

单词 北京大学



Beijing Normal University


Beijing Forestry University


Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)

See also:

大学 n

universities pl
college n

北京 prop.n (geographical name)

Beijing prop.n

External sources (not reviewed)

芮先生还担任欧洲委员会的顾问 北京大学 软 件 与微电子软件工程专业客座教授,撰写了中国软件行业诸多书籍与文章。
Mr. Jui is an advisor to the European
Commission, guest
[...] professor at the School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University and author [...]
of various books and articles
on the Chinese software industry.
亮叔”身份究竟如何,有网友爆料称,亮叔其实 北京大学 古 文 专业的博士研究生。
Some insider reveals that the artist is actually a graduate student
[...] studying history in Bei Jing University.
北京大学国际与战略研究中心朱锋 称,中石油有时为了追逐商业利益而置国家利益于不 顾。
Zhu Feng, at Beijing University’s Centre for International [...]
and Strategic Studies, said the likes of PetroChina had sometimes
pursued profits at the expense of broader national interests: “These state-owned companies have become very powerful interest groups.
S. 被北京大学招收 入学,并多 次自由出境前往中国。2010年1月19 日,毕业之后,她返回了土库曼斯坦,而 且她不是出入境权受任何限制的对象。
On 19 January 2010, after graduation, she returned to Turkmenistan and she is not subject to any restrictions on her right to leave and enter the country.
在中国,2008-2009 双年度的项目资金为 140 000 美元,其中 2008 年投入的资金为 87 000
美元(实际上,截至 2009 年 1 月 7 日,已支出 53 259 美 元),该笔资金主要用于三个项目:与绵阳市(四川省)体育教育协会签订一份合同,与临
[...] 沧(云南省)市艾滋病预防管理办公室签订一份合同, 北京大学 儿 童 与青少年健康研究院 签订一份合同。
Of the $140,000 available for the biennium in China, $87,000 were committed in 2008 ($53,259 actually spent as at 7 January 2009), primarily to finance a contract with the municipal physical education association of the town of Mianyang (Sichuan), another with the office responsible for anti-AIDS efforts
in the municipality of Lincang (Yunan) and a
[...] third with the Beijing University Institute of Child [...]
and Adolescent Health.
北京大学学习 的来自奥斯陆大学的学生代表Tobias Judin分享了他们在中国学习的经历;挪威海外学生联合会中国分会新任会长Simen [...]
Johan Willgohs向与会者介绍了这个组织的相关情况;最后,北京外国语大学的刘思聪和勇春虹两位同学用挪威语以相声的形式分享了他们学习挪威语的经历,他们对挪威语的掌握博得了满堂喝彩。
Mr. Tobias Judin
[...] from the University of Oslo on a semester at Peking University followed [...]
up on this theme where he on behalf
of the other students told about their enriching experiences in China, the new leader of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), Mr Simen Johan Willgohs presented the organization, and finally two Chinese students from BFSU, Mr Liu Sicong and Ms Yong Chunhong, impressed the audience with their mastery of Norwegian in a xiangsheng style performance about learning Norwegian.
围绕着“文明的和谐与共同繁荣”的总主题,北京论坛除了每年举办年会,还成功举办了多场高端演讲和文明对话活动,其中包括美国麻省理工学院乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)教北京大学演讲 会、哈佛大学霍米巴巴(Homi Bhabha)教北京大学演讲 会、林毅夫对话诺贝尔经济学奖得主、伊斯兰与儒家文明的对话、基督教与儒家文明的对话、轴心文明的对话等。
With the general theme of “The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All”, Beijing Forum has held several lectures and dialogues in addition to the annual conference, including the lecture of Prof. Noam Chomsky of MIT at PKU, the lecture
of Prof. Homi Bhabha
[...] of Harvard University at PKU, the dialogue between Justin Yifu Lin and Nobel Laureates in Economics of Roger Myerson and James Mirrlees, [...]
Dialogue, the Christian–Confucian Dialogue, Dialogue on Axial-Age Civilizations, etc.
北京大学是中 国著名高等学府,综合性大学,为中国最早建立 大学 , 北京大学 有众 多相关领域的院士及知名教授,具有综合性、多学科的优势,其地质与环境学院的世界遗产 研究中心、景观规划设计中心、考古文博学院的遗产地保护研究中心和考古学中心等部门参 与文物保护、遗产研究、保护规划等项目及相关教学和培训活动。
As the oldest university in China, it has numerous academicians and eminent professors in the related disciplines and offers wide-ranging multidisciplinary advantages. The World Heritage Research [...]
Centre attached to
the School of Geology and Environmental Studies, the Centre of Landscape Architecture, the Heritage Protection Research Centre, and the Centre of Archaeology attached to the School of Archaeology and Museology all conduct teaching and training activities in the fields of cultural heritage protection, heritage research and conservation planning.
目前,Leung 先生还担任 China Bluestar Group
[...] 副董事长、China Merchants Capital 非执行副董事长北京大学光华 管理学院国际顾问委员会成员、香港哈佛商学院协会主席以及国际小母牛香港分会主席。
Mr. Leung is currently Vice Chairman of China Bluestar Group, Non-Executive Vice Chairman of China Merchants
Capital, International Advisory
[...] Board member of Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, [...]
Chairman of Harvard Business
School Association of Hong Kong and Chairman of Heifer International Hong Kong.
随后,Chang女士获得北京大学的青 年卫生经济学者奖学金,并移居北京合著由世界银行集团委托进行的《中国城市服务及治理研究卫生报告》。
Ms. Chang was then
[...] awarded with Peking University's Young Health Economist Scholarship and [...]
moved to Beijing to co-author
the World Bank Group commissioned "China Urban Service and Governance Study Health Report.
学术委员会成员北京大学国家 发展研究院院长周其仁 北京大学 国 际关系学院院长王缉思,台湾国立政治大学教授金观涛,复旦大学新经济政治学研究中心主任史正富,中欧工商管理学院教授许小年,瑞银全球新兴市场研究部主管乔纳森••安德森(Jonathan Anderson),北京航空航天大学法学院教授高全喜,德意志银行大中华区首席经济学家马骏,香港科技大学教授丁学良,香港金融管理局助理总裁、香港金融研究中心主任何东。
Academy Committee:Zhou Qiren (Director of National School of Development, Peking University), Wang Jisi (Dean of School of International Studies, Peking University), [...]
Jin Guantao (Professor
of the National Chengchi University), Shi Zhengfu (Director of New Politics and Economics Institution, Fudan University), Xu Xiaonian (Professor of China Europe International Business School), Jonathan Anderson (Managing Director Global Emerging Market Economist, UBS), Gao Quanxi (Professor of School of Law, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Ma Jun (Chief Economist, Greater China, Head of China/Hong Kong Macro Strategy, Deutsche Bank Hong Kong), Ding Xueliang (Professor of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), He Dong (Executive Director of Hong Kong Monetary Authority).
北京大学和中 国其 他机构就冰川融化进行的研究显示,在长江水域源 头,冰河覆盖的面积大幅减少,这都将决定未来长江 [...]
The research on glacial
[...] melt done at Beijing University and other institutions [...]
in China indicates that, in the headwaters
of the Yangtze basin, there is a significant reduction in the area covered by glaciers, which will determine future water flows and availability.
在全国肿瘤防治宣传周到来之际,和睦家启望肿瘤中心 北京大学 肿 瘤 医院达成合作协议,于4月1日在启望肿瘤中心举行签约仪式,和睦家启望肿瘤中心将成 北京大学 肿 瘤医院国际医疗部,共同开展肿瘤治疗高端服务。
April 1, 2013, Beijing, CHINA - United Family
[...] New Hope Oncology Center (New Hope) and Peking University (PKU) Cancer Hospital today signed an agreement to jointly provide premium, world-class oncology services for the Beijing market.
2011年1月18日,国家能源局北京大学 与 美 国能源部等在美国华盛顿签署竞赛合作协议, 标志着SD大赛首次落户亚洲。
SD China is being hosted by the National Energy Administration of China (NEA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and organized by Peking University (PKU).
北京大学博雅大酒店举行 北京大学 德 国研究中心和德国图书信息中心联合举办的新年酒会,CHEERS也会在酒会现场并且为当晚的自助餐提供了葡萄酒和汽泡酒。
The New Year's Reception 2012 of The
[...] German Studies Center of Peking University (ZDS) and the German Book Information [...]
Center of Frankfurt
Book Fair (BIZ) has taken place in the Lake view Hotel in Beijing University. CHEERS was there and sponsored wine and sparkling wine for the amazing buffet.
Ray-Ban最近与一个中国享有盛名的研究所— 北京大学 眼 科 中心合作进行研究并开发新技术,从而增强眼镜的UV保护,同时,他们也希望教育中国消费者紫外线对眼睛的伤害。
In China, Ray-Ban recently
[...] partnered up with Peking University Eye Center, a [...]
prestigious Chinese research institute, in
order to conduct research and create new technologies for enhanced UV protection.
第一条 定 义 在本协定内,除非上下文另作要求, “教科文组织”系指联合国教育、科学及文化组织, “政府”系指中华人民共和国政府, “中心”系指亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心(WHITR--AP), “主要发起机构”系北京大学( 北京 ) 、 同济大学(上海)和苏州市, “世界遗产公约”系指教科文组织大会第十七届会议于 1972 年 11 月 16 日通过的《保 护世界文化遗产与自然遗产公约》。
World Heritage Convention” refers to the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted by the UNESCO General Conference at its seventeenth session on 16 November 1972.
周先生拥北京大学国际 政治系获法学硕士学位及美国约翰.霍普金斯大学高级国际研究院(SAIS)文学硕士学位。
Mr. Zhou
[...] graduated from Peking University as Master of [...]
Law in Internal Politics College; he is also the Master of Arts from
SAIS in Johns Hopkins University.
例如:CSIRO和北京邮电大学正合作研究未来的移动通信和无线通信网络 北京大学 与 CSIRO正合作研究认知无线电干扰的消除;WiCO和麦格理大学正合作研究高效动态的频谱共享方案和4G小区间干扰的管理。
For example: with CSIRO and BUPT research is underway in
future mobile and wireless
[...] communications networks, Peking University is collaborating [...]
with CSIRO in interference cancellation
in cognitive radio, while WiCO and Macquarie University are working on efficient, dynamic spectrum sharing schemes and 4G intercell interference management.
在此之前,Dal Bello 先生曾在 Bain & Company 担任顾问,并曾以 Luce
[...] Scholar(鲁斯学者)的身份在北京中国经济研究中心担任助理研究员,期间,他曾 北京大学 讲 课 并主持了有关中国国企行业发展的研究项目。
Prior to that, Mr. Dal Bello worked as a consultant at Bain & Company and also was a Research Associate at the China Center for Economic Research in
Beijing as a Luce Scholar, where he
[...] taught courses at Peking University and led research [...]
projects on Chinese state owned
enterprise industrial development.
得知我们有如此强大的东西方中心 北京大学 之 间 的伙伴关系,我非常高兴。
It’s great to know that we have such strong partnerships between the
[...] East West Center with Peking University.
出席本次颁奖论坛的嘉宾有:西门子东北亚区CEO、西门子(中国)总裁兼CEO程美玮,中共天津市委统战部副部长、天津市工商联党组书记、第一副主席李广文,天津市滨海新区人民政府经济信息化委员会主任金东虎 北京大学 光 华管理学院教授武常歧,罗兰贝格高级合伙人、大中华区副总裁刘文波,《环球企业家》杂志社执行副主编仇勇以及获奖企业代表。
Attending the ceremony were Mei-Wei Cheng, President and CEO of Siemens China and Cluster CEO of Northeast Asia; Li Guangwen, Vice Director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC of Tianjin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, and Deputy Director of the Tianjin Federation Of Industry and Commerce; Jin Donghu, Director of the Tianjin Binhai District Economic
Informationalization Commission; Wu Changqi,
[...] Professor of the Peking University Guanghua School [...]
of Management; Watson Liu, Senior Partner
and Vice President of Roland Berger Greater China; and Qiu Yong, Global Entrepreneur Magazine Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief.
北京大学 的缅 甸问题专家张锡镇写道:“如果华盛顿要把同内比 都的关系正常化,它就势必会威胁中国的安全。
As Zhang Xizhen, a
[...] Myanmar scholar at Peking University writes: “If [...]
Washington was to normalise its relations with Naypyidaw,
it will certainly threaten China’s security”.
北京大学和Gr eenpeace的研究,空气中具污染性的微粒子在2012年中造成约8,600人过早死亡。
According to a
[...] study by Beijing University and Greenpeace, [...]
microscopic pollutant particles in the air killed about 8,600
people prematurely during 2012.
Ray-Ban将为这一项目提供设备、镜片和框架; 北京大学 眼 科中心将提供专业的用眼保护研究。
Ray-Ban will help the research
process by providing equipment, lenses and
[...] frames, while Peking University Eye Center will [...]
provide expertise in eye care oriented research.
8月13日,上海——历经四个多月的激烈角逐,来自成都电子科技大学的"智能插线板"项目、对外经贸大学的"快停100"手机App项目,以 北京大学 的 "答 题捐赠"微公益项目在2012"博世创新挑战赛"中胜出,分别获得了"科技创新"、"商业创新"、"慈善创新"三个组别的大奖。
August 13th, Shanghai – After series of fierce competitions over four months, three innovative champion teams stood out in the final of Bosch "Thinking Ahead" Innovation
Competition 2012: "Smart
[...] Socket" from Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology, "Quick Parking 100" App from University of International [...]
Business and Economics
and "Donation by Answering" from Peking University won the awards respectively for "Technology Innovations", "Business Innovations" and "Charity Innovations".
University)的医学、护理和健康学院(Medicine, Nursing and Health
[...] Faculty)与众多中国大学、医院及研究所建立了紧密的合作关系,合作对象包括北京市丰台区方庄卫生服务中心 北京大学 和 中 国老龄科学研究中心。
Similarly, the Medicine, Nursing and Health Faculty at Melbourne’s Monash university has strong collaborative partnerships with a number of Chinese Universities, hospitals and research institutes, including
the Fangzhuang Community Hospital of Fengtai District
[...] of Beijing, Peking University and China Research [...]
Centre on Ageing.
2011年,IZP继续加大研发投入,已在成都建立成都研究所,并分别与贝尔实验室、斯坦福大学、中科院研究生院 北京大学 和 四 川电子科技大学等高校展开广泛地技术合作。
In 2011, IZP continued to expand its R & D efforts and founded the Chengdu Research Institute while engaging in extensive technical cooperation with higher education institutions such as the
Graduate School of the Chinese Academy
[...] of Sciences, Peking University and Sichuan University [...]
of Electronic Science and Technology.




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