

单词 化学激光器

See also:



化学 adj

biological adj

激光 n

laser n
lasers pl

External sources (not reviewed)

高性能的乳头可化系统配备学摄 像 头,连有 激光器 , 能 够保证快速准确地定位乳头,从而更加迅速可靠地套上奶杯。
The high performance teat
[...] visualisation system has an optical camera coupled with dual lasers to help ensure [...]
fast and accurate teat
localisation for quicker and more dependable attachment rates.
共振频率的这一化由位于悬臂端部 激光器 测 量 ,然后传送至独立的光电二极管检测器。
This shift in the frequency
[...] of resonance is measured by a laser, focused on the tip of the cantilever, [...]
which is then transmitted
to a split photodiode detector.
DWDM的成功在很大程度上归功于掺饵光纤放 器 ( EDFA)的发展,EDFA使用 激光 泵 浦 获得的能量,在其以1550 nm为中心的通带内,对输入端口接收到的各种波长的信号进 光学 放 大 ,无需将这些信号 化 为 电信号,然后再 化 回 光 信号(光-电-光 化 )。
The success of DWDM is largely due to the development of the EDFA, which uses energy from a laser pump to optically amplify all the signal wavelengths presented to its input (within its narrow bandpass centered at 1550 nm) without requiring that they be converted into electrical signals [...]
and back again into optical signals (O-E-O conversion).
皮肤科中使用的氩光器或铜汽 化激光器。
Solid-state Ho:YAG lasers with the doping element HO.
据意法半导体公光学特性 和仿真专家Axel Crocherie博士称:“FDTD Solutions 7.0中可用的化设计 功能,有利于快速找到微透镜曲率半径或抗反射层的最佳工作点,以 化 C M O S图 像传 器 的 量 子效率。
According to Dr.
[...] Axel Crocherie, Optical Characterization and Simulations Expert at STMicroelectronics, "the optimization function available in FDTD Solutions 7.0 is useful to quickly find the best operating point for microlens radius of curvature or the antireflective layers to optimize the quantum efficiency of CMOS images sensors.
法国科学界参与这一任务(国家科学研究中心相对论天体物理、理论、实验、 计学、仪器设备 和信号部、巴黎天体物理研究院、阿纳西粒子物理实验室、宇 宙和理论实验室、空间-时间参照系统实验室和法国国家航天研究机构(国家航空 和航天研究局))将由天体粒子和宇 学 实 验 室领导,该实验室正 激光 干 涉仪 空间天线技术包的激光源提供调制台。
Participation in this mission by the French scientific community (the department of relativistic
astrophysics, theory,
[...] experimentation, metrology, instrumentation and signals (ARTEMIS) of CNRS, IAP, the Annecy-le-Vieux Particle Physics Laboratory (LAPP), the Laboratory Universe and Theories (LUTH), the Space-Time Reference Systems Laboratory (SYRTE) and the French National Aerospace Research Establishment (ONERA)) will be under the aegis of the APC Laboratory, which is providing the modulation bench for the LTP laser source.
如:条码扫描器、碟机/光光学存取单元(OPU)、水平仪、扫平仪、激光测距仪、建筑测量仪、测温仪、激光治疗仪、美容仪、 光 指 示 器、舞台投射灯光、安防报警、工业探测、枪支瞄 器 、 激光 制 导 、航空工业、实验光源、机械加工定位及自 化 设 计 等行业。
Dot Pattern laser diode module can be widely used in various industries, such as barcode scanners, optical pick-up unit (OPU), Laser Levels, Self-leveling rotary Laser Level, laser distance measuring instruments, temperature measuring instruments, laser therapy apparatus, beauty apparatus, infrared laser lighting, laser pointer, [...]
stage lighting, antitheft alarm systems, industrial detection instruments, gun aimer, laser guidance, aviation industrial, experiment light sources, positioning for machinery processing and automated design, etc.
研究结果显示,使用elure高级皮肤美白产品后,皮肤黑色素指数的基线( 光学 仪 器 测 量 )从统计学结果来看发生了显著的 化 , 使用31天后平均下降7.6%(p < 0.001)。
The results from the study demonstrated a statistically significant
change from baseline
[...] in the melanin index (as measured with optical instrumentation) on skin treated with elure Advanced [...]
Skin Lightening products,
with a mean reduction of 7.6% (p < 0.001) on Day 31.
291 系光学编码器 - CT S 的 291 系列采用非接触式设计,具有高度可靠的精密数字输出和较长的旋转寿命,可在设计应用中实现多功能性。
291 Series Optical Encoder - The 291 Series [...]
from CTS allows versatility in design applications by providing highly reliable,
precise digital output and long rotational life with a non-contacting design.
不论是铟锡化物,氧化锌, 还是聚合物(3,4-乙烯基),我们独有的 I T O 光学 模 型 ,加上可见/近红外 器 , 可 以测得厚度 光学 常 数,费用和操作难度仅是光谱椭偏仪的一小部分。
Whether one encounters Indium Tin Oxide, Zinc Oxide, or
[...] [...] Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), our proprietary ITO optical model, coupled with our visible/near IR instruments, can solve for both thickness and optical constants at a fraction of the cost [...]
and effort
of a spectroscopic ellipsometer.
化激光光束的 功率和空间轮廓,输出耦合镜和尾镜都具 学 表 面 ,该 学 表 面 都有严格定义的曲面半径。
In order to optimize power and spatial profile of the laser beam, the output coupler and end mirror have optical surfaces [...]
with well-defined radii of curvature.
Patented dot matrix
[...] technology for optimal laser performance, increased laser source reliability [...]
and reduced operating costs.
用于通信和传器技术应用领域中 光学 、 激光 和 光 电二极管等元件都极易受湿度、温度变化以及其它物理 化 学 环境条件的影响。
Optical, laser and photodiodes used in communication and sensor technology applications are highly susceptible to the effects of humidity, temperature fluctuations and other physical and chemical environmental [...]
關於第 9 段 (a)項,1 億 530
[...] 萬元的預算是用以設計及建造 3 艘新巡 邏艇、船上設備( 如夜視器及激光測距裝置)、電動起重機及吊臂,以 及所需的電力裝置。
On paragraph 9(a), the estimate of $105.3 million is for the design and construction of three replacement vessels, equipment on
board (such as night
[...] vision equipment and laser distance measurement device), [...]
power derrick and crane as well as the necessary electrical installations.
KAL 是电机控制、电源控制、负载突降电 器 、 激光 控 制 、电气驱动器和逆变器、电源线路滤波器和音频应用中的大 化 器 件
The KAL is a popular choice for motor
[...] controls, power supply controls, load dump resistors, laser controls, motor drives and inverters, power line filters, and audio.
结果表明:(1)减数分裂Ⅰ终变期染色体标本是进行染色体显微操作的理想材料;(2)DOP-PCR扩增产物片段在200~1 000 bp之间,平均600
[...] bp左右;(3)杂交结果显示,本研究所获得的单条染色体是黄鳝3号染色体;(4)与显微操作仪和 激光 分 离 相比较,该方法不需要昂贵 器 , 在常规实验室即可操作,具有广泛的普及应用意义。
The hybridization results show that: (1) Chromosome specimen of meiosis Ⅰ diakinesis is the ideal material for single chromosome microisolation; (2) The sizes of DOP PCR products range from 200 bp to 1 000 bp, averagely 600 bp;(3) The single chromosome obtained in the study is rice field eel chromosome 3;(4)
[...] [...] Compared with micro manipulator and micro laser beam, the methods developed in the study [...]
can be more widely used in ordinary laboratory for requiring no expensive instrument.
[...] 年);“产后甲醛暴露对老鼠海马状突起和 大脑半球的锥体细胞数量、细胞层体积的影响:一个体视学研究”(2007 年);“褪激素可 防止甲醛诱导的老鼠前额皮层神经毒害:免疫组 化学 和 生 物 化学研 究”(2007 年);“咖啡酸苯乙酯对防止老鼠因吸入香烟烟雾造成肝损伤的保护作 用”(2007 年);“W-3 必需脂肪酸对防止甲醛诱导老鼠前额皮层神经元损伤的保 [...] [...]
护作用”(2007 年);“W-3 脂肪酸在老鼠脑缺血再灌注模型中的保护作用”(2007 年)。
(2008); “Effects of post-natal formaldehyde exposure on pyramidal cell number, volume of cell layer in hippocampus and hemisphere in the rat: a
stereological study”
[...] (2007); “Melatonin prevents formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity in prefrontal cortex of rats: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study” (2007); [...]
“The protective effects
of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against liver damage induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 fatty acids in a rat focal cerebral ischaemia-reperfusion model” (2007).
脉冲Nd:YAG激光器能够 进行高精度切割,因为这 激光器 具 有高峰值功率和低平均功率,能有效地使很多材料 化 , 并且总发热量很低。
Pulsed Nd:YAG lasers can perform very high tolerance cutting because of their high peak power and low average power, which efficiently vaporises a lot of material and keeps the total heat input low.
审查证实,第 1540(2004)号决议的通过推动了在世界
[...] 各地采取重要步骤,来防止非国家行为者制造、获取、 拥有、发展、运输、转让或使用核 器 、 化学 武 器或 生物武器及其运载工具,并且还促进了收集各国在这 [...]
Without going into greater detail, I am pleased to mention that the review confirmed that the adoption of resolution 1540 (2004) has prompted significant steps to be taken around the world to prevent non-State actors from manufacturing, acquiring, possessing,
developing, transporting, transferring
[...] or using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons [...]
or their means of delivery, and has also
facilitated the gathering of comprehensive data on the measures taken by States in this regard.
用于光动力疗法、切割、化和凝 固组织的二极 激光器。
Diode lasers for photodynamic therapy, cutting, vaporizing and coagulating [...]
化学武器公约》缔约国的部长化学 武 器 受 害 者及其家人给予了适当关 注,并声明其坚信,国际支助是一项紧急的人道主义需求,可以向所有遭化 学武器的受 害者提供特殊护理和援助,《公约》缔约国和禁 化学 武 器 组 织应 立即着重于满足这些需求,有可能包括通过设立一个国际支助网络。
The Ministers
[...] of the States Parties to the CWC, while paying due respect to the chemical weapons victims and their families, declare their firm conviction that international support to provide special care and assistance to all victims suffering the effects of exposure to chemical weapons is an urgent humanitarian need [...]
and that the States Parties to the Convention as well as the OPCW should pay urgent attention to
meeting these needs including through the possible establishment of an international support network.
标准倾斜头调整功能支持制造面向 CO2 激光器市场的椭圆光学器件( 调整范围介于 -5 到 25 度之间)。
The standard tilt head adjustment feature allows for
[...] manufacturing elliptical optics for the CO2 laser market with adjustments [...]
from -5 to 25 degrees.
活动类型:虚构的纺织品除了服装,箱包,手袋等皮革制品和其他材料,鞋,肥皂,洗涤剂,清洁剂,抛光剂,香水 化 妆 品 ,电器灯具及照明设备,仪器,用于接收,录制和播放声音和图像 光学器 件 , 照片和电影设备,家具,珠宝和贵重金属和宝石,钱币,纪念章,体育用品,玩具和商品场的主要群体技术文章:电子教育游戏,玩具,电池供电的充气无线电控制和玩具及零件,设计师,风筝,消费电子和电气设备,玻璃和陶瓷,厨具,照明设备,计算器,办公室和家庭,相框,银器,鲜花,珠宝文具制造的商品,袋,雨伞,皮革制品和毛皮,时装配饰,纺织品,钟表,圣诞饰品等。
Type of activity: made-up textile articles, except apparel, luggage, handbags and other leather goods and other materials, shoes, soap,
detergents, cleaners,
[...] polishes, perfumes, cosmetics, electrical lamps and lighting equipment, apparatus for receiving, recording and playback sound and image, optical devices, photo and [...]
cinema equipment, furniture,
jewelry, and technical articles of precious metals and stones, coins, medals, sporting goods, toys and games main groups of goods: Electronic and educational games, toys, battery powered inflatable radio-controlled and toys and parts thereof, designers, kites, consumer electronics and electrical equipment, goods made of glass and ceramics, kitchenware, lighting equipment, calculators, stationery for office and home, picture frames, silverware, flowers, jewelry, bags, umbrellas, leather goods and furs, fashion accessories, textiles, clocks, Christmas ornaments, etc.
Veeco NEXUS TAMR PVD 系统可沉积用激光器光波导的关键低损耗薄膜层它具有以“介电操作模式”和“金属操作模式”对 化 物 薄 膜进行加热沉积的功能。
The Veeco NEXUS TAMR PVD System deposits
[...] critical low-loss films that make the optical waveguide of the laser. It features heated deposition capability of the oxide films in "dielectric" and "metal [...]
modes" of operation.
Stroker 785L将采用自由空间VPH(体积位相全息)光栅的一个ƒ/1.3分光仪、一个稳定的7 85 nm激光器和一 个采用ADI精密模数转换器技术的 学 级 CCD(电荷耦合器件)相机相结合。
The Stroker 785L combines a ƒ/1.3 spectrometer using a free-space VPH
(volume phase
[...] holographic) grating, a stabilized 785-nm laser, and a scientific CCD camera that integrates ADI’s [...]
precision A/D converter technology.
激光切割机,激光切割雕刻机,激光打标机,激光雕刻机,CO2系统,YAG系统,CO2激光管,激光聚焦透镜,激光反射镜,激光电源,工业用水冷却机 激光光学 , 激光 控 制 系统,激光切割头和配件等。
Laser Cutting Machines, Laser Cutting Engraving Machine, Laser Marking Machine, Laser
Engraver, Co2 System, YAG System, Co2
[...] Laser Tube, Laser Focusing Lens,Laser Reflector Mirror, [...]
Laser Power Supply, Industrial
Water Cooler Unit, Laser Optics, Laser Control System, Laser Cutting Head and accessories etc.
瞄准仪可以增强和“校正”激光发出的光束,HPDFO 随后激光束聚焦到比普光学器件 系统更加集中的光斑上,从而提高激光的功率密度。
The collimator expands and "straightens" the beam as it exits the
[...] laser, and then the HPDFO lens kit focuses the laser beam onto a much [...]
more concentrated spot than can be practically achieved with standard optics systems, increasing the power density of the laser.
得出风力乘数(其将把区域性风灾与特定地 点的风速相联系)的一项重要投入是高质量的海拔和土地使用分类数据集,该 数据集通过处理后的光探测和测距 激光 雷 达)数据而获得,这是一项可用于 测量与目标的距离或目标的其他特性 光学 遥 感 技术,具体方法是通过用光照 亮目标,通常利激光脉冲
An important input to the development of wind multipliers that will relate the regional wind hazard to the location-specific wind speed is the high-quality elevation and land-use classification datasets derived from the post
processed high light
[...] detection and ranging (Lidar) data, an optical remote sensing technology that can measure the distance to, or other properties of a target by illuminating the target with light, often using pulses from a laser.




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