

单词 北海舰队

See also:


Lake Baikal
Bohai Sea
Beihai, park in Beijing the Northwest the Forbidden City
Beihai prefecture level city and seaport in Guangxi
the North Sea (Europe)


Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai

External sources (not reviewed)

在 2012
[...] 年 3 月 10 日接受一个国 家媒体采访时北海舰队政委王登平表示,中国拥有三 百万平方公里的海域,完全有理由拥有一艘航空母舰。
In a state media interview on 10 March 2012,
[...] Wang Dengping, PLAN’s North Sea Fleet Political Commissioner, [...]
said China was justified
to possess an aircraft carrier because it had 3 million sq km of maritime territory.
上图:青岛是著名的旅游城市,也是重要的军事港口,现在是中国人民解放 北海舰队 的 总 部所在地。
Qingdao is a famous tourist city and an important military port, now the seat of the
[...] PLA Headquarters of the North Sea Fleet
1949 年中华人民共和国成立以后,由于中国政府视北
[...] 边的苏联和东边的美国代理基地为最大的威胁,因北 海舰队获得了所有从苏联购买的驱逐舰,而东海舰队继 [...]
After the founding of the PRC in 1949, the North Sea Fleet received
all the destroyers purchased from the
[...] Soviets and the East Sea Fleet inherited almost [...]
all the vessels left by the Kuomintang
government as China perceived its biggest threats to be from the Soviet Union in the north and the U.S.’s proxy bases in the east.
导弹驱逐舰配北海舰队,13 2导弹驱逐舰队和X615综合补给舰组成的友好舰艇编队于1985年11月16日至1986年1月19日首次出国访问南亚的巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡和孟加拉三国,这是中国海军首航印度洋。
Destroyer is
[...] belonging to the North China Sea fleet, this ship, [...]
No 132 destroyer and X615 general supplying ship have composed
a fleet to visit Pakistan, Sir Lanka and Bangladesh from November 16th 1985 to January 19th 1986.
据一名中国分析人 士说,南舰队现在得到的预算 北海 和 东 海舰队都 大
According to a Chinese analyst,
[...] the South Sea Fleet now receives the biggest budget as compared with the North Sea and East Sea fleets.
同时协调执行这 项任务的还有来自中国、法国、印度和美国 海 军 舰队, 以及欧洲联盟北约联合特海军舰队 151。
That task is carried out in
[...] coordination with the naval fleets of China, France, India and the United States, and with the naval fleet of the European Union and NATO’s Combined Task Force-151.
我们积极参与了 欧洲联盟的“阿塔兰特”行动和北约的 海 洋 盾海上行动,意大利热切盼望着在 2011 年下半年担北约舰队的指挥。
We have been actively participating in the
European Union Atalanta
[...] and the NATO Ocean Shield naval operations, and Italy is keen to hold the command of the NATO fleet in the second half of 2011.
例如,海舰队 拥有“中国在过去十年自主建造的七艘驱逐舰中的五 艘”,并且拥有名为昆仑山的中国首个现代着陆平台码 头。
For example the South Sea Fleet has “five of the seven modern destroyers that [...]
China developed indigenously in the past ten
years”, as well as China’s first modern landing platform dock Kunlunshan.
差异主要反映出需要追加资源,用于燃料交钥匙合同的业务和维持费,以 及拟建海军舰队战略燃料储备。
The variance mainly reflects additional requirements for operational and maintenance
fees for the fuel turn-key contract and the proposed
[...] establishment of a strategic fuel reserve stock for the naval fleet.
(8) 北朝鲜向天舰发射 CHT-02D 鱼雷的位置可能是在距白翎岛 2 至 3 海里 内
8) The probable firing position of the north Korean submarine utilizing a CHT-02D torpedo is within 2 [...]
to 3 nm from PY-Do.
盟驻索马里特派团、欧洲联盟为打击海盗活动而采取的 “阿塔兰特行动”北约的“海洋盾牌行动”、美国第 151 号联合特舰队、索 马里问题监察组以及来自中 国、印度、日本和俄罗斯联邦等国的打击海盗活动的各 国特遣队为打击索马里沿海海盗祸患所作的努力。
We commend the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, the African Union Mission in Somalia, the European Union’s Operation Atalanta
[...] to combat piracy, NATO’s Operation Ocean Shield, the United States Combined Task Force 151, the Monitoring [...]
Group on Somalia and
the counter-piracy missions of China, India, Japan and the Russian Federation, among other countries, for their efforts to combat the piracy scourge off the coast of Somalia.
海军部 队,包括欧洲联盟的阿塔兰特行动 北 大 西洋公约组织的联合 保护者行动海洋盾牌行动、多国联 舰队 的第 151 联合特遣舰队,以及以本 国名义行动的各国部队,一直在索马里沿海水域巡逻,以制止海盗行为和海上 武装抢劫。
International naval forces, including European Union operation Atalanta, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operations Allied Protector and Ocean Shield and Combined Maritime Forces’ Combined Task [...]
Force 151, and forces
of States acting in their national capacities, have been patrolling the waters off the coast of Somalia to suppress acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea.
(d) 据了解北朝鲜军队拥有 一支由多种潜艇组成 舰队 , 还拥有各种能力 的鱼雷,包括炸药净重量约为 200 至 300 公斤的声导/尾流自导鱼雷,可造成的 破坏程度与大韩民国天安舰壳体所发现的受破坏程度相同。
d) The north Korean military is known to be in possession of a fleet of various submarines [...]
and torpedoes of various capabilities
including acoustic/wake homing torpedoes with a net explosive weight of about 200 to 300 kg — which can deliver the same level of damage that was discovered to theCheonan hull.
土耳其请索马里过渡联邦政府根据安全理事会第 1846(2008)号决议第 10(a) 和(b)段的规定,同意让土耳海军 舰队 进 入索马里领海,制止海盗行为和海上 武装抢劫活动。
Turkey requested the consent of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, which would enable Turkish naval elements to enter the territorial waters of Somalia for the purpose of repressing acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea, as stipulated by the Security Council in its resolution 1846 (2008), paragraphs 10 (a) and (b).
危机组织采访北京,2012 年 1 月;“由于南海可能 具有丰富的石化能源和天然气储藏,并且横跨从马六甲 海峡到印度洋的主要航道,胡似乎有其倾向于发展海 舰队”。
Crisis Group interview, Beijing, January 2012; “Because the South
[...] Sea has potentially rich deposits of fossil fuels and natural gas and straddles major sea-lanes through the Strait of Malacca into the Indian Ocean, Hu seems to favour particularly the development of the South Sea Fleet”.
在二战最初的两年中,她跟随本 舰队 在 北海 和 大 西洋执行任务,在41年5月参与了搜寻俾斯麦的行动。
She operated with the
[...] Home Fleet in the North Sea and Atlantic during [...]
the first two years of the Second World War, taking
part in the pursuit of the German battleship Bismarck in May 1941.
海舰队总部在广东,其管辖地区为海南省西南部的 南澳岛,包括西沙和东沙群岛。
Headquartered in
[...] Guangdong, the South Sea Fleet geographically [...]
covers the region south west of Hainan’s Nan Ao Island, including Paracel and Spratly Islands.
全球轨道导航卫星系统的运行继续 为民用飞机海军舰艇和内河队提 供 导航支持并被用于大地测量和地图绘制、 地质工程以及农业和林业。
The operation of GLONASS continued to
provide navigational support for
[...] civil aircraft, naval vessels and river fleets and to be used [...]
in geodesy and cartography, for
geological works and in agriculture and forestry.
[...] Lambert Kuijpers 先生随后介绍了俄罗斯联邦提交的必要用途提名,该国请求在 2013 年 使用 130 吨二氯二氟甲烷,用于海军舰队中 船 舶冷却和制冷设备的作业。
At the request of the Co-Chair, Mr. Lambert Kuijpers of the Refrigeration and Technical Options Committee then introduced an essential-use nomination by the Russian Federation for the use of
130 tonnes of CFC-12 in 2013 for the
[...] operation of marine cooling and refrigeration equipment in the party’s naval fleet.
张彤先生驻守上海,负责Epsilon International在中国大陆的整体业务经营,其领导的销售和客户服务 队 在 北 京 、 上 海 、 广州均有办事处。
Based in Shanghai Tony is responsible for the day to day operations of Epsilon International’s business in the
People’s Republic of China, leading the sales
[...] and client services teams across the Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou offices.
北京,美国驻华大使馆的员工,在临时代办金瑞柏(Robert Goldberg)的带领下,聚集在使馆正门内的旗杆下,举行了一场悼念活动,为遇难者默哀,敬献花圈,美 海 军 陆 战 队队 员 将美国国旗下半旗。
In Beijing, the Embassy community, led by Chargé d’ Affairs Robert Goldberg, gathered outside by the flagpole of the ceremonial gate to participate in a memorial ceremony that included a moment of silence for the earthquake victims, a presentation of a wreath, and the lowering of the flag by U.S. Marines.
d. 天舰的沉没是北朝鲜人民军武装 队 蓄 意 和有预谋的行动的结果 [FF b-c]。
was the result of north Korea’s KPA military forces’ deliberate and [...]
premeditated action.
时隔三个月,英国国宝级品牌Burberry又邀请了炙手可热的英伦 队 K e a ne ,作为Burberry亚洲最大 舰 店 落 户 北 京 的开幕嘉宾,在北京电视台的演播厅奉献了一场精彩绝伦的演出。
Fast-forward three months, when the venerable British fashion house Burberry invited the hip and acclaimed London band Keane to perform in Beijing, as part of the brand’s launch of their Asian flagship store.
以色列队用战斗机海军舰艇攻击加沙地带,继续恐吓加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人,还继续以非 法封锁加沙地带对加沙的巴勒斯坦人广泛实行集体惩罚,以色列连续的 [...]
非法封锁严重违反了国际人道主义法,继续对被占领加沙地带的人道主 义和社会经济局势造成灾难性的影响。
Israeli military assaults on the Gaza
[...] Strip by warplanes and naval warships continue to terrorize [...]
the Palestinian population
in Gaza, who also continue to suffer vastly from the collective punishment being inflicted on them by Israel’s illegal blockade, which continues to be imposed in grave breach of international humanitarian law and continues to have a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and socio-economic situation in the Occupied Gaza Strip.
来自西班牙的无舰队曾经 在这里崎岖 海 岸 线 沉没,也正是在Port na Spaniagh附近打捞者发现了西班牙大型帆船Girona号的珍宝,而这些宝藏现在就陈列在贝尔法斯特的阿尔斯特博物馆。
Ships from the Spanish Armada once floundered off this rugged coastline and [...]
it was at nearby Port na Spaniagh where divers recovered the treasures of the
galleon The Girona, now on display at The Ulster Museum in Belfast.
刚刚加入苹果拥趸行列的我,在得知苹果新 舰 店 在 上 海 开 业 后非常兴奋 ,这既是本市第一家,也是中国大陆第二家(第一家 舰 店 于 2008年 北 京 开 业)。
As a recent Apple convert, I was thrilled to hear about the new flagship Apple store in Shanghai—the first in the city and only the second in mainland China (the first [...]
opened in Beijing in 2008).
在国家一级,西非经共体沿海国家,特别是尼日 利亚、加纳、贝宁和塞内加尔正在采取切实可行的步 骤在其水域维持治安,包括加强海上警觉能力、加海上舰队以及增强监测。
At the national level, the littoral ECOWAS States — particularly Nigeria, Ghana, Benin and Senegal — are taking practical steps to police their
waters, including the
[...] enhancement of maritime awareness capabilities, strengthening coastal fleets and boosting surveillance.




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