

单词 医护

医护 noun ()

healthcare n


医护界 n

medical profession n


health care


medical personnel
doctors and nurses

External sources (not reviewed)

应回顾,国际人道主义法中战斗人员是指“冲 突方的武装部队成员”(第三公约第 33 条所医护和宗教人员除外)(1977 年附加 议定书第 43 条第 2 款)。
It will be recalled that, in international humanitarian law, combatants are taken to mean “members of the
armed forces of a Party to a
[...] conflict (other than medical personnel and chaplains covered by [...]
Article 33 of the Third Convention)”
(art. 43, para. 2, of Additional Protocol I of 1977).
通过与医院药品研发者以医护 人员的密切合作,这家年轻的公司给 市场带来了新的发展,为医药进步作 [...]
In close
[...] collaboration with medical developers and [...]
staff in hospitals, the young company brought new developments on the
market and thus made vital contributions to progress in medicine.
秘书长在他的报告中正确地强调了需要护 医疗设施、医护人员和医院。
The Secretary-General in his report correctly places emphasis on
[...] the need to protect medical facilities, medical personnel [...]
and hospitals.
[...] 和出入限制措施、强行关闭过境点、建立检查站及实行许可制度,继续在包括东 耶路撒冷在内的整个巴勒斯坦被占领土奉行关闭和严格限制人员和货物,包医 护和人 道主义人员和货物出入的政策,深为关切这样做对仍然是一场重大人道主 义危机的巴勒斯坦人民的社会经济状况,对旨在恢复和发展遭到破坏的巴勒斯坦 [...]
Expressing deep concern about the continuing Israeli policy of closures and severe restrictions on the movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, via the imposition of prolonged closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect amount
to a blockade, crossing
[...] closures, checkpoints and a permit regime throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and [...]
the consequent negative
impact on the socio-economic situation of the Palestinian people, which remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, as well as on efforts aimed at rehabilitating and developing the damaged Palestinian economy and on the contiguity of the Territory
[...] 安全分娩和基础新生儿筛查方面的最新医疗设备,由经过培训 医护 人 员 提供服 务。
This programme will equip rural health units
[...] with up-to-date medical equipment for [...]
safe birthing and essential newborn screening
by trained health service providers.
小组委员会建议当局采取必要步 骤,确保每一个申请医护人员 的囚犯能够毫不拖延地见到。
The SPT recommends that the authorities take
the necessary steps to ensure that every prisoner who requests
[...] to see the healthcare staff is able [...]
to do so without delay.
不过,委员会对以下情况表示遗憾:缺乏信息,无法确切知道儿童权利 是否被纳入学校课程;执法人员 医护 专 业 人员、教师、保健人员以及社会事务 人员是否尤其被列为此种培训和讲习班的对象,或者,是否采取了任何其它措 施,以便向这几类人员宣传《公约》和介绍委员会的审议情况。
However, the Committee regrets lack of information as to whether children’s rights are included in the school curricula and whether law enforcement officials, health professionals, teachers, health workers, and social workers are particularly included as targets of such training and seminars or if there are any other measures taken to disseminate information to such groups on the Convention and the Committee’s deliberations.
[...] 称,土库曼斯坦所有的医疗机构均变成依靠自筹资金,导致医院缺少专 医护人 员和基本医药供应。
The Committee is also concerned about reports that all medical institutions in Turkmenistan have been made
reliant on selffinancing resulting in a lack of professional health-care
[...] workers and basic medical supplies in hospitals.
[...] 所确定的特殊方案及服务组织方式,此 医护 支 持 包含需要基础医疗服务及专业 医疗服务两者相协调,但是在专业医疗服务阶段进行的诊断及治疗,并且此基础 [...]
医疗及专业医疗均能提供上门服务,以保障患者出院后所得到的医疗服务的连续 性。
Support for primary care in cases of early
[...] discharge from hospital or hospitalization [...]
at home includes diagnosis and therapy
measures which have to be taken in a coordinated fashion by the primary and specialist care services as a consequence of procedures initiated at specialist levels and which both levels decide can be provided in the home in a manner guaranteeing continuity of post-hospital care in accordance with the specialized programmes drawn up and the mode of organization of each health service.
它赞杨伊朗采取有关政策,改善健康和医疗服务,有直接为弱势部分人口制 定的援助计划,提供免医护,以及为在乡村诊疗中心工作的医生提供鼓励措施 和福利,并且为较贫困地区的居民制定了大学入学人数配额。
It valued policies to improve health and medical services, with direct assistance planned for vulnerable sectors, providing free medical attention, as well as incentives and benefits for doctors working in rural centres, and university quotas for residents of less-privileged regions.
此外,一个毁坏医院或杀医护人员 的暴力行动会影响到其他许多 需要医治的人,他们会因缺乏治疗而承受更多的痛苦。
Moreover, a single act of violence that damages a hospital or kills health-care personnel has consequences for many other people requiring care who then suffer further through lack of treatment.
[...] 重点在于发生大规模伤亡事件时得以具备训练有素和技能完备的峰期应 付能力,确保在袭击或灾难中受重伤的人得 医护。
With respect to preparedness in the medical sphere, the Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that the intention with respect to the current proposal was to focus on the need for trained and capable
surge capacity for mass casualty
[...] incidents so as to ensure medical care for those individuals [...]
who were critically injured in an attack or disaster.
就在我们写这封信的时候,巴勒斯 医护 人 员 正在想方设法进入被以色列大 炮和战机完全摧毁的 [...]
Al-Dayeh 四层楼住房。
As we write this letter,
[...] Palestinian paramedics struggle to [...]
access the Al-Dayeh four-story home, which Israeli artillery
and fighter jets completely demolished.
(五) “运动员辅助人员”是指同运动员一起工作,或辅助运动员参加或准备体育比赛的 任何教练、体能教练、领队、经纪人、运动队工作人员、官员、医疗 医护 人 员
Athlete support personnel” means any coach, trainer, manager, agent,
team staff, official,
[...] medical or paramedical personnel working with or treating athletes participating in or preparing for sports [...]
该报告称,把湿性AMD作为慢性病看待将有助于确保患者得到使其更长久、更健康、更独立生活所需的早 医护 和 治 疗,从而减少对成本高昂 医护 和 社会服务的需要。
The report asserts that treating wet AMD as a chronic disease will help ensure
that affected patients
[...] get the early medical attention and treatment they need to live longer, healthier, more independent lives, thereby reducing the need for high-cost medical care and social [...]
研究项目包括:中国的农村卫生管理(BeatrizCarrillo博士) 医护 人 员 、患者 和国家之间的权力关系(杨静青博士)(音译),当代中国的医药社会历史(方小平博士)(音译),中国在全球健康管理领域内的角色发展及其挑战和影响(陈莱 [...]
哈(Lai-Ha Chan)博士)。
UTS CRC addresses this area through the study of China’s rural health
governance (Dr. Beatriz Carrillo); the power
[...] relationship between medical practitioners, [...]
patients and the state (Dr. Jingqing Yang);
the social history of medicine in contemporary China (Dr. Xiaoping Fang); and the challenges and implications of China’s evolving role in global health governance (Dr. Lai-Ha Chan).
他的兄弟,Anwar 和 Akram
[...] 也受伤,以色列士兵甚至阻止巴勒斯 医护 人 员 接触 救治这 3 名伤员,使他们数小时流血不止。
His brothers, Anwar and Akram, were also
wounded, and the soldiers even prevented access
[...] by Palestinian medics to aid the three [...]
wounded men, who bled for hours.
在巴拿马,人口基金与国际 农业发展基金、Ngobe 妇女协会以及卫生部合作,继续开展基础工作,通过把传 统助产妇纳入接生工作,使其成为土著妇女 医护 人 员 之间的文化纽带,为 44 个 Ngobe 社区的土著妇女提供服务。
In Panama, UNFPA, in partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the Association of Ngobe Women and the Ministry of Health, continued its groundbreaking work, reaching indigenous women in 44 different Ngobe communities by incorporating traditional midwives in the labour process as cultural brokers between indigenous women and health personnel.
为对医生和其医护人员 进行有关残疾人权利的培训(包括 在农村地区)而采取的措施 [...]
- 卫生部颁布了第 308-2009-MINSA 号部长决议,批准通过 了康复用药品器械生产单位的卫生技术标准,其目的是在全 国范围内提高对残疾人和/或有残疾风险者的护理质量。
Measures put in
[...] place to train doctors and other health [...]
professionals on the rights of persons with disabilities, including
in rural areas The Ministry of Health issued Ministerial Decision No. 308-2009-MINSA, by which it adopted the technical health regulations of the Rehabilitative Medical Service Production Unit.
所有船都都很好地配备了有医生 医护 人 员监督的医疗中心, 医疗中心在定时开放。
All of our ships have a well-equipped Medical Center, supervised by a doctor and medical personnel.
这类计划书能使您医护人员 的沟通变得更好,并可以避免在您本该完全 享受做母亲的经验的时候,不得不分神去阐述您的愿望。
Drawing up a plan like this will allow you to improve your communication with health care personnel and will avoid you having to reveal your wishes at times when you would prefer to concentrate on enjoying the experience of being a mother.
在联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)支持下为那些因涉嫌与武装团体有关联而被拘留 的儿童提供法律援助;相关组织通过与阿富汗政府、反对派武装团体和社区长者 开展谈判来为获得和提供医疗保健提供便利,就基于社区的学校保护开展谈判,
[...] 并为学校的基础设施重建提供支持;以及就释放被绑架 医护 人 员 开展谈判。
A number of initiatives took place to address the violations and abuses committed against children affected by conflict in Afghanistan including: legal aid for children, including for children supported by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) detained on charges of alleged association with armed groups; negotiation by relevant organizations with the Government, armed opposition groups and community elders to facilitate health-care access and delivery, negotiation towards community-based protection of
schools, and support to school infrastructure rehabilitation; and negotiation and
[...] release of abducted health-care workers.
12 小时时,应给予他们每天一小时的室外活动时间,监 狱中医护人员 应每天对他们在纪律处罚室的健康状况进行检查,不言而喻,医 生应一如既往地为囚犯健康的最佳利益采取行动。
The SPT also recommends, in the specific context of the prisons visited, that, when detainees are placed in a disciplinary cell for more than 12 hours, they should be given access to the outdoors for one hour each day, and the healthcare staff of the prison should perform daily checks on their health in the disciplinary cell, it being understood that the doctor should act, as always, in the best interests of the health of the prisoner.
委员还感到遗憾 的是,缔约国没有就《公约》和《儿童权利法》持续和全面地为关键专业群体举 办培训方案,包括执法人员、司法机关人员、监狱工作人员 医护 专 业 人员、社 会工作者、地方政府行政人员与传统和宗教领袖。
The Committee also regrets the lack of sustained and comprehensive training programmes for key professional groups, including law enforcement officials, members of the judiciary, prison staff, health professionals, social workers, local government administrators and traditional and religious leaders on the Convention and the Child Rights Act.
此外,可以就面医护专业 人员、政府健康部门和病人的教育方案提问,该方案涉 及向无氟氯化碳治疗过渡以及医疗工作和病人对新产品的态度。
Furthermore, questions could be asked on educational programmes for health care professionals, government health authorities and patients about the transition to CFC-free treatments as well as about the attitude of the medical profession and patients concerning the new products.
2006-2010 年第三次 国家方案在生殖健康领域取得的成就包括:(a)完成 2008 年人口普查;(b)提高避孕普及率、产前护理和 经由专医护人员 接生的数量提高;和(c)拥有专业 技能的助产士人数及青年友好型服务数量增加。
Achievements of the third country programme, 2006-2010, in the area of reproductive health, included: (a) the implementation of the 2008 census; (b) increased contraceptive prevalence, antenatal care, and deliveries by skilled attendants; and (c) increased availability of skilled midwives and youth-friendly services.
我们位于北京的姊妹医院——北京和睦家医院,在2011年开业的启望肿瘤中心里设有中西医结合科,将传统中医与康复治疗相结合;联合我们在上海的理疗和康复科,为患者们提供独特的癌症治疗和康复项目;遵循国际联合委员会(JCI)的标准,确保了连贯性护理在肿瘤科、外科和康复 医护 人 员之间的无缝衔接。
BJU, our sister hospital in Beijing has an Integrative Medicine department which combines Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with rehabilitation, and the New Hope Oncology Center, which opened 2011.
联合国儿童基金会还支持医护人员 提供一系列培训课程,培训的重点是产前和新生儿护理、母乳喂养的辅导、贫血的防治、艾滋病毒母婴传播的预防以及儿童期疾病的处理。
And UNICEF has supported a series of training sessions for health workers, focusing on antenatal and newborn care; breastfeeding counselling; anaemia prevention and control; prevention of parent-to-child transmission of HIV; and management of childhood illnesses.
总之,在高医护人员 帮助下进行分娩的比例得到了改善,从 1998 年的 54.3 %上升至 [...]
2004 年的 59.0 %,同时,进行产前检查的妇女比例从 1998 年的 78.8 %上升至 2004 年的 83.3 %。
The proportion of childbirths
[...] assisted by qualified medical personnel increased [...]
from 54.3 per cent in 1998 to 59.0 per cent
in 2004 and, in the same period, the proportion of women having undergone antenatal examinations increased from 78.8 to 83.3 per cent.




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