

单词 北达科他州

See also:

达科他 n

Dakota n

达科 n

cloud infrastructure n


Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan

External sources (not reviewed)

大型项目 包括位于田纳西州
[...] Kingsport 将煤变为化学品的设施,以及位 北达科他州 将煤 变为甲烷(天然气)的项目。
Major projects include a coal-tochemicals facility in Kingsport, Tennessee, and a
[...] coal-to-methane (natural gas) project in North Dakota.
BTE 在北达科他州迪瓦德县和威廉姆斯县建造、拥有并运营原油收集系统。
BTE will construct, own, and operate a crude oil gathering system in Divide and Williams Counties, North Dakota.
北达科他州的巴肯油田在 2005 年时岩石的石油产量还只达到 100,000 桶。
The Bakken formation in North Dakota was only producing [...]
100,000 barrels of oil from rock in 2005.
他们于1890年代在纽约市创建了第一个伊斯兰中心, 北达科他州 的 草原上建造了美国第一座清真寺。
They built America’s
[...] first mosque on the prairie of North Dakota.
他们仍然说在他们的社区,这 北达科他州 和 蒙 大拿州各地在美国散布的德国,在阿尔伯塔省和马尼托巴省和加拿大。
They still speak German in their communities, which are scattered throughout the Dakotas and Montana in the United States, and in Alberta and Manitoba in Canada.
居住在美国(亚利桑那州、路易斯安那州、新泽西州、蒙大拿州、佛蒙州北达科他州 、 华盛顿州以及田纳西州居民除外)与中华人民共和国的参与者须缴纳10美元或63元人民币以成为FLW成员,从而有资格参赛。
Entrants who reside in the United States (except for
TENNESSEE) and the People's republic
of China will have to pay a $10 USD / 63 RMB to become a FLW Member in order to be eligible to play.
在第四个令人惊讶事件中,我预见民主党会认识到能源独立的重要性,并支持允许在怀俄明州、蒙大拿州和 北达科他州 等 人 口稀少地区增加液压破碎法的使用。
In the fourth Surprise I see the Democrats recognizing the importance of energy independence and getting behind a program to allow more hydraulic fracking in less populated areas like Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas.
DuraTech公司總部設在美北達科他州 詹 姆斯敦,生產超過26種農用和工業用產品,通過由600家經銷商組成的網絡在全球范圍內銷售。
Headquartered in Jamestown, N.D., USA, DuraTech manufactures more than 26 agricultural and industrial products, which are marketed worldwide through a network of 600 dealers.
我们的传感器可以监测美国阿拉斯 州北 坡 ( North Slope)的石油管道泄漏,该处温度为零下 44 摄氏度,在起风情况下最低达零下 56 摄氏度。
Our sensors are monitoring for oil pipeline leaks on the North Slope of Alaska, in temperatures of minus 44 degrees Celsius, with wind chills as [...]
low as minus 56 degrees Celsius.
今年 2 月 23 日,众议院农业委员会主席、众议 科 林 ·彼 得森(明尼 达州 民主党)连同他 38 个共同提案者,提出了 HR 4645 号法案,允许自由到古巴旅行, [...]
On 23 February 2010, Representative Collin Peterson (Democrat-Minnesota),
Chairman of the House
[...] Committee on Agriculture, together with 38 other co-sponsors, introduced HR 4645, which [...]
would allow people to
travel freely to Cuba, amend the policy of payment in cash in advance and allow the use of United States financial institutions for agricultural sales transactions.
在撰写本报告时,据报道苏丹政府已开始将 乍得反对派武装集团的一些成员 北达 尔 富 尔 州 遣 返 到乍得。
At the time of writing of the present report, the Government of the Sudan
was reported to have started repatriating some members of Chadian armed
[...] oppositions groups from Northern Darfur to Chad.
西奥多·“泰德”·布鲁克斯(古巴Gooding,Jr)从美国佛罗 达州 迈 阿密的图片会出现在每一个城市巴士广告,以推 广 他 的 牙 科 诊 所 在电影一开始是牙医。
Theodore “Ted” Brooks (Cuba Gooding,
Jr.) is a dentist
[...] from Miami, Florida whose picture appears on every city bus in advertisements to promote his dental practice at the beginning [...]
of the film.
(r) 《贸易法委员会国际商事调解示范法》(2002 年)21 (阿尔巴尼亚 (2003 年)、洪都拉斯(2000 年)、美利坚合众国的佛蒙特州、爱达荷州、达 科他州、犹 他州和哥伦比亚特区根据《示范法》通过了新立法)。
(r) UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Conciliation (2002)21 (new legislation based on the Model Law has been adopted in Albania (2003), Honduras (2000), and, in the United States of America, in the States of Vermont, Idaho, South Dakota and Utah, and in the District of Columbia).
就象 1989 年后我们帮助推倒柏林墙的人建立起
健全的民主政体和市场经济那样;就象 1994 年我们
[...] 欢迎南非选择走和解与民主而非种族冲突的道路,因 而重返英联邦那样;如今在 2011 年,北非和中东 人民挺身而起,达他们希 望建立更开放、更民主的 社会之时,我们有机会,同时也有责任,去 [...]
Just as after 1989 we helped those who tore down the Berlin Wall to build robust democracies and market economies, just as in 1994 we welcomed South Africa back into the commonwealth of nations when it chose the path of reconciliation and democracy instead of
racial conflict, so
[...] now in 2011, as people in North Africa and the Middle East stand up and give [...]
voice to their hopes for
more open and democratic societies, we have an opportunity, and, I would say, a responsibility to help them.
中国没有办法凭自身力量打破僵局,但其 更多地参与其中,再加上其他有兴趣的合作伙伴的 共同努力,可以有助于对石油和他 对 南 北 苏 丹和 平共处至关重要的问达成协议。
China is in no way positioned to break the deadlock on its own, but its increased engagement, alongside that of other interested partners, could help secure a deal on oil and further issues critical to peaceful co-existence between the two Sudans.
这些报告内容涉及:2009 年 11 月和 2010 年 3 月北 达尔富州尔与 苏丹解放军的一个派别发生冲突,据称轰炸导致两名平民死亡,供 水点附近数十头牲畜被杀;2010 年 4 月在西达尔富州一次、2010 年 5 月北 达尔富尔两次与正义运动发生冲突,据称轰炸造成附近村庄和供水点的 11 名平 民死亡、30 名平民受伤。
These reports relate to bombings in two clashes with
[...] an SLA faction in Northern Darfur in November 2009 and March 2010, allegedly resulting in two civilian deaths and the killing of dozens of livestock near water points, and with JEM in Western Darfur in April 2010 and twice in Northern Darfur in May 2010, [...]
allegedly resulting
in 11 civilian deaths and the injury of 30 civilians near villages and nearby water points.
中西部地区高等教育协议(MHEC)”于1991年成立,由12个州组成:伊利诺斯州、印第安那州、爱荷华州、堪萨斯州、密歇根州、明尼苏达州、密苏里州、内布拉斯 州 、 北达科 塔 州 、俄亥俄州、南达科塔州和威斯康星州。
The Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC), founded in 1991, consists of twelve states:
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota,
[...] Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and [...]
(f) 其他用品、服务和装备(10 693 500 美元,即 53.3%):主要原因是地震 后调派租用飞机和船只从意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地和美国佛罗 达州迈 阿 密运送设备、资产和用品至海地;与联合国志愿人员和独立承包商特别措施有 关的支出被误记;地震后从联合国后勤基地战略部署物资储存运到特派团的设备 和用品的补给费用;与地震有关的杂项索赔。
(f) Other supplies, services and equipment ($10,693,500, or 53.3 per cent): resulting mainly from the deployment of chartered aircraft and vessels to transport equipment, assets and supplies from the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and from Miami, Florida, United [...]
States of America, to
Haiti following the earthquake; the inadvertent recording of expenditures related to special measures for United Nations Volunteers, as well as independent contractors; the replenishment costs of equipment and supplies shipped from the strategic deployment stocks in the United Nations Logistics Base to the Mission after the earthquake; and miscellaneous earthquake-related claims.
该Hutterian兄弟是共同体的宗教教派之间的起源在摩拉维亚(现为捷克共和国)再洗礼派在改革和现在位于 达科他州 , 马 尼托巴省和阿尔伯塔省为主。
The Hutterian Brethren are a communitarian religious sect that originated among Anabaptists in
Moravia (now the Czech Republic) during the Reformation and is now located
[...] chiefly in South Dakota, Manitoba, and Alberta.
与会者一致对联合国科文组 织的三个委员会,即比利时的佛兰德、卢森堡 和荷兰表示了感谢,感他们向欧洲 北 美 地区磋商会议建议了这一新方法。
Participants unanimously thanked the three
[...] Commissions for UNESCO of Flanders/Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands for having proposed this new approach for the consultation of the Europe and North America Region.
自 2006 年以来,该项目在恰帕斯州、格雷罗州、 达 尔 戈 州、 哈科州、纳 亚里特州和瓦哈卡州,投资 1.577 亿墨西哥比索,重新安置了 2 043 个流离失所土著家庭或协他们返 回家园,方法是协助购置造房材料、城市地皮 和耕地以及进行生产性活动所需的原料。
As part of the project, 157.7 million Mexican pesos have been invested since 2006 in purchasing building materials, farm land and plots of land in urban areas, and inputs for gainful activities to assist 2,043 displaced indigenous families to relocate or return to their home areas in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Nayarit and Oaxaca.
该组织准备通过其植物 园网络、先进的研究和园艺复合区,以及生命和资源库 达 到 以 下目的:(a)建立、 发展、运行并维护一个具有图书馆、植物标本库、实验室和博物馆的教育和科学 中心,鼓励对基础和应用热带植物学进行研究;(b)促进并鼓励对基础热带植物生 命进行研究,并研究热带植物在农业、林业、园艺业、医学和 他科 学 领域的应 用;(c)通过出版物和其他媒体,分享与基础和应用热带植物学有关的现有知识; (d)采集并栽培热带植物,以保护面临灭绝威胁的热带植物物种;以及(e)建立一种 有助于开展教育、指导和娱乐活动的设施。
Through its network of botanical gardens, state-of-the-art research and horticulture complexes, and living and resource collections, the organization’s purposes are to: (a) establish, develop, operate and maintain an educational and scientific centre with libraries, herbaria, laboratories and museums to encourage and conduct research
in basic and applied
[...] tropical botany; (b) foster and encourage fundamental research in tropical plant life and study the uses of tropical flora in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, medicine and other sciences; (c) share knowledge acquired relative to basic and applied tropical botany through publications and other media; (d) collect and cultivate tropical flora and to preserve species [...]
of tropical plant
life threatened with extinction; and (e) provide a facility which contributes to education, instruction, and recreation.
如果您想了解更多空气污染对人体健康的影响,请与圣西睿智医生或 他北 京 和 睦家医院 科 医 生 预约咨询,电话(010) 5927 7500。
To learn more about air pollution’s effect on health or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Saint Cyr or another Family Medicine physician, please contact the BJU Family Medicine Department at (010) 5927 7500.
所以,不論在威爾斯親王醫 院、大埔醫院、那打素醫院,還北 區 醫 院的 科 服 務 ,均是屬於該團隊的, 有關醫院之間可以很靈活地調動人手,而不同的人也會輪流到不同的醫院當 值,有關這方面他們已經是這樣做。
In this connection, all gynaecology services, whether those in the PWH, the TPH, the AHMLNH or the NDH, are provided by the same team. Manpower can be deployed flexibly among the hospitals, and members of the team [...]
will take turns to work in different hospitals.
[...] 古怪的選舉團制度下卻並非如此, 特拉華州北達科他州的一張選票 的份量(根據州選民人數與選舉人數 [...]
之比計算),遠遠高於加利福尼亞 州、得克薩斯州或紐約州等大州中 一張選票的份量。
Every vote counts equally — but not in the weird arithmetic of the
Electoral College, where a citizen’s
[...] vote in Delaware or North Dakota is mathematically [...]
worth far more (measured by the ratio
of voters to the state’s electors) than a single vote in larger states like California or Texas or New York.
此外,为支北达尔富尔州科尔马 地区已核实的自愿回返者,达尔 富尔混合行动、难民署和开发署向 25 [...]
名调解委员会、民间社会组织、苏丹解放 军-米纳维派,苏丹解放军-自由意愿派和人道主义援助委员会的人员提供了关于 对话、谈判和调解的培训。
In addition, with
[...] a view to supporting verified voluntary returnees [...]
in the Korma area in Northern Darfur, UNAMID, UNHCR
and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) delivered training on dialogue, negotiation and mediation to 25 personnel of
铝锰镁合金彩涂铝板是用合金状态为3004的铝锰镁合金铝为基材,经过脱酯、清洗、钝化层处理,再在此基础上涂装目前国际最先进水平的KANAR500和HYLAR5000系列氟碳(PVDF)树脂生产的涂料,墙煌牌铝锰镁合金彩涂板采用国际知名企业美国PPG公司、瑞典 科 公 司 和美国威仕伯公司涂料,其产品经美国佛罗 达州 自 然光曝晒检测,具有耐候性20年以上的质量保证。
Color coated aluminum magnesium alloy Al-Mn alloy is used for the 3004 state of the Al-Mn-Mg aluminum alloy substrate, after de-ester, cleaning, passivation layer processing, and then painting on this basis, the international most advanced level of KANAR500 and HYLAR5000 Series Fluorocarbon (PVDF) resin coating, the wall card Huang color coated aluminum manganese alloy known international companies use the U.S. PPG,
Sweden and the United
[...] States Weishi Bo Beca companies paint company, its products by the natural light exposure, Florida testing, with more than 20 years of [...]
weathering quality assurance.




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