单词 | 北端 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 北端 —northern extremity
多样化的地貌包括位于该州最北端的 金 伯利,这里保留着原始的蛮荒,地势崎岖不平,海岸线逶迤绵长,内陆峡谷令人叹为观止。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Interesting variations in landscape include the [...] Kimberley, in the extreme north of the state, which [...]is a wild and rugged area with a convoluted [...]coastline and stunning inland gorges. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
虽然园区北端的空地比原设计大大减少,但新建筑的选址可以做到保住 北端的树木。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although open space at the north end of the campus is significantly reduced from the original design, the siting of a new building can be achieved in such a way as to preserve the trees at that end. daccess-ods.un.org |
在该州南部的布里斯班,气温很少低于 20°C,也不会出现较北端的闷 热天气,冬季(六到八月)的气候依然非常宜人。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Temperatures in Brisbane, in the south of the state, rarely drop below 20°C and, while it [...] doesn't suffer the stifling humidity [...] you'll find further north, the climate is still [...]most pleasant in winter (June to August). studyinaustralia.gov.au |
2011 年 12 月 31 日至 2012 年 1 月 4 [...] 日期间,卢民主力量在沙本达县最北 端袭击了数个村庄,其中包括 Lokolya [...]和 Luyuyu 村。 daccess-ods.un.org | From 31 December 2011 to 4 [...] January 2012, in the north-east part of Shabunda [...]territory, FDLR attacked several villages, including Lokolya and Luyuyu. daccess-ods.un.org |
两个主要岛屿从最北端至最南端的总长为1,600 公里,岛屿的 任何部分到海边的距离均不超过120 [...] 公里。 daccess-ods.un.org | The two main islands cover 1,600 [...] kilometres from the northern tip to the southern [...]extremity, with no part more than 120 [...]kilometres from the surrounding ocean. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 興建兩條行人天橋-一條位於坑口道與寶寧路交界 處,另一條位於坑口道北端 legco.gov.hk | (c) construction of two pedestrian footbridges – one at the junction of Hang Hau Road and Po Ning [...] Road, and another at the northern end of Hang Hau Road legco.gov.hk |
在芬兰民间传说里,该国最北端的省份 – 拉普兰 – 是一个神秘的元素。 visitfinland.com | In Finnish folklore, an element of mystery is associated with Lapland, [...] the country’s northernmost province. visitfinland.com |
坐落于挪威特隆赫姆 (Trondheim),它是世界最北端的超 越零能耗建筑,一个具有开创性和深具挑战的建筑项目。 norway.org.cn | Located in Trondheim, it is also [...] the world’s northernmost energy-positive [...]office building; the project is both ground-breaking and challenging. norway.cn |
(a) 如 取 消 在擬建行人天橋北端 建造的一條自動電 梯 ,並以加闊 的 樓梯取代, [...] 則 有關的建設費用和經常開支有何 增 減 ,而工 程計劃的施工計劃有何變動;以及 legco.gov.hk | (a) changes in the capital and recurrent costs and the [...] project implementation programme if the [...] escalator at the northern end of the proposed [...]footbridge were to be removed and replaced by a widened staircase; and legco.gov.hk |
卢克石油的 Varandey 油港码头是位于世界最北端的连续运营的石油码头。 emerson.com | LUKOIL’s Varandey facility is now [...] the world’s northernmost continuously operating oil terminal. emerson.com |
为实现该目标,卢克石油公司将其 Varandey 油港码头 - 世界最北端的石油码头 的储量扩充至 325,000 立方米,并增设了两条 25 [...] 千米长的水下管道和一个抗冰冻的永久性海上码头,以将石油从陆上油库卸载到经加固的海上油轮并运往海外。 emerson.com | To accomplish this, the company expanded [...] its Varandey facility – [...] the world’s northernmost continuously operating oil terminal – to a capacity [...]of 325,000 cubic meters [...]and added two 25-kilometer underwater pipelines, as well as an ice-resistant fixed offshore terminal for offloading of oil from its shore-based tanker field to reinforced tanker ships for transport abroad. emerson.com |
此外,西班牙领土还包括加那利群岛和巴利阿里群岛这样的岛屿、其他 一些小岛以及位于非洲大陆北端的休达和梅利利亚。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also comprises several island groupings, including the archipelagos of the Canary Islands and the Balearic [...] Islands, other smaller islands and the localities of Ceuta and [...] Melilla, situated on the north of the African continent. daccess-ods.un.org |
地图标题中的“三个阿拉伯”是指 Arabia Petraea,即西北地区,包括西奈半岛和约旦, Arabia Deserta,最北端的地 区,包括底格里斯河和幼发拉底河以南的地区,以及Arabia Felix,阿拉伯半岛迄今最大的领土,从位于西北的圣城麦加和麦地那一直延伸到阿拉伯海和阿曼湾沿海地区。 wdl.org | The three Arabias referred to in the map’s [...] title are Arabia Petraea, the [...] northwestern area encompassing the Sinai Peninsula and Jordan, Arabia Deserta, the northernmost area just south [...]of the Tigris and [...]Euphrates rivers, and Arabia Felix, by far the largest territory covering most of the peninsula and extending from the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in the northwest to the coasts of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. wdl.org |
作为位于欧洲西北端的自 豪的群岛国家,我们早 就认识到,我们无法孤立地有效保障我们边界的安 全。 daccess-ods.un.org | Living on a proud collection of [...] islands at the north-western edge of [...]Europe, we have long recognized that our borders cannot [...]effectively be secured in isolation. daccess-ods.un.org |
其产状与低硫化热液型金银矿床类似,而且可能与许可证区域 东 北端 的 晚 古生代花岗岩侵入体之间存在密切关系。 tipschina.gov.cn | These occurrences have many similarities with Low-sulphidation epithermal Au-Ag mineralization and [...] seem to be closely related to an ellipsoidal granitic intrusion of Late Paleozoic [...] located in the NE end of the license. tipschina.gov.cn |
查尔斯•达尔文大学(Charles Darwin University,英文简称CDU)是一所综合性研究密集型大学,大学位于澳大利亚 最 北端 的 首府城市达尔文。 australiachina.com.au | Charles Darwin University (CDU) is a research-intensive comprehensive university located in Darwin, the most northerly capital city in Australia. australiachina.com.au |
芬兰驯鹿饲养区最北端 的一 部分被列为“萨米人驯鹿放牧区”,萨米人的驯鹿饲养集中在那里。 daccess-ods.un.org | The northernmost part of the Finnish [...] reindeer husbandry region is classified as the “Sami reindeer herding area”, where [...]Sami reindeer husbandry is concentrated. daccess-ods.un.org |
在芬兰民间传说里,该国最北端的省份 – 拉普兰 – 是一个神秘的元素。 visitfinland.com | A Finnish nature photographer listed the most impressive Finnish landscapes. visitfinland.com |
智利政府为了推动第一大区的发展,根据第341号法令,于1975年6月25日创建了伊基克自由贸易区,第一大区位于智利国土 的 北端 , 距 首都圣地亚哥2000公里,此时,智利正经历着严重的经济危机。 zofri.cl | The government of Chile created the Free Trade Zone of Iquique (ZOFRI, by the Spanish acronym), on June 25th, 1975, by virtue of the DFL 341, aiming to promote the development of [...] the I Region of the country, a region [...] located at one of the ends of the long chilean [...]territory –2 thousand kilometers from [...]Santiago, the capital – and that was going through a serious economic crisis at the moment. zofri.cl |
该学院位于Redcliffe半岛北端美丽的海滨城市Scarborough。 australiachina.com.au | The College is located in the beautiful seaside town of [...] Scarborough situated at the north end of Redcliffe [...]Peninsula. australiachina.com.au |
除了北端的三 个外,所有餐厅均仅用矮墙分隔,从而在室内形成一个连续的台阶型空间。 chinese-architects.com | In this way the building becomes part of the tour path of the park and provides fresh ways to look at the scenery. chinese-architects.com |
拉里斯提到,奈洛比北端的馬泰雷河谷4A貧民窟與非營利組織合作,用更公平的方式改善貧民窟,奈洛比的大主教拿出經費,向地主收購貧民窟土地(這正是索維托東村欠缺的補償方案),再投資舖路、裝設路燈等建設,最後成立非營利單位,以更合理的價格出租土地;居民則必須在可負擔的範圍內,自行改善住家結構。 thisbigcity.net | Instead, Larice points to Mathare Valley 4A, [...] a slum on the northern end of Nairobi, [...]which partnered with non-profits to successfully [...]implement in situ, sweat-equity upgrading. thisbigcity.net |
位于法国的最北端,这 是一个高度工业化的地区,依靠煤矿,钢铁和其他重工业的进入衰落很像行业现在正在做。 leapfrog-properties.com | Located in the most northern tip of France this is [...] a heavily industrialised region which used to rely upon its coal mines, [...]steel and other heavy industry which went into decline much like industry here is doing now. leapfrog-properties.com |
他说,牙买加政府支持设在特立尼达和多巴 [...] 哥西班牙港的中心为加勒比提供服务所做的工作,但 认为如果派一名信息干事到牙买加金斯敦来满足加 勒比最北端人民 的需要,则将取得更大成效。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Jamaica), underscoring the key role of the United Nations information centres, said that his Government supported the work of the Centre in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, serving the Caribbean, but believed that it would be more effective if an [...] information officer were assigned to Kingston, Jamaica, to serve the [...] needs of those in the northern tip of the Caribbean. daccess-ods.un.org |
受到联合国教科文组织的保 护,Rokua地质公园是芬兰首个也是 世界最北端的地质公园。 ouluon.fi | Protected by UNESCO, Rokua Geopark is Finland’s first [...] and world’s northernmost Geopark. ouluon.fi |
海曼岛坐落在降灵群岛(Whitsunday Islands)的北端,抵 达这座充满田园气息的天堂的唯一方法就是乘坐水上飞机、直升机或豪华游船。 australia.com | Lying at the northern end of the Whitsunday [...] Islands the only way to reach this idyllic haven is by seaplane, helicopter or luxury boat transfer. australia.com |
其餘兩個於礦床北端鑽探 的孔穴沒有與顯著 的礦化帶相交。 mmg.com | Two holes drilled at the northern end of the deposit [...] did not intersect significant mineralization. mmg.com |
本项目位于市中心商业区的北端,这 种多阶段的办公室/商业发展项目包括One Peachtree [...] Pointe:一个高7层,建筑面积为165,000平方英尺的甲级写字楼;Two Peachtree Pointe:高 18层,建筑面积为300,000平方英尺的获得LEED [...]®认证的甲级写字楼,以及面向桃树街的高2层,20,000平方英尺的商业建筑。 srssa.com | Located at the north end of the Midtown [...] business district, this multi-phased office/retail development includes One Peachtree [...]Pointe: a 7-story, 165,000-SF Class “A” office building; Two Peachtree Pointe: an 18-story LEED® Certified, 300,000-SF “Class A” high-rise office building; and a 2-story, 20,000-SF retail building fronting Peachtree Street. srssa.com |
为了解海坛海峡潮间带大型底栖生物现状,我们于2005年10月、2006年04月在位于台湾海 峡 北端 的 海 坛海峡设置6条断面,依据《海洋监测规范 [...] 第7部分:近海污染生态调查和生物监测》(GB17378.7—1998),进行潮间带大型底栖动物采样。 actazool.org | In order to understand the current status of [...] macrobenthos in the intertidal zone of [...] Haitan Strait at the north part of Taiwan Strait, [...]6 sections were made in the intertidal [...]zone for the sampling of macrobenthos in October, 2005 and April, 2006, according to the instructions of ‘the Specification for Marine Monitoring, part 7: Ecological Survey of Offshore Pollution and Biological Monitoring’ (GB17378.7-1998). actazool.org |
阿纳基瓦青年旅舍(YHA Anakiwa [...] Lodge)是一家5星级的精品背包客青年旅舍,位于皮克顿(Picton)和哈维诺(Havelock)之间,同时也是新西兰南岛 最 北端 马 尔堡峡湾(Marlborough Sounds)内的夏洛特女王步道(Queen Charlotte Track)的起点(或终点)。 cn.yha.co.nz | YHA Anakiwa Lodge is a modern boutique backpacker hostel situated between [...] Picton and Havelock at [...] the start (or end point) of the Queen Charlotte Track in the Marlborough Sounds at the top of New Zealand’s South Island. yha.co.nz |