

单词 十字头



Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross slit)

See also:

十字 pl

crosshairs pl
crosses pl


cross road
the character ten

External sources (not reviewed)

十字头挤出 机 -构造轴的新兴产品,是一个直角挤出机螺杆轴,编织或缠绕胶管盖或覆盖导线的常用的挤出机。
CROSSHEAD EXTRUDER – An extruder [...]
so constructed that the axis of the emerging product is a right angle to the axis of the
extruder screw, commonly used for applying the cover to braided or spiraled hose or covering wire conductors.
带铸造基座的电力端经过外齿轮减速器,通过锻钢、直驱曲轴、带可置换导架和连杆 十字头 向 活 塞传输能量。
The power end with cast frame transmits energy from an external gear reducer to the pistons by means of a forged steel, direct driven crankshaft, cross heads with replaceable guides and connecting rods.
十字形模式,将空气阀紧固件 (V) 重新拧紧 至指定扭力。
Retorque the air valve fasteners (V) in a crisscross pattern to specified torque.
几内亚比绍报告说,该国 在西非国家经济共同体和十字国际 委员会的资金支持下,对一家身体机能康复 [...]
Guinea-Bissau reported having renovated a Physical Rehabilitation Centre, with financial support from the Economic
[...] Community of West African States and ICRC.
这类情况特别发生 在上世纪九十年代和本世头十年的 早期(图22),真实条件水产养殖产量和贸 易量平均单价有规则的下降。
This was particularly evident in the 1990s and early 2000 (Figure 22), with average unit values of aquaculture production and trade in real terms regularly declining.
在早期的章节,每个段落的mishnaic文本是重复整个犹太法典在段落的开头,但后来仅在第一 字 开 头 的 塔 木德文本。
In the early chapters the mishnaic text of each paragraph is repeated entire in the Talmud at the beginning of the paragraph; but later only the first words are prefaced to the Talmudic text.
将安排十字国际 委员会驻日内瓦的一名代表参加讨论会,对 联合国不涉及经费问题。
The participation of a Geneva-based representative of ICRC will be arranged without financial implications to the United Nations.
这些报告内容涉及:2009 年 11
月和 2010 年 3 月在北
[...] 达尔富州尔与苏丹解放军的一个派别发生冲突,据称轰炸导致两名平民死亡,供 水点附近十头牲畜被杀;2010 年 4 月在西达尔富尔州一次、2010 年 5 [...]
月在北 达尔富尔两次与正义运动发生冲突,据称轰炸造成附近村庄和供水点的
11 名平 民死亡、30 名平民受伤。
These reports relate to bombings in two clashes with an SLA faction in Northern Darfur in November 2009 and March 2010, allegedly
resulting in two civilian deaths
[...] and the killing of dozens of livestock near water points, and [...]
with JEM in Western Darfur
in April 2010 and twice in Northern Darfur in May 2010, allegedly resulting in 11 civilian deaths and the injury of 30 civilians near villages and nearby water points.
与国际十字会与 红新月会协会、儿童基金会和伊朗教育部之间的 成功伙伴关系可以成为在其他灾害后项目中适用的一个独特实例。
The successful partnership with the
[...] International Red Cross and Red Crescent [...]
Societies, UNICEF and the Iranian Ministry
of Education could serve as a unique example that can be applied in other post-disaster projects.
电力塔按其形状一般分为:酒杯型、 头 型 、 上 字 型 、 干 字 型 和桶型五种,按用途分有:耐张塔、直线塔、转角塔、换位塔(更换导线相位位置塔)、终端塔和跨越塔等,它们的结构特点是各种塔型均属空间桁架结构,杆件主要由单根等边角钢或组合角钢组成,材料一般使用Q235(A3F)和Q345(16Mn)两种,杆件间连接采用粗制螺栓,靠螺栓受剪力连接,整个塔由角钢、连接钢板和螺栓组成,个别部件如塔脚等由几块钢板焊接成一个组合件,因此热镀锌防腐、运输和施工架设极为方便。
power tower its shape is generally divided into: the wine
[...] glass type, cathead type, font, stem fonts and five bucket [...]
Purpose: Strain tower, straight
line tower, angle tower, transposition tower(tower replacement wire phase position), terminal tower and across the tower, the structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, the whole tower angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate welded into a combinationparts, hot dip galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient.
但我知道,你们总是非常随意,有点像硅谷的创新、刺激、 头十 足 、 充满活力和同样也非常非常随意的文化。
But I know that you guys are always very very casual, kind of like that Silicon Valley culture of innovation, excitement, drive, energy, but also very very casual.
我们清楚知道我们在能源领域的实力,其中最主要的是石油和天然气,又知 道我们作为国际供十字路口 这个地理位置的全球重要性,我们各国正在继续开 [...]
发利用这些能力的最佳途径,并对它们进行投资,这反映出阿拉伯区域为确保全 球能源安全而作出的有效贡献,可能有助于缓解全球经济目前的危机。
Well aware of the capacities of our region in the fields of energy, foremost among which are oil and natural gas, and the global
importance of our geographic location as an
[...] international supply crossroad, our countries [...]
are continuing to develop the optimum means
of exploiting those capacities and are investing in them in a manner that reflects the effective contribution that is made by the Arab region to ensuring global energy security, which may alleviate the current crisis in the global economy.
在本双年度头十八个 月,人力资源管理局(HRM)工作重点是制订和实施一项关于 支持本组织改革进程的人力资源政策框架。
During the first 18 months of the biennium, the Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM) focused on the development and implementation of the Human Resources Policy Framework in support of the reform process of the Organization.
尽 管在本世头十年开 始恢复,这些国家在2010年组合的总产量只有1988年的59%。
In spite of starting to recover in the 2000s, their combined total production in 2010 amounted to only 59 percent of that in 1988.
缅甸政府禁止十字国际委员会( 十字 委 员 会)进入监狱,并关闭了其在 城镇的五个办事处。
The government stopped access to prisons by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and closed down five of its offices in the townships.
[...] 和应对灾害网络、亚洲理工学院、亚洲再保险公司、人道主义援助和 民事保护总局(欧洲联盟委员会)、 十字 会 与 红新月国际联合会、国 际全球航空航天监测系统项目国际执行委员会、国际标准化组织、日 [...]
本宇宙航空研究开发机构、太平洋岛屿电信协会、以及日本遥感技术 中心。
Other entities represented included: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center; Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network; Asian Institute of Technology; Asian Reinsurance Corporation; Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection
(European Commission); International
[...] Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; [...]
International Committee on the International
Global Monitoring Aerospace System Project Implementation; International Organization for Standardization; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) and Remote Sensing Technology Centre of Japan.
大会第六十五届会议请秘书长根据从会员国和 十字 国 际 委员会收到的资 料,向大会第六十七届会议提交报告,说明两项关于保护武装冲突受难者的附加 议定书的现况,以及为加强现有国际人道主义法律而采取的措施,包括为了在国 内传播和充分实施这些法律而采取的措施(第 65/29 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session a report on the status of the Additional Protocols relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts, as well as on measures taken to strengthen the existing body of international humanitarian law, including with respect to its dissemination and full implementation at the national level, based on information received from Member States and the International Committee of the Red Cross (resolution 65/29).
这是一个编码字符标准、数量、 和符号是一样的128字头的代 码字符集但不同于其余字.其他这些文字通常称为特殊字符代码字符扩展IBM公司所确定的.
It is a coding standard for characters, numbers, and symbols that is the same as the first 128 characters of the ASCII character set but differs from the remaining characters.
在 Emerson 数据中心模型中,能效逻头十项策 略的运用实际上节约了三分之二宝贵的高层空间、三分之一不间断电源和 [...]
40% 的精确制冷。
In the Emerson data center model,
[...] implementation of the top 10 Energy Logic [...]
strategies actually freed up two-thirds of valuable
raised floor space, one-third of uninterruptible power supply capacity, and 40 percent of precision cooling capacity.
法国、德国、意大利和大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国的平均失业率在 1970 年代平均为 3.5%,但在
[...] 1980 年代增加了一 倍多到 7.6%,在 1990 年代为 8.9%,在二十一世头十年为 7.7%。
The average unemployment rate in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland averaged 3.5 per cent in the 1970s but more than doubled in
the 1980s to 7.6 per cent, 8.9 per cent in the 1990s, and 7.7 per
[...] cent in the first decade of the twenty-first century.
因此,必须抓住时 机,以防止重新陷入暴力,而这种情况大多发生在冲 突头十年。
Therefore, it must be seized upon to prevent a relapse into violence, which happens
[...] mostly within the first decade following a conflict.
在执行《行动纲领》和《国际文书》 头十 年 中 取得了一些经验教训,特别 是以下几个方面的重要性:国家自主权、全国一级协调机构以及确保有效援助的 需求评估、为此目的匹配需要与资源的机制、作用的衡量、小武器和轻武器问题 的多面性以及需根据现实情况量体裁衣提供援助。
These include, inter alia the importance of national ownership, national coordinating bodies and needs assessments to ensuring effective assistance, the need for mechanisms to match needs and resources to support this, the importance of measuring impact, the multi-faceted nature of small arms and lights weapons issues and the need for tailored, evidence-based assistance.
雪狗农场大小不一,范围从十头到 四 五百头不等。
Husky farm sizes range from tens of heads to four or five hundred.
本双年度头十八个 月,可以看到社会科学及人文科学部门(SHS)的计划执行情况出现 一些重大趋向。
A number of major trends can be observed in the execution of the programme of the Sector of Social and Human Sciences (SHS) over the first 18 months of this biennium.
几位代表强调了提供资金以确保履约和加快淘汰和保持头 十分重 要,但鉴于这一问题的重要性,几位代表强调了在今后的会议上审议这一窗口的重 [...]
Several representatives underlined the importance of providing funds to enable
compliance as well as accelerating phase-out
[...] and maintaining momentum, however, given [...]
the importance of the issue, several representatives
wished to consider such a window again at future meetings.
出口多样化、技 术转让、基础设施开发、以及农业部门的标准升级对于本区各经济体 保持其增长头十分重要。
The diversification of exports, transfer of technology, infrastructure development and
upgrading of standards in the agricultural sector
[...] were important for economies in the region to maintain their growth momentum.
尽管失踪人员问题的重要性和敏感性质,尽管它是一个联合国跟踪了多年的 人道主义问题,而且尽管自 2004 年以来在十字国际 委员会的支持下运作的三 方委员会和技术小组委员会进行了巨大的努力,在 605 名失踪的科威特人和第三 国国民中,迄今为止只有 236 名科威特囚犯的遗骸得到确认。
Despite the significance and the sensitive nature of the question of the missing persons, a humanitarian issue that the Council has been following for many years, and despite the great efforts that have been made since 2004 by the Tripartite Commission and the Technical Subcommittee, which operates under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the remains of only 236 Kuwaiti prisoners out of 605 missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals have thus far been identified.
联合国专门机构、部门、基金和方案,非洲联盟、欧洲理事会、东非 共同体、中非国家经济共同体、西非国家经济共同体、欧洲联盟、独立国家 联合体执行秘书处、政府间发展管理局、国际移徙政策发展中心、 十字国 际委员会、十字会和 红新月会国际联合会、国际移徙组织、阿拉伯国家联 盟、东加勒比国家组织、法语国家国际组织、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲安全与 合作组织、南部非洲发展共同体和马耳他骑士团。
United Nations specialized agencies, departments, funds and programmes, African Union, Council of Europe, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States, Economic Community of West African States, European Union, Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of
Independent States,
[...] Intergovernmental Authority on Development, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent [...]
Societies, International
Organization for Migration, League of Arab States, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, International Organization of “la Francophonie”, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Southern African Development Community and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
局长文绮华及副局长白文浩与相关部门主管今(4日)到新口岸区的 "怡 " 字头 及 国 际中心的大厦住宅单位及管理处,向区内居民及相关社团了解情况及听取意见,同时派发新印制的宣传单张,宣传打击非法提供住宿活动。
Director Fernandes, Deputy Director Manuel Pires and the related department supervisors visited the building management offices and living apartments of the "Yi"-titled residential blocks and Macau International Centre in ZAPE today (February 4) to consult the communities' residents and related associations about the situation and listen to their opinions.
由于在实施经济改革和社会改革方面遇到困难,再有 政治不稳定雪上加霜,摩尔多瓦在过渡期 头十 年 陷 入经济衰退,其减少贫穷的 努力受阻。
Due to difficulties in implementing the economic and social reforms, made worse by the added factor of political instability, Moldova was subject to economic recessions in the first 10 years of its transition, which hampered its efforts to combat poverty.




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