

单词 3-pos 4-way






聚四氢呋喃聚乙烯甘醇(TPEG)聚 1,4-丁二醇和聚乙烯甘醇(PEG)的块 状共聚物。
Polytetrahydrofuran polyethylene glycol (TPEG) is a block co-polymer of poly 1,4Butanediol and polyethylene glycol (PEG).
(b) 本公司於香港之总办事处及主要营业地点位於香港德辅道中189号李宝椿大厦 20楼2001-02室。
(b) The Head office and principal place of business in Hong Kong of the Company is at Unit 2001-02, 20th Floor, Li Po Chun Chambers, 189 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
经提升後的大埔设施将透过多项服务,包括设备托管、卫星讯号上行链路,以及为电 视服务供应商提供灾难修复和播放能力的设施,藉此开拓新收入来源。
The improved Tai Po facility will open up new streams of revenue through services that include colocation of equipment, satellite signal uplinking, facilities for disaster recovery and a playout capability for TV service providers.
根据设计的用户板的类型,JTAG 仿真器接口设 计规范可参考下面附录部分的文档。
Refer to the following Appendix sections of this document regarding the JTAG emulator pod interface design requirements for the type of target you are designing.
摩尔多瓦共和国是多族裔的国家( 少数民族占人口的35.5%) ,正因为此,我 国持续地作出努力,确保尊重对属于少数民族的人尊重其族裔、文化、语言和宗 教身份,同时并采取措施,旨在为允许他们表达,维持和发展这一身份而创造适 当的条件。
The Republic of Moldova is a poly-ethnic state (national minorities represent 35.5% of the population), which is why efforts are continuously taken to ensure respect for ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of persons belonging to national minorities, along with measures aiming at creating appropriate conditions to allow them to express, preserve and develop this identity.
On their first night camping in their grandfather’s RV affectionately named the “Rust Bucket,” Ben finds an alien pod with a mysterious watch-like device named the Omnitrix.
在本港,除害剂的入口、生产、售卖和供应均受《除害剂条例》(第133 章)规管,有关条文由渔农自然护理署负责执行,但有关出售供人食用的食物必须合乎 衞生、未经搀杂和适宜供人食用一事则受《公众衞生及市政条例》(第132章)规管,有 关条文由食物环境衞生署(食环署)负责执行。
In Hong Kong, the regulation of import, manufacture, sale and supply of pesticides came under Pesticides Ordinance (PO), Cap. 133, which was enforced by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, whereas the regulation of food on sale for human consumption must be wholesome, unadulterated and fit for human consumption came under PHMSO, Cap. 132, which was enforced by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD).
The packing material is a porous poly hydroxymethacrylate polymer.
2009 年 6 月至 2010 年 4 月,在最初的研究完成之后,来自 Tangerine 的设 计团队发起设计“对话咖啡馆”,“对话咖啡馆”协会着手实施项目战略,制定全 球传播交流,确定对话咖啡馆的第一批试点城市和地方伙伴试点单位。
From June 2009 to April 2010, after the initial research was completed, a team of designers from Tangerine developed the design of the Dialogue Café pod and the Dialogue Café Association began implementing the strategy for the project, namely by developing a global communication exchange and identifying cities and local partnerships for the first pilot units of Dialogue Cafés.
此外,PIPE还利用大容量超级信道传输技术在亚太地区首次部署英飞朗的100 Gb/s相干波长。
The use of the DTN-X platform on PPC-1 opens PIPE up to significantly increased capacity on PPC-1, delivering in excess of 3 Tb/s. It will also allow PIPE to deploy Infinera's 100 Gb/s coherent wavelengths using high capacity super-channel transmission for the first time in the Asia-Pacific region.
Whether one encounters Indium Tin Oxide, Zinc Oxide, or Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), our proprietary ITO optical model, coupled with our visible/near IR instruments, can solve for both thickness and optical constants at a fraction of the cost and effort of a spectroscopic ellipsometer.
SEM includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click advertising (PPC), as well as using all other areas and services offered by Search Engines.
Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou is strategically located in the heart of the new business district of Guangzhou, adjacent to the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Centre and across from Poly World Trade Expo Center.
恒生银行副董事长兼行政总裁柯清辉先生在今天举行的奖学金茶聚上, 颁发今年的海外留学奖学金予三位香港得奖学生,分别为意大利联合世 界书院的江晨欣小姐、新加坡华中初级学院的李小宝小姐及香港李宝椿 联合世界书院的陆嘉殷小姐。
At a reception held today, Mr Raymond Or, the Bank's Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive, presented this year's overseas scholarships under the Hong Kong programme to Miss Jiang Chenxin, United World College, Italy; Miss Lee Siu Po, Hwa Chong Junior College, Singapore; and Miss Phyllis Luk, Li Po Chun United World College, Hong Kong.
我很感谢我的旅伴,感谢他独特的见解, 我对 “和平一天” 能够与 Skype 进行合作 为您提供此课程感到十分激动,该课程使 年轻人能够完成他们的“三个步骤”并与 世界其他人联系,使他们成为跨文化合作 以及帮助 “和平一天” 在 2012 年 9 月 21 日 让 30 亿人了解和平日的先锋。
I’m grateful to my travelling companion for his insight, and I’m thrilled that POD is partnering with Skype to bring you this lesson, enabling young people to complete their THREE STEPS and connect with others around the world, becoming champions of intercultural cooperation and helping POD to reach 3 billion people with the message of Peace Day by 21 September 2012.
Native to West Africa, the Griffonia shrub produces an oval pod containing seeds traditionally eaten as vegetables and said to provoke a slightly aphrodisiac feeling of well-being.
作为 “和平一天” 通信的一部分,我们请其 他人用照片或视频记录他们的“和平日”活 动,并与我们分享。
As part of POD’s communications, we ask that people record their Peace Day activity, through photographs or moving images, and share them with us.
适合此阶段婴儿玩的认知型 和手握型玩具,常见的有:镜子、磨牙玩具、轻的球(如有音乐的、有音乐钟的、 抓握用的、有特效的和有凹凸纹理的球)、多种纹理和多感官元素的婴儿玩具、 手握型板块、婴儿健身房、布玩具、毛绒玩具、挤压即响玩具、嵌套玩具、分类 玩具、堆叠式玩具、简单因果关系玩具(如弹出式玩具和不倒翁)、大粒串珠、 塑料钥匙串等。
Examples of cognitive and motor manipulative toys for these children include mirrors, teething toys, lightweight balls (such as musical, chiming, grasping, special effects, and textured balls), multi-textured and multi-sensory infant toys, manipulative panels, activity gyms, cloth toys, plush toys, squeeze and squeak toys, nesting toys, sorting toys, stacking toys, simple cause-and-effect toys such as pop-up toys and roly-poly toys, large beads on rings, and plastic keys on rings.
倘 保 释 金 被 充 公 或 无 人 认 领 , 值 日 官 顸 将 正 副 本 贴 回 保 释 簿 的 第 二 副 本 之 上 , 并 将 法 庭 签 收 保 释 金 的 印 据 贴 附 Po1 4 0 的 正 本 之 後 。
He shall then paste both the original and duplicate copies back into the bail book on top of the triplicate copies and also paste the bail receipt issued by court to the original Pol 40 in case of estreated or unclaimed bail.
於 本 公 告 刊 发 日 期 , 本 公 司 的 执 行 董 事 为 欧 阳 和 先 生( 主 席 )、 欧 阳 伯 康 先 生( 行 政 总 裁 )及 蔡 宝 儿 女 士 ; 本 公 司 的 非 执 行 董 事 为 甘 志 超 先 生 、 Arvind Amratlal Patel 先 生 及 王 俊 光先生 ; 及 本 公 司 的 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 为 陆 观 豪 先 生 、 Patrick Thomas Siewert 先 生 及 Steven Julien Feniger 先 生 。
As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Auyang Ho (Chairman), Mr. Auyang Pak Hong, Bernard (Chief Executive Officer) and Ms. Choi Po Yee, Alice; the non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Kam Chi Chiu, Anthony, Mr. Arvind Amratlal Patel and Mr. Wong Chun Kong and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Luk Koon Hoo, Mr. Patrick Thomas Siewert and Mr. Steven Julien Feniger.
港乐「社群和谐」筹款音乐会演出乐友及出席嘉宾尚包括(以出场先後序):保良局蔡继有学校、右思维幼稚园、KinderU铃木音乐学院、李轩先生、甘颖昶先生、蔡筱蕊小姐、汤珍妮小姐、刘元生先生及夏定忠先生、方津生医生及汪明欣小姐、陈庆丽小姐、何光鸿先生、Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera、民政事局副秘书长甄美薇女士JP、刘懿翎女士、邱咏筠女士、周董立茂女士以及Tasha Lalvani女士。
The stellar roster of the Hong Kong Phil and Friends “The Community in Harmony” Fundraising Concert includes (in chronological order): Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School, Rightmind Kindergarten, KinderU Suzuki Music Academy, Mr Lee Hin, Mr Wing-Chong Kam, Ms Shirley Choi, Ms Jenny Tong, Mr Y.S. Liu & Mr John Harding, Dr David Fang & Ms Wong Ming Yan, Ms Sophia Chan, Mr Thomas Ho, Mr Philip Lee & Ms Jigs Abiera.
计划举行的座谈会包括:同阿拉伯地区新闻记者的座谈 会(日期待定)、葡萄牙座谈会(5 月下旬)、法国座谈会(包括外国通讯员--8 月底、9 月 初)以及同巴黎政治学院新闻系学生的座谈会(4 月 4 日)。
This is being planned with a group of journalists from the Arab region (date yet to be decided); Portugal (late May); France (including foreign correspondents – late August early September); and a group of journalism students from Sciences Po in Paris (May 4).




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