

单词 北极星

北极星 ()


See also:


the North Pole
the north magnetic pole
the Arctic Pole


extreme north


star n
satellite n
saturn n

星星 n

star n

External sources (not reviewed)

The Polaris project will [...]
implement a centralized access request interface, workflow engine for approvals, and automated
provisioning of accesses in the target systems.
注意到这 一点令人感到不安。在这些公开辩论会上,就连充满
[...] 激情和妥善拟定的发言也未能治愈其听众的梦游症, 因为这些听众完全知道,有关僵局如尽人皆知 北极 星那样不可变动。
It is worrisome to note that the Council’s only activities in regard to the Palestinian issue are its quarterly open debates, where even spirited and well-drafted statements fail to cure the
somnambulance of their audience, which knows only too well that the stalemate is as
[...] immutable as the proverbial North Star.
2012年9月22日,来自中国行业内先驱媒体《电力Power》,《中国机电工业》China Machinery & Electric Industry,《中国工业报》CHINA INDUSTRY NEWS,《中国电力报》China Electric Power News,《机电商报》Machinery & Electronics Business和北极星电力网》bjx.com的6位编辑老师组成的代表团访问了MR公司在德国雷根斯堡的总部以及其他子公司,并且对MR的总经理罗德先生(Michael Rohde)和亚太及中国区销售总监罗意德(Konrad Roider)行进了采访。
On September 22, 2012 a delegation of six editors of leading Chinese industry media, "Electric Power", "China Machinery & Electric Industry", "CHINA INDUSTRY NEWS", "China Electric Power News", "Machinery & Electronics Business" and "bjx.com", visited the head office of MR in Regensburg, Germany and several subsidiaries, and interviewed MR's Managing Director, Mr Michael Rohde, and MR's Regional Sales Director Asia Pacific, Mr Konrad Roider.
所以如道家一样,宸正的取名用当家人的身体之姓作为企业第一字:“宸”与“陈”同音“CHEN:10画,十心十意,偏旁部首画“3”画乃数中最稳之数,“宸”又 北极星 所 在 , 北极星 是 最 靠近正北的方位,千百年来地球上的人们靠它的星光来导航。
So as the Taoist, Chen was named by the body 's name as the enterprise first word: " Chen " and "Chen " homophonic " CHEN:10 painting, ten hearts ten meaning, radical painting " 3 " is the most stable number drawing
number, " Chen " and for the
[...] Polaris, the North Star is the most close to North range, for thousands [...]
of years, people on the
earth by it the stars for navigation.
建立多用途空间系统 Arktika 的工作正在进行之中,该系统包括:无线电定 位观测星和对北极地区进行观测的水文气象卫星。
Work is in progress to set up the multi-purpose space system Arktika, which
will include radiolocation observation
[...] satellites and hydrometeorological satellites for observation of the Arctic region.
因此,在国极 地年的范围内,教科文组织制定北 斗 星 - 长 蛇 座项目,在 2008 年至 2013 年期间对北斗水文循环情况进行监测。
Thus, in the context of the International Polar Year, UNESCO has established the Artic-HYDRA project, which will monitor the artic hydrological cycle between 2008 and 2013.
它提供了大量支持,以开北极地区 在欧盟和 邻近地区的发展潜力,包括通过在商业、教育、自 [...]
It provided substantial support to develop the
[...] potential of the Arctic region in the [...]
European Union and neighbouring areas, including
through international cooperation in business, education, natural resources and cultural heritage.
根據筆者的記錄,無線星台是 在1998年 北 市 長 選舉時第一次進行票站調查,由天和水行銷顧問公司執行。
TVBS carried out their first exit poll during the Taipei Mayor Election in 1998.
[...] 会的三年审议周期现已进入最后一年,即第三年, 委员会必须在今后三星期中积极开 展 本届会议的 工作,以提出有意义的建议。
As it is now in the third and final year of its three-year cycle of deliberations, the
Commission must conduct this session’s work over
[...] the next three weeks proactively so as to issue [...]
meaningful recommendations.
拟编列 68 800 美元,用作与下列讨论会/会议/讲习班有关的差旅费:与 环境署冲突后事务处的伙伴关系将延伸至外地行动;为解决合同管理、业绩和解 决办法协定等方面的现有问题,与承包商就克服口粮方面的短缺举行年度会议;
[...] 的分享和技术交流以及联合国空间数据基础设施的开发;北约和平伙伴关系地理 空间年度会议,以交流地理信息系统数据和应用程序; 北 约 、 欧洲联盟 星中 心 和欧洲联盟委员会联合研究中心的协调会议。
An amount of $68,800 is proposed for travel in connection with the following seminars/conferences/workshops: partnership work with the UNEP post-conflict branch to be extended to field operations; annual conference to address existing issues of contract management, performance and resolution agreement with contractors on overcoming shortfalls with respect to rations; eleventh annual plenary meeting of the United Nations Geographic Information Working Group, which focuses on GIS data sharing and technology exchange as well as development of the United Nations spatial data infrastructure; annual NATO Partnership for Peace geospatial conference for the exchange of GIS data and
applications; and
[...] coordination meetings with NATO, the European Union Satellite Centre and the [...]
European Commission Joint Research Centre.
例如,“关 于气候变化北极可持 续发展国际专家会议:科学、社会、文化及教育挑战” [...]
(2009 年 3 月),“国际气候变化教育研讨班”(2009 年 7 月),关于广播媒体 与气候变化问题国际会议:公共服务职责(2009 年 9 月),建立促进气候变化和
可持续发展行动的全球岛屿和沿海流域生物圈保护区网络(2009 年 5 月)和联合 国以发展中国家社区为主的适应气候变化合作计划(UN-CBA),包括开发计划 署、联合国志愿人员组织和教科文组织(2009 年 7 月),编制关于移民和气候变 化的报告和世界科学知识与技术伦理委员会关于气候变化的伦理影响的报告(两 份均在 2009 年年底出版)。
Examples are: the “International Experts Meeting on
[...] Climate Change and Arctic Sustainable Development: [...]
Scientific, Social, Cultural and
Educational Challenges” (March 2009), the “International Seminar on Climate Change Education” (July 2009), the “International Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change: A Public Service Remit” (September 2009), the establishment of the Global Network of Island and Coastal Biosphere Reserves Contributing to Action on Climate Change and Sustainable Development (May 2009), and the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries (UN-CBA) involving UNDP, the United Nations Volunteers and UNESCO (July 2009), the preparation of a report on migration and climate change, and a COMEST report on the ethical implications of climate change (both to be published late 2009).
她在这一方面提到,有人对于某些以共识为基础的决策框架以及关于 北极 理事 会作为政府间合作的一个范例的提法表示关注。
In this respect, she noted the concerns expressed about certain consensus-based
decision-making frameworks, as well as the
[...] references to the Arctic Council as a [...]
good example for intergovernmental processes.
在严格的监管体系下,西北地区政府能够保证政府认证加拿大钻石(TM)为100%加拿大原产——即在加拿大西北地区开采、切割和抛光——同时保 北极 熊 钻 石达到最严格的质量标准。
Under a stringent monitoring system, the GNWT is able to guarantee that a GOVERNMENT CERTIFIED CANADIAN DIAMOND(TM) is 100% Canadian in
origin - and was mined, cut, and
[...] polished in Canada's Northwest Territories and [...]
that Polar Bear Diamonds meet the most exacting quality standards.
委员会地注意到,中国北斗卫星导 航系统已开始提供区域范围内的服 务。
The Committee noted that
[...] China’s Beidou satellite navigation system [...]
had started providing regional services.
本集團與中信網絡有限公司(「中信網絡」,中信之全資附屬公司)及中信網絡有限公北京衛星通訊分公司(「中信衛星」,中信網絡成立及經營之分公司)訂立一項轉發器 [...]
The Group has entered into a transponder master agreement with CITIC Networks Company Limited (“CITIC Networks”, a wholly owned
subsidiary of CITIC) and CITIC Networks Company
[...] Limited, Beijing Satellite Telecommunications [...]
Branch (“CITICSat”, the branch established
and run by CITIC Networks), under which CITIC Networks and CITICSat granted the exclusive right to the Group to provide satellite transponder capacity for use by their customers.
茲提述亞洲衛星控股有限公司(「本公司」)於二零一二年九月二十七日刋發的通函 (「通函」) ,內容有關(其中包括)建議持續關連交易,本公司間接全資附屬公司亞洲 衛星有限公司與中信網絡有限公司及中信網絡有限公 北 京 衛 星 通 訊 分公司訂立已 續期的轉發器主協議 (「已續期的轉發器主協議」)。
Reference is made to the circular of the Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited (the “Company”) dated 27 September 2012 (the “Circular”) in relation to, among other matters, the proposed continuing connected transaction of which Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into the renewed transponder master agreement (the “Renewed Transponder Master Agreement”) with CITIC Networks Co.
委员会感谢中国政府为外层空间事务厅在维也纳国际中心的常设展览捐赠 了一北斗导航卫星模型
The Committee expressed its gratitude to the Government of China for the donation of a Beidou navigation satellite model to the permanent exhibition of the Office for Outer Space Affairs at the Vienna International Centre.
我国政府认为北极发生 的戏剧性变化事关全球,因此,必须协调一致地进 [...]
Since, in the view of my Government, the dramatic
[...] changes in the Arctic matter globally, [...]
concerted monitoring and research is pivotal
to understanding and hopefully mitigating the effects of climate change.
常设论坛注意到向 2011 年 5 月在努克举行北极理事 会部长级会议汇报的 情况,其中涉及气候变化北极工业 发展的累积效应影响可能对牧场造成损失, 并对驯鹿季节性牧场之间的重要迁徙造成破坏、阻止或拖延,从而危及土著驯鹿 牧民的适应能力。
The Permanent Forum notes the information
[...] reported to the Arctic Council ministerial meeting held in Nuuk in May 2011 on the impact of cumulative effects of climate change and industrial development in the Arctic, which threaten [...]
to cause the loss of
grazing lands and the destruction, blockage or delay of critical reindeer migrations between seasonal pastures, and thereby jeopardize the adaptive capacity of indigenous reindeer herders.
此 次活动有助于提高北极地区 预期的全球变化影响的认识,同时又是向更好地理 北极 地区 气候变化动态问题做出持久的科学贡献迈出的第一步。
The event contributed to the growing
recognition of the
[...] global implications of changes anticipated in the Arctic region and served as a first step towards an enduring scientific [...]
to better understanding the dynamics of climate-induced change in the Arctic.
[...] 供覆盖全球的紧急信标,空间段由加拿大、法国、俄罗斯联邦和美国及欧洲气 象卫星应用组织提供的六极轨道卫 星 和 六颗对地静止卫星构成,地面段则由 另外 [...]
26 个国家联合贡献而成。
The Committee noted with appreciation that the worldwide coverage for emergency beacons had been made possible by the space segment, which consisted of six polar-orbiting and six geostationary satellites provided by Canada, France, the Russian Federation and the United States, along with the
European Organisation for the Exploitation
[...] of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), as well [...]
as by the ground segment contributions made by 26 other countries.
利用星图像极其明显的功能优势以及所有从卫星数据中开发出来的冉生材料作 为公共教育的教材,促进教科文组织名录遗址的保护和可持续性重要意义的认 [...]
识,并在教科文组织可持续教育发展十年的范围内,进一步推动和支持亚洲和全 世界教育发展。
using the extremely visible capabilities of satellite images and all [...]
the material derived from satellite data as public
educational material to create awareness for conservation and sustainability around UNESCO’s sites and to further promote and support education in Asia and worldwide within the UNESCO Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
当家长们在邮轮上快乐享用纯正意大利食物时,孩子们同样也有特别的用餐选择 星 球 餐 、 极 地 餐 、丛林餐、田园餐)。
Mums will be delighted with the MSC Cruises’ decidedly Italian food offer.
北俊議員、吳星議員 及單仲偕議員同意加入該小組委員會。
Mr James TIEN, Mr NG Leung-sing and Mr SIN Chung-kai agreed to join the subcommittee.
在委员会享有常设观察员地位的下列政府间组织派观察员出席了会议:亚 洲太平洋空间合作组织(亚太空间合作组织)、阿拉伯世界遥感中心协会、欧洲 南半球天文学研究组织、欧洲空间局(欧空局)、欧洲通信卫星组织、国际移动 卫星组织(移动星组织)和北非国家区域遥感中心。
The session was attended by observers for the following intergovernmental organizations with permanent observer status with the Committee: Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), Association of Remote Sensing Centres in the Arab World (ARSCAW), European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO), European Space Agency (ESA), European Telecommunications Satellite Organization
(EUTELSAT-IGO), International
[...] Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) and Regional Centre for Remote Sensing of North African States (CRTEAN).
索要资料所涉领域包括:关于管理局当前的活动和职能的一 般信息;海洋法会议北极权利 ;西北海峡的捕鱼活动和航行;海底块状硫化物 [...]
矿床的可持续开采;甲烷水合物及管理局在这方面的工作;企业的建立;以及关 于海底块状硫化物矿床的一般资料。
Some of the areas for which requests were received included: general information on the current activities and the functions of
the Authority; law of the sea conferences;
[...] rights to the Arctic; fishing and [...]
navigation in the north-west passage; sustainable
mining of sea floor massive sulphide deposits; methane hydrates and the work of the Authority in this area; the establishment of the Enterprise; and general information on sea floor massive sulphide deposits.
日本政府提供了书面确认,日本打算 通过提供分享有关在印度尼西亚销毁无用的消耗臭氧层物质的信息来,持这项研究。瑞典 政府已表示,瑞典将通过由北欧环境金融公司在俄罗斯联邦进行的一具体案例研究支持这 项研究,包北极理事 会框架内危险废物管理战略的工作。
The Government of Japan had provided written confirmation of its intention to support the study by sharing relevant information on its ODS destruction project in Indonesia, and the Government of Sweden had indicated that it would support the study through a specific case study in the Russian
Federation undertaken by
[...] the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), including the work on hazardous waste management strategy within the framework of the Arctic Council.
格陵兰的伊路利萨特冰湾(40 240公顷)位于格陵兰岛西岸北极圈 以 北 2 5 0 公里,是少数几个通过格陵兰冰冠入海的冰河之一瑟梅哥-库雅雷哥(Sermeq [...]
Located on the west coast of
[...] Greenland, 250 km north of the Arctic Circle, [...]
Greenland’s Ilulissat Icefjord (40,240 ha) is
the sea mouth of Sermeq Kujalleq, one of the few glaciers through which the Greenland ice cap reaches the sea.
印度国家空间机构印度空间研究组织研制的月球撞击探测器是一个由该空 间研究组织的月球 1 号月球遥控轨道器释放的月球探测器,而月球 1 号遥感轨
[...] 道器是 2008 年 10 月 22 日搭载在该机构经过改进极卫星运 载火箭上发射的。
The Moon Impact Probe developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India’s national space agency, was a lunar probe that was released by the agency’s Chandrayaan-1 lunar remote sensing
orbiter, which itself was launched on 22 October 2008 aboard a modified version of the
[...] agency’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle.




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