

单词 北京科技大学

See also:


PRC government
Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China


Peking University

科技 n

technology n
science n


External sources (not reviewed)

组织:SEI, 北京科技大学可持 续生态卫生节点 本章包含关于研讨会五个专题的总结性报告。
Organisation: SEI, EcoSanRes knowledge node for Sustainable Sanitation at USTB This chapter will give a summarized report about each of the five blocks of the workshop.
巡演音乐会在两个城市多处著名的演出场所举办,包括中央音乐学院北京科技大学 , 愚 公移山,上海东方艺术中心,上海时代广场,复旦大学,上海外滩茂悦大酒店,上海Mao [...]
Live House,健斗士音乐现场酒吧与红糖爵士音乐餐厅。
The performances took place at many well-known venues across the two cities,
including: the Central
[...] Conservatory of Music; University of Science & Technology, Beijing; Yu Gong [...]
Yi Shan; Shanghai Oriental
Arts Center; Shanghai Times Square; Fudan University; Hyatt on the Bund; Mao Live House; Kento's Live House; and Brown Sugar.
东莞市欣光源电子有限公司(原鑫光源电子厂),创建于1998年,地处广东省东莞市东部工业园区,是一家集LED研发、生产、销售为一体的高新科技企业,并与广东工业 学 、 北京科技大 学 共 同建立“产学研”结合基地。
LTD(XGY lighting) has undergone a steady growth over 12 years and now
enjoys a leading
[...] market position in the optoelectronic field as one of China [...]
leading manufactures of high quality LED illuminating lighting
products, LED decorative lighting products.
2010年4月23日、27日,我院分别与 京科技大学 、 北 京 石油化工学院签署协议,在两校设立北京国际汉语学院HSK考场,此次合作将为两校留学生学习汉语、参加汉语水平考试和考前辅导带来便利。
BICC signed agreements on setting HSK examination rooms with
[...] University of Science and Technology Beijing and Beijing [...]
Institute of Petrochemical
Technology respectively on April 23 and 27, 2010.
为了缩小北之间在技术和 知识方面的差距, 大 力 提 倡开放式获 科学 信 息 和动员 信息与传播技术,以实现公平分享科学进步及其带来的利益。
In order
[...] to reduce the technological and knowledge divide between North and South, open access to scientific information and [...]
the mobilization of ICTs
will be strongly promoted to enable the equitable sharing of scientific advancement and its benefits.
报告列出了2011年中国十大科研机构的排名:中国科学院、中 科 学 技 术 大学 、北 京大学、清华大学、香科技大 学、厦门大学、上海交通大学、香港大学、南京大学和深圳华大基 因。
The top ten Chinese institutions of 2011 are: the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(CAS), the University of
[...] Science and Technology of China (USTC), Peking University, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Xiamen University, [...]
Shanghai Jiao Tong
University (SJTU), the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Nanjing University and BGI Shenzhen.
还支助了以下方面的一些教科文组织教席:分子医学 (华沙,波兰),细胞和分子神 科学 ( 基 辅,乌克兰),植物生 技 术 ( 北京 , 中 国), 热带医学(马普托,莫桑比克),生物材料(哈瓦那,古巴),生物技术(新德里,印度) 和收获后技术(坎帕拉,乌干达),以及收获后技术活动(班吉,冈比亚)和北 大学 (南 非的 Sovenga)生物技术。
Support was also given to (i) the following UNESCO Chairs: Molecular Medicine (Warsaw, Poland), Cellular and
Molecular Neurosciences (Kiev,
[...] Ukraine), Plant Biotechnology (Beijing, China), Tropical Medicine (Maputo, Mozambique), Biomaterials (Havana, Cuba), Biotechnology (New Delhi, India), and Post Harvest Technology (Kampala, Uganda), as well as for the activities of the Post-Harvest Technology (Bangui, Gambia) and Biotechnology at the University of the North (Sovenga, South Africa).
贾古玛 联合国科文组织北京办事学研项目由联合国教科文组织于1993年发起,该项目的主要目的是促 大学 能 够进一步参与发展中国家的工业化进程。
[...] Jayakumar Programme Specialist – Natural Sciences UNESCO Office Beijing UNISPAR (University-Industry-Science Partnership) programme was launched by UNESCO [...]
in 1993 to promote
university participation in the industrialization process of the developing countries.
北大学大学院医学系研究科放射性同位素中心的本桥Hozumi准教授,与同医化学领域的光石阳一郎博士、田口惠子助教、山本雅之教授、 京大学 先 端 科学技 术 研 究中心的油谷浩幸教授、国立癌研究中心研究所癌基因组学研究领域的柴田龙弘领域长的研究小组,共同研究发现了导致癌细胞恶化的代谢控制组织。
[...] Professor Hozumi Motohashi at Center for Radioisotope Sciences, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Dr. Yoichiro Mitsuishi, Assistant Professor Keiko Taguchi, and Professor Masayuki Yamamoto at Division of Medical Biochemistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Professor Hiroyuki Aburatani at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University [...]
of Tokyo, and Division
Leader Tatsuhiro Shibata at the National Cancer Center have jointly discovered the metabolic control mechanism that drives the malignant evolution of cancer cells.
咨询委员会获悉, 260 700 美元的拟议经费将用于中心负责人和工作人员的下列差旅费: 参加在莫科、北京、喀 布尔、维也纳和纽约举行的区域组织首脑会议 和协商会议(117 000 美元),与在日内瓦的联合国难民事务高级专员办事 处的协商(5 500 美元),每季度访问区域各国首都(94 700 美元),工作 人员去大利布 林迪西接受一般行政和信 技 术 培 训(28 500 美元),以 及高级行政干事和信息和通信技术干事参加年度会议(15 000 美元)。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the proposed provision of $260,700 would cover the official travel of the Head and staff of the Centre to summit meetings of
regional organizations
[...] and consultations in Moscow, Beijing, Kabul, Vienna and New York ($117,000), consultations with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva ($5,500), quarterly visits to regional capitals ($94,700), travel by staff to Brindisi, Italy, related to general administration and information technology training ($28,500) [...]
and attendance at annual
meetings by the Senior Administrative Officer – and the Communications and Information Technology Officer ($15,000).
其中包括,由法律技术委 员会对一项提议进行审议, 其中涉及将太平洋结核矿带的特定区域指定用于进行典型生境和生物多样性养 护;与保护北大西洋 海洋环境公约委员会建立更密切的合作安排,协调采取管 理措施,保护西北大西洋 地区的生物多样性;与《生物多样性公约》进行合作, 为确定在生态和生物方面具有重要意义的海洋区域制 科学 标 准,并确定包括生 物多样性在内环境影响评估的标准。
This includes: the consideration by the Legal and Technical Commission of a proposal to designate specific areas within the Pacific nodule province for the purposes of conserving representative habitats and biodiversity; the development of closer cooperative arrangements with the OSPAR Commission in connection with the coordination of management measures to safeguard biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic; and cooperation with the Convention on Biological Diversity in the development [...]
of criteria
for the identification of ecologically and biologically significant areas and applicable standards for biodiversity-inclusive environmental impact assessment.
京大学生产技术研 究所的佐藤琢哉(Sato takuya)助教、黑田和男(Kuroda Kazuo)教授(当时,现在是宇都宫大学特任教授、 京 大 学 名誉教授)、志村努(Shimura Tsutomu)教授等人的研究小组,共同与 北大学 原 子 分子材 科 学 高 等研究机构的齐藤英治教授等人、乌克兰科学学院的鲍里斯•伊万诺夫总经理,只通过对磁石照射光脉冲使其发生磁波,并通过改变了光点的形状成功控制了波的传播方向。
A research group led by Assistant Professor Takuya Sato, Professor Emeritus Kazuo Kuroda, and Professor Tsutomu Shimura of the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo in cooperation with Professor Eiji Saitoh et al. of the Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University along with Director Boris Ivanov of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine [...]
succeeded in the emission
of magnetic waves (spin waves) through exposing magnets to light pulses and was also able to directionally control the spin waves by changing the shape of the light spot.
北京大学是中国著名高等学府,综合性大学,为中国最早建立的 学 , 北京大学 有众多相关领域的院士及知名教授,具有综合性、多 科 的 优势,其地质与环境学院的世界遗产 研究中心、景观规划设计中心、考古文博学院的遗产地保护研究中心和考古学中心等部门参 与文物保护、遗产研究、保护规划等项目及相关教学和培训活动。
As the oldest university in China, it has numerous academicians and eminent professors in the related disciplines and offers wide-ranging multidisciplinary advantages. The World Heritage Research [...]
Centre attached to
the School of Geology and Environmental Studies, the Centre of Landscape Architecture, the Heritage Protection Research Centre, and the Centre of Archaeology attached to the School of Archaeology and Museology all conduct teaching and training activities in the fields of cultural heritage protection, heritage research and conservation planning.
主席,我上星期帶領一科技團前往 北京 , 訪 問國家工業和信息 化部,希望進一步瞭解在芸芸科研項目類別中,香港可扮演甚麼角 色、國內最缺乏的科研項目類別,以及哪些科研項目類別的需求 大。
We visited the State Ministry of
[...] Industry and Information Technology, hoping to further find out from the many types of scientific research projects, what role Hong Kong can play, which types of projects are most lacking in the Mainland, and which types of projects have the greatest demand.
[...] Corporation 副社長坂本俊弘先生、香港大學校長徐立之教授、日本駐港總領事(署理)松永大介先生、其士集團主席周亦卿博士、清華大學副校長陳吉寧教授 北京大 學 副 校長李岩松博士、中央駐港聯絡辦公室教 科技 部 部 長潘永華教授、陳瑞顯太平紳士以及香港公開大學校長梁智仁教授。
Pallbearers included Mr. John Tsang, Financial Secretary of HKSAR; Mr. Sakamoto Toshihiro, Vice President of Panasonic Corporation; Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice-Chancellor and President of The University of Hong Kong; Mr. Daisuke Matsunaga, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong (Acting); Dr. Chow Yei Ching, Chairman of Chevalier Group; Professor Chen Jining, Vice President of Tsinghua University;
Professor Li Yansong,
[...] Vice President of Peking University; Professor Pan Yong-hua, Director General of Education; Science and Technology Department, Liaison [...]
Office of the Central
People's Government in the HKSAR; Mr. Michael Chan, JP; Professor John C. Y. Leong, President of The Open University of Hong Kong.
作为JST课题解决型基础研究的一环, 京大学 研 究生院工学系研 科 附 属 量子相电子产品研究中心的川崎雅司教授(兼北大学 原子分子材料高等研究机构合作教授)以及同校研究生院综合文化研究科的上野和纪副教授等使用应用通过电压控制材料通过电流的难易度的场效应的独创的材料开发手法,发现了新的超导体材料。
As part of the
[...] JST program, a research group led by Professor Masashi Kawasaki at Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo [...]
(and WPI Advanced Institute
for Materials Research, Tohoku University), and Associate Professor Kazunori Ueno at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo has discovered a new superconductor through an ingenious development method using field effect, by which voltage controls the flow of electricity.
学术委员会成员有京大学 国家发展研究院院长周其仁, 京 大 学 国际关系学院院长王缉思,台湾国立政治大学教授金观涛,复旦大学新经济政治学研究中心主任史正富,中欧工商管理学院教授许小年,瑞银全球新兴市场研究部主管乔纳森••安德森(Jonathan Anderson)北京航空 航天大学法学院教授高全喜,德意志银行大中华区首席经济学家马骏,香 科技大学 教 授丁学良,香港金融管理局助理总裁、香港金融研究中心主任何东。
Academy Committee:Zhou Qiren (Director of National School of
[...] Development, Peking University), Wang Jisi (Dean of School of International Studies, Peking University), Jin Guantao (Professor of the National Chengchi University), Shi Zhengfu (Director of New Politics and Economics Institution, Fudan University), Xu Xiaonian (Professor of China Europe International Business School), Jonathan Anderson (Managing Director Global Emerging Market Economist, UBS), Gao Quanxi (Professor of School of Law, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Ma Jun (Chief Economist, Greater China, Head of China/Hong Kong Macro Strategy, Deutsche Bank Hong Kong), Ding Xueliang (Professor of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), He Dong (Executive [...]
Director of Hong Kong Monetary Authority).
他的职业生涯大部份时间都在海外度过(1962年至1970年期间,先后在安哥拉、几内亚及帝汶等地服务;于1974年至1976年,抵澳担任总督),是一位国际性的指挥家(于1987年至1990年间, 北 大 西 洋公约组织(NATO)担任葡萄牙军事顾问代表;于1996年,担任联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(Minurso / ONU)的军事指挥官、高级军事研究学院和国防研究学院院长及陆军副参谋长),除此之外,亦是位高等教育机构人员(分別於高级军事研究学院、里斯 技 术 大学 社 会 与政 科 学 高 等学院及葡萄牙天主教大学政治学院,担任专家导师)。
His professional life was divided between the ancient colonies (Angola from 1962 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1972, Guinea-Bissau from 1965 to 1967 and Timor from 1968 to 1970, and was Governor of Macau between 1974 and 1979), the command and international roles (Military Counselor of the Portuguese Delegation of NATO between 1987 and 1990, Commanding Officer of Minurso/ONU-1996 Military Component, director of the High Military Studies Institute and of the National Defense Institute, and Vice-Chief of the Army Staff), and the universitary teaching (IAEM and masters degrees from the Superior Institute of Social and Political Sciences, IEP/UCP).
关于“科技伦理,特别是生物伦理”项下的活动,建议更加重视对 广 大 公 众 和决策者 进行宣传和提高他们的认识,制订更多的准则性文件、促进伦理教育、利 科技 的 伦 理、能 力培养和学科活动
As regards activities under the “ethics of science and technology, in particular bioethics”, the suggestion was made to place more emphasis on information and sensitization of the public-at-large and
decision-makers, on the
[...] development of further normative instruments, on the promotion of ethics education, on the ethics of the use of science and technology, capacity-building and on multidisciplinary action.
科文组织北京办事 处该工作重点下开展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 月中国人与 生物圈计划全国委员会在中国四川省九寨沟和黄龙生物圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 态旅游管理”会议;在锡林郭勒生物圈保留地举办了以当地社区(包括该生物圈保留地管理 者在内)为对象的一系列研讨会,在北京也举办了由捐助机构、政府 学 术 机构参加的一系 列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 员会议。
The UNESCO Beijing Office carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on Ecotourism Management of China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese National Committee for MAB in October 2002 at the Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, Sichuan Province, China; a series of seminars in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; [...]
a feasibility survey
on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany).
公司位于中国福建省南安市石井(民族英雄郑成功的故乡)杨山工业区,占地面积1500平方米,拥有50余名员工,10余名中、高级技术骨干,并且和上海交大、上海钢铁研究所、广州有色金属研究所、哈尔滨焊接研究所、华东理 大学 、 北京 有 色 金属稀土研究所等著名高校 科 研 机 构保持着长期密切 技 术 合 作,不断锐意创新。
The company is located Chinese Fujian Province Nan'an city Shi Jing (national hero Zheng Chenggong's hometown) the Yangshan industrial district, the area 1500 square meters, has 50 staffs, in 10, high-level technical backbones, And with Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Steel and iron Research institute, Guangzhou Non-ferrous metal Research institute, Harbin
Welding Research institute,
[...] East China University of Science and Technology, the Beijing non-ferrous metal rare earth research institute and so on the famous university, the scientific research institution is maintaining the long-term close technical collaboration, [...]
firm will innovates unceasingly.
此外,参与此项目的机构有: 北大学 、 京 都 大 学、千叶工业大学、仓敷艺 科 学 大学、户田工业股份有限公司、帝人股份有限公司、丰田汽车有限公司、(德)物质・材料研究机构、(德)产 技 术 综合研究所(再委托)、(财团)电气磁气材料研究所(再委托)等10家机构。
Teijin Limited, Toyota Motor Corporation, National Institute for Material Science(NIMS), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Research Institute for Electric and Magnetic Materials.
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位作家之间的 大 共 性 主题:( i) 教 学 在 其 作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验学习的 方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推 科技 进 步 ;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their
work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the
[...] form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to [...]
colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
學院由法律學系、法律專業學系及4個研究中心組成,包括比較法及公共法律中心、國際財務法律亞洲研究所、法律 科技 中 心, 並 北京大學 - 香港大學研究中心。
The Faculty comprises the Department of Law and the Department of Professional Legal Education and four research centres which include: the Centre for Comparative and Public Law; the Asian
Institute of International Financial
[...] Law; the Law and Technology Centre; and the Peking University-HKU Research Centre.
大会同届会议敦促各国制订、采取和实施协调一致的全面方法来管理其管辖 范围内的珊瑚礁和相关生态系统,鼓励依照国际法在保护珊瑚礁和提高珊瑚礁复 原力方面开展区域合作,在这方面促请各发展伙伴支持发展中国家的此类努力, 包括在彼此商定的条件下提供财政资源、能力建设、无害环境技术和知识,以及 交流相科学、技术、 社会经济和法律信息(第 66/194 号决议)。
At the same session, the General Assembly urged States to formulate, adopt and implement integrated and comprehensive approaches for the management of coral reefs and related ecosystems under their jurisdiction, encouraged regional cooperation in accordance with international law regarding the protection and enhancement of the resilience of coral reefs, and in that respect called upon development partners to support such efforts in developing countries, including through the provision of financial resources, capacity-building, environmentally sound technologies and know-how on mutually agreed terms, as well as the exchange of relevant scientific, technical, socio-economic [...]
and legal information (resolution 66/194).
实佳电子顺科技发 展,全力推进移动支付行业进步,现公司研发涉及范围主要有SIMPASS定制天线、符合EMV认证的读卡器/POS机非接触感应天线、IPHONE苹果机无线充电器感应天线、NFC定制天线、SWP-NFC定制天线、整合移动支付功能的SIM卡天线(13.56MHZ)、GSM/DCS/PCS/CDMA1X/WCDMA网络终端内置天线、13.56MHZ/900MHZ/2.4GHZ电子标签天线、SIM卡卡贴2.4G移动支付天线等主要产品,主要客户 大 唐 电信 、 北京 握 奇 、国 技 术 、 青岛海信、南天信息、中国普天、九思泰达等大型企业。
Sugar electronic complies with
[...] the development of science and technology, to promote the mobile payment industry progress, the current R & D coverage of major SIMPASS custom antenna, EMV certification with the card reader /POS non-contact inductive antenna, IPHONE MAC wireless charger Inductive antenna, NFC, SWP-NFC custom custom antenna antenna antenna antenna, NFC, NFC integration, the integration of mobile payment SIM card antenna ( 13.56MHZ ),   GSM/DCS/PCS/CDMA1X/WCDMA network terminal antenna, 13.56MHZ/900MHZ/2.4GHZ electronic label antenna, SIM card and 2.4G card for mobile payment antenna and other major products, major customers include telecommunications, Beijing watch, national technology, Qingdao, China [...]
Putian Information Hisense,
southern, nine Si Taida and other large enterprises.
科斯仪 器有限公司,作为Artec在中国的正式授权经销商, 日前参与了一项和河南省周口市公安局以 北京 工 业 大学 建 规 学院共同发起的联合项目。
The official distributor for Artec in
[...] China, Beijing Coase Instrument Company Limited, recently participated in a joint project of the police for the city of Zhoukou, located in Henan province, and Beijing University of Technology-CAUP.
成立于1981年的学品应 急管理解决方案全球科技领先企业SAFER Systems在中国新发展了三家业务代理:北京Sino Easy Cruise网科技公司、北京Zhongyou AOTO科技公司 和上海汉中诺软件科技有限公司。
SAFER Systems, the global technology leader in chemical emergency management solutions since 1981, has added three new business agents in China: Beijing Sino Easy Cruise Network Technology Co.




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