

单词 区块

区块 noun, plural ()

blocs pl

区块 ()

specific section
separate block

See also:

classifier for chunks, lumps, or pieces of land, stones, cake, bread, candy, tofu; wristwatches
classifier for Chinese yuan
lump (of earth)

External sources (not reviewed)

中石油和中石 化都获得了中国国土资源部的许可证以开发海 区块。
Both CNPC and Sinopec have acquired licenses from the Chinese land and resources
[...] ministry to explore blocks of the sea.
这一不平等还常表现在提供教育的体制在质 量和效率方面存在显著区块和群 体差异。
This inequality is most often also reflected in a marked segmentation and stratification of the quality and efficiency of the system of educational provision.
(a) 频区块配置 概念,计划为特定无线电服务使用——如《无线电条 例》第 5 条所载的频率分配表。
(a) The concept of block allocations of frequencies that are intended [...]
for use by defined radio services — table of frequency
allocations as contained in article 5 of the Radio Regulations.
[...] 制,较大的备份文件将自动分割为 4GB 的区块,这样就增加了在数据恢复期间出错的机会。
Due to this limitation, large backup files will automatically
[...] split into 4GB chunks, thus increasing [...]
the chance that something will go wrong during data recovery.
气候变化造成的不利影响、自然灾害、森林火灾、气载污染、不可持续的娱 乐用地、森区块化、外来物种入侵、将森林转为农用以及没有财政和技术资源 进行可持续森林管理等众多压力,继续在威胁全世界森林的生物多样性,从而减 少了具有生物多样性的森林所能提供的各种生态系统的货物和服务。
A number of pressures, including the negative impacts of climate change, natural disasters, forest fires, airborne pollution, unsustainable recreational use, forest fragmentation, invasive alien species, conversion of forests to agriculture and inoperative financial and technical resources for sustainable forest management implementation, continue to threaten the world’s forest biodiversity, thus diminishing the full range of ecosystem goods and services that biologically diverse forests are able to provide.
一名利比里亚的回复者指出:“如果教育权的分配不均等……那肯定会 出现不满意和犯罪率上升的社区块 ”。
One contributor from Liberia noted: “if education is not equitably distributed ... there are bound to be pockets of dissatisfaction and escalation of crime”.
向联合国森林论坛自愿提供的资料表明,在大多数但非所有情况下,对森林 生物多样性和实现森林文书全球目标 1 和 3 的主要威胁一直而且依然是破坏生态 环境、外来物种入侵、森林火灾、森 区块 化 、过度放牧、风害、气候变化对森 林生态系统的不利影响、更为频繁的自然灾害、需要更多的木材和木材残渣生成 能源、对生物燃料的需求、木材行业和能源行业争夺来自森林的木材原料,缺乏 进行可持续森林管理的财政资源。
According to on voluntary information provided for the eighth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests, significant threats to forest biodiversity and the implementation of global objectives 1 and 3 of the forest instrument, in most but not all cases, have been, and continue to be, habitat destruction, invasive alien species, forest fires, forest fragmentation, overgrazing, wind damage, negative impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems, increased frequency of natural disasters, increase in demand for wood and wood residues for energy generation, demand for biofuels, competition for wood raw material from forests (wood-based industries versus energy generation), and lack of financial resources to implement sustainable forest management.
Surmont的启动项目位于阿尔伯塔省蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)项目区域中心的12,000英亩油砂租 区块 , 公 司已向监管部门提交了Wildwood油砂项目日产12,000桶一期项目的开采申请。
Surmont's initial project is located on a 12,000 acre block of oil sands leases in the heart of
Alberta's steam- assisted gravity drainage
[...] (SAGD) project region, in respect of [...]
which the Company has submitted regulatory
applications for its 12,000 BPD first phase of the Wildwood oil sands project.
(h) 为使用船只数据远程识别和跟踪,西非和中非各国应建立全国远程识别
[...] 规定和《国际海上搜寻救助公约》规定的义务;告知海事组织将使用哪个数据中 心;根据当前港口吞吐量分析港口国进行跟踪的费用;考虑在关键地区划分监区块,以利于沿岸国作跟踪
(h) In order to use long-range identification and tracking of ships data, West and Central African States should establish a national long-range identification and tracking data centre or utilize other data centres to meet the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea regulatory requirements and the Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue obligations; inform IMO of which data centre will be used; analyse the cost of port State
tracking based on current port
[...] traffic; and consider creating custom polygons in critical areas for coastal State [...]
区块制并 不适用于多金属结核,委员会可认为在这种情况下不 必要实行可变规费制度。
In the light of the fact that the block system does not apply to polymetallic nodules, the Commission may consider it unnecessary to introduce a variable fee system in this case.
本公司在2007~2008年期间,将CSR活动范围扩大到 了世界各区域的所区块/店。
Accordingly, in fiscal 2007 and 2008 ITOCHU expanded the scope of its CSR initiatives to include all overseas offices/blocs.
关于四国海区块,委 员会不同意将公式线以外的整片地区划归日本大陆 架,因此修正了建议草案。
Addressing the
[...] Shikoku Basin Region, the Commission [...]
did not agree that the whole area beyond the formula lines should be
included in the continental shelf of Japan, and therefore amended the draft recommendations.
更具体地说,第 2012/2802 号决定涉及发放“5011 区块”的许可证,区块 部分 (40%以上)位于塞浦路斯共和国的专属经济区和大陆架内;第 2012/2973 号 决定涉及发放“5029 区块”的许可证,区块部分 (60%以上)位于塞浦路斯共和 国的专属经济区和大陆架内;第 2012/2968 号决定涉及发放“5027 区块”和5028 区块”的许可证,“5027 区块”全部(100%)位于塞浦路斯共和国的专属经济区和 大陆架内,“5028 区块”部 分(90%以上)位于塞浦路斯共和国的专属经济区和大陆 架内。
More specifically, Decision 2012/2802 concerns the
issuance of a licence in
[...] “block 5011”, which partly lies (more than 40 per cent) within the EEZ and continental shelf of the Republic of Cyprus; Decision 2012/2973 concerns the issuance of a licence in “block 5029”, which partly lies (more than 60 per cent) within the EEZ and continental shelf of the Republic of Cyprus; and Decision 2012/2968 concerns the issuance of a licence in “block 5027”, which lies in its entirety (100 per cent) within the EEZ and continental shelf of the Republic of Cyprus and “block 5028”, which partly lies (more [...]
than 90 per cent) within
the EEZ and continental shelf of the Republic of Cyprus.
暂时性资区块被无 需采用其它IT程序的Dini Argeo网站使用,该IT程序指的是在用户使用隐私时,程序中潜在的威胁。
The session cookies used by the Dini Argeo website rule out the need to adopt other IT procedures which represent potential threats to user navigation privacy.
这片区域已经深入到了公司在该地区最南端的三 区块 , 即 Totoral、Yerba Buena和Bajada [...]
The discovery well, LHo.x-1, drilled and established oil production
potential from the Vaca Muerta Shale in a
[...] new and large region, the Picun Leufu [...]
Sub-Basin, which extends over much of the
Company''s three southernmost blocks -- Totoral, Yerba Buena and Bajada Colorada (1,126,600 acres or 4,559 square kilometres or 1,760 sections).
使用所谓的暂时性资区块(由 用户的计算机临时储存的以及当不再使用浏览程序时通常会被删除)是严格限制了会话标识数据(包含由Dini Argeo网站服务器随机生成的号码)的转移,该数据要求保密性及高效的网站搜索。
Use of so-called session cookies (which are stored temporarily by the user’s computer and which are normally deleted when the browser is no longer used) is strictly limited to transfers of the session identification data (consisting in random numbers generated by the Dini Argeo web server) required for secure, efficient website exploration.
位于苏丹南方的石油过去 一直经由两条石油管道运输:一条自穆格莱德 (Muglad)盆地的 1 号、2 号和(GNPOC)4 号区 块开始,另一条始于 Melut 盆地,服务于 3 号、 (佩特拉达集团)7 号区块。
Oil located in the South was historically moved through two pipelines:
one beginning in the
[...] Muglad basin from blocks 1, 2, and 4 (GNPOC), and one beginning in the Melut basin servicing blocks 3 and 7 (Petrodar).
It is located two blocks south from Marriott Hotel and four blocks away from Holiday Inn.
海管局订约人/保区 区块的位 置离基里巴斯专属经济区边界仅约 80 海里,使基里巴斯成为离这些海 管区块最近的国家,也使基里巴斯高度关注确保以保护环境的负责任态度在克 拉里昂-克利珀顿断裂带开展活动,从而确保不对基里巴斯自身的海洋环境或附 近其他沿海国造成负面影响。
The International Seabed Authority contractor/reserved area blocks are situated only approximately 80 nautical miles from the boundary of Kiribati’s exclusive economic zone, making Kiribati the closest State to these International Seabed Authority blocks and giving [...]
it a heightened interest
in ensuring that the activities in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone are carried out in an environmentally responsible manner so that no adverse impacts are caused to Kiribati’s own marine environment or that of other nearby coastal States.
此时会弹出一个摘要工作表,包含您在框图中所选功 区块 对 应 的器件清单,以及到相应规格书的链接。
The end result is a summary worksheet with a listing of the devices you have selected for each block in the block diagram along with links to the appropriate data sheets.
CNNIC 将本着合理规划、分级管理的原 则持续进行域名解析平台建设,力争到 2015
[...] 年国家域名服务节点达到 50 个,部署地点覆 盖全球各区块,为 全球范围内的互联网用 户提供良好的国家域名使用体验,服务指标 [...]
CNNIC continues building resolution platform of domain name by abiding by the principles of reasonable planning and hierarchical management, and aims to set up 50 national domain
name service nodes by 2015 which will be
[...] distributed all around the world, in [...]
order to provide the worldwide Internet users
with excellent experience with the national domain name and meet the standard of the world -class registration and management center.
Safe neighborhood, 1 block from principal [...]
road, near to restaurant, shops bars, atms and grocery stores.
中石油确认了此项报告的调查结果,并特别提到公司在安哥拉 18 区块有勘探开采作业。
The company confirmed the findings in this report and, specifically, that it has an operational site in Angola (Block 18).
[...] 点,同时,可在更低温度下作为有效的促 效剂,且可产生更加清晰区块。
Offers all the benefits of JB-4, plus additional advantages of: a cooler acting accelerator and the
[...] production of clear blocks.
褶皱的北翼和南翼形成了Ruoni北部和南部资 区块 , 露 头褶皱枢纽形成东面的Tenge资 区块。
The northern and southern limbs of the fold
[...] comprise the Ruoni North and Ruoni South resource blocks, while the outcropping fold hinge comprises the Tenge resource block to the east.
关于南九州帕劳洋区块,委 员会指出,根据委员会第二十四届会议的决定 (见 CLCS/64,第 [...]
26 段),小组委员会已拟订了关于划界案所有部分的内容的建议 草案。
Addressing the Southern
[...] Kyushu-Palau Ridge Region, the Commission noted [...]
that, in accordance with the decision taken by the
Commission at its twenty-fourth session (see CLCS/64, para. 26), the Subcommission had prepared the draft recommendations on all parts of the submission.
申请区域位于国际海底管理局保留区域内,分为 4 个区:A 区位于 13 区块, 面积为 8 924 平方公里;B 区位于 15 区块,面积为 3 519 平方公里;C 区位于 22 区块,面积为 37 227 平方公里;D 区位于 25 区块,面积为 25 160 平方公里。
The application area lies within the ISA Reserved Area, and is divided into four regions: Area A is located within Block 13 and covers an area of 8,924 km²; Area B is located within Block 15 and covers an area of 3,519 km²; Area C is located within Block 22 and covers an area of 37,227 km²; and Area D is located within Block 25 and covers an area of 25,160 km².
除了上述来自经济面之不确定因素外,其它诸如;国际恐怖主义之阴影、不稳定的地缘政治、中国宏观调控、经 区块 之 结 盟、全球化之冲突及金砖四国(BRICS)之崛起等;都对全球经济发展产生重大之影响,台湾身为地球村之一员自无法置身于全球经济脉动之外。
Apart from the foregoing economic uncertainties, the threat of international terrorism, geopolitical instability,
China's macroeconomic control policy, the
[...] establishment of regional economic blocs, [...]
global conflict, and the sudden emergence
of the underdeveloped giants Brazil, Russia, India, and China have also had a major impact on the world's economic developments.
声明还指出,3/85号区块和3/91号区块 承 包 商集团的成员公司有:安哥拉道达尔勘探与生产公司(运营商)、安油P&P公司、安哥拉埃尼公司、Svenska公司、Nis-Naftagas公司、Ina-Naftaplin公司、三菱公司AJEX分公司(3/ 85 号 区块 的 合 作伙伴)和AJOCO 91公司(3/91号区块的合作伙伴)。
The statement noted, meanwhile, that the contractor group that owns stakes in Blocks 3/85 and 3/91 is made up of Total E&P Angola (Operator), Sonangol P&P, ENI Angola, Svenska, Nis-Naftagas, Ina-Naftaplin and Mitsubishi Corporation Exploration subsidiaries: AJEX (partner in Block 3/85) and AJOCO 91 (in Block 3/91).
同中国石油签署的陆上致密气产品分成合同修订协议,标志着位于鄂尔多斯盆地方圆1692.5平方公里的长 区块 进 入 一个新阶段,新增项目工作范围包括开发其它致密含气砂岩和进一步开发当前在产气藏。
The onshore tight gas PSC amendment with CNPC represents a new phase for the development of the existing Changbei block with 1,692.5 square kilometers in the Ordos Basin, and adds scope to develop additional tight gas sands and further develop the already producing main reservoir.




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