

单词 北京青年报

See also:


PRC government
Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China


youthful years
young person


annual report

External sources (not reviewed)

共同体秘书处的代报告了有关使 北京 + 15 审评”与“2005-2015 年《共同体行动计划》期中审评”协调统一的计划。
The representative of the
[...] Commonwealth Secretariat reported on plans to harmonize the Beijing + 15 review with the [...]
mid-term review
of the Commonwealth Plan of Action for 2005-2015.
常设论坛任命论坛成员 Eva Biaudet 女士编北欧国家青年土著青年参与 决策进程权利研报告, 提交论坛第十二届会议。
The Permanent Forum appoints Ms. Eva Biaudet, a member of the Forum, to undertake a study on the right to
participation in
[...] decision-making processes of indigenous youth in the Nordic countries, to be submitted to the [...]
Forum at its twelfth session.
我在 2010 年公布的关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年 报 告 (A /64/742-S/2010/ 181)中提出的关切事项是,据称从肯尼亚 北 省 招募肯尼亚索马 青年 男 子 和男 孩,还在肯尼亚招募达达布难民营的索马里难民,与过渡联邦政府在索马里并肩 作战。
In my annual report on children and armed conflict issued in 2010 (A/64/742S/2010/181), I raised the concerns about the alleged recruitment of young Kenyan Somali men and boys from North-eastern Province in [...]
Kenya, as well as Somali
refugees from Dadaab refugee camp, in Kenya, to fight alongside the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia.
大会第六十四届会议请秘书长继续 年 就 执行 《 北京 宣 言 和行动纲要》及第 二十三届特别会议成果的后续行动以及进展情况,向大会提 报 告 , 评估性别问 题主流化方面的进展,包括载列关于重大成就、汲取的经验教训和良好做法的资 料,并就加强执行情况的进一步措施提出建议,同时考虑到妇女地位委员会第五 十四届会议关于《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》十五周年审查及第二十三届特别会 [...]
议成果审查的讨论情况和成果(第 64/141 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to continue to report annually to it on the follow-up to and progress made in the [...]
implementation of the Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session, with an assessment of progress in gender mainstreaming, including information on key achievements, lessons learned and good practices, and recommendations on further measures to enhance implementation, taking into account the discussions and outcome of the fifty-fourth session of the Commission in respect of the 15-year review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the review of the outcome of the twentythird special session (resolution 64/141).
深入分析顯示,『18-29歲年青人對 北京 中 央政府的不信任比率,明顯高於其他較年長人士。
Further analysis shows that those of age 18-29 distrust the Central Government much more than the older respondents.
随后,Chang女士获得北京大学的 青年 卫 生 经济学者奖学金,并移居北京合著由世界银行集团委托进行的《中国城市服务及治理研究卫 报 告 》
Ms. Chang was then
[...] awarded with Peking University's Young Health Economist Scholarship and moved to Beijing to co-author the World Bank Group commissioned "China Urban Service and Governance Study Health Report.
大会第六十六届会议请秘书长继续 年 向 大 会提 报 告 , 说明执行 北京宣 言 》和《行动纲要》及第二十三届特别会议成果的后续行动及进展情况,评估性 别平等观点主流化方面的进展,包括提供关于重大成就、经验教训和良好做法的 [...]
资料,并就加强执行工作的进一步措施提出建议(第 66/132 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly requested
[...] the Secretary-General to continue to report annually to the Assembly on the follow-up [...] [...]
to and progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session, with an assessment of progress in gender mainstreaming, including information on key achievements, lessons learned and good practices, and recommendations on further measures to enhance implementation (resolution 66/132).
非凡丽致1995年婚纱摄影登陆武汉,经过十 年 的 发展,在中国已遍布武汉、长沙 青 岛 、 大连 北京 、 上 海、深圳等多个大中城市,成为亚太地区婚纱业界的典型代表,国际婚纱摄影知名品牌,先后荣获国内贸易部 “全国十佳照相馆”奖、中国消费者协会 “ 全国十大杰出影楼”奖、中国人像摄影学会“全国摄影名店”和“全国摄影业百强企业”称号、中国商业信用中心“中国商业信用企业,信用等级A级”等诸多奖项。
Landis extraordinary Wuhan wedding photography landing in 1995,
after 10 years of
[...] development, China has been around in Wuhan, Changsha, Qingdao, Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and many [...]
other large and
medium-sized city, to become the Asia-Pacific region the wedding industry is the typical representative of the international wedding photography, well-known brands, has won the Ministry of internal trade of" national top ten studio" award, China Consumers Association" national ten outstanding studio" award, Chinese Institute of portrait photography" National Photography brand" and" National Photography Industry hundred enterprises" title, Chinese commercial credit center" China business credit business, credit grade" and many other awards.
正如 2011 年 7 月监察报告(S/2011/433)所载青年党 的 北 上 扩 展于 2012 年 2 月进入了一个新的阶段,宣布以前由穆罕默德·赛义德·“阿塔姆”领导的 “戈利斯山圣战者”正式加入青年党。
Al-Shabaab’s expansion northwards, as documented in the July 2011 report of the Monitoring [...]
Group (S/2011/433), entered a
new phase in February 2012, with the announcement in February 2012 that the “Mujahidiin of the Golis Mountains”, formerly headed by Mohamed Sa’iid “Atom”, had formally joined Al-Shabaab.
[...] 组织还在太平洋地区开展了青年暴力预防工作,与开发计划署合作完成了一青 年与暴力报告,并分发给会员国。
The work on youth violence prevention has also been expanded to the
[...] Pacific, with a report on youth and violence completed [...]
in cooperation with UNDP and disseminated to Member States.
在中国,2008-2009 双年度的项目资金为 140 000 美元,其中 2008 年投入的资金为 87 000
美元(实际上,截至 2009 年 1 月 7 日,已支出 53 259 美
[...] 元),该笔资金主要用于三个项目:与绵阳市(四川省)体育教育协会签订一份合同,与临 沧(云南省)市艾滋病预防管理办公室签订一份合同, 北京 大 学 儿童 青 少 年 健 康 研究院 签订一份合同。
Of the $140,000 available for the biennium in China, $87,000 were committed in 2008 ($53,259 actually spent as at 7 January 2009), primarily to finance a contract with the municipal physical education association of the town of Mianyang (Sichuan), another with the office responsible for anti-AIDS efforts
in the municipality of Lincang (Yunan) and a third with the
[...] Beijing University Institute of Child and Adolescent Health.
我们对监测小报告的近 期违反武器禁运的行为尤感关切,这些行为包括通过 海上向该北部的青年党走 私武器、在索马里港口和 领水工作的武装海上安保公司开展的行动等等。
We are particularly concerned by the
recent violations
[...] of the arms embargo reported by the Monitoring Group, including arms maritime arms smuggling to Al-Shabaab in the north of the country, and the [...]
operations of armed
maritime security companies working in Somali ports and territorial waters.
北京青 少年法律援助研究中心 表示,中国有一些先进的行政规则和规 定,如 《 禁止使用 童 工规定》。
BCLARC indicated that China has some advanced administrative rules and regulations, [...]
such as the Provisions on the Prohibition of Child Labour.
该组织对备报告进行了研究,从其网络收集了在筹备 1995 年《北京宣言 和行动纲要》执行情况十五周年审查工作和大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体 会议方面的反馈意见,审查工作和全体会议都是在 2010 年进行的。
The organization performed research
[...] for alternative reports and collected feedback from its networks in preparation for the 15-year review of the implementation of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and [...]
Platform for Action
and the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals, both held in 2010.
3600小时报道时长:北京奥运 会17天赛程( 2 0 0 8 年 8 月 8日 至24日)期间,国家广播环球公司将提供超过3600小时的赛 报 道 , 尽管北京和美国东部时区有12个小时的时差,国家广播公司会在第一时间重点直播报道游泳、体操和沙滩排球等项目。
3,600 HOURS: Over the 17 days of the Beijing Games (Aug. 8-24, 2008), NBC Universal will present more than 3,600 hours of coverage highlighted by NBC in primetime which will [...]
feature live swimming,
gymnastics and beach volleyball, despite the 12-hour time difference from the U.S.'s eastern time zone to Beijing.
几位代表就此欢迎 2005 年青年论坛的报告,认为报告切中了这些问题的要害。
Several delegates
[...] welcomed in that context the report of the 2005 Youth Forum as it addresses [...]
precisely these issues.
教科文组 织发布了布隆迪、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚和刚果民主共和国的国家研究报告,这报 告重点研青年发展和公民参与战略是如何帮助预防青少年暴力的。
UNESCO developed national studies for Burundi, Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania and the Democratic
Republic of the Congo focusing on how
[...] strategies for youth development and civic engagement can prevent violence among youth.
政府咨询委员会在其涉及面很广的 ICANN 北京会议公报中,对一些申请字符串与地名的对应表 示了进一步保留意见,建议 [...]
ICANN 董事会对这些字符串不进行初始评估以后的处理,并要求董事会进 一步澄清申请人修改申请字符串的灵活度大小,以回应政府咨询委员会关注的具体问题。
In its wide-ranging ICANN Beijing Meeting Communiqué, the GAC expressed [...]
further reservations regarding a number of applied-for
strings on grounds of correspondence to geographical terms, advising the ICANN Board not to proceed beyond initial evaluation for these, and seeking further clarification from the Board on scope for flexibility of applicants to modify applied for strings to address specific GAC concerns.
关于议程项目 5,主席邀请各报告其执行北京行 动 纲要》所 取得的进展,并就良好做法、存在的障碍和面临的新挑战交流意见。
Taking up agenda item 5, the
[...] Chairperson invited countries to report on their progress towards [...]
the implementation of the Beijing
Platform for Action and share good practices, obstacles and new challenges.
主席,關於劉慧卿議員的修正案中提到的回鄉證問題,在民主派裏,我 多年來也持有回鄉證,我年會到 內地很多不同的地方,我曾到過新疆北 京、青島及上海等地方。
President, regarding the issue of HVPs raised by Ms Emily LAU in her amendment, I as a member of the democratic camp have been holding a HVP for years.
例如在觀塘區經常出 現的一位姓譚的調查員,正好跟香島中學一位老師的名字完全相同,而這位 老師又剛巧是北京青年組織 的副主席,也經常接待從內地來港訪問的共青 團。
Moreover, this teacher incidentally
is the vice-chairman
[...] of a pro-Beijing youth organization, who frequently received the Communist Youth League of [...]
the Mainland during its visits to Hong Kong.
综合实体将支助会员国就有关决 议、进程和成果采取后续行动并提 报 告 , 如就 北京 行 动 纲要》12 个重大关切 领域、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、包括 年 发 展 目标在内的国际商定发展 目标的性别方面、安全理事会第 1325(2000)号和第 1820(2008)号决议及其他相 关决议的执行采取后续行动并提出报告。
The composite entity will offer support to Member States in the follow-up to, and reporting on, relevant resolutions, processes and outcomes, such as implementation [...]
with respect to the 12 critical
areas of concern in the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the gender aspects of internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008) and other relevant resolutions.
本项目覆盖空中客车公北京、成都、福州、甘肃、广州、杭州、 京 、 青 岛 、上海、沈阳、深圳和西安等20个城市的VPN代维服务,服务范围包括MPLS VPN网络、中心点和客户端的相关设备现场维护服务。
The project covers AIR BUS VPN commissioned maintenance
services in 20 cities,
[...] sush as Beijing, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Gansu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenyang, [...]
Shenzhen, Xi'an
and etc. Services include MPLS VPN network, central and client terminal equipment on-site maintenance services.
取得的成果包括:从制度规范角度巩固了对法案进行性别鉴定的程序和机 制;为其实行奠定了方法论基础;对《宪法》,一系列法典、法律和法案进行性 别鉴定;设立了总统下属的国家妇女、家庭和性别发展问题委员会;在吉尔吉斯 共和国议会形成了必须获得《法律草案性别鉴定结论》的惯例;推广了使用按性 别划分的统计信息的惯例;建立了监测和评估妇女地位的国家体系;根据 北京 行动纲要》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《 年 发 展目标》制订了相应 的性别指标。
The results: there has been an institutional and normative strengthening of procedures and mechanisms for the assessment of draft laws and regulations from a gender perspective; a methodological basis for such assessments has been created; the Constitution, a number of codes, laws and legislation are now subject to assessment from a gender perspective; the President’s national council on questions relating to women, the family and gender mainstreaming is now functioning; it has become the practice of the Parliament to receive an assessment of proposed legislation from a gender perspective; the use of gender-disaggregated statistics has grown; a system of national mechanisms has been set up to monitor and evaluate the status of women; and standardized gender indicators have been produced on the basis of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Millennium Development Goals.
俄罗斯联邦体育、旅游青年政策部 报 告 了 青年 组 织 和民间社会组织的国际 青年年活动,其中包括题为“世代大会:世界和平与非暴力”的国际会议和题为 “国际和区域间青年问题合作以及各国青少年工作经验”的会议以及在国际青年 [...]
The Ministry of
[...] Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation reported on activities organized by youth organizations [...]
and civil society
for the year, including the international meeting on “The assembly of the generations: the world of peace and non-violence”, as well as a conference entitled, “International and interregional cooperation on youth and the experience of countries in working with teenagers and youth” and the international project, “We are the future of the Commonwealth of Independent States” within the framework of the International Youth Forum.
在会上,与会者回顾,儿童青年为 研 究 报 告 作 出了重要贡献,他们强调儿童的 参与在落实报告的过程中将继续发挥重要作用,并能对特别代表的任务发挥支持 [...]
作用,特别是能够支持提高认识活动、同龄人教育、推广对儿童敏感的咨询和报 告机制等。
At the meeting, it was recalled that children and young people had made [...]
a critical contribution to the study and stressed
that child participation continued to play an essential role in the process of follow-up and in support of the Special Representative’s mandate, particularly in support of awareness-raising activities, peer education and the promotion of child-sensitive counselling and reporting mechanisms.
文件 秘书长报告:审查北京宣言 和行动纲要》及大会第二十三届特别会议成 果的执行情况及其对塑造两性平等观点以求全面实现 年 发 展 目标所作的贡 献 (b) 新出现的问题,趋势和处理影响妇女处境或男女平等问题的新方式
Report of the Secretary-General on the review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly [...]
and its contribution
to shaping a gender perspective towards the full realization of the Millennium Development Goals
目前,Emerson 在中国设立了 40 多家企业,其中 30
[...] 多家为生产设施,分布在上海、深圳、苏州、福州 北京 、 天津 、 青 岛 、 江门、罗定、成都、绵阳、沈阳、南京、漳州、中山及西安等 [...]
16 个城市。
Emerson has set up more than 40 legal entities in China, over 30 of which are manufacturing facilities, and located in 16 cities:  Shanghai,
Shenzhen, Suzhou, Fuzhou,
[...] Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Jiangmen, Chengdu, Mianyang, [...]
Luoding, Shenyang, Nanjing, Zhangzhou, Zhongshan and Xi’an.
[...] Coicaud,《国际民主文化及 其正 当 性的 来 源》 , 摘自 Jean-Marc Coicaud & Veijo Heiskanen(编),《国际组织的正当性》( 京 , 20 01 年), 第266页],而且国际社会广泛认同,联合国系 统在减少暴力冲突领域做出了重要贡献[人类安全中 心 , 《 2005 年 人 类 安报 告 》 ( 牛 津 , 2006 年 ) ; Christian Reus-Smit,《自由等级与武力使用许可》, 《 国 际 研 究 [...]
评 论 》 , 第 31 期 ( 2005
年 ) , 第 71-92 页]。
Not only is the legitimacy of the UN system as a whole is closely related to its authority on the use of military force (Jean-Marc Coicaud, “International Democratic Culture and its Sources of Legitimacy”, in Jean-Marc Coicaud & Veijo Heiskanen (eds.), The Legitimacy of International Organizations (Tokyo, 2001), p. 266) but there is broad
agreement that the UN
[...] system has made an important contribution to reducing violent conflict (Human Security Centre, Human Security Report 2005 (Oxford, 2006); Christian Reus-Smit, “Liberal Hierarchy and the License to Use Force”, Review of International [...]
Studies, no. 31 (2005), pp. 71-92).




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