

单词 十大神兽

See also:


mythological animal

External sources (not reviewed)

採用LED技術的日間行車燈鑲嵌在保險桿的嵌入式電鍍上 ; 而在散熱器格柵的下面大型電 鍍款的保護桿為車頭加添無 神 采 ,自 信 十 足。
The daytime running lamps featuring LED technology are integrated in a chrome insert in the bumper, and
beneath the radiator grille the
[...] generously sized chrome-look underguard completes the self-confident appearance of the front.
由爱彼及The Hour
[...] Glass合办的腕表发布会让宾客置身Himabhan森林,当中摆设了泰国神话中的半鸟半女 神兽 , 瑰 丽夺目。
The launch event organised by Audemars Piguet and The Hour Glass
transported guests to the world of Himabhan Forest adorned with the impressive half-bird half
[...] -woman creature from Thai mythology.
今年,大会的Oquendo临床教育中心开设了40个一流的学习实验室,这些大型的培训场所专用于实验室学习,是西 兽 医 大 会 的 专业设施。
This year, 40 hands-on learning laboratories were conducted at the conference's remarkable Oquendo Center for Clinical
Education, the huge training venue designed and equipped exclusively for lab-based
[...] learning -- a facility unique to WVC.
兽药最 兽药兽药最 兽药最大 大大 大残留限量草案 残留限量草案 残留限量草案 残留限量草案21 57.
Draft Maximum Residue Limits for Veterinary Drugs21 57.
他的首張個人專輯神秘嘉 賓》及第二張大碟《感官/世界》更分別於2008及2009年榮獲IFPI香港唱片銷 大 獎 的 「 十大 銷 量國語唱片」獎。
His first album Mystery Guest and second album Senses Around were among the Top 10 Selling Mandarin Albums of the Year recognised by the IFPI Hong Kong Album Sales Awards in 2008 and 2009 respectively.
我们遵循《哈萨克斯坦 2010 年发展战略》的文字和神,完 成了为 十一 世纪头 10 年确定的所有目标。
Following the letter and spirit of the Development
Strategy of Kazakhstan to 2010, we have fulfilled all the goals
[...] outlined for the first decade of the twenty-first century.
这些代表团指出,因为这些大残留 限量对法典成员国有影响,需要采取谨慎 的方法;要特别关注发展中国家的数据以及不同饮食习惯的国家的特定问题;仅在必要 时兽药治 疗和预防疾病,而不作为生长促进/辅助剂;应当考虑到消费者的健康保护和 消费者对法典的信心。
These delegations pointed out
[...] that there was a need to take a cautious approach because of the impact of these MRLs on Codex member countries; that particular attention should be given to data from developing countries and to the specific concerns of countries with different eating habits; that veterinary medicines should [...]
be used only when necessary
to cure and prevent diseases and not as growth promoters/production aid; and that consideration should be given to consumer health protection and to consumer confidence in Codex.
英國緊隨其後,衛生署醫生喬護士的心理健康科的成本估計為 神 疾 病 在2007 的 7 7 十 億 英 鎊的成 大 於 心臟疾病和癌症。
The UK followed and the Mental Health Division of the
Department of Health under
[...] Dr Jo Nurse estimated the cost for mental ill health in 2007 at £77 billion: [...]
a cost greater than heart disease and cancer combined.
Smith还宣布于2011年2月20-24日举行的2011年西 兽 医 大 会 将 在曼德勒海湾会议中心扩大展厅范围。
Smith also announced that the
[...] 2011 Western Veterinary Conference, scheduled [...]
February 20-24, 2011, will offer a significantly
expanded exhibit hall in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.
为全面落实《中共西藏自治区委员会关于认真学习贯彻党 十 七 大 精 神 、 大 力 加 强基层基础工作若干问题的决定》(藏党发〔2007〕15号),切实抓好西藏农牧区党员干部队伍建设,西藏组织部结合西藏地域和人口分布现状,借力于西藏移动村村通工程,开展西藏农牧区党员干部现代远程教育工作。
To fully implement Decisions of the CPC Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region on Issues of Carefully Learning and Carrying out the Spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress and Energetically Enhancing Basic Work (Z.D.F.[2007] No.15), practically build up communist party members and cadres team in herding area of Tibet, Organization Department of Tibet has carried out modern remote education for CPC members and cadres in herding area of Tibet, according to location and population distribution situation of Tibet, and resorting to Mobile Every Village Access Project in Tibet.
2010年西兽医大会展 厅可容纳超过430家参展商,与会者可通过展览发现新产品,建立行业联系并在现场完成低成本高效率的采购。
Access to the WVC Exhibit Hall, which accommodated more than 430 exhibitors in 2010, enabled attendees to discover new products, establish industry contacts and make cost-effective purchases onsite.
的外部历史的犹太法典还包括由基督教神学家在它之后的改革文学的攻击,因为这些都是针对于犹太教onslaughts主要针对这项工作,即使它是 十 七 基督 教 神 学 家 的研究课题 十 八 世 纪。
The external history of the Talmud includes also the literary attacks made upon it by Christian theologians after the Reformation, since these onslaughts on Judaism were directed primarily against that
work, even though it was made a subject of study by
[...] the Christian theologians of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
2010年西兽医大会针对大小型动物、外来物种和其他物种领域以及实践管理的关键信息和最新进展提供超过800小时的持续教育指导(AAVSB [...]
RACE #3认证供应商)。
WVC 2010 featured more than 800 hours [...]
of CE instruction (AAVSB RACE Approved Provider #3) on the essential information and
most recent advances in small animal, large animal, exotics and other species areas, as well as practice management.
更多有关西兽医大会或 Oquendo临床教育中心的信息,请致电866-800-7326(免费)或702-739-6698。
For additional information about the Western Veterinary Conference or the Oquendo Center for Clinical Education, please call 866-800-7326 (toll-free) or 702-739-6698.
弗朗西斯爵士宝载货的船被一艘海盗船,蒙面红色拉克姆(丹尼尔·克雷格)的带领下,和,爵士弗朗西斯选择了激烈的争夺,并最终投降后,下沉的独 兽 , 而 大 多 数 的宝藏,而不是让陷入拉克姆的手。
Sir Francis’ treasure-laden ship was attacked by a pirate ship, led by the masked Red Rackham (Daniel Craig), and, after a fierce
battle and eventual surrender, Sir Francis
[...] chose to sink the Unicorn, and most of the [...]
treasure, rather than allow it to fall into Rackham’s hands.
命名之初,因太陽神(Apollo)為希臘奧林柏 十 二 主 神 之 一 ,表示光輝燦爛,在其身上亦找不到黑暗。
Apollo was one of the 12 Olympians, expressing radiance and glory, and there is not a trace of darkness in him.
这个题目是从来没有作为一个治疗的教条式的神学的一部分,直到什么是现在俗称 神 学 fu ndamentalis” 十 六 世纪,崛起,其中创始人梅尔基奥尔仓鼠和贝拉明。
The subject was never treated as a part
[...] of dogmatic theology until the rise of what is now commonly called "Theologia fundamentalis", in the sixteenth century, the [...]
founders of which are
Melchior Canus and Bellarmine.
然而,这似乎已经崇敬变成了“Granth”迷信崇拜堕落;模糊,甚至在一 神 , 是因 为 十大 师 , 每个人应该是轮回的第一线,他们的原始创办人 - 为灵魂的轮回印度教的教义被保留甚至那纳克自己,一个泛神论的语言一定量的神圣赞美诗部分发生救恩是只能由唯一的真神六师通过知识获得(。
In practice, however, this reverence
[...] seems to have degenerated into a superstitious worship of the "Granth"; and even a certain vague divinity is attributed to the ten gurus, each of whom [...]
is supposed to be
reincarnation of the first of the line, their original founder -- for the Hindu doctrine of transmigration of souls was retained even by Nanak himself, and a certain amount of pantheistic language occurs in parts of the sacred hymns.
[...] 帕特里夏·安妮·何东"号轮船;捐赠100万港币建立了一个儿童基金;捐助10 00 吨 大 豆 和9 吨 兽 药 , 并促成了给朝鲜儿童500,000件音乐玩具的捐助。
These awards are in recognition of the good deeds which Me Hotung has done for DPRK which include his playing a role in developing friendly and co-operative relationship between the peoples of DPRK and the United Kingdom; donating a vessel "M.V. Patricia Anne Hotung"; setting up a children's fund with an amount of
HK$1 Million; contributing
[...] 1,000 tons of soya beans; donating (9) tons of veterinary medicines and facilitating [...]
the gifting
of 500,000 pieces of musical toys to the children of DPRK.
2010年西兽医大会与 会者将在业内首次使用WVC-Connect,该移动和web应用套件可提供多媒体访问,包括通过智能电话了解大会安排和会议活动并与参展商进行在线联系。
WVC 2010 attendees were the first in the industry to use WVC-Connect, a suite of mobile and Web-based applications that provided multimedia access, including onsite connection via smartphone, to conference programming, exhibitors and events.
动物卫生组织同时还打算 逐步参加国兽医大学或学院兽医教 育配对方案。
The OIE also intends to engage progressively in twinning projects on veterinary education between national veterinary universities or schools.
在宣布新方案后,新标识和设计开始在剩余会期内出现在会场,用于准备2011年西 兽 医 大 会。
After the concept was revealed, the
new logo and designs began to appear throughout the venue during the rest of the conference
[...] in preparation for WVC 2011.
大会第六十六届 会议强调指出继续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 [...]
持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛
屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the [...]
General Assembly stressed the importance of the continued substantive consideration of the
follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
为了落实教科文组织/人与生物圈计划于 2008 年 7 月举办的 ERAIFT 捐助方圆桌会和与欧盟委员会(EC)举行的多次磋商会的 神 , 在 第 十 次 欧 洲发展 基金(2009--2014 年)框架内,ERAIFT 获得了 400 万欧元的追加资金。
Further to the Donors Roundtable on ERAIFT organized by UNESCO/MAB in July 2008, and the various consultations with the European Commission (EC), ERAIFT was awarded an additional €4 million within the framework of the 10th European Development Fund (2009-2014).
斯洛伐克认为,这一系列建议所涉问十分复杂,需要大量的 资金及有关各方的努力与合作,并指出,处理好这些问 题不是一朝一夕的事,但这些问题将会得到解决。
Slovakia considered this set of recommendations very complex and requiring huge financial resources, effort and cooperation of all involved, and noted that solutions were not imminent but would materialize in the future.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配
办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009
[...] 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并大 会 第 六 十 四 届 会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at
all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform
[...] the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of [...]
efforts in that regard.
值此人类面临包括海事 安全、海洋环境的保护和维护、可持续发展和气候变 化在内的诸多具有挑战性的问题之时,如《公约》中 要求那样,相互理解与合作的神十 分 必 要。
There is a great need for a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation, as enshrined in the Convention, at a time when humankind is facing many challenging issues, including maritime security, the protection and preservation of the marine environment, sustainable development and climate change.
伊斯兰教教导说在Isrā’(夜行)里,穆罕穆德乘坐 神兽 B u r āq (布拉克)从麦加到了耶路撒冷,并且在同一夜里发生了 [...]
Islam teaches that in the Isrā’ (the night
journey), Muhammad traveled from Mecca
[...] to Jerusalem on the mythological beast Burāq, and that [...]
on that same night occurred the Mi‘rāj,
Muhammad’s ascension to the heavens.
他们还建议把这些专题/战略有 效地纳入本组织的各项计划中,特别是通过(a)高层恰当的协调,(b)对项目仔细评估— 关注诸如以下的问题:跨学科行动,与直接相关群体的伙伴关系,尊重人人都享有的平等尊 严,与贫困作斗争中的文化因素,以及吸收非政府组织参与教科文组织活动的制定、实施和 评估,(c)以真正的跨学科神对各 重 大 计 划内的横向专题之间的联系做出更清晰的表 述,(d)(一些非政府组织认为)减少高质量/影响大的项目数量,以保证其影响更大、知 名度更高,(e)加强与非政府组织的伙伴关系,特别是通过在一些消除贫困项目中的直接 合作。
They also recommend the effective integration of these themes/strategies into the Organization’s programmes, in particular through (a) adequate highlevel coordination; (b) the careful evaluation of projects – paying attention to issues such as multidisciplinary action, partnerships with populations directly concerned, the respect for the equal dignity of each human being, the cultural dimension of the fight against poverty, and the association of NGOs with the formulation, implementation and evaluation of UNESCO’s activities; (c) a clearer articulation of cross-cutting projects within the major programmes in a spirit of true interdisciplinarity; (d) (for some NGOs) a smaller number of high-quality/high-impact projects, to ensure greater impact and visibility; (e) greater partnership with NGOs, in particular through explicit partnership in some projects of poverty eradication.




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