

单词 医疗保健


医疗保健卡 n

medical card n

See also:


medical treatment

医保 n

medical insurance n


health care
health protection
maintain in good health

External sources (not reviewed)

医疗保健设施 缺乏或无法 企及时,妇女和女孩就得承担过度的护理责任,因此就往往必须放弃读书或正规 [...]
Women and girls carry a disproportionate care
[...] responsibility when health-care facilities [...]
are lacking or inaccessible and
thus often must forego education or formal employment to provide care.
4级设施是最高一医疗保健设施 ,提供内外科所有领域的权威性 医疗保 健和专家治疗。
A Level 4
[...] facility is the highest level medical care facility that provides definitive medical care and specialist treatment [...]
in all
fields of surgery and medicine.
[...] 2008年全球纵览白皮书,在所有发达国家和发展中国家,电子健康档案将成为标准,这是因为国家需要更好的和更具成本效益 医疗保健 系 统
HIMSS,2008 Global Perspective white paper, EHRs will become
standard in all developed and developing countries driven by the internal need for better
[...] and more cost-effective healthcare.
由联合国儿童基金会、政府及宗教组织合作推出家庭健康日活动后,乌干达人现在可以获得他们需要 医疗保健 服 务 和援助。
With the introduction of Family Health Days, a partnership among UNICEF, the government and faith-based organizations, Ugandans can now receive the healthcare and attention they need.
小组委员会建 议审查向监狱中的婴幼儿提 医疗保健 和 其他护理的问题。
The SPT recommends
[...] that the healthcare and other provision of care for babies [...]
and young children in prison be reviewed.
与社会基础设施医 疗保健,文 化,高等教育)相关的、重点的跨 区域项目将作为上述项目的补充。
Investments of key supra-regional importance concerning the social
[...] infrastructure (health care, culture and [...]
higher education) will be complementary to these areas.
[...] 行行为和纪律及艾滋病毒/艾滋病方案、人事管理 医疗保健 、 办 公和住宿设施 的维护和修建、建立和维护通信和信息技术基础设施、空运业务、陆运业务、供 [...]
The range of support will comprise the implementation of conduct and
discipline and HIV/AIDS programmes,
[...] personnel administration, health care, the maintenance [...]
and construction of office and
accommodation facilities, the establishment and maintenance of a communications and information technology infrastructure, air operations, surface transport operations, supply and resupply operations, and the provision of security services Operation-wide.
卫生部与司法部应重新建立更紧密的联系,以 便为囚犯提供更加公平医疗保健, 特 别要为所有监狱建立药品标准清单和采购 [...]
Closer links should be re-established between the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of
Justice with the aim of providing a more
[...] equitable level of healthcare for prisoners, [...]
and in particular to establish a standard
list of medicines and system of procurement for all prisons.
(b) 为移民收容中心制定规章制度,以便统一经营管理这些中心的方式,
[...] 从而确保被关押在这类中心的人能够有适当的居住条件,能够获得信息、法律援 助医疗保健,并 确保提供支持的非政府组织能够进入这类中心。
(b) Draw up regulations for the migrant holding centres, in order to harmonize the way in which they operate and thus ensure that persons detained in such centres have access to
adequate living conditions,
[...] information, legal aid and medical care, and also that [...]
non-governmental organizations offering
support have access to such centres.
在实际中,应当消除地方和 地区之间的不均衡,例如,要确保初级、中级和高 医疗保健 设 施 的提供和质量 的均匀分布。
Disparities between localities and regions
should be eliminated in
[...] practice by ensuring, for example, that there is even distribution in the availability and quality of primary, secondary and palliative health-care facilities.
至 少,儿童有权获得一套基本的社会服务,其中包括高质量 医疗保健 、 充足的食 物、住房、安全饮用水和卫生设施、以及初级教育,从而使他们得以充分成长, [...]
At a minimum, children are entitled to a
package of basic social services that
[...] includes high-quality health care, adequate food, [...]
housing, safe drinking water and sanitation
and primary education, so that they can grow to their full potential, free of disease, malnutrition, illiteracy and other deprivations.
从沙特阿拉伯、哥伦比亚到印度,Scott去过全球很多地方,随身携带笔记本和 LAN-XI
[...] 数据采集系统,以执行各种不同的任务,从现场解答客户问题到指导和培训通用电 医疗保健 的 印 度员工如何使用 PULSE,帮助安装在班加罗尔的实验室,或在北京使用振动器进行振动测试。
From Saudi Arabia to Colombia to India, Scott travels the world with his laptop and LAN-XI data acquisition system, performing a multitude of different tasks ranging from troubleshooting
at customer's sites to teaching
[...] and training GE Healthcare’s Indian staff [...]
how to use PULSE, helping set up a laboratory
in Bangalore or performing vibration testing using shakers in Beijing.
服实现千年发展目标的障碍;建设和激活人的能力的重要性;改善教育和科技研 究;鼓励和支持创新;增强妇女权能,让妇女在阿拉伯社会发挥有效的基本作用;
[...] 减少贫穷;解决失业问题;提供标准更高 医疗保健 ; 所 有这些都是我们的社会 在今后数十年发展的基本组成部分。
In view of our concern for the well-being and future of Arab citizens, consultations took place on ways of overcoming obstacles to achieving the Millennium Development Goals; the importance of building and activating human capacities; improving education and scientific and technical research; encouragement and support for innovation; the empowerment of women to play an effective and fundamental role in Arab societies; poverty reduction;
unemployment; and the provision of
[...] higher standards of health care, all of which [...]
are fundamental components in the development
of our societies in forthcoming decades.
然而,这种积极措施在某些特殊情况下可能必须是持久性的,例如, 为语言少数提供翻译服务,为在进 医疗保健 设 施 方面有感觉障碍的人提供合理 安排。
Such positive measures may exceptionally, however, need to be of a permanent nature, such as interpretation services for
linguistic minorities and reasonable accommodation of persons with sensory
[...] impairments in accessing health-care facilities.
应 该另外制订程序,以确保武装冲突中的妇女和女孩得 医疗保健 和 心 理支助。
Separate procedures should
[...] be established to ensure that women and girls who have been involved in armed conflict receive medical care and psychosocial [...]
2006年,儿童基金会采购服务为治疗埃塞俄比亚的疟疾,提供了730万剂量的ACT,其中390万剂已通过公 医疗保健 系 统 分配。
In 2006, UNICEF procurement services provided 7.3
million doses of ACT
[...] for malaria treatment in Ethiopia, of which 3.9 million have already been distributed through the public health system.
加强可用资金管理和 提高优质医疗服务普及率的迫切需要有助于确定 EGPRS
[...] 中包含的中长期战略目 标:(一)开发初级公医疗保健服务 ,确保更多居民得到基本医疗服务;(二)改 [...]
The necessity to improve the management of available resources and increase of the accessibility of the high level health services has contributed to the identification of strategic objectives in medium and long term which have included in the
EGPRS: (i) increase of the access of the
[...] population to basis health services through [...]
the development of the primary health
services; (ii) improvement of the quality and health and economic standards of health assistance; (iii) improvement of the prevention and treatment measures for diseases caused by the socially existent situation; (iv) improvement of financial resource efficiency allocation.
该法就以下 领域作出规定:就业、社会保障 医疗保健 、 家庭关系、教育、文化、体育、政 治和公共生活。
The Law regulates the following fields:
[...] employment, social protection and health care, family relations, [...]
education, culture and sports
and political and public life.
承诺实施促进和保护人权的防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病国家战略,包括实施消除 针对艾滋病毒感染者和受艾滋病毒影响者,包括其家人的污名和歧视问题的方
[...] 案,途径包括提高警察和法官的敏感认识, 医疗保健 工 作 者进行不歧视、保密 和知情同意训练,支持全国性人权学习运动、法律知识普及和法律服务,并监测 [...]
Commit to national HIV and AIDS strategies that promote and protect human rights, including programmes aimed at eliminating stigma and discrimination against people living with and affected by HIV, including their families,
including by sensitizing the police and
[...] judges, training health-care workers in non-discrimination, [...]
confidentiality and
informed consent, supporting national human rights learning campaigns, legal literacy and legal services, as well as monitoring the impact of the legal environment on HIV prevention, treatment, care and support
在此情况下,为了有效管理和实 医疗保健 系 统 改进措施,摩尔多瓦开始 重点关医疗保健政策的制定与实施 医疗保健 政 策 实施计划的制定、将未投保 的居民纳入强制性医疗保险、初 医疗保健 服 务 机构的修复 医疗保健 设 施 的供 应、医院必备设施的供应、增加居民(其中包括农村居民)用药政策的制定、基本 药物报销机制的完善等。
Thus, to manage and implement the
measures of
[...] improvement of the healthcare system emphasis is made on the development and implementation of the healthcare policies, development of action programmes for their implementation, inclusion of noninsured population in the system of mandatory healthcare insurance, rehabilitation and supply with equipment and sanitary transport of the primary healthcare institutions, supply of hospitals with necessary [...]
equipment, development
of policies to increase access of the population to medicine, including the rural population and improvement of the compensatory mechanisms for medicine.
他们还认识到,应通过把能源使用效率和可再生能源内容综合纳入 针对其他发展需要提供的服务来加以促进,诸 医疗保健 和 教 育等领域。
They also recognized that energy efficiency and renewable
energy should be promoted through integration into services addressing other
[...] development needs, such as health and education.
在这方面,我们将采取各种行动,如分发防疟疾蚊帐,包括酌情免费分发, 有效地防治疟疾,尽可能利用自家种的食品扩大学校供餐方案,以及取消初级教 育费用,并酌情取医疗保健费。
In this regard, we will take such actions as the distribution of malaria bed nets, including free distribution, where appropriate, and effective anti-malarial treatments, the expansion of local school meal programmes, using home-grown
foods where possible, and the
[...] elimination of user fees for primary education and, where appropriate, health-care services.
先进机械工程实验室经理和测试工程师 Scott T. Mansell 拥有电子专业学历,在其 35 年的工作经历中,33 年都是在通用电医疗保健的振动和环境测试实验室度过,对通用电 医疗保健 的 医 疗 产品进行声音和振动测试和分析。
With a degree in Electronics, the Advanced Mechanical Engineering Lab Manager and Test Engineer, Scott T. Mansell has been running the vibration and
environmental test
[...] laboratory at GE Healthcare for 33 years of its 35-year existence, performing sound and vibration testing and analysis on GE Healthcare’s medical products, [...]
systems and components.
一些难民营医疗保健伙伴 的设备可以为感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病的暴力幸存 者提供护理,但这种做法并不普遍。
Health partners in some refugee situations are equipped to care for survivors [...]
of violence with HIV/AIDS, but this is not a universal practice.
有人(如制药行业)认为,制约发展中国家使用药品的最重要因素不是专利保护制度,而 是发展中国家自身医疗保健方面 的开支不足以及安全有效管理药品的适当健康基础设施 的缺乏。
It is argued, for instance by the pharmaceutical industry, that the most important constraints to access to medicines in
developing countries, are
[...] not patent protection but the lack of spending on healthcare in developing countries, and the absence of a suitable health infrastructure [...]
to administer medicines safely and efficaciously.
各个部门的雇主都应该和大学以及政府建立伙伴关系 以发展一些旨在促进来自不具代表性群体的学生参与研究
[...] 生项目的学习,从而为解决我们在能源、气候变化医 疗保健、网络安全和其他领域所面临的重大挑战而培养 [...]
Employers across all sectors should partner with universities and governments to develop programs designed to promote the participation of students from underrepresented groups in graduate programs to
develop the talent we need to address grand challenges in energy,
[...] climate change, healthcare, cyber security, and [...]
other areas.
艾默生网络能源是 Emerson 所属业务品牌(纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR),是“关键业务全保障™”的全球领导者,为通信网络、数据中心 医疗保健 和 工 业设施提供从网络到芯片全方位的保障。
Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), is the global
leader in enabling Business
[...] Critical Continuity™ from grid to chip for telecommunication networks, data centers, health care and industrial [...]
文件中还将着重说明各国国家元 首和政府首脑以及各国和各政府代表在 2011年6月8-10 日举行的大 会艾滋病问题高级别会议上通过的《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政 治宣言:加强努力消除艾滋病毒/艾滋病》(大会第 65/277 号决议, 附件)中所订立的主要新目标,其中包括以下各项承诺:“加倍努
力,作为制止全球艾滋病毒流行的重要一步,到 2015 年普及艾滋病 毒预防、治疗、护理和支持服务”及“加强各国努力,在每个国家范
[...] 围内建立有利的法律、社会和政策框架,以消除与艾滋病毒有关的轻 3 蔑、歧视和暴力行为,促进获得艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支持服 务以及不受歧视地获得教育 医疗保健 、 就业和社会服务”。
The document will also highlight the key new targets appearing in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS: Intensifying our Efforts to Eliminate HIV/AIDS (General Assembly resolution 65/277, annex), which was adopted by Heads of State and Government and representatives of States and Governments at the General Assembly High-level Meeting on AIDS, held from 8 to 10 June 2011, including commitments “to redouble efforts to achieve, by 2015, universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support” and “to intensify national efforts to create enabling legal, social and policy frameworks in each national context in order to eliminate stigma, discrimination and violence related to HIV and promote
access to HIV prevention,
[...] treatment, care and support and non-discriminatory access to education, health care, employment [...]
and social services.
同时,为了确医疗保健系统可持续发展并保证农村地区居民都能享受优 质的医疗服务,卫生部启动了医院和省级专业机构依法划分初级公 医疗保健服 务职能的工作。
At the same time, with the purpose to ensure sustainable
[...] development of the health system and for adequate access of the population in the rural areas to high quality health services, the Ministry of Health initiated the legal delimitation of the primary health services from the hospital and specialised [...]
one at the level of raion.




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