


surname Ou



the Balkans





External sources (not reviewed)

一位成员引用管制驾驶时使用流动电话的经验,表示对停車熄 匙的成效并不樂观,特别是在偏远的地区。
Quoting the experience of the ban on using mobile phones while driving, a member was pessimistic about the effectiveness of the ban on idling vehicles, especially in remote areas.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可能指定之有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所上市的股本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
很 多海外司法管辖区,例如澳洲、欧盟、日本、新西蘭、新加坡和美国, 都是采取这个方法。
This approach has been adopted in a number of overseas jurisdictions such as Australia, European Union, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore and the USA.
(b) 「供股」指於本公司董事所指定之期间向指定记录日期名列股东名 册之本公司股本或任何类别股份的持有人,按其当时持有该等股 份或类别股份的比例提呈发售本公司股本中之股份或提呈发售或 发 行 附 有 权 利 可 认 购 本 公 司 股 份之认 股 权 证 、 购 股 权 或 其 他 证 券,惟本公司董事有权就零碎股份或经考虑任何本公司受其规管 之司法管辖区或任何本公司受其规管之认可监管机构或证券交易 所之法例或规定所指之任何限制或责任,或就厘定根据上述法例 或 规 定 而 存 在 的 任 何 限 制 或 责 任 或 其 范 围 可 能 涉 及 之 开 支 或 延 误,而作出其认为必要或权宜之例外情况或其他安排。
(b) “Rights Issue” means an offer of shares in the share capital of the Company, or an offer or issue of warrants, options or other securities giving rights to subscribe for shares, open for a period fixed by the directors of the Company to holders of shares in the share capital of the Company or any class thereof whose names appear on the register of members on a fixed record date in proportion to their then holdings of such shares or class thereof (subject to such exclusion or other arrangements as the directors of the Company may deem necessary or expedient in relation to fractional entitlements or, having regard to any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of, or the expense or delay which may be involved in determining the exercise or extent of any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of, any jurisdiction applicable to the Company, any recognised regulatory body or any stock exchange applicable to the Company).
预审法官的其他权力包括:(a) 评价检察官在起诉书内的各项指控;及需要 时(b)
请检察官减少或将这类指控重新归类;(c) 便利当事方之间的交流;(d)
[...] 应任一当事方的请求签发传票、逮捕令和其他命令状;(e) 询人;(f) 为 审判分庭起草完整的案卷,其中要列明当事方之间对法律和事实的主要分歧点, [...]
The other powers of the Pre-Trial Judge include: (a) evaluating the charges brought by the Prosecutor in the indictment and, if need be, (b) requesting the Prosecutor to reduce or reclassify such charges; (c) facilitating communication between the parties; (d) issuing summonses, warrants and other
orders at the request of either party;
[...] (e) questioninganonymous witnesses;(f) drawing [...]
up a complete file for the Trial
Chamber listing the main differences between the parties on points of law and fact, and indicating his views regarding the main points of fact and law arising in the case.
(D) 尽管股东作出任何选择,倘若本公司获知,向股东所提供之任 何电子地址寄发任何通知或其他文件会或可能会违反任何有 关司法权区的法律,或倘本公司不能核实股东的电子地址所在 伺服器位置,则本公司可将该等内容刊登於本公司之网站,以 代替发送任何通知或其他文件到有关股东提供的电子地址,而 此举须视作有效送达有关内容予该股东,而有关的通知及文件 须被视作於首次放置该内容在本公司网站当日已送达至股东。
(D) Notwithstanding any election by a member, if the Company is advised that the sending of any notice or other document to any electronic address supplied by a shareholder may or might infringe the law of any relevant jurisdiction, or if the Company cannot verify the location of the server at which the electronic address of the member located, the Company may in lieu of the sending of any notice or other document to the electronic address supplied by the shareholder concerned, place the same on the Company’s website, and any such placement shall be deemed effective service on the shareholder, and the relevant notice and document shall be deemed to be served on the shareholder on which the same is first placed on the Company’s website.
葡萄酒在索契与选择的葡萄酒, DÛTI 弗雷亚在索契、克拉斯诺达尔地区与定期客户最富有的是合同的供应,传递从一瓶交货时间的 15 分钟,所以酒吧和餐馆做不一定分数仓库酒精、 照顾的存储、 存储管理法规已足以有一个实例,在生产销售的情况下执行库存立即重新排序"免税"为 DÛTI--当然这项服务是对所有酒吧餐厅及商店不可用但只是为客户提供高容量销售但是它提供给很大的竞争优势为所有合作夥伴- DÛTI-"免税"索契。
Wine in Sochi and choice wines in DÛTI FREYA in Sochi, the richest in the Krasnodar region, with regular customers are the contract for the supply, delivery from one bottle-delivery time of 15 minutes, so the bars and restaurants do not necessarily score warehouses alcohol, take care of storage, storage regulations is sufficient to have one instance and in the case of the sale of the produce performs inventory reordering immediately, DÛTI-"duty-free"-of course this service is not available on all bars restaurants and shopsbut only to customers with high volume sales but it gives great competitive advantage for all partners- DÛTI-"duty-free" in Sochi.
[...] 个人信息不能导致辩认出相关个人,但使非保密信息就另当别论了。
For the United Kingdom, confidential personal information should not be used or disclosed in a form that
may identify the person concerned but there are separate issues in
[...] the useof anonymized andnon-confidential [...]
武 汉 阳 逻 港 乃 位 於 长 江 中 游 之 深 水 地 区 性 集 装 箱 枢 纽 港 及 往 上 海 港 口 之 支 线 船舶码 头 , 在 往 返 武 汉 及 沿 长 江 流 域 周 边 地 区( 包 括 重 庆 市 境 内 属 长 江 上 游 之 地 区及周 边 各 省 )之 集 装 箱 货 物 运 输 方 面 起 着 重 要 之 作 用 。
As a deep water regional container hub port at the mid-stream of Yangtze River and a feeder port to the ports in Shanghai, the WIT Port plays a key role in the transportation of container cargo to and from Wuhan and surrounding areas along the Yangtze River corridor, including the upstream areas of Chongqing and neighbouring provinces.
不 可 合 理 赋 予 价 值 的 政 府 资 助 且 不 可 与 实 体 的 正 常 贸 易交 易 区别 的政府 交易均 不予 确认。
The government assistance which cannot reasonably have a value placed upon them and transactions with government which cannot be distinguished from the normal trading transactions of the entity are not recognised.
在播放 DVD 影片时,你只可以播 放与你的 DVD 播放装置相同区域码的片子。
You can only play DVD-Video discs with the same region code as your DVD-Video Playback system.
一位成员认为,車辆造成空气污染的模式在不同的地区并不一 样,管制車辆在行驶时排出的废气比只是管制静止的車辆更为 重要,所以不支持全港实施停車熄匙的规定。
A member did not support a territory-wide ban as the pattern of air pollution caused by vehicles were different in different areas, and it was more important to control the emission from moving vehicles than only focus on stationary vehicles.
在第二级商标许可期限内,飞利浦不得(i)向任何其他方授予特许使用权,以供 其在许可地区就任何第二级商标范围内产品使用飞利浦第二级商标,而不论是 否就此收取费用或许可使用费;或(ii)在许可地区从事或参与具飞利浦第二级商 标的任何第二级商标范围内产品的制造、组装、销售、分销或营销,或在任何从 事或参与任何上述活动的业务中拥有权益。
During the Secondary Trademarks License Term, Philips shall not (i) grant to any other party a license for the use of the Philips Secondary Trademarks in the Territory in relation to any Secondary Trademark Scope Products, whether with or without fee or royalty or (ii) be engaged or involved in the manufacture, assembly, sale, distribution or marketing of any Secondary Trademark Scope Products in the Territory with the Philips Secondary Trademarks, or be interested in any business that is engaged or involved in any of abovementioned activities.
14.1 本条款与细则须受香港特别行政区法律监管,合约方兹同意接受香港特别 行政区法院的专属司法管辖,同时在任何时候须受顾客所在国家法律载有 相关本地法律适用和/或本地法院享有司法管辖权的任何强制性规条的约束。
14.1 These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, subject always to any mandatory provisions of local law in the country where a Customer is located that stipulate that the relevant local law should apply and/or that the local courts should have jurisdiction.
供股」指依照指定之记录日期,向当日股东名 册上所载之股份或任何类别股份之持有人,按彼 等当时持有该等股份或该类别股份之比例提出供 股要约(惟在涉及零碎配额,或涉及受香港以外地 区之法律或任何认可管理机构或任何证券交易所 所规定之限制或责任影响时,董事局可以其认为 必要或属权宜之形式,将该等配额予以撤销或另 作安排)。
Rights Issue” means an offer of shares to holders of shares or any class thereof on the register on a fixed record date in proportion to their then holdings of such shares or class thereof (subject to such exclusion or other arrangements as the Directors may deem necessary or expedient in relation to fractional entitlements or having regard to any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of any recognised regulatory body or any stock exchange in, any territory outside Hong Kong).
24.11 董事会可於任何情况下决定,在任何地区内,如并无作登记声明或其他特别 手续情况下,则传送有关选择权或配发章程细则第 24.7 条下的股份的要约 将会或应会不合法,或董事会认为确定有关要约所适用的法律及其他规定的 存在或适用范围或接纳有关要约而产生的成本、开支或可能延误,对本公司 利益而言并不合乎比例,则不会让登记地址位於上述任何地区的任何股东享 有或向彼等授予有关选择权及配发股份,而在任何有关情况下,前述条文应 在有关决定的规限下阅讀及诠释。
24.11 The Board may on any occasion determine that rights of election and the allotment of shares under Article 24.7 shall not be made available or made to any members with registered addresses in any territory where in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities the circulation of an offer of such rights of election or the allotment of shares would or might be unlawful, or where the Board considers the costs, expenses or possible delays in ascertaining the existence or extent of the legal and other requirements applicable to such offer or the acceptance of such offer out of proportion to the benefit of the Company, and in any such case the provisions aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such determination.
一些海外司 法管辖区( 例如澳洲、欧盟、中国内地、日本和美国) 已根据各自情况建 立類似的食物分類系统。
A number of overseas jurisdictions such as Australia, European Union, Mainland, Japan and the USA have also developed similar food classifications according to their local situation.
按支持协议的条款及条件,根据西北地区商业公司法第197(2)条,倘於届满时间或要约日期後120 天(或具司法管辖权的法院可能允许的有关较长时间)(以较早者为准),要约获得不少於於届 满时间已发行的普通股(不包括由或代表要约人或要约人的「联属人士」或「联系人」(定义见 西北地区商业公司法)持有的普通股)的90%的持有人接纳,则要约人将在可行情况下收购(「强 制收购」)余下并无接纳要约的Anvil股东的普通股。
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Support Agreement, if, within the earlier of the Expiry Time or 120 days after the date of the Offer (or such longer time as a court having jurisdiction may permit), the Offer has been accepted by holders of not less than 90% of the outstanding Common Shares as at the Expiry Time, excluding Common Shares held by or on behalf of the Offeror, or an “affiliate” or an “associate” (as those terms are defined in the NWTBCA) of the Offeror, the Offeror shall, to the extent practicable, acquire (a “Compulsory Acquisition”) the remainder of the Common Shares from those Anvil Shareholders who have not accepted the Offer, pursuant to section 197(2) of the NWTBCA.
由於企业工作量的不同,SPC-1C 测试使用综合、可扩充、 真实环境的工作量,该工作量代表利用主要随机 I/O 操作特微之企业应用 程式,及需要查询和更新操作 (例如:OLTP 系统、资料库系统和邮件伺服 器应用程式) 的区块。
While enterprise workloads vary, the SPC-1C test uses synthesised, scalable, real-world workloads that represent a segment of enterprise applications characterised predominately by random I/O operations and require both query and update operations (for example: OLTP systems, database systems and mail server applications).
例如,您可以 将磁碟机 1、2 和 3 上的一半空间用於建立磁碟区 A,同一磁碟机上的另一半空间用於建立磁 碟区 B。
For instance, you could use half the space on disk drives 1, 2, and 3 to create Volume A, and the other half of the space on the same disk drives to create Volume B.
(v) 本集团任何成员公司因赔偿契诺日期之後任何时间未能履行其根据遗 产税条例第42(1)节向税务局局长或根据香港以外任何司法权区相等法 律向有关之相等机关提供资料之任何责任而根据遗产税条例第42节或 根据香港以外任何司法权区相等之法律被施加任何罚款。
(v) for any penalty imposed on any member of the Group under section 42 of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent thereof under the laws of any juridiction outside Hong Kong by reason of any member of the Group defaulting, at any time after the date of the deed of indemnity, in any obligation to give information to the Commissioner under section 42(1) of the Estate Duty Ordinance or the equivalent authority thereof under the laws of any jurisdiction outside Hong Kong.
Besides, in terms of various kinds of public policies, another survey in late April showed that, among the 25 issues, the 11 issues which people are most concerned with, in the priority from 1 to 10, are 1) increasing job opportunities and alleviating the unemployment problem, 2) lifting the leading ability of the government, 3) improving air quality, 4) improving public health mechanism, 5) poverty problem, 6) improving relations between the executive and legislative branches, 7) implementing small-class teaching in primary schools, 8) reforming the CSSA system. 9) re-developing old districts, 10) setting up a centralized slaughtering system for poultry and "up and down" bus fare adjustment mechanism.
(i) 进行作为控股公司的业务,并收购及持有任何性质的任何公司、法人团 体或业务(不论於何处成立或经营)发行或担保的股份、股票、债权股 证、债券、按揭、义务和任何形式的证券,以及任何政府、主权统治者、 专员、信托、地方当局或其他公共机构(无论位於百慕达或其他地区) 发行或担保的股份、股票、债权证、债权股证、债券、按揭、义务和其 他证券,并修订、调换、处置或以其他不时认为权宜的方式处理本公司 当时的任何投资
(i) To carry on business as a holding company and to acquire and hold shares, stocks, debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and securities of any kind issued or guaranteed by any company, corporation or undertaking of whatever nature and wherever constituted or carrying on business, and shares, stock, debenture, debenture stock, bonds, obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by any government, sovereign ruler, commissioners, trust, local authority or other public body,- whether in Bermuda or elsewhere, and to vary' transpose' dispose of or otherwise deal with from time to time as may be considered expedient any of the Company's investments for the time being
(E) 董事会可在根据本细则第(A)段作出决定的任何情况下,议决将根据 上述决定发行的股份的股份配发及选择权,不得向任何登记地址位於未作出登记 声明或完成其他特别手续而在该地区提呈有关该等选择权或股份配发之要约即属 或可能属违法的一个或多个地区的任何股东提供或作出,在此情况下,上述条文 应按该决议理解及解释,而任何位於上述地区的股东仅可以现金收取将於派付或 宣派的股息。
to paragraph (A) of this Bye-law, resolve that no allotment of shares or rights of election for shares to be issued pursuant to such determination shall be made available or made to any shareholders with registered addresses in any particular territory or territories where the allotment of shares or the circulation of an offer of such rights of election would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful or would or might, in the opinion of the Board, be unlawful in the absence of a registration statement or other special formalities, and in such event the provision aforesaid shall be read and construed subject to such resolution and the only entitlement of shareholders in any such territory or territories shall be to receive in cash the relevant dividend resolved to be paid or declared.
(3) 根据香港特别行政区荃湾葵青地政处於 2007 年 3 月 21 日签发的不反对通知书(注册摘要号码﹕07032802020015), A 座地下 G01 号单位可於现有大厦存在期间用於非住宅用途(酒店、加油站及安老院除外)。
(3) According to the No Objection Letter dated 21 March 2007 issued by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the District Lands Office / Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing registered vide Memorial No.07032802020015, Unit G01 on Ground Floor of Tower A may be used for non-residential purposes (excluding hotel, petrol filling station and residential care home) for the lifetime of the existing building.
行动不 便或有视障的学生若有弟妹想 与其同读一所学校,校区会按 现时的派位政策及程序给这些 弟妹申请人分派学位。
If a student with a vision or mobility impairment has a sibling or siblings who wish to enroll in the same school as the child with a vision or mobility impairment, those siblings will be placed in accordance with the current enrollment policies and procedures.
透过研习与实验标准,小孩可学习依 据因果关系來系统說明并验证预测的结果,区分观察结果与推論的不同,执行多个试验 來测试其预测的结果,并且依据一系列书面指令來进行科学研究。
Through the investigation and experimentation standards, children learn to formulate and justify predictions on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships, differentiate observation from inference, conduct multiple trials to test their predictions, and follow a set of written instructions for a scientific investigation.
(c) 董事(就本第(c)段而言包括替任董事)或秘书就董事(可能为签署证明文 件中之一名人士)於董事或任何董事委员会决议案之时离开总办事处所在 地区或不可或无法行事之其他情况或并未提供供其收取通知之於总办事处 所在地区内之地址、电话及传真号码而出具之证明文件将为所证明事项 (未明确发出反对通知而赞成所有人士)之最终定论。
(c) A certificate by a Director (including for the purpose of this paragraph (c) an alternate Director) or the Secretary that a Director (who may be the one signing the certificate) was at the time of a resolution of the Directors or any committee thereof absent from the territory of the Head Office or otherwise not available or unable to act or has not supplied an address, telephone and facsimile number within the territory of the Head Office for the purposes of giving of notice to him shall in favour of all persons without express notice to the contrary, be conclusive of the matter so certified.




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