

单词 十年树木,百年树人

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

以前的矿区被收回并进树木补植 ,在未 十年 内 补植 200 个原矿树木的计划 近期将提交国会。
Former mining sites were being reclaimed and
replanted and a plan for the reclamation of
[...] 200 former mining sites within the next decade would be submitted shortly to Congress.
此 外 , 所十 年 樹木, 百 年 樹 人,教育對 社 會發展 非常重要, 行 政長官 說 過 很 多 次 , 我希望政 [...]
府不要吝嗇有關的 投資。
As the saying goes: It takes
[...] 10 years to grow a tree but a hundred years to nurture people. [...]
Education is of vital importance
to social development, as rightly and repeatedly pointed out by the Chief Executive.
如果單靠教育的話,正所謂十年樹 木 , 百年 樹人”, 所以在中、短期內,我們一定要採取一些措施,改變市民的態度和 習慣。
In the medium and short terms, we must adopt some measures to change people's attitude and habit.
这项为期年的计 划由以下五个部分组成:第 1 部分:文化遗产,重点放在国家加强 对文化遗产的合法保护和保存的能力建设方面;第 2 部分:考古遗址和历史建筑物,加强对 考古遗址和历史建筑物的监管;第 3 部分:博物馆和文化机构:包括修复这类机构的设施、 提供设备和进行工作人员培训;第 4 部分:图书馆和档案馆,主要目的是使国家图书馆和伊 拉克的其十个图 书馆的编目系统现代化,以及进行工 人 员 培 训;和第 5 部分:非物质遗 产,尤其是宣木卡姆音乐、保木 卡 姆档案,以及修复巴格达音乐学院,该学院是一所教 授音乐和芭蕾舞的国立学校。
The programme, which runs over a three-year period, has the following five components: Component 1: Cultural heritage at large, focusing on national capacity-building for increased legal protection and preservation of cultural heritage; Component 2:
Archaeological sites and
[...] historic buildings, to strengthen the surveillance at archaeological sites and historic buildings; Component 3: Museums and cultural institutions, including rehabilitation of facilities, provision of equipment and staff training for such institutions; Component 4: Libraries and archives, notably aimed at the modernization of the cataloguing system of the National Library and ten other libraries in Iraq, as well as staff; and Component 5: Intangible heritage, in particular the promotion of the practice of Maqam music, the protection of Maqam archives, as well as the rehabilitation of the Melodic Institute in Baghdad, the national school of music and ballet.
此外,他指 出印度尼西亚任命了教育促进可持续发展国家协调员,自那以后,印度尼西亚取 得了长足进展,其中最重要的进展于 2011 年在巴厘举行联合国气候变化问题会 议时达到最高潮,即确立了种百万 棵 树木 的 方 案。
Furthermore, it was pointed out that a national coordinator for education for sustainable development has been appointed, and that since then Indonesia has made rapid progress, of which the most crucial
progress was at the
[...] highest level at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, held in Bali in 2011, when the one million tree programme was established.
他认为,心 的概念并非仅指个人自身,而是从个人开始,流传至其他人,并 人 至 动 物以及 从动物树木、植 物,进而至石头和物体。
In his understanding, the concept of the mind is not reduced to one’s self, but starts with one’s self and flows to
other people and from people
[...] to animals and from animals to trees and plants, and thence to stones [...]
and material things.
会议指出,确保准则采用的 框架对债权国和债务国的权利和责任有明确的界定,以及准则牢固 树 立 基 于人 权的框架十分重要。
It was noted that it was important to ensure that the guidelines adopted
a framework that
[...] had clearly definable rights and responsibilities for debtors and creditors and that the guidelines were entrenched in a human rights-based [...]
此外,在 2011 年 1 月 23 日星期日,以色人用推 土机毁坏更多的巴勒斯坦农地,将伯利恒以南 Al Khader 镇的橄树、几十个葡 萄藤和扁桃树连根拔起,以便扩建只有犹太人可以使用的绕行道路,供附近 “Daniel”非法定居点使用。
In addition, on Sunday, 23 January 2011, Israeli bulldozers destroyed more Palestinian agricultural land, uprooting olive trees and dozens of grapevines and almond trees [...]
in the town of Al Khader,
south of Bethlehem, for the purpose of expanding a Jewish-only bypass road to serve the illegal settlement of “Daniel” nearby.
我 覺 得 很 奇 怪 , 為 甚麼教育界 的 人士會對 教育這 樣沒有信心 , 我剛才聽了十多位 同 事發言 ,
其 中 兩 位 來 自 教 育 界 的 同 事 都認為 教育是
[...] 10 年 、 20 年的事,可能他們聽慣 了十年 樹木, 百 年 樹 人 ” 的 說 法,因此, 認 為用這方法 來 [...]
應 付現時“水 浸 眼眉” 的 情況是 不 妥 的 。
Maybe they have grown used to the saying "it takes
[...] ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to rear a person" [...]
that they think that this is
not the right method to handle the current urgent situation.
俗語有云十年樹木、百年樹人,特 區政府只隨着特首的 喜好,或隨着一聲“財赤”,便就此向這棵教育支出的大樹,包括對大學支 [...]
As the saying goes, "It takes 10
[...] years to grow trees but a hundred to educate people". The [...]
SAR Government only follows the
whims of the Chief Executive, or on hearing the shout of "fiscal deficit", it just struck at the tree called education expenditure, as well as the tree called tertiary education expenditure, saying that this course of action would not work.
十年樹木, 百 年 樹 人,我相信如果要令香港 的 中 醫業得 到 任何重要 和 真 正的發展,政府現在 便 一定做點事,現 在 開始做事,永 遠 不 會是太 遲 的。
I am convinced that in order to enable the Chinese medicine profession in Hong Kong to achieve substantial and genuine progress, the Government must make some efforts.
阿富汗的大树脂缉获量从 2008 年创记录的 水平(271 吨)下降到 2009 年 10.5 吨的较低水平,略低于 2009 年占全球缉获总 量百分之一。
The amount of cannabis resin seized in Afghanistan fell from a record level in 2008 (271 tons) to a relatively low level of 10.5 tons in 2009, accounting for slightly less than [...]
1 per
cent of the total amount seized worldwide in 2009.
正在将《非洲树木的故事》 译成七种西非语言,以便使农村妇女和 年 从 了 解种 树木 / 植 物的重要意义及其对环境和 农村居民“改善食品方面的日常生活”的影响。
Petites histoires d’arbres en Afrique” is being translated into seven West African languages in order to inform
rural women and young people on
[...] the importance of growing trees/plants and its impact on [...]
environment and rural people’s
“improvement of everyday life as regards food”.
与犹太国家基金会 (KKL-JNF) 提出的在以色列种植 7 百万棵树木—— 每位以色列公民一颗树木的 倡议类似的全国性活动。
Nationwide efforts like the initiative of the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) to plant 7 million trees in Israel – one for each Israeli citizen.
尽管这一进 程的主要重点是防治荒漠化,但进程也认识到 人 工 林 、林区 树木 、 城 镇和周 边地区的森林以及农林业为森林覆盖率低的国家提供重要利益,诸如改善环境条 件,包括恢复已经退化的土地,改善生物多样化的养护,保护水土;通过生产和 [...]
While combating desertification has been the primary focus of this initiative, the Tehran Process
also recognized that
[...] planted forests, trees outside forests, urban and peri-urban forests and agroforestry provide important [...]
benefits to low forest
cover countries, such as enhanced environmental conditions, including rehabilitation of degraded lands, improved biodiversity conservation and protection of soil and water; improvement and diversification of revenues for fighting poverty and food insecurity through the production and use of wood and non-wood forest products; sustainable supply of forest products for subsistence and industry; and improvement of the quality of life.
2005年 7月,星展银行亦被委任为2亿4千3百万 新元 丰 树 物 流 投资信托的主要联合安 人。
We also led the launch of Fortune REIT Commercial Mortgage-back securities (CMBS) - the first HKD CMBS rated by a credit rating agency in 2000.
作为缅甸的经济之都,仰光气候凉爽 人 , 生长着茂盛的热 树木 , 有 绿树成荫的公园和风景如画的湖泊。
The economic hub and gateway to Burma, Yangon is cool
[...] and green with lush tropical trees, shady parks and picturesque lakes.
任何人士的股份如被沒收,其就被沒收的股份而言將不再為股東, 但即使如此,其仍須向本公司支付於沒收當日有關被沒收的股份而 應繳付予本公司的一切款項,連同(倘董事會酌情決定如此要求) 自沒收日期起直至實際支付(包括支付有關利息)為止的利息,息 率按董事訂定,但不會超過年百分 之 二 十 ( 2 0 ); 董事可在其認為 合適時,強制執行上述支付,並無須就股份於沒收日期的價值作出 任何扣減或減免,但倘若並且當本公司已全數收取有關該等股份所 支付的一切款項時,則人士的付款責任即告終止。
A person whose shares have been forfeited shall cease to be a shareholder in respect of the forfeited shares, but shall, notwithstanding, remain liable to pay to the Company all moneys which, at the date of forfeiture, were payable by him to the Company in respect of the forfeited shares, together with (if the Directors shall in their
discretion so require)
[...] interest thereon from the date of forfeiture until the date of actual payment (including the payment of such interest) at such rate not exceeding twenty (20) per cent. per annum as the Directors may prescribe, and the Directors may enforce the payment thereof if they think fit, and without any [...]
deduction or allowance
for the value of the shares at the date of forfeiture, but his liability shall cease if and when the Company shall have received payment in full of all such moneys in respect of the shares.
古語 有 云 ,十年樹 木 , 百 年 樹 人 ” , 特 區 政 府為迎接新 經濟時代的來臨而進行 教育制度 大 改 革 ,大力 資助各級教育以 培養新一代人 才。
The SAR Government has pledged to launch significant reforms in the education system in order to rise up to the new economy by increasing financial support to different tiers of education which nurture the next generation of talents.
十年樹木,百年樹人”, 相信曾參與教育工作的人均會認同這句 話,很多重大的教育政策和措施,往往要經過深思熟慮及長時間的檢 [...]
It takes a decade to grow trees but a century [...]
to cultivate people", I believe whoever has engaged in education would agree.
公司剛剛成立兩年半,已取得前所未有的成就:融資7150萬美元,其中75%用于未來發展;員工規模 百人 ; 是過 去 十年 成 長 最快的基礎設施初創企業,截止2012年7月的財年增長率和營業收入均創新高;已交付150套系統,包括600臺附加3.3 [...]
Fastest growing
[...] infrastructure startup in the last decade with record growth and [...]
revenue in fiscal year ending July 2012.
150 systems shipped, including 600 servers attached with more than 3.3 PBs of spindle and Fusion-io (NYSE: FIO) storage.
倘任何應付之催繳股款或分期款項未於繳款日期當日或之前繳付,則須支 付股款之一名或多人士應按董事會釐定的不超過 年百 分 之 二 十 之 利 率 就有關款項支付由指定付款日期至實際付款日的利息,但董事會可豁免支 [...]
If the sum payable in respect of any call or instalment is not paid on or before the day appointed for payment thereof, the person or persons from whom the sum is
due shall pay interest
[...] for the same at such rate not exceeding twenty percent per annum as the Board shall fix [...]
from the day appointed
for the payment thereof to the time of the actual payment, but the Board may waive payment of such interest wholly or in part.
正所謂十 年 樹 木 , 百 年 樹 人 " , 跟 其他的教育事業一 樣 , 這 方面有需 要我們細 緻 而 長 期 [...]
地 做 工 作和培訓。
As the saying goes, "it
[...] takes 10 years to grow a tree but a hundred years to nurture people".
以色列并不 满足于实施军事打击,侵入巴勒斯坦和被占领戈兰
[...] 的城镇和村庄,任意杀害和逮捕平民,包括儿童、 妇女和老弱病残,摧毁房舍,破坏公共建筑和基础 设施,连根拔树木,推 平土地,摧毁农场以及公 共和人财产 ,掠夺自然资源和文化遗产,侵犯礼 拜场所和圣地的自由,最近以色列还向前发展了一 步。
Not content with perpetrating military attacks against and making incursions into the towns and villages of Palestine and the occupied Golan, arbitrarily killing and arresting civilians, including children, women and the infirm, destroying houses, targeting public
buildings and
[...] infrastructure, uprooting trees, bulldozing land, destroying farms and public and private property, pillaging [...]
natural resources and
the cultural heritage, violating freedom of worship and sacred places, Israel had recently gone still further.
一个住户,主要是婆罗门,当他们的儿子已成长 人 类 的 遗产数量不断增加,放弃自己的家园和花费的苦行者他们的生活休息,居住在粗鲁的小屋的村庄,或根 树木 的 住 房外,只吃最简单的食物种类,他们以乞讨,并服从非凡的斋戒和mortifications获得。
An ever increasing number of householders, chiefly Brahmins, when their sons had grown to man's estate, abandoned their homes and
spent the rest of their
[...] lives as ascetics, living apart from the villages in rude huts, or under the shelter of trees, eating only the simplest kinds of food, which they obtained by begging, and subjecting [...]
themselves to extraordinary fasts and mortifications.
1990年以来 ,立教大学新座校区一直在开展设施改扩建工程,包括现有建筑的改建、新建三座大楼(包 百 合 树 大 厅 ),并完成了景观再造工程,其目的是将整个校区改造成为一个舒适愉悦、 人 注 目 、充满活力的都市校区。
Improvement and expansion of facilities
has been under
[...] development since 1990 for the Niiza Campus including upgrading of the existing buildings, construction of three new buildings (including the Yurinoki hall) and complete re-landscaping, aimed at rejuvenating the whole institution as a pleasant, memorable and lively urban campus.
十 年 樹木, 百年樹 人的教育大計 , 作為特區政 府 首 要的重 大任 務,這亦 反映出 政 府 如 果不是 掌握不 到 社 會 脈搏, 便 是 欠缺起 碼 的政治 智慧 來 化 解 社 會的怨 氣 。
The SAR Government's plan to embark on a long-term education programme as its prime task also reflects that the Government has either failed to keep tabs on the pulse of society or lacked the minimum political wisdom to resolve the social grievances.
十年樹木,百年樹人,教 育必須循序漸進,有守有為,在教育問題上, 特區政府明白到每個人的觀點都不盡相同,所以不能期望每一項政策都可以 使所有人滿意。
The SAR Government fully appreciates that insofar as education is concerned, it is only natural that people from different sectors may have different views, but it is next to impossible for us to be able to meet the aspirations of all.
本核數師已完成審核載於第五十四至第 百 二 十 六頁之亞洲衛星控股有限公司(「貴公司」)及其附屬公司 (統稱為「貴集團」)之綜合財務報表,包括於二零零 年十 二 月 三十一日的綜合資產負債表及公司資產負 債表,截至該日止年度的綜合全面收益表、綜合權益變動表及綜合現金流量表,以及主要會計政策概要 及其他附註說明。
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) set out on pages 54 to 126, which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2009, and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.




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