

单词 十亿位元



Gigabit Ethernet


Gigabit Ethernet Alliance

See also:


one billion
hundred million


the tens place (or column) in the decimal system

亿元 pl

billions pl


bit (computing)

External sources (not reviewed)

惠普年收入1260亿美元,在美国财富500强企业中名列 十位 , 在 全球财富500强企业中排在第26位,而且是全球最大的IT企业之一。
With annual revenue of $126 billion (USD), HP ranks 10th on the U.S. Fortune 500, ranks [...]
26th on the Global Fortune 500,
and is one of the world''s largest technology companies.
附表显示了1996年至 2008年间波兰的进出口额和贸易差额(位:十亿美元)。
The attached graph shows the value of imports and exports, as well as the trade balance in the period
[...] from 1996 until 2008 (in USD billion).
拆除 这些武器又花费了十亿美元。
Billions of dollars more were spent [...]
on dismantling those weapons.
研究表明在4年时间内将PC软件的盗版率降 十 个 百分点,可在新的经济活动中创造 1420亿美元,其 中超过80%将惠及本地行业,同时还将创造近50万个高科技 位 , 新增 近320亿美元税收
The study finds that reducing the piracy rate for PC software by 10
percentage points in four years
[...] would create $142 billion in new economic activity — more than 80 percent accruing to local industries — while adding nearly 500,000 new high-tech jobs and generating roughly $32 billion in new tax revenues.
十位中国艺术家,实现总成交额 14 . 9 2 亿 美 元 , 占中国纯艺术类(仅包 括中国书画、油画及当代艺术)市场29.44%的市场份额,是中国高端艺术品市 场之翘楚。
The following ten painters, whose combined sales in 2012 amounted to $1.492 billion or 29.44% of the [...]
pure art market (including
Chinese traditional painting, calligraphy, oil painting and contemporary art only), represent the cream of China’s high-end art market.
在打開十六進位轉儲功能時,印表機會 十 六 進 位元 格 式 列印全部的命令及其它資 料,並列印指南部分幫助您查找專用命令。
When you
[...] turn on the hexadecimal dump function, the printer prints all commands and data in hexadecimal format along [...]
with a guide section
to help you find specific commands.
在此,我谨强调——至少是第四次强调——如果 杀戮行动停止,如果口口声声支持民主的那些人停止
[...] 实施其针对叙利亚的图谋,如果向武装团体慷慨提供十亿美元资金 和最先进武器与通讯手段,在本国首 都收留这些武装团体,以便协助这些武装团体针对叙 [...]
那么叙利亚本会执行阿拉伯国家联盟的行动计划以 及该计划下的相关议定书。
Here, and for the fourth time at least, let me stress that if the killing had ceased, if those who pay lip service to democracy had ceased to implement their designs against
Syria, if those States that provide
[...] generous funds — billions of dollars — and the most [...]
modern weapons and means of communication
to the armed groups, hosting them in their capitals in order to facilitate their criminal acts against the Syrian people and their property, if they had ceased to do so, Syria would have fulfilled the League of Arab States plan of action and the relevant protocol under that plan.
2012年,TCL的品牌价值超过了583.26亿元 , 继续保持了中国第一电视机品牌的 位。
In 2012, the brand value of TCL
[...] had exceeded RMB 58.326 billion, continuing to hold the No. 1 TV brand position in China.
圣诞老人和他的精英小精灵的团队使用间谍般的特技提供 十亿 美 元 的 礼 物,世界上所有的孩子在一个令人难以置信的夜晚。
Santa and his elite elf team use spy-like
[...] stunts to deliver billions of presents to [...]
all the world's children in one incredible night.
因此,我們也期望明年,當政府 看到明年紅酒商真的盡快銷售現有存貨,就是未售完也按 40%的酒稅減價 時,政府會研究是否有空間取得位 議 員 的支持,再進一步減低酒稅,令香 港成為紅酒推銷中心或令普羅大眾也可飲用每瓶 十元 的 酒 ,令大家看到 80%和 40%的酒稅是有分別的呢?
In view of this, we also hope that next year, when the Government finds that the wine trade has been really trying to sell their existing stock quickly and that even though their existing stock has not been sold out, it still reduces prices according to the wine duty rate of 40%, the Government will consider if there is room to secure Members' support and reduce the wine duty further, so that
Hong Kong can become a marketing
[...] centre for wine, the general public can also enjoy wine at a cost of tens of dollars a bottle and everyone can see the difference between a wine duty of 80% and 40%.
公司面临的此类风险包括设计、选址、核发许可、修建、运营和预期收入延 迟;与当地劳动力市场的关系不睦;融资、保险和安全成本较高;产能下降;员
[...] 工工作时间变化和声誉受损等间接影响;以及可能出现的项目取消,迫使公司取 消整个投资,放弃损失的储备金、收入和利润价值,后一种情况会达到 十亿美 元。
Such risks to companies include delays in design, siting, granting of permits, construction, operation and expected revenues; problematic relations with local labour markets; higher costs for financing, insurance and security; reduced output; collateral impacts such as diverted staff time and reputational hits; and possible project cancellation, forcing a company to write off its entire investment and forgo
the value of its lost reserves, revenues and profits, which
[...] can run into several billion dollars in the latter [...]
case.41 71.
自 2005
[...] 年以来,巴基斯坦经历了地震、气旋、 洪水和泥石流,数百万人受到影响,造成 十亿 美 元 的 经 济损失。
Since 2005, Pakistan had experienced earthquakes, cyclones, floods
and landslides, which had affected millions of people and resulted in economic
[...] losses amounting to billions of dollars.
[...] 告》继续强调保持核武器,依赖过时的威慑政策,调拨 十亿 美 元 来 实现美国武 器库的现代化,将核武器的削减限制为退役,这样做回避消除这些武器的义务, [...]
The continued emphasis of the new United States Nuclear Posture Review on maintaining nuclear weapons, relying on
the obsolete deterrence policy,
[...] allocating several billions of dollars to the modernization [...]
of the United States arsenals,
limiting the reductions of nuclear weapons to decommissioning them and, by doing so, evading the obligation to eliminate them, and raising new excuses for keeping nuclear weapons in the new Nuclear Posture Review, are clear indications of the United States policy to continue its non-compliance with its obligations under article VI.
除了 石油基础设施,中国政府还为苏丹的大坝工程、道路、 铁路、电力、水利和其他主要基础设施项目提供了十 亿美元资金
In addition to oil infrastructure, the Chinese government has financed billions of dollars of major dam projects, roads, railways, power, water and other major infrastructure projects in Sudan.
这些位所需费用 从 6.10 亿美元的基准费用中支付。
These proposals are formed within the $610 million baseline.
“合資格的.hk 中文域名(或“合資格的.hk
[...] CDN”)”是指一個(1)以“.hk”結尾;(2)包含一 個或多個中文字;(3)可含有一個或多個英文字母、數字以及/或者連字元;(4)總共包含不多於 15 個中文字、字母或數字,域名後綴“.hk”不計算在內;(5)以一個中文字、字母或數字開頭及結 尾;(6)在第三和第四個元位置不 含有連字元,並且(7)在據此《.香港 優先註冊期規則》申請 與一個合資格的 EDN 組成中英組合的日期時有不少於十 ( 90 )日才到期。
Eligible .hk Chinese Domain Name" (or "Eligible .hk CDN") means a Domain Name which (i) ends with ".hk"; (ii) contains at least one or more Chinese Characters, (iii) may contain one or more English letters, numbers and/or hyphens; (iv) is not more than 15 Chinese Characters, letters or numbers in total length excluding the ".hk" extension; (v) begins and ends with
a Chinese
[...] Character, a letter or a number; (vi) does not contain hyphens in the third and fourth character positions, and (vii) expires at least ninety (90) days after the date of application for bundling with [...]
an Eligible EDN
under these Pre Launch Priority Registration Period Rules.
根据 33 C/56.10
[...] 亿美元的预算方案,内部监督办公室会失去一个评估专家 位 , 但6.35 亿美元的方案,总干事提议恢复这一职位,并在该办公室增设一个评估专家职位,使其 [...]
Under the US $610 million budget scenario for document 33
C/5, IOS loses one evaluation
[...] specialist post whereas under the US $635 million scenario the [...]
Director-General has proposed
that this post be reinstated and that an additional evaluation specialist post be established in IOS to enable the Service to significantly strengthen its support to evaluations in the follow up to the EFA Strategic Review.
为 了控制和管理12,900 支子基金和超过 2.2万亿欧元的资产,位于卢森堡的服务 商已经建立起创新可靠的IT金融体系。
In order to manage and administrate 12,900 subfunds
[...] and more than EUR 2,200 billion of assets, Luxembourg-based [...]
service providers have developed
innovative and reliable IT financial systems.
[...] 础上,可筹资比挪威提议 (见 4.4.1) 的收入多一 些,即清除量位,每年 50亿至 65亿美元。
Basing the levy on the units issued raises
a little more – the quantity of RMUs – revenue than the Norwegian
[...] proposal (Section 4.4.1); $5 to $6.5 billion per year.
与母公司 ROHM
[...] 合并后的协同优势 — ROHM 作为一家资产达十亿美元的半导体公司,拥有庞大的分销网络、出色的现场工程团队、具备成熟设计经验的全球研发团队,以及全球质量保证体系 [...]
— 以增强我们面对全球庞大客户群的服务能力。
Synergy with our parent
[...] company ROHM—a multi-billion dollar semiconductor [...]
company with a vast distribution network; exceptional
field engineering group; global R&D organization with proven design expertise; and worldwide quality-assurance systems—strengthens our ability to serve a large global customer base.
目前,位元堂控股在香港共經營十 二 間 位元堂 零售店。
WYT Holdings
[...] currently has 42 Wai Yuen Tong retail outlets [...]
in Hong Kong.
然而,通过全球中介发放出的优惠券总值依 然有上亿美元之多 ,而中介的收入也可能 保持在十亿—— 尽管这只是全部消费品零 售业收入的一小部分,但金额仍相当可观。
However, the total value of coupon deals enabled by intermediaries around
the world should remain
[...] in the tens of billions of dollars, and the revenues to those intermediaries will likely remain in the billions – a small amount [...]
within the context
of all consumer retail, but still a significant sum.
一些石油专家认为,目前 的已探明储量不足以为这个可能花费 十亿 美 元并 需 要多年才能完工的工程提供经济理由。
Some petroleum experts argue that currently proven reserves alone would
not provide economic justification for a project
[...] that would cost billions of dollars and take several [...]
years to complete.
2) 上海在中国增长强劲的经济中占据着重 位 置 , 2006年全市生产总值(GDP) 12 8 0 2 亿元 , 居全国第三,增长率达到18%,涨幅居全国第二; 3) 上海全年全社会固定资产投资突破 6400亿元,增长73.3%,其中工业投入38 8 0 亿元 , 居全国大中城市第 位; 4) 世界500强中已经有391家落户上海,未来的 5年内,上海将形成以电子信息、机电一体化、生物医药和新材料为主的高新技术产业带;以冶金、能源、化工、造纸、建材、汽车及零部件、粮油加工和物流等产业为主的沿江新型基础产业带。
C) exhibition held to a background
of the market) in
[...] Shanghai has become one of China's fastest economic development, the most competitive in the world. 2) Shanghai, China's robust economic growth to occupy an important position, 2006 city product (GDP) 1.2802 trillion yuan, ranking third nationwide, the growth rate reached 18%. increase ranked the country's second; 3) Shanghai annual fixed-assets investment breakthrough 640 billion yuan. growth of 73.3%, of which the industrial input 388 billion yuan, ranking the [...]
first among large cities in one; 4) 500, have 391 installed in the Shanghai,
over the next five years, Shanghai will become the electronic information, electromechanical integration, bio-medicine and new materials-based high-tech industrial belts; in metallurgy, energy, chemicals, paper and building materials, motor vehicles and parts, food processing and logistics industry as the mainstay of the new basic industries along the river belt.
以高速线路大部位于河 南(平原地形)的中原高速(2.25,0.01,0.45%)(600020.SH)为例,2003年中原高速上市募集资金收购的价格为 1 3 . 6 亿元 ( 漯 驻 高速2001年9月开通,收购最终于2004年完成),每公里仅合2023.8万元,而于2007年12月通车的郑石高速(2005年9月开工)每公里建设成本已高达4791.2万元。
With the high speed line mostly in Henan ( plain terrain ) Central Plains high ( 2.25,0.01,0.45% ) ( 600020.SH ) as an example, in 2003 the Central Plains high-speed listing to raise funds to buy for the price of 1360000000 yuan ( Luo is stationed in a high speed in 2001 opened in September, the acquisition was eventually completed in 2004 ), only 20238000 yuan per km, and in 2007 December opening of Zheng high speed of stone ( 2005 September to start the construction cost per kilometer ) has been as high as 47912000 yuan.
最新公布的经济数据显示,2012年末,广义货币(M2)余 额 15 .4 3万亿 美 金 (97.42万亿元人民币),同比增长13.8%,货币供给量已经接近百 亿元 的高 位 水 平 ;狭 义 货 币 ( M1)余额4.89万亿美金(30.87万亿元人民币),同比增长 6.5%,比2012年二季度的同比增长率高出1.8个百分点,显示出实体经济资金 活跃度的提升。
The latest economic data shows that at the end of 2012, the broad money (M2) balance was $15.43 trillion (CNY97.42 trillion, a year-on-year increase of 13.8%), and money supply already approaching the $100 trillion threshold; the narrow money (M1) balance was of $4.89 trillion (CNY30.87 trillion, a year-on-year growth of 6.5%), 1.8 percentage points higher than the year-on-year growth rate in the second quarter of 2012, indicating that real economic funds are picking up.
最近几个月,十亿美元被偷运到阿拉伯 叙利亚共和国,并且被分配给受美利坚合众国和其他 [...]
国家支持的极端主义者、武器走私者和交易者以及武 装恐怖主义集团,阿拉伯叙利亚代表团将在为恐怖主 义活动筹措资金的背景下及时确认这一点。
Billions of dollars had been smuggled into [...]
the Syrian Arab Republic in recent months and distributed among extremists, arms
smugglers and traders and armed terrorist groups supported by the United States of America and other countries, which his delegation would identify in due course in the context of their financing of terrorist activities.
这些投资的范围从小型企业到大型企业,包括大连万达集团最近的 十亿 美 元 的 AM C影院连锁公司的收购以及像天津钢管,尚德太阳能,金龙精密铜管这样的公司,甚至像中海油,中石化和中航工业这样的国有企业的重大投资项目。
These investments range from small enterprises to
large, including Dalian Wanda’s
[...] Group’s recent multi-billion dollar acquisition of [...]
the AMC theater chain as well as major
investments by companies like Tianjin Pipe, Sun Tech, Golden Dragon Precise Copper, and even state-owned enterprises like CNOOC, SINOPEC, and AVIC.
尽管最近将一个十亿美元的印 度喷气战斗机合同给了对手财团的决议,令英国颇为失望,但国防仍然是一个巨大的双边合作的“坚实”和历史悠久的板块。
Despite Britain’s disappointment over the recent
[...] award of a multi-billion Indian jet-fighter [...]
contract to a rival consortium, defence
remains a ‘hard’ and historic area of immense bilateral collaboration.




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