

单词 北京音

See also:


PRC government
Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China

External sources (not reviewed)

Dan北京音里已经有7年历史, 他还是Syndicate的创始人, 这个团队曾将许多知名国际鼓和贝斯乐手和Dubstep艺人带来北京演出。
Dan has been
[...] involved in theBeijing musicscenefor over seven [...]
years and is the founder of the The Syndicate , which has
been responsible for bringing many of the the top international names in Drum & Bass and Dubstep to Beijing over the past 6 years.
哈曼-ACE 形象专卖店相继诞生北京十里河店是首批诞生的形象专卖店。
GiantSound ofBeijing store is the first born Shilihe image store.
Wei Wei, musicalAmbassador to the Beijing [...]
2008 Games noted that the global spotlight of the Olympics has made the citizens of Beijing change behaviors.
On February 5, 2013, YCIS Beijing IGCSEMusic studentsperformed [...]
renditions of their work to a captivated audience in the YCIS auditorium.
The existingmusic programmeat YCIS Beijing continues [...]
to be a great success and the new IIIP will take the school’s music programme to a higher level.
Beijing Mobile new integratedvoice service isa brand new business service providedby Beijing Mobile. [...]
The efficiency and
stability of the business are not only directly related to interests of clients, but also related to China Mobile's corporate image.
Ofthe 25concerts that the 15th BMF will offerthis October, 12will be [...]
staged at Sanlitun Village, including the concert
series for the complete Beethoven Piano Sonatas, contemporary music by the London Sinfonietta, “Urban Series”: Dialogue among Festival Friends and classics for kids – Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde.
柏林Tresor俱乐部、歌德学院(中国),联合Intro 2010北京,将共同主办“Tresor电影放映夜”,作为INTRO 2010北京的系列活动,力图通过纪录片《地下柏林》为北京观众更好地介绍电子音乐文化。
Tresor Club, Goethe-Institut China,
together with Intro 2010
[...] Beijing Electronic Music Festival, will organize “Tresor Movie Screening Night”, as part of the serial events of the festival, and hope to introduce electronicmusic cultureto the [...]
Beijing audience with
the documentary film Sub Berlin.
洪毅全也是一个孜孜不倦和有奉献精神的教育者,他和亚洲的青年音乐家参与了多个课题项目:他作为2009和2010年度NTSO台湾-中国青年交响乐团的首席指挥,首次将中国和台湾最优秀的青年音乐家召集在一起, 北京举行引人注目的音乐会。
He is furthermore a tireless and dedicated educator, and has been involved in numerous projects with young musicians in Asia: he was chief conductor of the NTSO Taiwan-China Youth Orchestra in 2009 and
2010, an initiative which brought
[...] together the best youngmusicians from Chinaand Taiwan, [...]
leading them in high-profile concerts
at the national concert halls of Beijing and Taipei.
创可贴T恤的创意和灵感来自中国的街头,和国内知名的独立乐队例如PK 14,以及年轻的本土设计师们共同合作, 北京动创作了非常独特的T恤和海报。
Working together with respected Chinese bands such as PK 14 and young
local designers, Plastered has produced unique t-shirts
[...] and postersfor many musicevents inBeijing throughout [...]
the years.
北京耀中小师Heather Rugile表示:“学生在这优美的环境中表现出色。
YCIS BeijingPrimaryMusic teacher Heather [...]
Rugile said, “The students did an amazing job in a really beautiful setting.
2008年电信业重组后北京移动获得了本地固话业务的接入许可证,为本地企业客户接入固话业务 北京新综合 务, 北京带来了一个新的发展契机。
After restructuring of the telecommunications industry in 2008, Beijing Mobile obtains local fixed-line
business access license
[...] and provides services to local enterprise clients, i.e. Beijing Mobile new integrated voice services, which [...]
brings a new development
opportunity for Beijing Mobile.
他的研究论文已被接受,并提出在若干国际会议,如在渥太华2010年国际会议的大学音乐教育学的多学科研究,2010年加拿大 北京 国国 育学会世界会议。
His research papers were accepted and presented at several international conferences, such as 2010 international
Conference in Multidisciplinary
[...] Research in MusicPedagogy at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and the ISME WorldConference 2010 in Beijing , China.
徐理曾在新加坡、香港、马来西亚、曼谷、北京、上海、罗彻斯特、安阿伯、多伦多成功独奏演出; 曾参加:德国Schleswig-Holstein音乐节;杭州、上海及大剧院世界华人音乐家乐团新 北京 音乐节特邀独奏家,并在中央电视台和北京电视台有专题报导和演奏会录影转播;泰国股票交易公司(Stock Exchange of Thailand)於2007年赞助其在曼谷独奏演出;2010受四川音乐学院邀请在成都进行协奏演出;同一年受香港中文大学之邀举办个人独奏会;此外,徐先生也曾在河南艺术中心的“走进音乐世界系列”中有过独奏演出,以及珠海电视台、珠海文体旅游局和珠海爱乐人文化公司主办的电视讲座文化大讲堂系列之“音乐会的那些事儿”主讲嘉宾。
In 2006 and 2008, Xu Li was invited twice to the International Beijing Double Bass Festival as a featured soloist, and his performance and interview were broadcasted national wise on China Central TV and Beijing Satellite TV.
北京新综合 在实施过程中采用各个部门分工协调流转工单的形式,主要面 北京型企业客户的综合语音接入,面对不同企业客户的需 北京 综合分为专网直连、VOIP、VPNN和国际长途业务,截止到2010年2月底,联信永益公司已完成业务支撑百余次,在满意度调查中联信永益得到了北京移动客户100%的满意。
Beijing Mobile new integrated voice servicesinclude direct private access, VOIP, VPNN and international long distance services to meet different needs of enterprise clients. As of end of February 2010, Surekam has completed hundreds of times [...]
of business support
and wins 100% client satisfaction in satisfaction survey.
巡演音乐会在两个城市多处着名的演出场所举办,包括中 学院 北京大学,愚公移山,上海东方艺术中心,上海时代广场,复旦大学,上海外滩茂悦大酒店,上海Mao [...]
Live House,健斗士音乐现场酒吧与红糖爵士音乐餐厅。
The performances took place at many well-known venues
across the two cities, including: the
[...] CentralConservatory of Music; University of Science [...]
& Technology, Beijing; Yu Gong
Yi Shan; Shanghai Oriental Arts Center; Shanghai Times Square; Fudan University; Hyatt on the Bund; Mao Live House; Kento's Live House; and Brown Sugar.
根据三自教会的网站蔡奎(CaiKui,所说北京 教会委员会(Beijing Municipal [...]
Christian TSPM Committee)的主席代表首都的许多牧师和平民领袖发言,说:“在过去九十年里,中国共产党一方面密切联合国内各种国籍和生活阶层的人民,一方面从未停止关怀和照顾中国的基督教......事实证明,中国共产党是真诚地对待及支持中国基督教的发展......中国基督教已经和中国共产党政府及中央人民政府建立稳定不变的共生互助关系,永远会和党及政府同心,走在同样的道路上。
According to the
[...] TSPM website, Cai Kui,chairman of the Beijing Municipal [...]
Christian TSPM Committee, spoke on behalf of the
many pastors and lay leaders in the capital, saying: "In the past 90 years, the Chinese Communist Party, while closely uniting people of various nationalities and various walks of life in China, has never stopped caring about and helping Chinese Christianity... Facts have proven that the Chinese Communist Party is sincere in its treatment of and support for the development of Chinese Christianity... And Chinese Christianity has already formed a constant and changeless relationship of co-dependency and mutual aid with the Chinese Communist Party and the Central People's Government and will always be of one heart and on the same path with the Party and the government.
取得的成果包括:从制度规范角度巩固了对法案进行性别鉴定的程序和机 制;为其实行奠定了方法论基础;对《宪法》,一系列法典、法律和法案进行性 别鉴定;设立了总统下属的国家妇女、家庭和性别发展问题委员会;在吉尔吉斯 共和国议会形成了必须获得《法律草案性别鉴定结论》的惯例;推广了使用按性 别划分的统计信息的惯例;建立了监测和评估妇女地位的国家体系;根据北京纲要》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《千年发展目标》制订了相应 的性别指标。
The results: there has been an institutional and normative strengthening of procedures and mechanisms for the assessment of draft laws and regulations from a gender perspective; a methodological basis for such assessments has been created; the Constitution, a number of codes, laws and legislation are now subject to assessment from a gender perspective; the President’s national council on questions relating to women, the family and gender mainstreaming is now functioning; it has become the practice of the Parliament to receive an assessment of proposed legislation from a gender perspective; the use of gender-disaggregated statistics has grown; a system of national mechanisms has been set up to monitor and evaluate the status of women; and standardized gender indicatorshave been produced on the basis of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Millennium Development Goals.
他毕业北京贸易学院(现名 北京经济贸易大学),并於美国国际商学研究院取得 国际管理硕士学位。
He graduated from BeijingInstitute ofForeign Trade (now renamed Beijing University of International Business and Economics) and obtained a Master of International Management degree from the American Graduate School of International Management.
来自朗讯中国、思科中国、瑞士锡克拜集团、西门子中国、埃森哲中国、软银基金、 技、NTT 北京处、MCI世界通讯、迪信通、国宾酒店、美中三和医疗设备公司、实华开电子、中电华通、方正通讯、中国神华股份、唐龙国际传媒、中国电子商会、中国企业投资协会等10多家世界500强、跨国公司企业以及30多家国内知名企业、商会的高级管理精英共50人参加了本次比赛。
Altogether 50 advanced management elites from over 10 of the world'stop 500 enterprises, multinational companies, as well as more than 30 famous domestic enterprises and chambers of commerce attended the tournament, including Lucent China, Cisco China, Switzerland SICPA Group, Siemens China, Accenture China, Softbank Fund, infoExcite, NTT Beijing office, MCI World Communications, ChinaDigital, State Guest Hotel, Sino-US Sanhe Healthcare Equipment Company, Sparkice Electronics, TELECHINA, Founder Communications, China Shenhua Stock, Tanglong International Media Group, China Electronic Chamber of Commerce (CECC), China Enterprise Investment Association, etc.
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长继续每年就执行 北京和行动纲要》及第 二十三届特别会议成果的后续行动以及进展情况,向大会提交报告,评估性别问 题主流化方面的进展,包括载列关于重大成就、汲取的经验教训和良好做法的资 料,并就加强执行情况的进一步措施提出建议,同时考虑到妇女地位委员会第五 十四届会议关于北京》和《行动纲要》十五周年审查及第二十三届特别会 议成果审查的讨论情况和成果(第 64/141 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to continue to report annually to it on the follow-up to and progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session, with an
assessment of progress in gender
[...] mainstreaming, including information on key achievements, lessons learned and good practices, and recommendations on further measures to enhance implementation, taking into account the discussions and outcome of the fifty-fourth session of the Commission in respect of the 15-year review of theBeijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the review of the outcome of the twentythird special session (resolution 64/141).
大会第六十六届会议请秘书长继续每年向大会提出报告,说明执行 北京 》和《行动纲要》及第二十三届特别会议成果的后续行动及进展情况,评估性 别平等观点主流化方面的进展,包括提供关于重大成就、经验教训和良好做法的 资料,并就加强执行工作的进一步措施提出建议(第 66/132 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to continue to report annually to the Assembly on the follow-up to and progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session, with an assessment of progress in gender mainstreaming, including information on key achievements, lessons learned and good practices, and recommendations on further measures to enhance implementation (resolution 66/132).
根据总督 2010 年的施政演说,领土政
[...] 府发起了一个基础设施发展计划,包括在东端建一个新的货运设施;改 北音,以接纳大型游艇;以及建立新的游轮停泊设施。
According to the Governor’s 2010 Throne Speech, the territorial Government initiated an infrastructural development plan that encompassed a
new cargo facility in East End, the
[...] improvement of theNorth Sound Channel toaccommodate [...]
mega-yachts and the development
of new cruise berthing facilities.




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