

单词 十有八九

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External sources (not reviewed)

案例法认为,倘若离胜算前景甚远十有八九诉,而 且当胜诉看来无确切把握,对于一个有理智,尚有些财力的诉讼人是不会贸然提 [...]
Case law considersthat a case has nochance of [...]
success if the prospects of winning it are considerably less than losing
it and if success cannot be seen as a serious possibility, to the extent that a reasonable, well-off litigant would not embark on the procedure on account of the costs they would be liable to incur.
於二零零六年六月三十日,本集有九十八 职雇员(二零零五年十二月三十一日:九十五名), 包括北京办事处之十六名员工。
As at 30 June 2006, the Group had 98 (31 December 2005: 95) permanent staff, including 16 in its Beijing Representative Office.
彼於九九八入 本集团前,已商业及企业银行业经验。
Prior to joining the Group, he had over 15 years of experience in commercial and corporate banking.
根据大会第二十六届会议通过并经第 十八 十九议修订的《关于联合国教科 文组织与基金会及其它类似机构之关系的指示》第 II 和第 V 条的要求,总干事在此向执行 局通就与基金会及其它类似机构建立为期六年且期满后可续延之正式关系所做决定 的情况。
Under Section II and Section V of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions adopted by the General Conference atits 26th session and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions, the Director-General shall inform the Executive Board of her decision to establish official relations with foundations and similar institutions for a renewable term of six years.
因此,我确实希望自己随时以一个旁观者的中立眼光来看 待这一盛会,对参加这一盛会,我当然极为自豪,更何况正如大家所知,有六百多位与 会者,其有八十长、十位教育部副部长府间组织和十三个非政府组织, 他们来自教科文组织的一百二十七个会员国,我就更引为自豪了。
I am here as a “notary”, and I have therefore genuinely tried – at every moment – to keep a neutral, outsider’s eye on this event, in which I am obviously extremely proud to have participated, particularly since, as you know, there are more than 600 registered participants, including 80 ministers and 10 deputy ministers of education, nineintergovernmental organizations and thirteen NGOs from UNESCO’s 127 Member States.
本公司执行董事及副行政总裁魏义军先生於一九九六年六月三日与亚洲卫 司订立服务合约, 初步为期两年,由一九九六年六十八九九八月十七日,并於往後继续生效,除非或直至任 何一方向另一方於最初两年届满时或其後之任何时间发出不少於六个历月之书面通知,予以终止。
Mr. William WADE, an ED and the DCEO of the Company entered into a service contract with Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited on 3 June 1996 for an initial term of two years from 18 June 1996 to 17 June 1998 and thereafter, the contract shall continue unless or until terminated by either party in writing giving to the other not less than six calendar months’ notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period.
(8) 根 据 营 业 执 照 第 420100400003206 号 , 武 汉 国 际集装 箱 转 运 有 限 公 司 成 立 时 之 注 册 资 本 为 人 民 币 130,000,000 元营 期 自九九八四 月至 二 零 四 八 年 四 月 十 六 日 为 期 五 十 年 。
(8) According to Business License No. 420100400003206, Wuhan International Container Transshipment Company Limited was established with a registered capital of RMB130,000,000 foravalid operation period of 50 years from 16 April 1998 to 16 April 2048.
大会第六十五届会议决定在大会第六十七届会议题为“消除种族主义、种 族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为”的项目下审议委员会第 十八十九议报告以及八十一届会议报告、秘书长关于委员会财务状况的报 告以及秘书长关于《公约》现况的报告(第 65/200 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly decided to consider, at its sixtyseventh session, under the item entitled “Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”, the reports of the Committee on its seventyeighth and seventy-ninth and its eightieth and eighty-first sessions, the report of the Secretary-General on the financial situation of the Committee and the report of the Secretary-General on the status of the Convention (resolution 65/200).
根据本公司的内部评估及讨论,并根据董事会审核委员会进行的审阅,按照该公告所 述的若干主要假设及限制,资本化可能引致(i)於截至二零一一年三月三十一日止年度的本 集团纯利减少65%及於二零一一年三月三十一日的本集团资产净值减少54%(诚如本公司於 二零一一十九发的公告所述),(ii)截至二零一一年九月三十日止六个月的本集团 纯利减少51%及截至二零一一年九月三十日止六个月的本集团资产净值减少52%。
According to the Company’s internal assessment and discussion and pursuant to the review conducted by the audit committee of the Board, subject to certain key assumptions and limitation(s) stated therein, (i) a decrease of 65% in the net profit of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2011 and 54% in net assets of the Group as at 31 March 2011 (as mentioned in the announcement of the Company dated 19 August 2011); (ii) a decrease of 51% in net profit of the Group for the six months ended 30 September 2011 and 52% in net assets of the Group for the six months ended 30 September 2011, may be derived from the Capitalisation.
十九员国的代表,其中联合王国代表欧盟(保加利亚、克罗地亚、罗马尼亚和土耳其参 加欧盟),巴拿马代表拉丁美洲和加勒比集团(GRULAC),哥斯达黎加代表七十七国集团(中国 参加该集团),佛得角代表拉丁美洲联盟及南非代表非洲集团,以及两个观察员政府组织 的代表发了言。
The representatives of 79 Member States, including the United Kingdom on behalf of the
European Union (with which
[...] Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Turkey associated themselves), Panama on behalf of the Latin America and the Caribbean group, Costa Rica on behalf of the Group of 77 (with which China associated itself), Cape Verde on behalf of the Latin Union, and South Africa on behalf of the Africa group, as well as two observers and eight nongovernmental organizations took the floor.
(ii) 如为任何其他会议,则获有权出席大会并於会上表决的大多数股东(合 共持有的股份以面值计不少於 权利股份的百分 九十同 意。
(ii) in the case of any other meeting, by a majority in number of the members having a right to attend and vote at the meeting,
being a majority together
[...] holding not less than ninety-five per cent. in nominal value of the shares giving that right.
委员会获悉,在第十八和第十九议之间,秘书长收到了安哥拉 的第三和第四次合并定期报告、布隆迪和格林纳达的第二次定期报告、突尼斯第 [...]
三次定期报告、比利时,西班牙和苏丹的第三和第四次合并定期报告、以及丹麦 和尼加拉瓜的第四次定期报告。
The Committee was informed that
[...] between its forty-eighth and forty-ninthsessions, the [...]
Secretary-General had received the
consolidated second, third and fourth periodic report of Angola, the second periodic reports of Burundi and Grenada, the third periodic report of Tunisia, the consolidated third and fourth periodic reports of Belgium, Spain and Sudan and the fourth periodic reports of Denmark and Nicaragua.
大会第六十四届会议请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室在其任务授权范围内 加大努力,继地发展反恐领域以及与该办公室任务相关的专题领域的专 门法律知识,并应请求为建设会员国的能力提供技术援助,以批准和执行各项恐 怖主义问题国际公约和议定书,特别是通过编制技术工具和出版物以及对刑事司 法官员进行培训等途径,此外请该办公室向预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会 十九议报告其在这方面的活动;并请秘书长就决议执行情况向大会第六十五届会议 提交报告(第 64/177 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, within its mandate, to intensify its efforts to continue to systematically develop specialized legal knowledge in the area of counter-terrorism and pertinent thematic areas of relevance to the mandates of the Office and to provide, upon request, technical assistance for building the capacity of Member States to ratify and implement the international conventions and protocols
related to terrorism, especially
[...] through the preparation of technical tools and publications and the training of criminal justice officials, and requested the Office to report to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its nineteenth session on the activities of the Office in that regard; and also requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution [...]
24 除上述所披露者外,本公司或其任何附属公司於截至二零零二年六月三十日止六个月期间内概无
[...] 订立任何安排,使本公司董事或行政总裁可藉购入本公司或任何其他公司之股份或债务证券(包 括债券)而获益、而期内各董事、行政总裁、其配偶 十八下之子女概无认购本公 司证券之权利,亦未曾行使任何此等权利。
Save as disclosed above, at no time during the six months ended 30 June 2002 was the Company or any of its subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the directors or the chief executive of the Company to acquire benefits by means of acquisition of shares in, or debt securities (including debentures) of, the Company or any other body corporate and none of the
directors, the chief
[...] executive, their spouses or children under theage of18, had any rights [...]
to subscribe for securities
of the Company, or had exercised any such rights during the period.
其他与会者有八一问题的资源联络人(包 括顾问) ,集体安全条约组织和国际委员会的代表,以及俄罗斯杜马( 议 会 )的一名代表术专家和一名来自私营军事和保安公司的代表。
Also attending were eightresource persons (including consultants) on thesubject, representatives from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the International Committee oftheRedCross,a member of the Russian State Duma, representatives from civil society, a representative of the United Nations Information Centre,nine academics and [...]
a representative from
a private military and security company.
然而,失控的城市化可能对人类福祉和社会经济发这样的城市化是 造成城市内外环境问题的一个关键因素,例如不可持续地利用为城市提供资源的生 态系统,以及城市对全球问题(例如沿海/海洋污染)的推动作用(见图 十八)
However, uncontrolled urbanization can be detrimental to human well-being and socio-economic
development; such
[...] urbanization is a key contributor to environmental issues inside and outside the city, such as the unsustainable use of ecosystems supplying cities with resources and the contribution of cities to global issues, such as coastal/marine pollution (see figure XXVIII).
本信托契约已分别根 据九八九 六日、一九九一年六月一日、一九九一年十一月二十六日、一九九一年十 二月二日、一九九二年三月三十一日、一九九三年六月七日、一九九六年四月十五日、一九九 九年六月二十四日、二零零一年十月三十一日、二零零二年十月七日及二零零七年七 月九日之 附加信托契约,以及一九九五年五月二十日之卸任及就任契约,和二零零三年十月二十四日之 基金经理卸任及就任契约以及构成大福 SRI 亚洲基金的信托契约之修改而修订。
This Trust Deed has been amended by supplemental trust deeds dated 16th October, 1989, 1st June 1991, 26th November 1991, 2nd December 1991, 31st March 1992, 7th June 1993, 15th April 1996, 24th June 1999, 31st October 2001, 7th October 2002 and 9th July 2007 respectively, a Deed of Retirement and Appointment dated 20th May 1995 and a Deed of Retirement and Appointment of Manager and Modification of the Trust Deed constituting Taifook SRI Asia Fund dated 24th October 2003.
在这个问题上,应该注意,世界遗产委员会第三十四届会议(2010 年 7 月 25 日–8 月 3 日,巴西,巴西利亚)通过了关于“保护巴勒斯坦文化与自然遗产”的 34 COM 11 号决 定,世界遗产委员会鼓励根据其第 十九议的建议,“方协调,重新 启动以色列 -- 巴勒斯坦考古技术联合委员会”,并为此 [请 ] “世界遗产中心和国际古迹遗 址理事会进行一次考察,评估列入“可能具有突出普遍价值的巴勒斯坦遗产清单”的主要遗 产地的保护状况。
In this context, it should be noted that at its 34th session (25 July-3 August 2010, Brasilia, Brazil), the World Heritage Committee adopted Decision 34 COM 11 relating to “the protection of the Palestinian cultural and natural heritage” by which it encouraged “the reactivation of the joint Israeli-Palestinian Technical Committee for Archaeology in coordination with the concerned parties”, as recommended at the 29th and 30th sessions of the World Heritage Committee and, as such, requested “the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS to undertake a mission to assess the state of conservation of the main sites listed in the Inventory of Palestinian Heritage of potential Outstanding Universal Value”.
这里不妨回顾指出,委员 会第十八议通过该决定时,委员会秘书处曾非正式地向委员会通报其决定 所涉经费问题,但是文件说明需要这些概算费用,也没有任何正式说明 记录在案,这纯粹是由于时间局促。
It may be recalled
[...] that at the time of adoption of the decision by the Committee atits forty-eighth session,the Committee was informally advised by its Secretariat of the financial [...]
implications of
its decision, but documentation to support the estimated costs, was not provided nor was there an official statement recorded, due purely to time constraints.
法律小组委员会满意地注意到外层空间使用核动力源问题工作组根据科学 和技术小组委员会第四十七届会议通过的多年期工作计划和目标(A/AC.105/ 958,附件二,第 7 和第 8 段),在科学和技术小组委员会第 十八 十九议期间组织的各次讲习班。
The Legal Subcommittee noted with satisfaction the workshops organized by the Working Group on the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space during the forty-eighth and the forty-ninth sessions of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, in accordance with the multi-year workplan and objectives adopted by the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee at its forty-seventh session (A/AC.105/958, annex II, paras. 7 and 8).




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