

单词 化妆舞会

See also:

化妆 pl

cosmetics pl


put on makeup

舞会 n

ball n
party n
prom n

会化 n

socialization n

External sources (not reviewed)

副主席Tim Sullivan先生在万圣节之夜举行的告别晚宴 化妆舞会 上 担 任主持。
Vice President Tim
[...] Sullivan hosts a masquerade party at the final [...]
banquet held on Halloween evening.
狂欢从Una Discoteca in
[...] Maschera开始,所有来宾在深夜时分佩戴银色面具,烟花从舞台上落下,歌剧歌手、空中表演者和舞蹈者穿戴着威尼 化妆舞会 的 服 饰隆重登场,音乐DJ Alex Gaudino播放着Nessun Dorma。
The event was brought to life with three key 'Acts,' Una Discoteca in Maschera, and at midnight all guests wore silver masquerade masks as fireworks fell from the
stage and Opera singers, Aerial
[...] performers and dancers wearing Venetian masquerade costumes kicked [...]
off the global event while
DJ Alex Gaudino spun Nessun Dorma.
罗德尼和Fender去参舞会的化身, 只听到棘轮宣布,Bigweld未能出席。
Rodney and Fender go to the ball in disguise, only to hear Ratchet announce that Bigweld was unable to attend.
瓦克还在本次巴西国化妆品工业展 会 上 展 示新型有机硅乳化剂BELSIL® OW 1500。
At FCE Cosmetique, WACKER will
[...] also present its new silicone emulsifying agent BELSIL® [...]
OW 1500.
瓦克,以有机硅为基础的整体解决方案的领先供应商,将在2013年中国国 化妆 品 、 个人及家庭护理用品原料展 会 ( PCHi 2013)上展示其最新产品和创新性有机硅解决方案。
WACKER, a leading supplier of complete silicone-based solutions, will present its latest products and innovative solutions at the upcoming Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) 2013 trade show.
为此目的作出以下调整:a) 根据 2003 年 6 月在印度新德里举行的不同文明间对话部长 级国会议的 要求,使教科文组织领域内所开展的活动更加具 化 ; b) 从全舞台到 地区舞 台,2003 年 8 月在前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国奥赫里德举办的“不同文明间对话地区论坛”便 [...]
是一例;c) 强调了各个级别上包括公民社会在内的多方面参与的必要性,还强调了必须调动
Several refinements were introduced to that end: (a) a concretization of the type of activities to be undertaken in UNESCO’s domains, as defined by the International Ministerial Conference on the Dialogue among
Civilizations, held
[...] in New Delhi, India, in June 2003; (b) a move from the global to the regional arena, exemplified by the “Regional Forum on Dialogue [...]
among Civilizations”,
held in Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in August 2003; and (c) the emphasis on the need for multi-stakeholder involvement, including civil society, at various levels as well as the need to mobilize the entire range of UNESCO mechanisms and networks – field offices, National Commissions, chairs and fellowships.
150名学员每年参加的会文化学习班,为他们提供掌握一门专业技巧的培训:如舞台布景设计、制片、灯光的使用、互动录影、发型 化妆 、 排版 、 舞 台 服 装设计、计算机制图、播音操作以及动画。
The socio-cultural workshops in which these 150 students participate each year offer them a chance to specialize through technical workshops like staging design, production, lighting, interactive video, hairdressing and makeup, publishing, costume [...]
design, computer
graphics, audio and animation.
一个工作组将为每位选手提供发型 化妆 、 舞 蹈 、 舞台表演和声乐培训方面的专业指导。
An entourage will provide each finalist with
[...] expertise on hair and makeup, choreography, stage presence [...]
and vocal coaching.
同时,会事务、退 伍军人和青年 改造部与另外 九个非政府组织合 作, 共同实施为社区贫困家庭提供服务的项目,如,磅湛希望之家接收了 29 名少女, 并 对 她 们 进化妆 和 缝纫课培训。
In the mean time, Ministry of Social
[...] Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation has cooperated with nine others NGOs to find a project to provide services to poor families in the communities; for instance, The Home of Hope in Kampong Cham has received 29 girls for cosmetic and sewing class training.
应秘书处要求,工发组织提交了阿比让 COPACI 在化妆品气溶胶的生产中通过转 化成烃气溶胶喷射剂淘汰 CFC-12 项目执行情况的进度报告,供执行委 会 第 五 十二会 议审议。
As requested by the Secretariat, UNIDO has submitted a progress report on the implementation of the project for the phase-out of CFC-12 in the manufacture of cosmetics aerosols by conversion to hydrocarbon aerosol propellant at COPACI, Abidjan for consideration by the Executive Committee at its 52nd Meeting.
位于克利夫兰,该大学将具有前瞻性思想的教育 会 独 特 地结合到 舞 人 心的 文 化 环 境 中。
Located in Cleveland, the university offers a unique combination of
[...] forward-thinking educational opportunities in an inspiring cultural setting.
第二个双年度优先事项将着眼于在国 舞 台 上 宣扬 化 与 发 展之间的联系,论证这种 联系是当今全化城市 中通过创新和创造来推动经济、 会 发 展 ,促进 化 间 对 话的动力, 适用于制定有效援助的政策和机制。
The second biennial priority will
focus on harnessing the
[...] linkages between culture and development within the international arena by demonstrating their relevance in aid effectiveness policies and mechanisms as an economic and social driver to promote intercultural dialogue through innovation and creativity in today’s globalized societies.
瓦克在本次巴西国化妆品工业展 会 上 推出具有良好成膜性的新一代氨基官能团有机硅乳液BELSIL® ADM 8301 E和BELSIL® ADM 6300 E。
BELSIL® ADM 8301 E and BELSIL® ADM 6300 E present a new generation of film forming aminofunctional silicone emulsions.
该副总理代表非洲集团在 3 月 25 日的文化烹饪之夜和会纪念会议上发言,而赤道几内亚的 化 歌 舞 团 参 加了 3 月 22 日的文化烹饪之 夜以及 3 月 25 日的活的遗产音乐会。
Representing the African Group, the Deputy Prime Minister addressed the Cultural Culinary Evening and the Commemorative Meeting of the General
Assembly on 25 March,
[...] while the cultural ensemble of Equatorial Guinea participated in the Cultural Culinary [...]
Evening on 22 March, and
in the Living Legacy Concert on 25 March.
在这些活动的范围内,向 10 名贩运人口活动受害者提供了美发化 妆 和 电 脑 会 计 方面的培训。
Within these activities, 10 victims of
trafficking in human beings were afforded training and education
[...] for hair stylists, cosmeticians and computer based [...]
免费美颜礼宾服务及全新乔治·阿玛尼美妆专 化妆 品 进 驻装茸一新的店面内, 会 为 所 有 光临新加坡DFS环球免税店的顾客带来多方位感官的奢华享受。
The inclusion of complimentary Beauty Concierge services and new-to-market Giorgio Armani Beauty cosmetics housed in the newly renovated space promises a multi-sensorial experience for all patrons of DFS Galleria Singapore’s Beauty Hall.
在以往的 NPE 展会 上, 典型的展品包括未来汽车或厨房灶台的设计理念、关键性医疗设备方面 的最新商业化突破、微精电子连接器、时髦 化妆 品 容 器、动力工具外壳、 光学存储媒体、住房绝缘材料、自动玩具、金属替代材料齿轮和橡胶替代材 料垫圈。
Typical examples from past NPEs range from design concepts for tomorrow’s automobiles or kitchen counters to
the latest
[...] commercial breakthroughs in critical medical devices, micro-precise electronic connectors, stylish cosmetics containers, power-tool housings, optical storage media, home insulation, automated toys, metal-replacing [...]
gears, and rubberreplacing gaskets.
演员在开拍前化妆,但有时 拍摄过程妆容会消失 ,因此需要进行补妆。
The Actor is made up before filming, but sometimes the make-up wears off during filming and new make-up must be reapplied.
在生物多样性全球商务座会期间 ,就生物贸易 化妆 品 和时装行业 之间的互动问题举办了一次会议,目标受众是国际企业代表、非政府组织和政府 [...]
( 七月份)。
(b) A session during the Global Business of
Biodiversity Symposium on
[...] BioTrade’s interaction with the cosmetics and fashion industries, with [...]
the target audience being international
business representatives, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governments (July).
According to the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association, [...]
PA+ corresponds to a UVA protection factor between two and four, PA++
between four and eight and PA+++ more than eight.
該地區進行的深度鑽探顯示出已知礦脈北部存在令人舞 的礦化潛力跡象。
Deep drilling in the same area has shown
[...] encouraging signs of mineralisation potential to [...]
the north of known ore lenses.
如在执行委会第四十三会议核 准的罗马尼亚国家方案修订稿中 (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/43/48 and Add.1)所报告,在 1998 年,罗马尼亚的唯一气雾化妆 品制造商(Farmec-Cluj, Napoca)已 转用碳氢化合物气雾剂推进剂。
As reported in the country programme update for Romania approved at the 43rd
Meeting of the Executive
[...] Committee (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/43/48 and Add.1), in 1998, the only manufacturer of cosmetic aerosols in Romania (Farmec-Cluj, Napoca) was converted to the use of hydrocarbon aerosol propellant (HAP).
我们有丰富的活动供您选择:以Wii为代表的先进互动游戏、4D影院、水上乐园、其乐融融的夜间娱乐、剧场演出、马戏表演还有盛大 舞会。
Interactive play on cutting-edge Wii consoles or a night at the 4D
cinema, family fun in the Aqua Park and evening entertainment, from theatre and cabaret
[...] to circus, music and dance each night.
珠光和金属效果颜料 — 美的基本特性
[...] 使香粉、眼影、指甲油、护发产品 和沐浴乳具有迷人的闪亮效果和独特而合适的 尺寸,从而创造了全新的会,并 使其成为制 化妆 品 不可缺少的成分。
Pearlescent and metallic pigments – classic
[...] features which orchestrate beauty, give powders, haircare products [...]
and shower gels a fascinating shimmering effect.
小 组讨论成员有:贸发会议秘书长、比利时公共企业、科学政策及发展合作部部 长、秘鲁维护竞争和保护知识产权国家机构主席和秘鲁代表团团长、南非驻世界
[...] 贸易组织大使、卡塔尔驻联合国日内瓦办事处大使、瑞士联邦政府经济事务司贸 易促进处处长、秘鲁外交部国际经济谈判司司长和印度尼西 化妆 品 协 会会 长。
The panellists were the Secretary-General of UNCTAD; the Minister for Public Enterprises, Scientific Policy and Development Cooperation of Belgium; the President of Peru’s National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) and Head of the Delegation of Peru; the Ambassador of South Africa to the World Trade Organization (WTO); the Ambassador of Qatar to the United Nations in Geneva; the Head of the Division for Trade Promotion of Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs; the Director of International
Economic Negotiations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru; and the President of
[...] the Indonesian Cosmetics Association.
比如,婚纱礼服可以自己挑选颜色、面料、款式,化妆造型方面 化妆 师 会 根 据新人的脸型肤色等进行化妆,甚至POSE方面,新人可以自己发挥创意,作出富有意义的造型。
For example, wedding dress can choose their own color, fabric, style,
make-up, make-up artist will according to
[...] the new face skin, makeup, and even POSE, [...]
people can be creative, to make a meaningful form.
这次活动的化部分有喀麦隆国家芭 舞 团 的演出、赤道几内亚的一个歌舞 团表演的传统舞蹈、安提瓜和巴布达的乐团演出的钢鼓音乐和圣卢西亚 化 组织 的民舞蹈。
The cultural aspect of the event featured performances by the National Ballet of Cameroon, traditional dance by an ensemble from Equatorial Guinea, steel pan music performed by an orchestra from Antigua and Barbuda, and folkloric dancing by the St. Lucia Cultural Organization.




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