggars and the tribal men and women of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, into the mainstream of society; and to rehabilitate unemployed young men and women, orphans, and disaster-affected men, women and children throughout Bangladesh. daccess-ods.un.org |
一 些会员国建议,应该根据联合国有关教育的两个 “ 十 年 ” 重新确定“次”优先 事 项 , 但 也有 会员国强调下列问题的重要性:如和平文化和人权教育、技术和职业教育以及需要继续支持 [...] 中等教育和高等教育。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some suggested that the “other” priorities [...] should be redefined in the [...] light of the two United Nations decades relating to education, while others [...]stressed the importance [...]of issues such as education for a culture of peace and human rights, technical and vocational education, as well as the relevance of sustained support to secondary education and higher education. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为此采取的一项措施是于 2005 年 10 月 27 日发起一项十年 期全国发展计划,为领土的发展提出长期设想,并为政府和私营部门的活动提出 了一个战略框架,2007 年工作文件(A/AC.109/2007/5)报告了这项计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | One measure taken was the launch of a 10-year national development plan on 27 October 2005, reported in the 2007 working paper (A/AC.109/2007/5), with the aim of providing a long-term vision for the Territory’s development and a strategic framework for Government and private sector activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如在对他第二次报告的讨论中有一名会员指出的那样,对国际法中任何议 题,逐步地商讨拟订并编纂成法律是 一 项十 分 耗时的任务,整个过程中的每一步 骤既是一项工作最终成果,而同时又是始终持续开展的工作的新起点。 daccess-ods.un.org | As one member had pointed out during the discussion of his second report, the progressive development and codification of any topic in international law was a timeconsuming task, each step along the way being at once the culmination yet at the same time a new beginning in what was always a work in progress. daccess-ods.un.org |
在文化 方面,制订准则就象在科学和生物伦理领域一样是 一 项十 分 重要的职能,因为教科文组织是 唯一能够制订这种国际和全球性准则的一个政府间组织。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As regards culture, standard-setting is very important as it is in the area of science and bioethics, since UNESCO is the only intergovernmental organization that can develop those standards at international and global levels. unesdoc.unesco.org |
改进联合国的维持和平行动是一项十 分 重 要的 任务,其中涉及提高维持和平行动的管理质量,更 有效地利用区域组织的资源,以及建设联合国自身 在维持和平各个重要领域的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Improving United Nations peacekeeping was a fundamental task which involved enhancing the quality of peacekeeping operation management, more effectively utilizing the resources of regional organizations and building the capacities of the United Nations itself in all key areas of peacekeeping. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席先生,最后,我愿感谢你提出这 项十 分 值 得 欢迎的倡议,呼吁安理会对索马里问题给予比迄今为 止更大的关注,向所有为过渡联邦政府、非索特派团、 伊加特和非盟提供协助的国家表示我们的谢意。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to conclude by thanking you personally, Sir, for this very welcome initiative, by appealing to the Council to give the Somalia situation far greater attention than it has received to date, and by extending our gratitude to all States that have rendered assistance to the TFG, AMISOM, IGAD and the AU. daccess-ods.un.org |