

单词 北寒带

See also:


polar climate


tremble v

External sources (not reviewed)

世界各地北 寒带、温 带、亚热带和热带森林,包括红树林,均面临危险。
Boreal, temperate, subtropical and tropical forests, including mangroves, are at risk throughout the world.
气候变化所造成的全球变暖对森林生态系统也有一些积极的影响,例如, 提供更长的生长期,特别是在带和 北寒带 地 区 ,从而促使树木更快生长。
Global warming due to climate change can also have some positive effects on forest
ecosystems, for example by providing longer growing seasons, especially in
[...] temperate and boreal regions, leading to faster growth.
委员会使 用的模型表明,本世纪末及之后将在 带 、 北寒带 和 山 区发生重大森林顶枯病, 同时会损失重要的服务。
Models used by the Panel indicate that there will be significant forest
dieback towards the end of this century
[...] and beyond in tropical, boreal and mountain areas, [...]
accompanied by the loss of key services.
另一 个重要发现表明北方热带暖流 和南方海 寒 流 的 会合区可能是一个重要的幼鱼 生活区,因此需要重点进行养护。
Another important finding indicated that
the convergence zone
[...] between the warm tropical waters of the North and the cold waters of the Southern [...]
Ocean might be a very
important area for juvenile fish, and might therefore require concentrated conservation efforts.
注意到西爱沙尼亚北爱沙尼亚寒 武 纪 凡蒂母含水层的地下水中存 在着强化有效剂量。
A heightened effective dose was noted in the ground
[...] water of Western and Northern Estonia’s Cambrian-Vendium [...]
云雾林以 及诸如安第斯山脉的寒带等其 它一些植被类型的 水释放速度都相对较慢,因此可提供重要的储水 功能。
Cloud forests, and some other vegetation types such as the paramos of the Andes, also release their water relatively slowly, thus providing an important storage function.
大部分森林砍伐仍然发生在热带地区,而森林面积 增长主要出现在带和寒带地区
Most of the deforestation is
[...] still occurring in the tropics, while the gain in forest [...]
area is mostly in the temperate and boreal zones.
注意到以色列从加沙带和西岸北部 部 分地区撤离,并注意到必须拆除这些 地区内的定居点,作为落实路线图的一项步骤
Noting the Israeli withdrawal from
[...] within the Gaza Strip and parts of the northern West Bank and the [...]
importance of the dismantlement
of the settlements therein as a step towards the implementation of the road map
75 魁北克北部主要由保续(择伐寒带 森 林覆盖,由相当茂密的林木组成,多为软木树种。76 这一植被区已经商业化 采伐了差不多70年,生产的木产品主要形式为锯材、高强度的工程和结构性产品,以及高质量的纸浆、纸张和特种 纸板。
Nearly 53 percent of Québec’s total forestry output comes from the territory encompassed as part of the Plan Nord, with an annual logging production totalling 11.7 million m3 of lumber.75 Covered mainly by the continuous boreal forest, Québec’s north is comprised of forest stands of relatively dense trees, most of them softwood species.76 This vegetation zone has been commercially harvested for nearly 70 years, producing wood products mainly in the form of saw timber, high-tensile engineering and structural products, as well as high-quality pulp, paper and specialized cardboard.77 As part of the Plan Nord, the Government of Québec has pledged to invest in the development of engineered wood products, “green” chemistry and bio-energy.
最 后,较大的发展中国家正在贸易、投资、金融和全球治理领域发挥日益重要的作 用,这为南南合作和北合作关系带 来 了新的挑战和机遇。
Finally, large developing countries are increasingly playing important roles in trade, investment, finance
and global governance, and this presents new challenges and opportunities
[...] for both South–South and North–South relations.
冬季,西伯利寒冷的北風來 襲,夜間氣溫降至冰點以下,上海雖不常降雪,但每年仍有一、兩個下雪天。
In winter, cold northerly winds from Siberia [...]
can cause night-time temperatures to drop below freezing, and although not
usually associated with snow, the city can receive one or two days of snowfall per year.
的不同呈现出显著差异 例如 俄罗斯 的拉普人对北方极地的严寒与黑暗具有良 好的适应能力 他们懂得如何防御数月之 久-40 的寒 因为北极圈的植物生长 周期太短而无法种植作物 拉普人几乎完 全以鱼类和肉类为生 与此相反 中国海 南省的黎族人对这种寒冷一无所知因为 他们生活在炎热的带地区 他们需要懂 得如何预防诸如疟疾等疾病及其病原体 或者被蛇咬伤以后应该采取何种措施 黎 族人大量食用野生蔬菜 这些野生蔬菜遍 布村庄周围 并且味道鲜美 营养丰富 与北极地区的狩猎民族不同带地区 的人们通常都是农民 他们栽培蔬菜 谷物 香料植物以及咖啡树和茶树 但 是 同是热带地区 例如 亚马逊河流 域 也有很多以打猎和采集为生的土著 群体在热带和极地这两类极端地区之间有
So that traditional knowledge does not get lost, the agrobiodiversity project staff speak with people on the ground – they document, for example, what traditional clothing is still available ...
开始 的诗句是王昌龄的‘玉颜不寒鸦色, 犹 带 昭 阳 日影来’。
The line at the beginning is Wang
Changling’s “And, for all her jade-whiteness, she
[...] envies a crow; Whose cold wings are kindled in the Court of the Bright Sun.
坐落在西南角落可能是岛屿最美丽的部分和帕福斯通过Troodos山脉躲 北 面 寒 流 ,帕 福斯是古罗马时代的首都,温和的温暖的冬季和,看似无穷无尽的夏天。
Nestled in the South-West corner in probably the
most beautiful part of the island and
[...] sheltered from the North by the Troodos mountains, [...]
Paphos, once the Roman capital
of the island, enjoys mild winters and warm, seemingly endless summers.
Marcio Barbosa 先生提到了气候变化问题政府间小组 (IPCC)的第四次评估报告,这项报告说明,气候变暖是显而易见的,目前观测到的一些
[...] 现象证实了这一点,例如,全球平均气温和海洋温度上升 寒 冷 地 带 冰 雪溶化,全球平均海 平面升高等。
In his opening address, the Deputy Director-General, Mr Marcio Barbosa, referred to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that stated that warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of
increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread
[...] melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level.
尽管天气如此严寒,但对于坐落在德拉门峡湾 (Drammen Fjord)、靠近首都奥斯陆 (Oslo) 且拥有
60000 人口的德拉门 (Drammen)市来说,当它需要 90° C (194° F)
[...] 的热水用于新的区域供热系统,以满足当地居民和企业的需求时 寒 冷 的 北 海 海 水作为可再生能源,却是该市的最佳选择 [...]
— 正是艾默生热泵技术使这一切成为可能。
Despite these frosty conditions, when the city of Drammen, a community of 60,000 people located on the Drammen Fjord near the capital city of Oslo, needed hot water at 90° C (194° F) for a new district heating system
serving local residents and businesses, it
[...] turned to the frigid North Sea as a renewable [...]
energy source - and Emerson heat pump
technology helped make it possible.
将特别努力为非洲动员多边和双边发展援助,同 时利用非洲初建合作伙伴关系时带 来 的 南南、 北 和 北 南 南三方合作机会(其中包括欧洲 联盟和非洲的合作伙伴关系、印度和非洲论坛、中国和非洲高峰会议、非洲和拉丁美洲高峰 [...]
Special efforts will be directed at mobilizing multilateral and bilateral development assistance benefiting Africa,
building on the opportunities for
[...] South-South, North-South and triangular North-SouthSouth cooperation [...]
offered in the wake
of the partnerships established by Africa (among them the European Union-Africa Partnership, the India-Africa Forum, the China-Africa Summit and the Africa-Latin America Summit and the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD)).
加强国家清查工作,包括按生物地理区域(例 寒带 、 温 带 、 地 中海和 其他区域)和森林类型进行的清查
Strengthening coordination between national inventories, including those by bio-geographical zones (e.g. boreal, temperate, Mediterranean and others) and by forest types; and
自然风光多种多样,有一望无垠的阳光地平线,有茂密的 带 雨 林 ,还 寒 冷 的 南部海滨。
The landscape varies from endless
[...] sunbaked horizons to tropical rainforests to chilly [...]
southern beaches.
河北张家口】2010年12月17日,北方 凛冽 的 寒 风 中 ,苏黎世保险“冬日暖阳”志愿者团在公司中国区首席执行官(候任)胡晓勤女士 带 领 下 ,动身赶往张家口市张北县战海乡中心小学,去为那里的近400名学生捐赠棉衣。
On Dec. 17th, 2010 in the cold wind in North China, led by Ms. Hu Xiaoqin, CEO of Zurich in China, volunteers of Zurich in China "Winter Sunshine" program left for [...]
Zhanhai Town Central Primary School in Zhangbei
County of Zhangjiakou to donate winter clothing for nearly 400 students there.
如今飞机寒冷地带的飞 行高度比以前任何时候都要高,E8T89可以满足行业对密封材料设定的-55 [...]
°C/ -65 °F目标。
More than ever before aircraft are
[...] flying higher in colder regions and E8T89 [...]
meets the -55 °C/ -65 °F target set by the
industry for sealing materials.
很多设备的累计使用小时数增速确实很快,而温度方面既有像沙漠这样炎热的环境,也有 北 极 这 样 寒 冷 的气候,比如加拿大的柏油砂矿场。
A lot of the equipment does see a very rapid hourly service buildup, and in terms of temperature
you’re talking about desert conditions
[...] in some cases and arctic conditions in instances [...]
such as the tar sands up in Canada.
北地区“其地寒,土 旷人稀”,明代关于此地流行痘疹的文字资料比较少见。
The Northeast "its cold, open, sparsely-" [...]
Ming dynasty on the epidemic pox rash of written materials here relatively rare.
[...] 助各內地政府申請轉改監獄,安排程翔在南方地區,例如廣州或深圳服刑, 以北京寒冷的 天氣令他的健康惡化,同時也可方便其家人隨時北上探望。
Apart from medical parole, we also hope that the SAR Government can make all possible endeavours, including following the wishes of his family and assist them in applying to the mainland authorities for transferring CHING Cheong to another prison and arrange for him to serve his sentence in the south,
for example, in Guangzhou or Shenzhen,
[...] so as to prevent the cold weather in Beijing [...]
from aggravating his condition further.
[...] (华沙,波兰),细胞和分子神经科学(基辅,乌克兰),植物生物技术 北 京 , 中国),带医学 (马普托,莫桑比克),生物材料(哈瓦那,古巴),生物技术(新德里,印度) [...]
非的 Sovenga)生物技术。
Support was also given to (i) the following UNESCO Chairs: Molecular Medicine (Warsaw, Poland), Cellular and Molecular Neurosciences
(Kiev, Ukraine), Plant
[...] Biotechnology (Beijing, China), Tropical Medicine (Maputo, Mozambique), [...]
Biomaterials (Havana, Cuba),
Biotechnology (New Delhi, India), and Post Harvest Technology (Kampala, Uganda), as well as for the activities of the Post-Harvest Technology (Bangui, Gambia) and Biotechnology at the University of the North (Sovenga, South Africa).
除社交、外交、政治场合以着西装、戴 带 为 宜外 , 北 京 市 民通常穿着休闲服饰。
Dress is generally informal in Beijing except on social, diplomatic or government occasions when a suit and tie is appropriate.
其核心 方案活动包括:在国际援救委员会支助的医疗设施内,为遭受性攻击的幸存者提 供转诊和治疗;在这些设施提供长期心理社会支持和咨询;国际援救委员会开办 流动诊所;在幸存者社区内提供心理社会后续服务;为生活在卡加班多罗和 Ouandago(中北部)轴带的民 众提供有关性暴力和基于性别的暴力问题的信 息并提高敏感认识。
Its core programme activities include referral and medical treatment of sexual assault survivors within IRC-supported health facilities; permanent psychosocial support and counselling in these facilities; IRC-operated mobile clinics; psychosocial follow-up of survivors within their communities; and information/sensitization on sexual and gender-based violence issues for populations living on the axis between Kaga Bandoro and Ouandago (central north).
注意到以色列从加沙带和西岸北部 部 分地区撤离,并注意到必须拆除这些 地区内的定居点,作为落实路线图的一项步骤,在这方面强调“路线图”规定以 [...]
色列有义务冻结定居点活动,包括所谓的“自然增长”,拆除自 2001 年 3 月以来 建立的所有前沿定居点
Noting the Israeli withdrawal from
[...] within the Gaza Strip and parts of the northern West Bank and the [...]
importance of the dismantlement
of the settlements therein as a step towards the implementation of the road map, and stressing, in this regard, the road map obligation upon Israel to freeze settlement activity, including so-called “natural growth”, and to dismantle all settlement outposts erected since March 2001
冬天不仅注意路面的情况,而且冷得厉害 带 着 防寒 耳套 骑自行车,听不见声音所以不要带着骑! 要了解日本交通安全规则,努力加强諏訪地区的很冷 的冬天交通安全。
We advise you to know the Japanese traffic safety rules and endeavor to keep the roads of Suwa area safe even in the cold wintertime.
坐落在西南角落可能最美丽的部分岛屿和躲避北通过坐落在西南角落可能是岛屿最美丽的部分和帕福斯通过Troodos山脉躲 北 面 寒 流 ,帕 福斯是古罗马时代的首都,温和的温暖的冬季和,看似无穷无尽的夏天。
Nestled in the South-West corner in probably the
most beautiful part of the island and
[...] sheltered from the North by the Troodos [...]
mountains, Paphos, once the Roman capital
of the island, enjoys mild winters and warm, seemingly endless summers.




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