

单词 十万火急

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External sources (not reviewed)

捐助方务必采十万火急行动 ,以确保可 以及时开展有效行动。
Very urgent action is required by donors [...]
to ensure that timely and effective action can be taken.
至关重要的是,我们应当 齐心协力十万火急地扩大和改进索马里政府拥有的 索马里国家军队和警察部队。
It is essential that we work together to enlarge and improve the Somali National Army and the Police Force of the Somali Government as a matter of grave urgency.
也是在 6 月 27 日,非政府组织十万 火急组织”的一辆车在离 Hadjer-Hadid(瓦达伊地区)30 [...]
公里之处被武装分子劫 持。
Also on 27 June, a vehicle of the international non-governmental
[...] organization Première Urgence was carjacked 30 kilometres [...]
from Hadjer Hadid (Ouaddai region) by armed individuals.
19. 这些努力促使各方作为战略合作伙伴,在联合国驻地协调员的统一协调和领
导下,共同参与这方面的工作,其中有:难民署、联合国开发计划署(开发署)、 联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)、世界粮食计划署、瑞士发展与合作署以及一些非政
[...] 府组织,即国际反饥饿行动组织、丹麦难民理事会、挪威难民理事会、 十万火 急”组织和世界展望组织。
These efforts bring together as strategic partners, under the overall coordination of the United Nations Resident Coordinator, UNHCR, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Programme, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), namely Action contre la faim
international, the Danish Refugee Council, the Norwegian
[...] Refugee Council, Première urgence and World Vision International.
Emails that have
[...] a false sense of urgency, for instance "Unless [...]
you click this link your Skype account will be disabled",
or "Your account has been compromised, click here to view details" are both examples of asking you to act in haste without verifying the source.
尽管开发署在全球早期恢复组中发挥领导作用并实 施它的早日恢复政策,但十万火急 和 紧 急呼吁的多次经验表明,虽然早期恢复 [...]
活动恢复了重要服务的途径并让受灾人口为恢复过程作出了积极贡献,但是这些 活动收到的资金往往最少。
Despite UNDP’s leadership in the global CWGER and the implementation of its
early recovery policy, repeated experience
[...] with flash and emergency appeals shows that [...]
early recovery activities, which restore
access to critical services and allow disaster-affected populations to contribute actively to the recovery process, regularly receive the least funding.
据计算,每 年都有十万人死于火器,而其中多数火器是在黑市 上买来的。
It has been calculated that
[...] hundreds of thousands of people are killed every year by firearms, the majority [...]
of which are purchased on the black market.
阿富汗已从一个被十 年冲突摧毁国家的灰烬中火重生 ,数 万 阿 富 汗人 重建了他们的生活,并且正在向前迈进。
Afghanistan has risen from the
[...] ashes of a State shattered by decades of conflict, and millions of Afghans have rebuilt their [...]
lives and are moving forward.
俄罗斯森林火造成几十人死 亡,村庄和市郊整 个整个地被毁,影响到成千万的居 民。
In Russia, wildfires have killed dozens of people and erased whole villages and city suburbs, affecting thousands more.
代表团对外部安全和对监狱工作人员火灾等紧急情况 下采取有效和适当行动的能力持有严重保留。
The delegation had serious reservations about the external security and
about the ability of the prison staff to take effective and appropriate
[...] action in case of an emergency, such as a fire.
与许多其他国家不同,在澳大利亚,除非是危及生命的情况,否则 万 不 要 到医 急 诊 室(ER)求诊。
Unlike in many other countries,
in Australia you should NEVER seek
[...] help from a hospital emergency room (ER) unless you [...]
are in a life threatening situation.
埃及寻求全面执行第 1860(2009)号决议以及大会十届特别紧急会议续会上通过的第 ES-10/18 号决议, 并在加倍努力和联系,以求建立平静,实现持久的火和开放加沙的过境点,与此同时就释放巴勒斯坦犯 人和被拘禁人员达成协议。
Egypt seeks the full implementation of resolution 1860 (2009) and
resolution ES-10/18 adopted at
[...] the resumed tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly, and has intensified its efforts and contacts to establish calm, achieve a durable ceasefire and open the Gaza [...]
crossing points, together
with reaching an agreement for the release of Palestinian prisoners and detainees.
有關樓宇須設有灑水系統、急照明 、 火 警 警 報系 統、火警控制中心,並須設有足夠的逃生途徑。
There was a need to set up
[...] sprinkler systems, emergency lighting, fire alarm [...]
systems, fire control centres and ensure sufficient means of escape.
對於余若薇議員提出的修正案建議在引用第 11(1)條時,行政長官的諮 詢須包括證監會主席及行政總裁,自由黨認為如果 十 萬 火急 的 情 況下,行 政長官仍須諮詢主席和行政總裁兩人,待兩人作出回應才行事,這樣恐怕會 妨礙政府對事件作出迅速的反應。
With regard to Ms Audrey EU's amendment which proposes that when section 11(1) is invoked, the Chief Executive shall consult both the Chairman and the CEO of the SFC, the Liberal Party considers that if, under extremely pressing circumstances, the Chief Executive is still required to consult both the Chairman and the CEO and take actions only after receiving their response, I am afraid that it would prevent the Government from making responses promptly.
马耳他政府声援巴基斯坦人民和政府,决定向人 道协调厅发布的《巴基斯坦水灾初步 急 计 划 》捐款 1 万欧元
In solidarity with the people and the Government of Pakistan, the Government of
Malta has decided to allocate a financial contribution of €10,000 to OCHA’s
[...] Pakistan Initial Floods Emergency Response Plan.
为应对这次灾 难,荷兰除通过欧洲联盟和中央应急基金做出实质性 贡献外,还捐款 300 万欧元用于急援助100 万欧 元是通过十字会 和红新月会国际联合会提供的, 200 万欧元则提供给了联合国初步水灾应急计划。
In response to this disaster, the Netherlands — besides making substantial contributions through
the European Union and the Central Emergency Response Fund — has
[...] contributed €3 million for emergency aid: €1 million channelled through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent [...]
Societies and €2
million to the United Nations initial floods emergency response plan.
那个时代的可怕后果是数万人 被处决,十万人被监禁。
The terrible toll of those days was tens of thousands of persons executed and hundreds interned.
请将本信及附件作为大会第六十三届会议议程项目 15、16、29 和 65(c)的文
[...] 件、关于以色列在被占领的东耶路撒冷和其他被占领巴勒斯坦领土内的非法行动 的大会十届紧急特别 会议议程项目 5 的文件以及安全理事会题为“中东局势, [...]
I would appreciate if the present letter and its annex could be circulated as a document of the sixty-third session of the General Assembly, under
agenda items 15, 16, 29 and 65 (c), of the
[...] tenth emergency special session of the General [...]
Assembly under agenda item 5, illegal
Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and of the Security Council, under the item entitled “The situation in the Middle East, including the question of Palestine”.
这九项补充预算是为 应对需要意外需求紧急干预的难民和失所人员情况而制定的,其中包括:也门(用 于失所人员的 1 680
万美元);索马里(邻国应对难民费用 3 830
[...] 万美元);肯尼 亚(扩大 Dadaab 难民营的费用 2 350 万美元);刚果共和国(2 190 万美元)以及中 非共和国援助刚果难民的费用(580 万美元);巴基斯坦(改善受难民影响和收容地 区经费 1 440 万美元);海地(地震急费用 1 250 万美元);巴基斯坦(洪灾灾民急援助款 12 070 万美元);以及吉尔吉斯斯坦(应急资金 1 250 万美元)。
These nine supplementary budgets were created in response to refugee and IDP situations requiring emergency interventions in response to unforeseen needs, including: Yemen ($16.8 million for IDPs); Somalia ($38.3 million for refugee response in neighbouring countries); Kenya ($23.5 million for the extension of the refugee camp in Dadaab); the Congo ($21.9 million) and the Central African Republic ($5.8 million) for assistance to Congolese refugees; Pakistan ($14.4 million for improvement of refugee-affected and
hosting areas); Haiti
[...] ($12.5 million for emergency response to the earthquake); Pakistan ($120.7 million for emergency assistance to flood-affected people); and Kyrgyzstan ($12.5 million for emergency response).
人民继 续被任意羁押,十万需要紧急援助 的人民得不到援助机构的援助,人民没有集会 自由。
People continue to be arbitrarily detained, hundreds
[...] of thousands of people in need of emergency assistance cannot [...]
be reached by aid agencies,
and there is no freedom of assembly.
此外,战争和镇压政策致使十万伊 拉克人出逃,到国外寻求避难和庇护。
In addition, wars and repressive policies forced hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to flee the country, seeking refuge and asylum abroad.
他们还要求查看火器、紧急情况 三角警 告牌和急救包,这些可以被视为检查该车的间接企图。
They also
[...] demanded to see the fire extinguisher, the emergency warning triangle [...]
and the first aid kit, which may be regarded
as an indirect attempt to inspect the vehicle.
主席先生,首先请允许我向你表示,塞内加尔代 表团高度赞赏你及时主动地根据 2006 年 12 月
[...] 15 日 第 ES-10/17 号决议召开本次大会十届紧急特别会 议续会,在题为“以色列在被占领的东耶路撒冷和其 [...]
Permit me at the outset to express to you, Mr. President, the great appreciation of the Senegalese delegation for your timely initiative to convene, pursuant to resolution
ES-10/17 of 15 December 2006, this
[...] resumption of the tenth emergency special session of [...]
the General Assembly to consider, under
the agenda item entitled “Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory”, the grave situation in the Gaza Strip.
关于灭火系统,根据东道国的防火安全条例和标准的预防条款,将需要在米奥利斯 /邦 万加强防火措施,包括在万大门 设一新的长期安全岗哨并在邦万停车场设置新的出入控制 系统。
As regards fire safety systems, compliance with the
[...] host country fire security regulations and standard terms of insurance will require upgrading fire protection at Miollis/Bonvin, including a new permanent security post at the Bonvin gate and a [...]
new access control system to the Bonvin parking.
我们参加拉美和加勒比联盟峰会的国家和政府首脑对海地人民和政府表示 最深切的同情,并对
[...] 1 月 12 日地震给海地带来的十万伤亡 、数以百万计的受 害者和无法估量的损失深表遗憾。
We the Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean, gathered at the Unity Summit, express our deepest sympathy to the people and Government of Haiti and
deeply regret the hundreds of thousands of
[...] casualties, the millions of victims and [...]
unquantifiable damage caused to the Haitian
nation by the earthquake of 12 January.
就物质而言,必须改进中央技术 管理的监测、报警设施,各栋大楼 急 出 口及 防 火 设 备 阀门的管理,安装不同的警报系统; 应当尽快更新丰特努瓦大楼的外设互联标准(PCI)。
The detection equipment, centrally managed alarm
[...] systems, management of emergency exits and the fire-stop [...]
valves of the different
buildings and the installation of the various alarm systems, all have to be upgraded.
在联刚特派团,有 12 辆车没有配备安全设备,急救包、 灭 火 器 和 备用 轮胎,联东综合团则没有按照《水陆运输手册》成立交通安全委员会,《司机手 [...]
At MONUC, 12 vehicles were not
equipped with such safety equipment as
[...] first aid kits, fire extinguishers and spare wheels, [...]
while at UNMIT, the Traffic Safety
Committee had not been established in compliance with the Surface Transport Manual, and the Drivers’ Handbook had not yet been finalized.




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