

单词 医学界

See also:

学界 n

academia n

External sources (not reviewed)

这涉及到要明确并提升普遍承认的价值观以及科学家 医学 界专业 人员、法律制定者和公民们踊跃参加国际上的辩论。
This involves the identification and promotion of universally shared
values and the stimulation of lively international debates
[...] between scientists, medical professionals, [...]
lawmakers and citizens.
医 学界有一 句传说已久的笑话,它的警句是:‘手 术获得成功,但是病人死了。
There is
[...] an old joke in the medical profession whose [...]
punchline is: ‘The operation was a success, but the patient nonetheless died.
卢森堡政府致力于将国家发展成为生 物医学研究卓越中心,IBBL则是这一 长期承诺的组成部分,旨在提高研究能 力,鼓励与国医学界展开合作。
The IBBL is part of the Luxembourg Government’s long-term commitment to develop
Luxembourg as a centre of
[...] excellence in biomedical research, promoting its research capabilities and encouraging collaboration with the international medical community.
虽然听起来很简单,但是可以说最需要携带的就是消炎药,这种药 医学界 被 称 为“非甾体抗炎药”(非甾体类消炎药)。
Though it sounds very basic, arguably the most important
medication to carry is an
[...] anti-inflammatory, known in the medical world as NSAID (non-steroidal [...]
anti-inflammatory drug).
(d) 应探索提医学界、政府机构、私人捐助方和公众对坏疽性口炎问题 认识的模式。
(d) Modalities to raise awareness about
[...] noma among the medical community, Government [...]
authorities, private donors and public opinion should be explored.
掌握这些信息不仅医学界,而 且为依赖这种设备维持生命的全球数以万计的患者增强了信心。
To have this information in hand
provides a greater level of confidence
[...] not only for the medical community, but also [...]
for the thousands of patients around
the world who depend on this device in life-saving procedures.
多数国家提医学界、国 家肺脏协会和其他职业 组织在这一过程中发挥着作用。
In most of countries the medical profession, national [...]
lung associations and other professional organizations are mentioned
as having a role in the process.
[...] Ernst博士在她的报告“在电生理学实验室工作:您和您的病人都有辐射危险”中谈到了辐射照射 医学界 的 一个很严重的问题。
Dr. Sabine Ernst (Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK) talked in her presentation "Working in the EP lab:
Radiation risks to you and your patients" about how radiation exposure is a
[...] significant concern in the medical community.
BIOTRONIK以医学界的深 刻了解而著称,公司评估医师面临的各种挑战,为患者治疗的各阶段(包括诊断、治疗和患者管理等)提供最佳解决方案。
Known for
[...] having its finger on the pulse of the medical community, BIOTRONIK [...]
assesses the challenges physicians face and
provides the best solutions for all phases of patient care, ranging from diagnosis to treatment to patient management.
我们能够走到今天这一步要归功于在座的许多 人,包括各国政府医学界、私 营部门以及最为重要 的是,在他们的生命中在世界各地抗击艾滋病的积极 [...]
The story of how we got here was written
by many of represented here — the
[...] Governments, the medical community, the private sector [...]
and above all the activists who
struggled against AIDS in their lives and around the world.
在生物医学领域,有必要预防其它有关的风险,例如,与异种移植或某些形 式的基因治疗有关的风险医学界在 预防感染方面完全公认的一个问题。
In the biomedical field the need to prevent risks to others in connection, for example, with xenotransplants or
certain forms of gene therapy, is a problem well
[...] recognized in medical circles as far as preventing [...]
infection is concerned.
关于血糖监测仪准确性的争议主要围绕 医学界 的 热 议话题——医院严格血糖控制(TGC)的益处和安全性。
The controversy over BGM accuracy comes on the heels of an intense
[...] debate in the medical community about [...]
the benefits and safety of tight glycemic control (TGC) in hospitals.
然而,鉴于荷尔蒙补充治疗与增加乳癌的风险相关,目 医学界 并 不建议采用此疗法。
However, the current trend is against HRT because of the associated increased risk of breast cancer.
当前,人类社会正在各地经历着在疾病的治疗上走向整体办法 医学界 重 新 定位。
At present, society is witnessing in places a
[...] reorientation of the medical profession towards [...]
a holistic approach to disease and healing.
小组委员会注意到,法律草案规定遴选委员会由法律 医学界 的 资 深人士组 成,并包括一名民间社会的代表。
The SPT notes that the draft legislation provides for a
selection panel made up of senior persons
[...] in the legal and medical professions, and [...]
includes a representative of civil society.
医学界使用 心脏辅助装置部分或完全取代心脏的功能,从而提高了对心脏疾病的治疗能力。
Cardiac Assist Devices
[...] have expanded the medical community’s [...]
ability to partially or completely replace heart function.
(b) 反映各内容领域中资料的等级特性,并突出说明采用一般性人口卫生计 量指标的迫切需要,以及与生 医学界 定 的 生理状况及其决定因素等具体计量指 标有关的特定需要
(b) Reflect the hierarchical nature of information within content areas and highlight the pressing need for general measures of population health but also ones that relate specifically to biomedically defined physiologic conditions and determinants of those conditions
最初的理论是在1973年首度引进美 医学界 ; 亚 舍-哈珀(Asher-Harper)研究提出将HCG管理和一天摄取500卡路里热量相结合的饮食方法可以作为对抗肥胖的一种有效工具。
The original idea was first introduced
[...] to the American medical community in 1973; [...]
the Asher-Harper study proposed that the
combination of HCG administration and a 500-calorie-a-day diet would be an effective tool against obesity.
澳大利亚的澳洲学术研究网(Academic and Research
[...] Network)可为整个亚太地区内的高等教育机构、研究机构及其合作伙伴提供高速的互联网服务,包括为国 医学界 提 供 高清的医疗过程直播视频。
Australia’s Academic and Research Network offers high-capacity internet services to the tertiary education and research communities and their partners across the
Asia-Pacific region, including high-definition
[...] live-streaming of medical procedures to the international medical community.
作为京都医科大学的百年纪念堂项目,建造“芝兰堂”(Shiran Hall)的目的是为了“促进和开 医学界 之 间的学术交流活动”,“建立一个产学协作基地”,以及“鼓励小组课堂教学”。
As the university's 100th anniversary memorial project, "Shiran Hall" was constructed for the purposes of
"promoting lectures and
[...] activities by the medical profession", "developing a base for university-industry coordination", [...]
and "encouraging small group lessons".
基于与全球科技医学界的合作,公司每年出版超过2,000种期刊,包括《柳叶刀》和《细胞》等世界著名期刊,还出版近20,000种图书,包括Mosby [...]
The company works in partnership
[...] with the global science and health communities [...]
to publish more than 2,000 journals, including
The Lancet and Cell, and close to 20,000 book titles, including major reference works from Mosby and Saunders.
要想成功,患者、其家人、民间社会、国家卫生 基础设施以及界医学和科学界就必 须共同努力。
To succeed, the patients, their
families, civil society, national health
[...] infrastructures and the world medical and scientific community must [...]
work together.
该组织与若干非政府组织之间建立了关系,如 界医学 协 会 、国际癌症防治联合 会和世界心脏联合会等。
The organization has relationships with several NGOs, for
[...] example the World Medical Association, the [...]
International Union against Cancer and the World Heart Federation.
A …铭记生物伦理方面的国际和地区文书,包括 1997 年通过,1999 年生效的欧 洲委员会在《生物学和医学应用方面保护人权和人的尊严公约:人权与生物
医学公约》,生物伦理方面的国家法律和规章,国际和地区生物伦理方面的 行为准则与指导方针以及其它文书,例如于
[...] 1964 年通过并于 1975、1989、 1993、1996、2000 和 2002 年分别修订的界医学联合会关于以人为对象的 医学研究伦理原则的赫尔辛基宣言,1982 [...]
年通过并于 1993 和 2002 年分别修 订的国际医学科学组织理事会《关于以人为对象的生物医学研究国际伦理指
including the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe, adopted in 1997 and entered into force in 1999, as well as national legislation and regulations in the field of bioethics and the international and regional codes of conduct and guidelines
and other texts in the field of bioethics, such as the Declaration of
[...] Helsinki of the World Medical Association on Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving [...]
Human Subjects,
adopted in 1964 and amended in 1975, 1989, 1993, 1996, 2000 and 2002 and the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects of the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences adopted in 1982 and amended in 1993 and 2002, and the Montreal Declaration on Intellectual Disabilities of January 2005.
3月9至12日,特别报告员参加了人权理事会第十三届会议期间的几次会外 活动,包括:伯克利大学 2048
[...] 项目小组讨论会;由国际酷刑受害者康复理事会 和界医学协会 联合组织的“记录酷刑的可持续制度探索:卫生专业人员的作 [...]
From 9 to 12 March, the Special Rapporteur participated in several side events during the thirteenth
session of the Human Rights Council,
[...] including the Berkeley University Panel on Project [...]
2048; “Exploring sustainable systems
to document torture: the role of health professionals” organized by the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims and the World Medical Association; “Torture and accountability: the responsibility of the legal profession” organized by the International Commission of Jurists; “Human rights in Zimbabwe: one year on.
共有九个主要参与者应邀发了言,它们是构成生物伦理论坛的国际机构(国际生物伦 理学会--SIBI、医生(界医学协会 --AMM)、临床医生(欧洲优秀临床实践论坛)、儿童 (世界儿童之友协会--AMADE)、妇女(国际大学毕业妇女联合会--FIFDU)、残疾人(融 [...] [...]
入国际)、研究人员(特别是发展中国家的研究人员)、保险公司(法国保险公司联合会) 和医药产业(EuropaBio)。
In all, representatives of nine principal groups were invited to take the floor: international bodies serving as forums of reflection on bioethics
(International Society of
[...] Bioethics (SIBI)), doctors (World Medical Association (WMA)), clinicians (European [...]
Forum for Good Clinical
Practice), children (World Association of Children’s Friends (AMADE)), women (International Federation of University Women (IFUW)), the disabled (Inclusion International), researchers (in particular from developing countries), the insurance industry (French Federation of Insurance Companies) and the pharmaceutical industry (EuropaBio).
为了扭转这一局面,医疗保险基金处理报销单的管理信息软件应考虑以下因素:(i) 东 道国和界的医业变 得日益复杂,(ii) 一个管理为数有限受保者(仅约 8000 人)的保险基金 很难适应许多改革和在这方面的预期变化,尤其是行政 医学 信 息 的交流借助因特网而变得 越来越虚拟化,(iii) 在东道国社会保险制度中,医疗保险基金的报销额约占 80%,东道国的 社会保险制度已进行深入改革,一项最重要的改动主要涉及处方的医学术语,最终这些术语 将会有数千个“处方编码”,而不是现在的二十几个。
To redress the situation, the Medical Benefits Fund’s reimbursement management software must take
account of the following
[...] factors: (i) medical treatment in the host country and worldwide is becoming more and more complex; (ii) a Fund managing a small number of insured persons (about 8,000 persons only) will have great difficulty in adapting to the many foreseeable changes and developments in this field, especially as exchanges of administrative and medical information will increasingly [...]
take a non-tangible form owing to the use
of the Internet; and (iii) the social security system of the host country, in which about 80% of the expenditure reimbursed by the Medical Benefits Fund is incurred, is undergoing in-depth reform entailing, in particular, a major change in the nomenclature of medical treatment, which will eventually consist of several thousand codes for medical services instead of the score at present used.
与各组织学术界开展 了多个南北 合作项目,从而促进了能力建设活动,这方面的例子很多,比如贝宁与日内瓦医 疗教育和研究基金会的合作、刚果民主共和国与无 界医 生 组 织的合作、毛里塔 尼亚与 Equilibres et Populations 的合作以及厄立特里亚与美国斯坦福大学之 间的长期合作。
There are numerous instances of North-South
collaboration with
[...] organizations and academia that make significant contributions to capacity-building, including the collaboration between Benin and the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Doctors without Borders, between Mauritania [...]
and Equilibres et
Populations, and the long-standing collaboration between Eritrea and Stanford University, United States of America.
在受上帝军影响地区积极活动的国际非政府组织包括:消除饥饿行动;非医学和研 究基金;美国难民理事会;加拿大医生援助和救济组织;美国援外合作 社;和解资源组织;丹麦排雷小组;“到此为止”计划;红十字国际委员会;国 际救援委员会;Intersos 组织; 隐形儿童组织;无界医生; 挪威难民理事会; 乐施会;“决心”组织;救助儿童联盟;救助儿童和团结组织;儿童担保组织; 荷兰、英国和美国战争儿童组织;Windle 信托基金;世界展望组织。
International NGOs active in the LRA-affected areas
include: Action
[...] Against Hunger; Africa Medical and Research Foundation; American Refugee Council; Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief; CARE; Conciliation Resources; Danish Demining Group; Enough Project; International Committee of the Red Cross; International Rescue Committee; Intersos; Invisible Children; Médecins Sans Frontières; [...]
Norwegian Refugee
Council; Oxfam; Resolve; Save the Children Alliance; Save the Children and Solidarité; Sponsor Children; War Child Holland, UK and USA; Windle Trust; and World Vision.




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