

单词 十位



16-bit (computing)




decimal system

External sources (not reviewed)

惠普年收入1260亿美元,在美国财富500强企业中名列 十位 , 在 全球财富500强企业中排在第26位,而且是全球最大的IT企业之一。
With annual revenue of $126 billion (USD), HP ranks 10th on the U.S. Fortune 500, ranks 26th on the Global Fortune 500, and is one of the world''s largest technology companies.
表12显示了2000年和2010年鱼和渔业产品十 位的出口国和进口国。
Table 12 shows the top ten exporters and [...]
importers of fish and fishery products in 2000 and 2010.
[...] 待这一盛会,对参加这一盛会,我当然极为自豪,更何况正如大家所知,有六百多位与 会者,其中有十位部长、十位教育部副部长、九个政府间组织和十三个非政府组织, [...]
I am here as a “notary”, and I have therefore genuinely tried – at every moment – to keep a neutral, outsider’s eye on this event, in which I am obviously extremely proud to have participated, particularly since, as you know,
there are more than 600 registered
[...] participants, including 80 ministers and 10 deputy [...]
ministers of education, nine intergovernmental
organizations and thirteen NGOs from UNESCO’s 127 Member States.
六十 名与会者(其中有十位第一 线专家,以及国际和地区组织、教科文组织全国委员会和各国 常驻代表团的代表)建议鼓励教科文组织在这方面发挥推动作用,就与教科书有关的问题, 促进国家和地区的对话与研究。
The 60 participants (20 experts in the field, as well as representatives of international and regional organizations, UNESCO National Commissions and Permanent Delegations) recommended that UNESCO be encouraged to play a catalyst role in this field, promoting national and regional dialogue and research on issues related to textbooks.
中兴通讯一直以来重视知识产权战略,致力于不断提升专利竞争力,已连续两年成为全球最大的PCT申请方,其中,2012年公司PCT申请量较去年同比增幅达37%,欧洲专利申请量达到1184件,成为去年欧洲专利申请量进步最快的公司,这也是中国公司首次进入 十位。
In 2012, ZTE filed 37% more patents under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) than a
year earlier, and became the first Chinese company to
[...] be among the Top-10 patent applicants [...]
at the European Patent Office.
(d) 倘於每間工廠的地面任何地方或使用或儲存爆炸物或高度易燃物品的地方 僱用十位工人 ,須採取有效措施確保所有工人均熟悉消防通道並已接受 充分的相關培訓。
(d) In every factory wherein more than ten workers are ordinarily employed in any place above the ground floor, or explosives or highly inflammable materials are used or stored, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that all the workers are familiar with the means of escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the routine to be followed in such case.
占世界海洋渔业产量约30%的十位物 种 多数种群被完全开发,因此没有增 加产量的潜力,而一些种群被过度捕捞,如果实施有效恢复计划其产量可能增 加。
Most of the
[...] stocks of the top ten species, which account in total for about 30 percent of the world marine capture [...]
fisheries production,
are fully exploited and, therefore, have no potential for increases in production, while some stocks are overexploited and increases in their production may be possible if effective rebuilding plans are put in place.
民意研究計劃總監鍾庭耀分析:「最新十大立法會議員調查顯示,對比三個月前,可能由於公眾的關注已由特首誠信轉到碼頭工潮,以熟悉程度計,上次在十大立法會議員榜排名第四、第七及 十位 的 田 北俊、謝偉俊及陳偉業,在今次調查中跌出認知度門檻,由涂謹申、梁家傑和李卓人取代。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed, "The latest survey of top 10 Legislative Councillors shows that compared to three months ago, probably due to the shift in public attention from CE's integrity to dock workers' protests, in terms of familiarity, James
Tien, Paul Tse and Albert Chan who ranked
[...] fourth, seventh and tenth last time have [...]
dropped out of the 'top 10' list and replaced
by James To, Alan Leong and Lee Cheuk-yan.
拉丁美洲共有兩個城市名列十大,包括聖地牙哥及墨西哥城;而巴西亦有五個城市列入了 前十位新興城市。
Latin American cities held two of the top ten spots (Santiago and Mexico City), and five Brazilian cities placed among the top 50.
2010-2011 两年期方案预算的现行条款规定十 位委员 会成员参加在日内瓦举行的两次年度常会的 [...]
旅费和每日生活津贴,其中包括三周或 15 个工作日 的费用以及这些会议的会务费用。
Current provisions in the programme budget for the biennium
2010-2011 provided for travel and per diem
[...] costs for the ten members of the Committee [...]
to attend its two annual regular sessions
in Geneva, consisting of three weeks or 15 working days each, as well as for conference services for those meetings.
The 6th to 10th ranks fell to Democratic Party (DP), Frontier, League of Social Democrats (LSD), Liberal Party (LP) and April Fifth Action (AFA), with respective scores of 48.3, 46.5, 43.8, 43.5 and 36.5 marks.
是次活動吸引十位來自新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國及菲律賓等地的設計師 參與,他們為是次活動設計了款式獨特的紅裙作慈善拍賣。
The campaign involved ten rising fashion designers [...]
from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, who
created their own masterpiece of a red dress that was auctioned for the cause.
十位中国 艺术家,实现总成交额14.92亿美元,占中国纯艺术类(仅包 [...]
括中国书画、油画及当代艺术)市场29.44%的市场份额,是中国高端艺术品市 场之翘楚。
The following ten painters, whose combined [...]
sales in 2012 amounted to $1.492 billion or 29.44% of the pure art market (including
Chinese traditional painting, calligraphy, oil painting and contemporary art only), represent the cream of China’s high-end art market.
在地震中,司法部门至少有以十位 成 员 遇难:太子港一审法院院长、两名 太子港一审法院法官、一名安什一审法院的政府专员和一名太子港一审法院代理 政府专员、四名太子港一审法院的执达员和一名书记官。
At least 10 members of the Judiciary, including the most senior judge and two other judges of the court of first instance in Port-au-Prince, the Government Commissioner in the court of first instance in Hinche, and a Deputy Government Commissioner to the court of first instance in Port-au-Prince, four ushers and a clerk of the court of first instance in Portau-Prince, lost their lives in the earthquake.
在荷蘭阿納姆(Arnhem),有十位聖 徒 最近 在一個青年基督徒的活動曰送出了 [...]
844 套雷瑪小 冊子包。
In Arnhem,
[...] The Netherlands, twenty saints recently [...]
handed out 844 Rhema Set One packs at a Christian young people’s day.
圖一十位康宏 代言人包括(由左起):康宏理財服務有限公司聯席董事吳煒龍(Nick Ng)、助理聯席董事盧艷萍(Agnes Lo)、聯席董事梁子琪(Eva Leung)、助理聯席董事羅金祥(Enoch Lo)、副總監傅惠賢(Zuriel Fu)、聯席董事卓啓雄(Franky Cheuk)、聯席董事吳婉奇(Christine Ng)、聯席董事張言銘(Edwin Cheung)、助理聯席董事梁惜君(Morise Leung)以及助理聯席董事林正宏(Perseus Lam)。
Photo 1: 10 Convoy spokespersons including (from left to right): Mr. Nick Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Agnes Lo, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Eva Leung, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Enoch Lo, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Zuriel Fu, Deputy Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Franky Cheuk, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Christine Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Edwin Cheung, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Morise Leung, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; and Mr. Perseus Lam, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited
理事會包括創辦人,協會副主席及不多 十位 遴 選 理事(其中一或多於 一人須由區域組別提名),國際信託人,世界贊助人總監及國際秘書長(當 然委員)。
Its membership include the Founder, Deputy Chairman of the Association, not more than 10 elected members comprising one or more members nominated by each Regional Grouping, International Trustees, the Director of World Fellowship and the International Secretary General (ex-officio).
蒙特利尔银行的Gavin Wang还成十位“最 佳交易主管奖”得奖者之一。
Finally, BMO's Gavin Wang
[...] was among the ten winners for the Best Head [...]
of Trading Award.
经济合作与发展组织发展援助委员会 2008-2009
[...] 年的援助统计显示,在对有 援助数据的 34 个小岛屿国家的官方发展援助方面,联合国机构和布雷顿森林机 构在援助总额方面占十位。
According to the 2008-2009 aid statistics of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD-DAC), United Nations agencies and the Bretton Woods institutions ranked among the top 10 donors of
gross official development assistance (ODA) among the 34
[...] small island developing States for which such data were available.
We are servicing dozens of customers on a [...]
daily basis and it saves us time and money, because it helps answer common or
complicated questions and solve matters instantly and provide a higher level of support than the competition.
活動共有十位來自 普通學校的老師出席,並介紹擁有不同程度視力受損的視障學生所需要的教育支援與輔助儀器應用,以加強視障學生參與普通學校融合教育之成效。
The participants had the opportunity to learn about the necessary support conducive to the education of students with different levels of visual impairment, and the special needs of these students in ordinary schools in order to facilitate their integration in ordinary schools.
十二月三日是国际残疾人日,当天,来自马拉维的 十位 运 动员与全国家庭接待员及四位教练一起受邀前往马拉维布兰太尔参加一个官方活动。
On December 3, the International Day of People with Disability, 20 athletes together with our national family coordinator, and 4 coaches were invited to an official function which took place at the state house in Blantyre, Malawi.
於 本 年 度 內,董 事 會 成 員 包 括 一 位 執 行 董 事
[...] 宣 建 生 博 士(主 席)十 位 非 執 行 董 事 劉 烈 宏 先 [...]
生、盧 明 先 生、吳 群 女 士、徐 海 和 先 生、杜 和 平 先 生、譚 文 鋕 先 生、Robert
Theodoor Smits先 生、児 玉 純 一 先 生(於 二 零 一 零 年 六 月 七 日 獲 委 任)、陳 彥 松 先 生 及Maarten Jan de Vries先 生(於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 九 日 辭 任)以 及 三 位 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 曾 文 仲 先 生、谷 家 泰 博 士 及 黃 之 強 先 生。
During the year, the Board consisted of
one executive director, namely Dr Hsuan,
[...] Jason (Chairman), ten nonexecutive directors, [...]
namely Mr Liu Liehong, Mr Lu Ming,
Ms Wu Qun, Mr Xu Haihe, Mr Du Heping, Mr Tam Man Chi, Mr Robert Theodoor Smits, Mr Junichi Kodama (who was appointed on 7th June 2010), Mr Chen Yen-Sung and Mr Maarten Jan de Vries (who resigned on 9th April 2010) and three independent non-executive directors, namely Mr Chan Boon Teong, Dr Ku Chia-Tai and Mr Wong Chi Keung.
起动输入、程序停止指令输入、连续转动停机输入、应答输入、原点复位指令输入、复位输入、预 复位输入、程序号码设定输入的位 数 、 十位 数 输入等,均为上升沿检出的输入。
The start input, program stop input, continuous rotation stop input, answer input, home return command input, reset input, ready return input, and program number setting inputs (first and second digits) are inputs supplied upon detection of the rising edge.
关于国际人权日,12 月 10 日,我的特别代表十位伊拉 克人权维护者颁奖, 表彰他们在伊拉克为促进和保护人权所作的杰出工作。
For International Human Rights Day, on 10 December, my Special Representative presented awards to 10 Iraqi human rights defenders for their outstanding work to promote and protect human rights in Iraq.
從 1960 年到 1970 Dagomysskaâ 學校號 12 天學校 11 年的教學,所以很正常,年級末 9 天移動 10 晚上班前, 一年完成學業,並已考慮到高等教育數以百計的入學的服務 1 年後我們學校的畢業生繼續他的研究和接受高等教育,數十名是科學的學生的 十位 候 選 人成功聯合學校工作和體育。
From 1960 to 1970 Dagomysskaâ school No. 12 was the day school with 11 years of teaching, so it was normal after the end of grade 9 day move in 10 evening class, a year earlier to finish school and have 1 year of service that ...
4) 6bit 二进制 起动联动(PRM36=4,紧急停车后无编号设置时) 将程序设置输入十位数( CN3-9)作为程序编号选择输入的 bit 4, 将程序设置输入的个位数(CN3-10)作为程序编号选择输入的 [...]
bit 5 使用。
4) 6 bit Binary Selection with Start (PRM36=4, program number is not set
after emergency stop)
[...] The second digit (CN3-9) in the program setting input is used for bit 4 of the program [...]
number selection input,
and the first digit (CN3-10) in the program setting input is used for bit 5 of the program number selection input.
目前,北京广播网拥有26个频道,200多个二级页面,日点击量超过500万人次,据Alexa权威调查统计,2008年上半年北京广播网世界网站的平均排名在3300名左右,其间最好排名达到过2881名;北京广播网在与新华网、人民网、凤凰网、CCTV、北青网等全国18家较有影响力的媒体网站所进行的比较中,广播网排名在八 十位 , 在 全国广播媒体网站中始终名列第一。
The click rate of it is more than 5 million every day. According to authoritative research and survey of Alexa, in the first half of 2008, the averageranking of RBC.cn was around 3,300 in the world, and the best ranking reached 2,881; compared to the 18 comparatively influential media websites, such as
Xinhuanet.com, People's Daily
[...] Online, Ifeng.com, CCTV.com, YNET.com, RBC.cn ranked eight to ten, and has always [...]
be the best one of the broadcast media websites.




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