单词 | 十六位元 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 十六位元—16-bit (computing)Examples:六十四位元—64-bit (computing) See also:十六—sixteen 16 十位—the tens place (or column) in the decimal system 六十—sixty 60 位元—bit (computing)
截至二零零四年六月三十日止六个月及截至二零零四年十二月三十一日止年度的溢利则分别减少港币二千二百万元及港币六百万元。 swirepacific.com | Profit forthe sixmonthsended 30th June 2004 and for the year ended 31st December 2004 have been decreased by HK$22 million and HK$6 million respectively. swirepacific.com |
答:七十是最古老的翻译旧约,因此是非常宝贵的批评和纠正了解希伯来文(Massorah),后者,如它已回落到我们,在被马所拉学士文本建立公 元六世纪的许多文字腐败,增补,遗漏或换位必须具有时代悄悄进入我们的希伯来文之间的第三和第二的第六和第七世纪公元前数百年,因此,该手稿曾在其70处理,可在地方,均高于massoretic手稿更好。 mb-soft.com | A. TheSeptuagint is the most ancient translation of the Old Testament and consequently is invaluable to critics for understanding and correcting the Hebrew text (Massorah), the latter, such as it has come down to us, being the text established by the Massoretesinthe sixth centuryAD Many textual [...] corruptions, additions, omissions,or transpositions must have crept into the Hebrew [...]text between the third and second centuries BC and the sixth and seventh centuries of our era; the manuscripts therefore which the Seventy had at their disposal, may in places have been better than the Massoretic manuscripts. mb-soft.com |
根据上文载列之分析结果,於估值日,100%股权之价值可合理及概约呈列为人民币二 亿三千一百五十六万元(人民币231,560,000元)。 cre8ir.com | Based on the results from analysis set out above, as at the Valuation Date, the value of the 100% equity interest can be [...] reasonably and approximately stated as Renminbi Two Hundred [...] Thirty One Million Five Hundred Sixty Thousand only [...](RMB231,560,000). cre8ir.com |
2011 年 10 月 26--27 日,九位国家元首和政府首脑以及五十六位部长和代表团团长出席 了教科文组织大会领导人论坛,大会主席、执行局主席和总干事分别致辞。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On 26 and 27 October 2011, nine Heads of State and Government and 56 Ministers and Heads of Delegation participated in the UNESCO Leaders’ Forum of the General Conference together with addresses by the President of the General Conference, the Chairperson of the Executive Board and the Director-General. unesdoc.unesco.org |
惠普年收入1260亿美元,在美国财富500强企业中名列第 十位,在 全球财富500强企业中排在第26位,而且是全球最大的IT企业之一。 tipschina.gov.cn | With annual revenue of $126 billion(USD), HP ranks 10th on the U.S. Fortune 500, ranks 26th on the Global Fortune 500, and is one of the world''s largest technology companies. tipschina.gov.cn |
第六十三次 会议审议了多边基金 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,在对所提议项目作出 若干修订后,执行委员会:认可了 2011-2014 年综合业务计划,同时指出,认可既不表示 对所确定项目的核准,也不表示对其供资金额或吨数的核准;根据缔约方第二十一次会议 的第 XXI/2 号决定,为低消费量国家销毁消耗臭氧物质设立一个金额 300 万美元的窗口; 并决定可以为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第二阶段的活动提供项目编制的资金,并在 2012-2014 年业务计划第一阶段结束前予以列入,以及下一个业务计划的持续时间应仅限于下一个 2012-2014 三年期,并包括 2014 年之后的任何多年期供资(第 63/5 号决定)。 multilateralfund.org | The 63rd meeting considered [...] the 2011-2014 consolidated businessplan of the Multilateral Fund, and after making some amendments to the projects proposed, the Executive Committee endorsed the 2011-2014 consolidated business plan while noting that endorsement denoted neither approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding or tonnage levels; established a window for ODS destruction for LVC countries, pursuant to decision XXI/2 of the Twenty-first Meeting of the Parties, amountingto [...]US $3million;and decided that the project [...]preparation could be funded for stage II HPMP activities and 12 might be included prior to the completion of stage I in business plans for the years 2012-2014 and that the duration of the next business plan should be only for the next triennium 2012-2014, and include any multi-year funding after 2014 (decision 63/5). multilateralfund.org |
本组织还参加了:(a) 关于妇女地位委员会的几次咨询和公开会议;(b) 与 销毁核武器有关的广岛/长崎年度纪念活动方案;(c) 关于妇女与和平、裁军、 非暴力和可持续清洁能源问题的国家会议;(d) 关于执行安全理事会第 1325 (2000)号决议的各种讨论和活动;(e) “让贫穷成为历史”等运动;(f) 关于放 [...] 弃战争、妇女与发展、打击贩运以及非军事化等问题的公开讲座;(g) 在卢旺达 [...] 举行的建设和平专题讨论会;(h) 研究战争对青年的影响以及庆祝《世界人权宣 言》通过六十周年的演讲;(i) 响应妇女地位委员会商定结论中的呼吁,为索马 里青年举办的支持两性平等教育的讲习班;(j) [...]反对核武器的公共论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also participated in: (a) consultation tours and public meetings on the Commission on the Status of Women; (b) annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemoration programmes pertaining to the abolition of nuclear weapons; (c) national conferences on women and peace, disarmament, non-violence and sustainable clean energy; (d) various discussions and events on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000); (e) campaigns such as “Make Poverty History”; (f) public lectures on the abolition of war, women and development, anti-trafficking and demilitarization; (g) a peacebuilding symposium in Rwanda; (h) presentations [...] to examine the impact [...] of war on youth and to mark the sixtieth anniversaryof the adoption of the [...]Universal Declaration of [...]Human Rights; (i) workshops for Somali youth in support of gender equality education, as called for in the Agreed Conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women; (j) a public forum against nuclear weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
客户存款㆖升港币㆒百五十㆔亿元,或百分之㆔点六,增幅主要来 自储蓄及往来存款,定期存款则因为利率低企而减 少。 hangseng.com.cn | Thegrowth was mainly recorded in savingsand current accounts while time deposits fell in the low interest rate environment. hangseng.com.cn |
她介绍了行预咨委会关于埃厄特派团经费筹措 的 报 告 (A/64/660/Add.1),并说秘书长在其报告 (A/64/586 和 Corr.1)中,建议大会向会员国退还贷 记款 9 353 300 美元,即 2007/08 财政年度期间贷 [...] 记款结余中特派团特别账户内的可用现金净额;注意 到来自 2007/08 财政年度期间、应贷记会员国账下的 [...] 结余为 5 383 100 美元和来自 2008/09 年财政期间、 应贷记会员国账下的款项为 9 361 600 美元;推迟到第六十五届会议再决定如何处理共计 14 744 700 美 元的数额,其中包括这两个财政期间应贷记的结余。 daccess-ods.un.org | Introducing the Advisory Committee’s report on the financing of UNMEE (A/64/660/Add.1), she said that, in his report (A/64/586 and Corr.1), the SecretaryGeneral recommended that the General Assembly should return credits to Member States in the amount of $9,353,300, representing the net cash available in the Special Account of the Mission from the balance of credits in respect of the 2007/08 financial period; take note of the amount of $5,383,100, representing the remaining balance of credits due to Member States from the 2007/08 period, [...] and of the amount of [...] $9,361,600, representing credits due to Member States from the 2008/09 period; and defer untilitssixty-fifth session [...]a decision on the treatment [...]of the total amount of $14,744,700, comprising the balance of credits due from both periods. daccess-ods.un.org |
在教科文组织总部,邀请了大约六十位不同地区、语 言和文化的知名哲学家来与广大公众对话。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At UNESCO Headquarters, some 60 eminent philosophers of a variety of backgrounds, languages and cultures were brought together to dialogue with a large audience. unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据二零一零年九月配售协议,本公司已按每股 股份0.275港元之价格向不少於六位承配人配发及发行合共76,520,000股份,有关价格较股份於截至二零一零 年九月十六日 (包括该日)止最後五个交易日在联交所所报之平均收市价每股股份0.301港元折让约10.0%,并 较股份於二零一零年九月十七日在联交所所报之收市价每股股份0.295港元折让约8.1%。 equitynet.com.hk | Pursuant to the September 2010 Placing Agreement, the Company has [...] allotted and issued a [...] total of 76,520,000 Shares to not less than six placees at the price of HK$0.275 per Share, representing a discount of approximately10.0% to the average closing price [...]of HK$0.301 per Share [...]as quoted on the Stock Exchange for the last five trading days ended on and including 16th September 2010, and a discount of approximately 8.1% to the closing price of HK$0.295 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange on 17th September 2010. equitynet.com.hk |
因此,我确实希望自己随时以一个旁观者的中立眼光来看 [...] 待这一盛会,对参加这一盛会,我当然极为自豪,更何况正如大家所知,有六百多位与会者,其中有八十位部长、十位教育部副部长、九个政府间组织和十三个非政府组织, 他们来自教科文组织的一百二十七个会员国,我就更引为自豪了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | I am here as a “notary”, and I have therefore genuinely tried – at every moment – to keep a neutral, outsider’s eye on this event, in which I am obviously extremely proud to have participated, particularly since, as you [...] know, there are more [...] than 600 registered participants, including 80ministers and10 deputy ministers of education, [...]nine intergovernmental [...]organizations and thirteen NGOs from UNESCO’s 127 Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在打开十六进位转储功能时,印表机会以十六进 位元格式 列印全部的命令及其它资 料,并列印指南部分帮助您查找专用命令。 bixolon.com | When you [...] turn on the hexadecimal dump function, the printer prints all commands and data in hexadecimalformatalong [...]with a guide section [...]to help you find specific commands. bixolon.com |
健康,包括身体强健/有活力」香港排名第七 (6.7分),比较其他国家如英国及瑞典排名 十六位(4.8分)为更高 (10分为满分)。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for the question of "The physical and dynamic health", the Hong Kong respondents ranked on the 7th and scored an average of 6.7, which is a higher [...] ranking in comparison to the UK and Sweden, where they both [...] ranked on the16th and scored an average of 4.8 (Full [...]mark: 10). hkupop.hku.hk |
变动中的世界,变动中的想象——2012亚洲思想界上海论坛”邀请了来自韩国、日本本土和冲绳、马来西亚和印度的 六位杰出思想者于2012年10月12日至19日期间,在第九届上海双年展的平台上发表演讲,并与来自亚洲各地的四十余名知识分子展开对话。 shanghaibiennale.org | World in Transition, Imagination in Flux--Asian Circle of Thought 2012 Shanghai”invites six eminent Asian thinkers from South Korea, Japanese mainland, Okinawa, Malaysia and India, [...] to deliver speeches during Oct. [...]12 to Oct. 19 on the occasion of the 2012 Shanghai Biennale , and engage in discussions with 40 plus intellectuals from across Asia. shanghaibiennale.org |
六十名与会者(其中有二十位第一线专家,以及国际和地区组织、教科文组织全国委员会和各国 常驻代表团的代表)建议鼓励教科文组织在这方面发挥推动作用,就与教科书有关的问题, 促进国家和地区的对话与研究。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The 60 participants (20 experts in the field, as well as representatives of international and regional organizations, UNESCO National Commissions and Permanent Delegations) recommended that UNESCO be encouraged to play a catalyst role in this field, promoting national and regional dialogue and research on issues related to textbooks. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在二零零一年首六个月间,本公司共发行132,000股股份供 给已行使之认购权,为此合共收得港币九十八万六千零四 十元。 swirepacific.com | During the first six months of 2001, the Company issued [...] a total of 132,000 shares for the options [...] exercised and receivedHK$986,040in total [...]for the subscription of the shares. swirepacific.com |
物业重估後有港币六亿㆒千八百万元之减值 , 已 於㆓零零㆔年十㆓月㆔十㆒日志 入恒生之重估储备账; 至於个 别重估价 值 低於原始成本减除折旧之物业,减值共港币㆔千七百 万元,则支取损益账。 hangseng.com.cn | The property revaluation has resulted in a fall [...] in Hang Seng’s [...] revaluation reserves at 31 December 2003 by HK$618 million and a chargeof HK$37 million to the profit and loss account [...][...]for the year in respect of properties where the valuation has fallen below the depreciated historical cost. hangseng.com.cn |
“合资格的.hk 中文域名(或“合资格的.hk [...] CDN”)”是指一个(1)以“.hk”结尾;(2)包含一 个或多个中文字;(3)可含有一个或多个英文字母、数字以及/或者连字元;(4)总共包含不多於 15 个中文字、字母或数字,域名後缀“.hk”不计算在内;(5)以一个中文字、字母或数字开头及结 尾;(6)在第三和第四个字元位置不 含有连字元,并且(7)在据此《.香港 优先注册期规则》申请 与一个合资格的 EDN 组成中英组合的日期时有不少於九十( 90)日才到期。 hkdnr.hk | Eligible .hk Chinese Domain Name" (or "Eligible .hk CDN") means a Domain Name which (i) ends with ".hk"; (ii) contains at least one or more Chinese Characters, (iii) may contain one or more English letters, numbers and/or hyphens; (iv) is not more than 15 Chinese Characters, letters or numbers in total length excluding the ".hk" extension; (v) begins and ends with [...] a Chinese [...] Character, a letter or a number; (vi) does not contain hyphens in the third and fourthcharacterpositions,and(vii)expires at least ninety (90) days after the date of application for bundling with [...]an Eligible EDN [...]under these Pre Launch Priority Registration Period Rules. hkdnr.hk |
陈方安生及余若薇之平均排名分别为7.7和8.6,总结排名第五及第 六位,而 第七至 十位分别为刘慧卿、叶刘淑仪、曾钰成及范徐丽泰,其平均排名分别为9.0、10.0、10.2及12.3。 hkupop.hku.hk | The overall ranks of Anson Chan and Audrey Eu come 5th and 6th with an average ranking of 7.7 and 8.6 respectively. The 7th to 10th overall ranks go to Emily Lau, Regina Ip, Jasper Tsang, Rita Fan, with corresponding average rankings of 9.0, 10.0, 10.2 and 12.3. hkupop.hku.hk |
本 公 司 董 事 会 设 董 事 长 一 名,副 董 事 长 二 名,由十四位董事组 成,所 有 董 事(行 政 总 裁 和 两 名 执 行 董 事 除 外 )均 为 独 立 於 管 理 层 的 非 执 行 董 事,其 中 包 括 五 位 分 别 在 电 信、财 务、法 律、金 融 等 方 面 拥 有 丰 富 的 经 验 并 拥 有 学 术及专业资历,且具影响力及积极主动的独立非执行董事, 六位拥有广泛而丰富的业务和管理经验的非执行董事, 这 有 助 於 严 格 检 讨 及 监 控 管 理 程 序,确 保 保 护 包 括 中 小 股 东 在 内 的 全 体 股 东 的 利 益。 zte.com.cn | Save for the Chief Executive Officer and 2 Executive Directors, all Directors are Non-executive Directors independent of the management, including 5 Independent Non-executive Directors who have substantial experience and possess academic and professional qualifications in the telecommunications, financial, legal and banking sectors and who are able to exercise influence in a proactive manner, and 6 Non-executive Directors who have extensive business and management experience. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
以下十位中国艺术家,实现总成交额14.92亿美元,占 中国纯艺术类(仅包 括中国书画、油画及当代艺术)市场29.44%的市场份额,是中国高端艺术品市 场之翘楚。 imgpublic.artprice.com | The following ten painters,whose combined sales in 2012 amounted to $1.492 [...] billion or 29.44% of the pure art market (including [...]Chinese traditional painting, calligraphy, oil painting and contemporary art only), represent the cream of China’s high-end art market. imgpublic.artprice.com |
至於第六至十位的排名,依次为民主党、前、社会民主连线、自由党及四五行动,分别得48.3、46.5、43.8、43.5及36.5分。 hkupop.hku.hk | The 6th to 10thranks fell to Democratic Party (DP), Frontier, League of Social Democrats (LSD), Liberal Party (LP) and April Fifth Action (AFA), with respective scores of 48.3, 46.5, 43.8, 43.5 and 36.5 marks. hkupop.hku.hk |
本 公 司 已 获 收 购 人 通 知 由 收 购 人 所 持 有 总 数 为 189,428,000 股 之 股 份( 占 本 公 司 已 发 行 股 本 约 16.09 % )已 由 广 发 证 券( 作 为 配 售 代 理 )根 据 配 售 协 议 之 条 款 及 条 件 配 售 予 超过六 位独立於 及 与 收 购 人 及 本 公 司及彼 等 各 自 之 附 属 公 司及联 系 人 士( 根 据 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 所 定 义 )的 董 事 、 主 要 行 政 人 员 及 主 要 股 东 概 无 关 连 及 并 非 收 购 人之一致 行 动 人 士 之 投 资 者 , 配 售 价 为 每 股 0.36港元。 cigyangtzeports.com | The Company has been informed by the Offeror that an aggregate of 189,428,000 Shares, representing approximately 16.09% of the issued share capital of the Company, being held by the Offeror have been placed by GF [...] Securities (as the placing [...] agent)to more thansix investors whoare independent of and not connected with the directors, the chief executives and the substantial shareholders of the Offeror and the Company and their respective subsidiaries and associates (as defined in the GEM Listing Rules) and are not parties acting in concert with the Offeror, at the placing price of HK$0.36 per Share in [...]accordance with the terms [...]and conditions of the Placing Agreement. cigyangtzeports.com |
在回顾之年度内,已按照行使价行使之认股权相当於 [...] 196,000 股股份(於紧接认 股权行使日期前之加权平均收市价为港币 10.81 元),按行使价失效之认股权相 当於 640,000 股股份 , [...] 并无根据此计划授出任何认股权,而本公司就已行使之 认股权共收得港币一百四十六万四 千一百二 十元。swirepacific.com | During the year under review, 196,000 options were exercised at the Exercise Price (with HK$10.81 being the weighted average closing share price immediately before the dates on which the options were exercised), 640,000 options at the Exercise Price [...] lapsed, no option was granted under the Scheme [...] and the Company received HK$1,464,120 in total for [...]the share options exercised. swirepacific.com |