

单词 十二码

See also:

二十 num

twenty num



External sources (not reviewed)

第一栏包十六进制代码,第二栏为与 代码相对应的ASCII字符。
The first column
[...] contains the hexadecimal codes and the second column gives the ASCII characters that correspond to the codes.
第一行显十六进制代码,第二行显 示相应的 ASCII 字符。
The first row
[...] shows the hexadecimal code and the second row shows the [...]
corresponding ASCII character.
特别是该地区的蚕食兴趣当我们谈论数字系统 B C D 码(二 进 制 编 码十 进 制)或/和十六号码(基地16).
The Nibble specially comes in the area of
interest when we are talking about the number
[...] systems, BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) or/and hexadecimal [...]
(base 16) numbers.
有符二进制补码符号 都假设成小数和指数 形式。
Signed twos-complement notation is assumed for both the fraction and the exponent.
获得该节目长度为"H"是用来指挥、 由于它将拿出加减两十六号码.获得 的长度来说,我们给我们的节目作为参数值的最后报告(10A)款 而计画的初步报告(100).结果表明,指挥第一件是把我们的参 数 , 二 是 减 法.
To obtain the length of ours, we give it as parameters the value of our program's final address (10A), and the program's initial address (100).
根据第 60/180 号决议第 4 段(a)至(d),二十四个国家已经当选或被遴选为 建设和平委员会组织委员会成员:安全理事会甄选中国、法国、加蓬、墨西哥、 俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国担任委员会成员;经 济及社会理事会选举澳大利亚、巴西、埃及、几内亚比绍、摩洛哥、波兰和大韩 民国担任成员;加拿大、德国、日本、荷兰和瑞典作为从向联合国预算分摊会费 最高以及向联合国各基金、方案和机构、包括向建设和平常设基金自愿捐助最多 的 10 个国家中遴选出成员;孟加拉国、印度、尼泊尔、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦作 为从向联合国特派团派遣军事人员和民警最多的 10 个国家中遴选出的成员。
Pursuant to paragraphs 4 (a) to (d) of resolution 60/180, 24 States had already been elected and/or selected as members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission: China, France, Gabon, Mexico, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America selected by the Security Council; Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Morocco, Poland and Republic of Korea elected by the Economic and Social Council; Canada, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Sweden selected by and from among the top 10 providers of assessed contributions to United Nations budgets and of voluntary contributions to United Nations funds, programmes and agencies, including a standing peacebuilding fund; and Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan selected by and from among the top 10 providers of military personnel and civilian police to United Nations missions.
这些工具能够产生所需十六进制代 码 , 以 便配置AD41xx和ADF42xx PLL的寄存器。
These tools
[...] will generate the hex code values needed to configure [...]
the registers of the AD41xx and ADF42xx PLLs.
(b) 根據公司條例之條文,本公司每份資產負債表須經簽署,及每份資產負債表
[...] 同董事會報告副本及核數師報告副本,須於不遲於大會舉行日期前 二十 一 )日,向本公司每 名股東及每名債權證持有人及根據細則第 [...]
46 條登記之每位人士以及每名有權收取本公司股東 大會通告之其他人士寄發,惟本細則並無規定須向本公司並不知悉其地址之任何人士或超過一
(b) Every balance sheet of the Company shall be signed pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, and a copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) and profit and loss account which is to be laid before the Company in general meeting, together with a copy of the Directors’ report
and a copy of the Auditors’ report,
[...] shall not less than (twenty-one) days before the [...]
date of the meeting, be sent to every
member of, and every holder of debentures of, the Company and every person registered under Article 46 and every other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company, provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
启用该功能后,打印机每次收到 回车代码时,都会向数据流中插入一个额外的换行 码 ( 十 六 进制 0A)。
If this feature is enabled, each time the printer receives a carriage return, it inserts an
[...] additional Line Feed code (hex 0A) into the [...]
data stream.
例如,如 果页面上有三个条码,且无法读取 二 个 条 形 码 ,则 BC1 占位符将包含第 一个条码值,因为无法读取二个 条 形 码 值 , 所以 BC2 将包含第三个条形 码值。
For example, if there
[...] are three bar codes on the page and the second bar code cannot be read, then the placeholder for BC1 will contain the value from the first bar code and BC2 will contain the value from the third bar code since no value was read from the second bar code.
另一方面,如果你要控制客户端、服务和网络,则可以使 二 进 制 编 码 , 并使用TCP协议。
On the other hand, if you control the client, service and network,
[...] then you can use binary encoding, TCP as the protocol.
[...] [...] 广州市文化市场管理工作领导小组办公室在推出文化市场服务平台移动应用的同时,亦提供不同下载点予市民选择下载安装,包括手机输入网址http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index.html 点击下载,手机扫二维条形码下载 、及于“安卓市场”、“苹果商城”、“广东电信掌上营业厅”、“天翼空间”搜索“广州文化市场服务平台””下载以及手机蓝牙相互传输等途径。
Installing the “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications In parallel with the launch of “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications, GZCMMO provided various ways for the Public to choose and download from, which include : input the link
http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index.html on your phone and
[...] click, or scanning the QR code, or search in [...]
various online stores such as “Android
Market”, “App Store”, “廣東電信掌上營業廳”、“天翼空間”搜索“廣州文化市場服務平臺”.
限量20款的Royal Oak手动上链计码表拥有双十天动 力储备指示以及一个30分钟的积算盘。
Limited to 20 pieces, this Royal Oak hand-wound tourbillon
[...] chronograph has a double ten-day power-reserve indication [...]
and a 30-minute counter.
大会第十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 [...]
秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取
其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General [...]
Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions
of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
尾数连同符号 bit 一起构二进 制补码有符 号小数,从而形成完整的快速浮点数 双字格式。
The mantissa is used with the sign bit to create a twos-complement signed fraction, which completes the fast floating-point two-word format.
我們在二零零七年十一月廿二日諮詢立法會工務小組委員會,及在二 零零七十二月十四日 獲立法會財務委員會通過把 8011YD 號項目的一部分 提升為甲級,按付款當日計算,估計所需費用為 4 億元,用以向地鐵提供資 助,藉以支付項目在獲授權實施前的設計階段所支出的費用。
We consulted the Public Works Sub-committee at its meeting on 22 November 2007 and obtained the approval of the Finance Committee on 14 December 2007 to upgrade part of 8011YD to Category A at an estimated cost of $400.0 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide funding support to the MTRCL to cover the design phase expenditure up to scheme authorization.
在指定 监护人时,必须考虑码已十岁儿童或实际行为能力有限的人的愿望。
The wishes of a child
[...] who is at least ten years of age or [...]
of a person with restricted active legal capacity must be considered
in the appointment of a guardian.
专家们还特别欢迎2009年8 月实施的新政策。根据该项新政策,军方在 被拘留者被捕两星期内,必须将被拘留者的姓名及其身份证 码 通 知 红 十 字 委员 会。
The experts also welcome in particular the new policy implemented in August 2009, under which the military must notify ICRC of detainees’ names and identification number within two weeks of capture.332 Nevertheless, there is no legal justification for this two-week period of secret detention.
它通过添加输入检查和掩码,如日期、IP地址、序列号、电话 码 、 数 位以 十 进 制 ,增强了RadTextBox的功能。
It enhances the function of RadTextBox by adding input validation and masks, such as date, IP Address, SSN, Phone number, digits, and decimals.
十九条称,《2010 数码经济法》要求网络服务提供商针对用户采取措施 而无需经过法律程序,164 [...]
域名注册机构Nominet 正在考虑应警方要求在无法院 命令的情况下冻结域名。
Article 19 stated that the Digital Economy Act [...]
2010 required internet service providers (ISPs) to inter alia take measures
against subscribers without legal process;164and Nominet, the domain name register, was considering freezing domain names at the request of the police, without a court order.165 90.
除了能够可靠的 解码损坏或难以辨认的线性条码及二维符号之外,MINI HAWK还采用了先进的解码算 法,用以读取多种不同类型的 直接部件标记。
In addition to reliable decoding of damaged or difficult linear codes and 2D symbols, the MINI HAWK features advanced decode algorithms to read a wide range of direct part marks.
2010 年 6 月 1 日,专家组致函布基那法索当局,称专家组在科特迪瓦发现
[...] 布基那法索警察和军队使用的弹药,并提供了这批货物的最终用户认证 码 (见 附件二至五)。
On 1 June 2010, the Group wrote to the authorities of Burkina Faso, informing it that it had discovered ammunition in Côte d’Ivoire used by the
Burkinabé police and military and providing details of the consignments’ end
[...] user certificate numbers (see annexes II-V).
在DBCS模式中,将ASCII代码十六进 制24打印为人民币“¥”符号。
The ASCII code hex 24 is printed as [...]
a RMB “¥” character in DBCS mode.
阁 下 同 意 , 除 非 本 行 与 阁 下 另 有 协 议 , 否 则 本 行 对 以 下 各 项 毋 须 负 任 何 责 任 : ( 一 ) 由 本 行 以 外 的 任 何 人 士 于 任 何 时 间 为 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 或 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 服 务 而 生 产 或 供 应 的 任 何 设 备 丶 软 件 或 相 关 的 用 户 文 件 , 包 括 但 不 限 于 保 安码 器 或 ( 二 ) 使 用 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 或 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 服 务 所 需 而 非 受 本 行 控 制 的 任 何 服 务 。
You agree that unless we have specifically agreed with you otherwise, we shall have no liability whatsoever for (a) any equipment, software or associated user documentation which any party other than us produces or supplies at any time for use in connection with Hang Seng Business e-Banking or the Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services including, without limitation, the Security Device or (b) any services through which you access Hang Seng Business e-Banking or the Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services which are not controlled by us.
发布工具大部分是使用Moscrif编写的,使用了移动平台SDK的一些核 二 进 制 代 码。
The publishing tools are mostly written in Moscrif and
[...] use some core binaries from mobile platforms’ SDK.
该选项控制当打印机收到主机的回车 码(十 六 进 制0D)时的操作。
This option controls the action of the printer when it receives a
[...] Carriage Return code (hex 0D) from the [...]
host computer.
是,采集专业软件版本 3.0 现在支持 QR 条形码,这是在亚洲和欧洲通用二 维 码 , 可 包含亚洲语言字符。
Yes, Capture Pro Software v3.0 now supports QR bar code, a 2D code popular in Asia and Europe which can contain Asian language characters.
审计委员会注意到,大多数通过项目购买资 产的标识码缺失,而且在项目资产登记册中并未列入一个独一 二 的 号 码 或 序列 号,以便于对这些项目资产进行核查。
The Board noted that most asset identification numbers were missing from the assets bought through the project, and the project asset register did not contain a unique or serial number to facilitate the easy verification of those project assets.
25 第二,当软件的码也受到保护时,这使依据本国需要对产品进行改造变得更为困难,可 能也会制约在互操作应用软件开发(通过逆向工程后的进一步创新)方面的竞争。
It may also restrain competition in development of inter-operating applications, through follow-on innovation by reverse engineering.




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