

单词 北海市

See also:


Beihai prefecture level city and seaport in Guangxi
Lake Baikal
Bohai Sea
the North Sea (Europe)
Beihai, park in Beijing the Northwest the Forbidden City


mirage (lit. or fig.)


Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai

External sources (not reviewed)

Step outside and be welcomed by the full-sized swimming pool and a separate pool with waterslide that sits alongside Beihai's finest outdoor tennis courts.
中国政府建议,中心的总部设在北京,并在北 市北 学、 海市大学、苏州 市设立其分支的研究和培训机构。
The Chinese Government proposes that the Institute be based in Beijing and
that research and training branches be established in Beijing
[...] University, Tongji University (Shanghai) and Suzhou City.
此外,新南威尔北海另类在 Nimbin 的集市,也值得一看。
Alternative marketsonthe NewSouth Wales northcoast,such asthe one [...]
at Nimbin, are also worth a visit.
FTDI 是一家无晶圆半导体公司,在英国格拉斯哥、美国俄勒冈州波特兰市、中国台湾 北市 海市技术销售与支持办事处。
FTDI Chip is a global fabless semiconductor company headquartered in Glasgow, UK with Research and Development facilities located in Glasgow, UK and
Singapore; with regional sales and technical support in Glasgow, UK;
[...] Portland,Oregon, USA; Shanghai, China;andTaipei, Taiwan.
In terms of open space and green parks in the urban
area, do you think Hong Kong is better or poorer than
[...] major Chinesecities likeGuangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing,and soon?
虽然非典型性肺炎的流行造成了活动的推迟,下述活动正在中国开展:中国将在上海 举办一次国家讲习班,汇集八个试办点的合作伙伴,相互交流所遇到的困难和取得的经验教 训(2003年7月);与教科文组事处共同组织一次主题为“增进上海青年移民获 得工作的机会”的会议,劳动和社会保障部和 海市的代表将与会(2003年7月)。
The following activities are being implemented in China: a national workshop in Shanghai, China bringing together the partners of the eight pilot sites, in order to share difficulties and lessons learnt; a conference co-organized with the
UNESCO Beijing Office entitled “Promoting
[...] Young Migrants to Find Jobs in Shanghai”, with the participation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MOLSS) and theShanghai MunicipalGovernment(July 2003).
[...] 构(包括麻萨诸塞州海岸地区管理处、纽约市城市规划署、温哥华港 务局市海目办事处)的代表会晤,并会实地视察不同 的海滨项目。
During its stay in the three cities, the delegation will meet with representatives of organizations responsible for the planning or management of waterfront areas (including the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, the New York City Department of City
Planning, Port Metro Vancouver and
[...] the Waterfront Project Office,CityofNorth Vancouver) and conduct [...]
site visits to waterfront projects.
[...] 地的网络,由它们牵头为企业打入内地市场,以建立一个专用平台, 向内地企业及消费者推销香港的lifestyle,亦为港商打造品牌,做联 系的工作,建立网络,为中小企寻找商机,并且协助香港产品及服务 业进入广东、成都等此打进整个内地市场。
I suggest that the Government should set up a five-year fund with a total provision of $2 billion, to help enterprises enter into the Mainland market through the networks of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and other organizations on the Mainland; establish an exclusive platform for marketing the Hong Kong lifestyle to Mainland enterprises and consumers; building brands, establishing contacts and networks for Hong Kong businessmen; finding business opportunities for SMEs; as well as assisting Hong Kong products and
service sector in entering such
[...] cities asGuangdong, Shanghai, Beijing andChengdu, and thereby entering the whole Mainland market.
凭藉本集团於香港、 新加坡及吉隆坡的高档住宅、甲级写字楼、豪华酒店及服务式公有显着地位,加上稳建的资产负债表,将有助我们在该等市场中挑选具吸引力的发展及投资机会。
Our solid balance sheet will enable us to seek out attractive development and investment opportunities
in premium
[...] residences, Grade A offices, luxury hotels and service apartments inmarkets where the Group has already established a significant presence [...]
operationally, such
as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.
地中海邮轮是地领导者,我们在此区域全年都有邮轮航行。同时,我们提供世界范围内的季节性邮轮航程供您选择,包括北欧、大西洋、加勒 、南美洲、南非。
MSC Cruises is a
[...] leader inthe Mediterraneancruise market, sailing inthe region throughout the year, as well as offering a wide range of seasonal itineraries in Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean, North America and Canada, South America, South Africa and the Arabian Gulf.
他与着名的欧洲和亚洲乐团和歌剧院有过一系列的合作,如法国国家交响乐团,法国广播交响乐团,法国里昂国立交响乐团, 法国图鲁兹歌剧院交响乐团,
[...] 比利时国家交响乐团, 柏林交响乐团, 圣彼德堡爱乐乐团,维也纳室内乐,哥本哈根爱乐乐团, 西班牙国家广播交响乐团, 义大利圣切利亚音乐学院交响乐团 ,米兰威尔第交响乐团,托斯卡尼尼交响乐团响乐团, 新加坡抒情歌剧院,台湾国立交响乐团, 台湾省立交响乐团, 北市响乐团等等。
Following his débuts with some of the most important European and Asian orchestras, he has made an unbroken string of return appearances with (among others) the Orchestre National de Lyon, the Orchestre Philharmonique du Strasbourg, the Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, the Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux, the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra Filarmonica “Arturo Toscanini”, the Orchestre Regionale dell’Emiglia Romagna, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan (Taiwan Philharmonic), the Singapore Lyric Opera, the Orchestre de Bretagne, the Orchestre symphonique de Nancy, the
Wiener Kammerorchester and the
[...] Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philhamonic Orchestra, the RTVE Symphony Orchestra Madrid and theOrchestradella Toscana.
他认为,香港在马先生担任北市 拒绝让他入境,是 错误的做法。
He considered it a mistake for Hong Kong to have refused the entry of Mr
[...] MA when he wastheMayor of Taipei.
据一名中国分析人 士说,南海舰队现在得到的预算北海海舰队都 大。
According to a Chinese analyst,
[...] the South Sea Fleet now receives the biggest budget as compared with theNorth Seaand East Sea fleets.
2009年6月2日,台北国际电脑展 - NVIDIA®(英伟达™)公司于今日正式宣布,NVIDIA® ION™ 图形处理器荣获享有盛誉的北市 公会 业最佳选择奖”。
COMPUTEX 2009 — TAIPEI, TAIWAN — JUNE 1, 2009 — NVIDIA Corporation and Supermicro today announced the immediate availability of a new class of server that combines massively parallel NVIDIA® Tesla™ GPUs with multi-core CPUs in a single 1U rack-mount server.
在 2012 年 3 月 10 日接受一个国 家媒体采访时北海政委王登平表示,中国拥有三 百万平方公里的海域,完全有理由拥有一艘航空母舰。
In a state media interview on 10 March 2012,
[...] Wang Dengping, PLAN’sNorth SeaFleetPolitical Commissioner, [...]
said China was justified
to possess an aircraft carrier because it had 3 million sq km of maritime territory.
政府承认爱奴族人民有自 己的语言、宗教和文化,他们是日本北部地区,特 别北海原住民。
The Government had recognized that the Ainu people had their own
language, religion and culture and that they were indigenous
[...] inhabitants of the northern part of Japan, particularly Hokkaido.
许多全球首屈一指的现代美术机构:如美国纽约现代美术馆、大都会美术馆、费城美术馆、芝加哥艺术协会、底特律艺术协会、波士顿美术馆;英国泰德画廊;巴黎东方艺术博物馆、 北市术馆、馆、香港艺术馆等都收藏有丁雄泉的画作。
Works by Walasse Ting can be found in collections of many world's greatest modern art museums, including the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Chicago Art Institute, the Detroit Institute of Arts Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Tate Modern in the U.K., the
National Museum of Asian Art in Paris,
[...] Taipei Fine ArtsMuseum, the ShanghaiArt Museum, and the Hong [...]
Kong Museum of Art.
e. 日本的版图缩小,变成以往的基本四个岛屿:本州 北海九州及四国。
To transform Japan into a democratic country where people could enjoy individual rights in an atmosphere of peace.
许多全球首屈一指的现代美术机构:如美国纽约现代美术馆、大都会美术馆、费城美术馆、芝加哥艺术协会、底特律艺术协会、波士顿美术馆;英国泰德画廊;巴黎东方艺术博物馆、 北市术馆、馆、香港艺术馆等都收藏有丁雄泉的画作。
Works by Walasse Ting can be found in collections of many world's greatest modern art museums, including the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Chicago Art Institute, the Detroit Institute of Arts Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Tate Modern in the U.K., the
National Museum of Asian Art in Paris,
[...] Taipei Fine ArtsMuseum, theShanghai Art Museum, and the Hong [...]
Kong Museum of Art.
B. 旅游 — 允许在北海市 的香港独资或合 资旅行社,申请试点经营北 海市居民前往 香港、澳门的团队旅游业务。
B. Tourism – Hong Kong travel
agents established on
[...] a wholly-owned or joint venture basis in Beijing andShanghai Municipalities are allowed to apply for the operation, on a pilot [...]
basis, of group
tours to Hong Kong and Macao for residents registered with permanent residence of the Beijing and Shanghai Municipalities.
(29) 与任何政府或机关(最高方或其他级别)或任何可能有助实践本公 司全部或其中任何目的之法团、公司或人士订立任何安排,并向任何该等政 府、机关、法团、公司或人士取得任何约章、合约、法令、权利、特权及优 惠以及实行、行使及遵守任何该等约章、合约、法令、权利、特权及优惠; 申请、促进及取得任何可直接或间接令本公司受惠之法规、法令、规例或其 他授权或颁令,及反对任何可能直接或间接损害本公司利益之法案、法律程 序或申请;及促使本公司在任何其家或地方根据当地法例登记或取 得认可地位。
(29) To enter into any arrangements with any Governments or authorities (supreme, municipal, local orotherwise), or any corporations, companies, or persons that may seem conducive to the attainment of the Company's objects, or any of them, and to obtain from any such Government, authority, corporation, company or person any charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions; to apply for, promote and obtain any statute, order, regulation or other authorisation or enactment which may seem calculated directly [...]
or indirectly to benefit the Company,
and to oppose any bills, proceedings or applications which may seem calculated or likely directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company's interests; and to procure the Company to be registered or recognised in or under the laws of any other foreign country or place.
亚新顾问在这个领域中规划、 设计及施工监造的经验包括北市机厂、基隆河废河道及社子岛、 高雄南星机场、泰国曼谷第二国际机场、 越南南西贡公园大道及新加坡与大楼深开挖工程、印尼Surlaya电厂等。
Planning, design and construction supervision
services carried out by
[...] MAA in this field include Keelung River reclamation and Shezihdao Development in Taiwan, Airfield Pavement and Landside Road System of Survarnabhumi Airport in Thailand, Ho Chi Ming B.T. [...]
Roadway in Vietnam,
Surlaya Power Plant in Indonesia, etc.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中
[...] 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿之间、印度洋和印度陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 [...]
目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项
目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a
transportation corridor between the Indian Oceanand
[...] India’s eastern seaboardandits landlocked north east; and the Dawei [...]
Development Project
which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
北市 代与传统於一身,既有全球最高的摩天大楼 (台北 [...]
101 大楼) ,又有最齐全的中国艺术收藏品。
Taipei citycombines themodern [...]
and traditional, from the world's tallest completed skyscraper (Taipei 101) to the biggest collection of Chinese art.
索要资料所涉领域包括:关于管理局当前的活动和职能的一 般信息;海洋法会议;北极权利;西 北海 捕鱼活动和航行;海底块状硫化物 矿床的可持续开采;甲烷水合物及管理局在这方面的工作;企业的建立;以及关 于海底块状硫化物矿床的一般资料。
Some of the areas for which requests were received included: general information on the current activities and the
functions of the
[...] Authority; lawof the sea conferences; rights to the Arctic; fishing and navigationin the north-west passage; sustainable [...]
mining of sea
floor massive sulphide deposits; methane hydrates and the work of the Authority in this area; the establishment of the Enterprise; and general information on sea floor massive sulphide deposits.
双方签署了低碳技术服务合作框架协议书,将以国际标准ISO14064作为企业实施低碳管理的切入点,将温室气体排放管理纳入企业日常工作,引领中国照明企业的低碳发展模式;上海宏源照明电器有限公司无极灯系列产品“LVD”商标,经国家商标局认定,已正式通过注册商标申请,并成功获得国家商标局颁发的商标注册证书;上海宏源照明电器有限公司李维德发明的LVD无极灯城市节能照明智能控制系统荣获第三届 海市 优秀技术创新成果一等奖及第二十三届 海市发明金奖。
The low-carbon management in enterprise is based on the international standard ISO14064 and the management of the greenhouse gas emissions is included into the routine work, ushering in the low-carbon development pattern of Chinese lamp companies;Approved by the State Trademark Bureau, the trademark of “LVD” for the series of induction lamp in Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd passed the trademark registration,and received access to the registered trademark certification approved by the State Trademark Bureau; The LVD induction lamp city energy-saving
illumination control system
[...] invented byLi Weide in ShanghaiHongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Company Ltd won first prize in the third Shanghaiexcellent workers’ technological innovation and the 23rdShanghai excellent innovation [...]
gold award.
此次展览会的举办时间和地点分别是:2月26-27日,深圳市的深圳会展中心;3月2-3日,西安市的西安曲江国际会展中心;3月9-10日, 海市商城,展会开放时间为:上午9:30至下午5:00,麦瑞半导体的展区将位于:深圳,第2L19号;西安,第7D10号;上海,第8G14号。
The show will be held: Shenzhen, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, Feb. 26-27; Xi'an, Xi'an Qujiang International
Conference & Exhibition Center, March
[...] 2-3; and Shanghai, Shanghai Mart, March 9-10 [...]
with show hours as follows: (9:30 a.m.
- 5:00 p.m.) Micrel's booth locations will be: Shenzhen No. 2L19; Xi'an No. 7D10 and Shanghai No. 8G14.




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