单词 | 十月份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 十月份—OctoberExamples:十二月份—December 十一月份—November See also:十月—tenth month (of the lunar year) 月份n—monthn monthspl
我还要感谢乌干达在十月份担任安 理会轮值主席期间致力于进一步推动这项具有里程 碑意义的决议的实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let me also thank Uganda for its commitment to further advance the implementation of this landmark resolutionduring its presidency of the Council in the month of October. daccess-ods.un.org |
十大令人惊讶事件的编写是一个漫长的过程,从十月份就开 始,而在圣诞节和新年夜之间的那个星期里,我仍在调整它们。 china.blackstone.com | The development ofthe Ten Surprises is a long process that begins inOctober and I am still [...] tweaking them in the week between [...]Christmas and New Year’s Eve. blackstone.com |
(1) (a) 政府和港灯应於每年十月份进行电费检 讨。 hkelectric.com | (1) (a)InOctober of each Year a Tariff [...] Review shall be conducted jointly by the Government and HEC. hkelectric.com |
乐高的公告紧随同行业的孩之宝公司(NYSE: [...] HAS),孩之宝是美国领先的玩具制造商,它十月份称将与当地合作伙伴奥飞动漫(Shenzhen: [...]002292)建合资企业来开发中国市场。 youngchinabiz.com | Lego’s announcement follows a similar one from [...] Hasbro (NYSE: HAS), a leading US toymaker, [...] whichsaid in October itwouldform [...]a joint venture with local partner Alpha Animation [...](Shenzhen: 002292) to develop toys for the China market. youngchinabiz.com |
国泰航空货运营业及市务总经理刁志辉表示:「我们的货运营业额向来在十月份都会有所增加,但今年我们的主要市场包括香港的需求却比预期疲弱。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific General Manager Cargo Sales & Marketing Titus [...] Diu said: "Usually we see a surge in our [...] cargo businessin Octoberbutthis year demand [...]was weaker than expected in most of [...]our key markets, including Hong Kong. swirepacific.com |
於二零一二年七月,Glencore发行450百万瑞士 [...] 法郎(473百万美元)二零一八年十二月到期,息率为2.625%之债券,而於十月份,已 承诺的364日17亿美元金属流动资金融资已透过一项新的等 [...]同融资进行再融资,融资金额增加22.2亿美元。 glencore.com | In July 2012, Glencore issued CHF 450 million [...] ($ 473 million) 2.625% interest bearing [...] bondsdue December 2018, while inOctober,the 364-day [...]committed $ 1.7 billion metals’ [...]working capital borrowing base facility was refinanced with a new equivalent facility at an increased amount of $ 2.22 billion. glencore.com |
十月份举行的大会届会可减至 17 个日历日(而不是三十一届会议的 20 天和以往届 会的 24 天):大会于星期--开幕,第三周的星期三闭幕。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Conference would open on a Monday and end on the Wednesday of the third week. unesdoc.unesco.org |
针对在 2010-1 学年就学年就读 12 年级的学生,经该学年的十月份CBEDS 注册证明,本表以群体类别显示符合完成 12 年级的州及地方毕业要求规定学生的百分比,包括通过 [...] CAHSEE 两科目或地方或州的免试资格。 sfusd.edu | For students who began in 09-10 school year [...] in the 12th grade, as evidenced by that school year's October CBEDSenrollment, [...]the table displays [...]by student group the percent who met all state and local graduation requirements for grade 12 completion, including having passed both portions of the CAHSEE or received a local waiver or state exemption. sfusd.edu |
泰国和越南在十月份遭遇暴 雨及其造成的洪水,两国受影响的家庭分别为 477 [...] 000 家和 210 000 家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Torrential rainfall resulted in flooding in Thailand [...] and Viet Nam in October, affecting more [...]than 477,000 and 210,000 households, respectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
该组织代表参加了下述活动:2005 年:(a)世界贸易组织的“全球行动周”运动; (b)“反贫穷行动全球呼吁”国际纲领 6 月在伦敦主办的会议,配合联合国开 发计划署(开发署)为实现千年发展目标开展的活动;(c)在中国特别行政区香 港召开的世界贸易组织部长级会议;(d)在新德里召开的第二届世界童工问题大 会;(e)十月份和平之桌/人民的联合国大会;(f)“反贫穷行动全球呼吁”运动, 并收集 5 000 个签名,送交秘书长,以促进千年发展目标 8 的实现;(g)社会观 察的协调会议;(h)联合国新闻部的 2005 年届会;(i)经济及社会理事会年度会 议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization’s representatives participated as follows:2005 : (a) World Trade Organization Campaign “Global Week of Action”; (b) Conference organized by the international platform “Global Call To Action Against Poverty”, in London in June, connected with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) activities on the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); (c) World Trade Organization Ministerial conference in Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China; (d) Second World Congress on Child Labour, in New Delhi; (e) Assembly of the Tavola della Pace/ONU dei Popoli; (f) Campaign “Global Call To Action Against Poverty”, and the collection of 5,000 signatures sent to the SecretaryGeneral for the achievement of the MDG 8; (g) Social Watch’s coordination meetings; (h) 2005 session of the United Nations Department of Public Information; (i) the Economic and Social Council annual meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
自从安理会最近就此问题举行公开辩论会(见 [...] S/PV.6590)以来,以色列已批准在霍马山定居点修建 900 [...] 个住房单元,在 Gilo 建造 1 100 个住房单元,还 不算十月份披露的 Givat Hamatos 计划,即耶路撒冷 市内有 [...]2 600 个住房单元的大规模全新定居点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the Council’s most recent public debate on this issue (see S/PV.6590), Israel has approved the construction of 900 housing units in the Har Homa [...] settlement and 1,100 at Gilo, [...] without counting the disclosure inOctober oftheplansfor Givat [...]Hamatos, a vast and entirely [...]new settlement of 2,600 housing units in the city of Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
永远之法》动画电影於 2006 [...] 年首演,即获选日本权威娱乐杂志 “PIA”「十月 份第2最高票房纪录电影」。 propublicity.com | The leading Japanese entertainment magazine “PIA” ranked The Laws of Eternity as ‘the 2nd highest grossing box [...] office film ofOctober 2006 inJapan’. propublicity.com |
直至今日国际展览的邀约仍不间断,尤其过去一年来,她忙碌於筹备展览,例如去年十月份巴黎庞毕度中心的回顾展,今年二月伦敦泰德现代美术馆大型回顾展,紧接着七月移师纽约惠特尼美术馆(Whitney Museum of American Art)继续展出。 ravenelart.com | She is still frequently invited to show her work at international galleries and exhibitions, and the past year has been a particularly busy one, seeing Kusama prepare for a slew of current and upcoming events, including a retrospective of her work at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris in October last year, which has now moved to the Tate Modern in London (February 9 through June 5), and will head to the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York in July. ravenelart.com |
鉴 於 上 文 所 述 , 吾 等 [...] 认 为 , 除 二 零 一一年十 月 份外,在 正 常 情 况 下之回 [...]顾 期 间 内 , 股 份之整 体 流 通 性 偏 低 。 cigyangtzeports.com | In view of the above, we consider [...] that, save for the month of October 2011, the [...]overall liquidity of the Shares was relatively [...]low in normal circumstances during the Review Period. cigyangtzeports.com |
上星期已决定学年于今年十月份结束,大学也已关闭,这无疑损害了在洪都拉斯的受 [...] 教育权。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Last week, it was [...] decided to end the school year inOctober. unesdoc.unesco.org |
不过,十月份平均 数字则明显比九月份高。 hkupop.hku.hk | Both GA and SA have dropped significantly. However, the [...] average PSI of October issignificantly [...]higher than that of September. hkupop.hku.hk |
尚德电力十月份雇佣瑞士银行帮助它与债券持有者重新协商这一债务,但是我们还未听到谈判的任何结果。 youngchinabiz.com | Suntech hired UBS in October to help it renegotiate [...] the debt with holders of the bonds, but we haven’t heard any results yet of the negotiations. youngchinabiz.com |
市民对特区政府表现的满意程度方面,不满情绪继去年九至十一 月份在高位徘徊後,在十二 月份已开 始回落,而满意程度则由去年十月份开始持续回升。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding people's appraisal of the government's performance, dissatisfaction has apparently dropped since it peaked between SeptemberandNovember last year. hkupop.hku.hk |
他们在本赛季的比赛中还无壹胜绩,而且这是十月份之前 的最後壹场比赛。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | They’re still without a win this season in the League and this is [...] the last game before we reachOctober. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
截止日期 如果贵机构目前正在使用上述 SWIFT [...] 目录,那么我们的 SWIFTRef 升级团队将在九十月份联系贵机构,简要介绍新的 SWIFTRef 选择并确保顺利过渡至最新的目录。 swift.com | SSI Directory - file If you currently use one of the above SWIFT directories, [...] our SWIFTRef Upgrades team will [...] contact youduring Septemberand October tobrief you [...]on the new SWIFTRef options and ensure [...]a smooth transition to the newest directories. swift.com |
他们在本赛季的比赛中还无一胜绩,而且这是十月份之前 的最后一场比赛。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | They’re still without a win this season in the League and this is [...] the last game before we reachOctober. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
每年的十月份温哥华国际电影节的旋风横扫全城,放映超过300部影片,并由好莱坞名人和国际电影人均加入阵容。 zoni.com | EveryOctober,the Vancouver International [...] Film Festival sweeps into town, showing over 300 films and attended by luminaries [...]from Hollywood and the international film scene. zoni.com |
在过去一年,我们为每位学员提供两个「个别训练计划」及一个「个别照顾计划 」,完成率达一百分之一百,符合「津助及服务协议」之要求;与此同时,展能中心及宿舍在零四年十月份均有一位新学员接受服务以取代去年暑假期间病逝之学员名额。 hksb.org.hk | Each trainee was given two Individual Training Plans (ITP) and one Individual Care Plan (ICP) during the year under review. hksb.org.hk |
缅甸也在十月份遭到旋 风吉里的袭击,260 000 人受其影响,100 [...] 000 人无家可归。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also in October, Cyclone Giri struck [...] Myanmar, affecting 260,000 people and leaving 100,000 homeless. daccess-ods.un.org |
在2008 年十月份,在克诺尔制动系统股份公司旗下成立了企业社会责任(CR)总部门。 knorr-bremse.cn | In October 2008 thecentral Corporate [...] Responsibility (CR) department was set up within Knorr-Bremse AG. knorr-bremse.co.jp |
过去 1 个月来 2011 年 10 月中至 11 月中 [...] 全球商品市场的危机警示信号出现微幅增加 同时价格也在走升 虽然欧洲的主权债务风险 [...] 持续使商品市场疲软 但美国强健的经济数据 仍然支撑住原物料价格十月份美国新车销售 量增加了 7% 工业产出也上升 失业率稳定 下降 [...]除此之外 投资者因为美国出现复苏信 号而对经济数据抱持乐观预期 [...]促使主要商品 价格走升 apecscmc.org | There was a slight increase in warning signs of a crisis [...] in the global commodity market [...] in the last one month period(mid-October to mid-November 2011) [...]as well as an upward turn [...]in prices. Although the sovereign debt risks from Europe continued to weigh down on the commodity markets, healthy US economic data supported raw material prices. apecscmc.org |
在此,我们特别鸣谢积极参与本年的10.10.10抗贫主日的堂会,也盼望有更多堂会能预备明年十月份档期(崇 真会深水埗堂已安排了明年的10.10.10抗贫主日),以不同形式和参与,同心合意关怀及服待贫穷人,促进教 [...] 会合一见证。 hkcnp.org.hk | Here, we would like to give special thanks to churches which actively participated in “10.10.10 Anti Poverty Sunday” this year. It [...] is our hope that more churches could [...] allocateaSunday inOctober next year (Sham Shui [...]Po Tsung Tsin Church has already fixed [...]a date next year for “10.10.10 Anti Poverty Sunday”), and serve and care for the poor in different ways and forms of participation in one spirit, bearing witness to the unity of the Church. hkcnp.org.hk |
国 泰 航 空 营 业 及 收 益 管 理 部 总 经 [...] 理 邵 世 昌 表 示 :「十 月 份载客量 及 收 益 皆 取 [...]得 理 想 成 绩 , 头 等 及 商 务 客 舱 的 平 均 载 客 率 约 为 三 分 之 二 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific General Manager Revenue [...] Management, Sales & Distribution Ian Shiu said: [...] "Octoberwas a strong month in terms of passenger [...]numbers and revenue, with First [...]and Business Class cabins on average almost two-thirds full. swirepacific.com |