单词 | 匐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 匐—fall prostrateExamples:匍匐v—prostratev 匍匐—creep crawl 匍匐n—repentn
积雪草生长于东南亚、澳大利亚及非洲的阴暗潮湿地带,匍匐茎,开小朵伞形花。 clarinsusa.com | Centella asiatica grows in the [...] shady, humid regions of South East Asia, Australia and [...] Africa where its creeping stems produce [...]small umbrella-shaped flowers. clarinsusa.com |
委员会指出,根据目前的资料, [...] 植物生理机能存在区别以及无土栽培系统缺乏成本效益是草莓匐茎系统过渡到 无土栽培过程中需要关注的潜在问题。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | Information regarding differences in the physiological performance of plants and the lack of cost-effectiveness of soilless systems were [...] identified by the Committee as potential issues of concern [...] for strawberry runner systems moving [...]to soilless production. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
柠檬百里香是由匐枝百里香和普通百里香杂交而来,因其叶子具有浓郁的柠檬香气而与众不同。 clarinsusa.com | Lemon thyme is obtained by crossing wild thyme and common thyme and is distinctive for the strong lemon fragrance of its leaves. clarinsusa.com |
关于加拿大的草莓匐茎,委员会同样建议采用无土栽培方法,这使减少 10%的甲基溴提名豁免量在技术上成为可能。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | With regard to Canadian strawberry runners, the Committee also recommended soilless production as being technically feasible for 10 per cent of the nomination. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
在对该缔约方提供的进一步资料进行重新评估 后,委员会仍然认为,在无土栽培苗圃匐茎的早期阶段,减少 10%的甲基溴使 用量是可能的。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | After a reassessment of further information provided by the party, a reduction of 10 per cent was still considered possible for the uptake of soilless production in early-generation nursery runners. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
一位代表某国家集团发言的代表指出,他所在区域的所有缔约方都已成功 地淘汰甲基溴的草莓匍匐茎用途,其它缔约方应针对确定的问题制定解决方 案。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | One representative, speaking on behalf of a group of countries, said that all parties in his region had succeeded in achieving a total phase-out of methyl bromide use for strawberry runners and that other parties should work to develop solutions to the problems identified. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
关于澳大利亚的草莓匐茎,委员会认为,迄今为止,转用基质栽培的做 法已在许多国家取得了成功。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | With regard to Australian strawberryrunners,the Committee considered that the transition to substrates had been successful to date in many countries. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
但是,该缔约方无法接受甲 基溴技术选择委员会提出的在近期内转为无土栽培草莓匍匐茎的建议,因为这 意味着生产方式将发生巨大变化,该方法还未在加拿大得到证实,会带来巨大 的技术挑战、增加成本并引发市场混乱。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The party, however, could not accept the recommendation of the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee that it switch in the near future to soilless cultivation of strawberry runners, as that would mean a large change to production methods not yet proven in Canada, presenting significant technical challenges, adding greatly to costs and causing market disruption. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
本种类似于Begonia grandis,但是相差在具匍匐茎和 雄花和雌花为2被片的。 flora.ac.cn | This species is similar to Begonia grandis but differs by the [...] presence of stolons and the 2-tepaled [...]staminate and pistillate flowers. flora.ac.cn |
此时应缓慢地将猫 由地面匍匐平移到运输工具内。 animalsasia.org | Slowly move the cat on the ground into the transfer tools. animalsasia.org |
匍匐茎给1米,节上生根,节间叶柄2.5 1.5-4 厘米X约1.2毫米,作为厚或稍比匍匐茎厚; 卵形的叶片卵形到长圆形,2-5厘米,纸质,疏生长柔毛,边缘浅裂中间以下和具圆齿在中部以上,和倒卵形的第5-9裂片的尖锐。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 2.5-6 X ca. 1.2 mm, as thick or slightly thicker than stolon; leaf blade ovate to oblong-ovate, 2-5 cm, papery, sparsely villous, margin lobed below middle and acutely crenate above middle, segments 5-9 and obovate. flora.ac.cn |
你好,我想知道如果有真的是Carobinha的领域,如果可以的话,看到的画面,在哪里可以找到种子,但它确实是匍匐在地板上树因为我已经知道了,谢谢。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | Hello, I wonder if there really is Carobinha the field if you [...] can, see picture, where to find seeds, but it [...] is what gives creepingonthe floor because [...]the tree I already know, thanks. en.arteblog.net |
一年生草本 秆直立从一匍匐或那里斜升基部,30-80厘米高,有毛的微小的立即在花序下面,稀疏有毛的节。 flora.ac.cn | Culms erectfroma creepingorobliquely ascending [...] base, 30–80 cm tall, minutely hairy immediately below inflorescence, nodes thinly hairy. flora.ac.cn |
根状茎匍匐;节间的0.3-1.1 厘米叶全部基生; 托叶卵形或者宽卵形, 10-12 * 7-10 毫米; 叶柄3-16毫米,最初带白色长硬毛状柔毛,老时脱落;叶片斜宽卵形或近圆形, 3.5-18 * 4-14 厘米,草质,具细纤维,具长柔毛在脉上, 最初带白色的毛,锈色的的晚些时候,绿色,深绿色,或装饰具带白色或浅马蹄形污点, 疏生贴伏锈色的具细纤维在幼时,后无毛,基部5-8脉,基部心形,边缘不规则齿或细齿,长缘毛,先端短渐尖,钝或圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves all basal; stipules ovate or broadly ovate, 10-12 × 7-10 mm; petiole 3-16 mm, initially whitish hirsute-villous, glabrescent when old; blade obliquely broadly ovate or suborbicular, 3.5-18 × 4-14 cm, herbaceous, abaxially fibrillose, villous on veins, hairs initially whitish, later rusty, adaxially green, dark green, or adorned with a whitish or pale horseshoe-shaped maculation, sparsely appressed rusty fibrillose when young, glabrescent, basally 5-8-veined, base cordate, margin irregularly dentate or denticulate, long ciliate, apex shortly acuminate, obtuse, or rounded. flora.ac.cn |
茎通常单身,直立在匍匐,很少分枝,20-40厘米高,具糙伏毛的疏生短。 flora.ac.cn | Stems usually single, erectto prostrate, rarely branched, 20-40 cm tall, sparsely short strigose. flora.ac.cn |
根状茎匍匐,有时分开,具长柔毛; 节间 3-6 * 2-6 毫米叶全部基生; 宽的托叶或者非常宽卵形, 3-5 * 3-6 毫米,流苏状; 叶柄2-11厘米,密被长柔毛; 幼时叶片两面具紫色红色的脉,圆形或扁球形或肾形, 2.5-6 * 3.4-8 厘米,草质或者厚草质, 背面具长柔毛在脉上,正面稀疏长硬长,基部6-8脉,小脉不明显,第三脉随机网状,基部心形,边缘细齿和长缘毛,不具明显先端。 flora.ac.cn | Leavesall basal; stipules broadly or very broadly ovate, 3-5 × 3-6 mm, fimbriate; petiole 2-11 cm, densely villous; blade with veins purple-red on both surfaces when young, oblate-orbicular or reniform, 2.5-6 × 3.4-8 cm, herbaceous or thickly so, abaxially villous on veins, adaxially sparsely long-hirsute, basally 6-8-veined, smaller veins obscure, tertiary veins randomly reticulate, base cordate, margin denticulate and long-ciliate, without a distinct apex. flora.ac.cn |
多年生草本 茎匍匐或匍匐,绿 色的或红色,20-50厘米,多分枝,通常节上生根,具白色膀胱状细胞。 flora.ac.cn | Stems prostrateor creeping, green or red, [...] 20-50 cm, much branched, often rooting from nodes, with white bladder cells. flora.ac.cn |
茎通常匍匐或斜开展,多分枝,有时分枝只自基部。 flora.ac.cn | Stem usuallyprostrate orobliquely spreading, much branched, sometimes branched only from base. flora.ac.cn |
榕果生在下垂,最终匍匐,无叶的小枝上,多少在地下成熟时,单生,多少梨形,具瘤,具鳞片状毛;花序梗8-10毫米; [...] 卵形的总苞片,不规则渐尖的先端; 侧苞片宿存。 flora.ac.cn | Figs on pendulous, [...] eventually prostrate, leafless branchlets, [...]± underground at maturity, solitary, ± pear-shaped, tuberculate, [...]with scale-like hairs; peduncle 8-10 mm; involucral bracts ovate, apex irregularly acuminate; lateral bracts present. flora.ac.cn |
最初茎匍匐和多叶然而缠绕,令2米,短柔毛的是沿着边与几乎均匀短柔毛,很少叶的上半部分。 flora.ac.cn | Stemsat first prostrateand leafy but then twining, to 2 m, pubescent along 2 sides to almost uniformly pubescent, upper parts few leaved. flora.ac.cn |
茎匍匐或上升,很少直立; 单叶 叶片肾形心形或圆形; 伞形花序单生 [...] 内果皮木质 或者不同的油管不明显,生于肋中,不在犁沟内(subfam。 Hydrocotyloideae)。 flora.ac.cn | Stemcreeping or ascending, rarely [...] erect; leaves simple; leaf blade reniform or rounded-cordate; umbels simple; endocarp [...]woody; vittae obscure or distinct, borne in the ribs, not in the furrow (subfam. Hydrocotyloideae). flora.ac.cn |
很少的花茎,匍匐在基部和根,直立向先端,8-15厘米,多叶的疏生的通常。 flora.ac.cn | Flowering stems few, prostrate at base and usually rooting, erect toward apex, 8-15 cm, sparsely leafy. flora.ac.cn |
至于该国草莓匍匐茎的 关键用途提名问题,他表示甲基溴技术选择 委员会提出的在 2014 年削减 10%的建议对该国而言存在困难。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | On the matter of his country’s critical-use nomination for strawberry runners, he said that the 10 per cent reduction for 2014 proposed by the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee presented difficulties for the party. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
多年生草本,1-7厘米高,从匍匐和生根基部直立具分枝的茎或从上部1(或2)节上分枝。 flora.ac.cn | Herbs, perennial, 1-7 cm [...] tall, erect from creeping and rooting base [...]with stems unbranched or branched from upper 1(or 2) nodes. flora.ac.cn |
他会背诵而坐,时从三四十诗句背诵,他起身站立时背诵出来,然后他会鞠躬匍匐。 mb-soft.com | He would recite while sitting, and when thirty or forty [...] verses remained from the recitation he would get up and recite them while standing and then he [...] would bow andprostrate. mb-soft.com |
草莓行业曾在 甲基碘的大规模商业推广方面做了大量研究和发展投资,这有可能为草莓匍匐茎行业的所有企业提供一种切实可行的替代品。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The strawberry industry had made a considerable research and development investment in commercial scale-up of methyl iodide, which was likely to provide a viable alternative for 100 per cent of the strawberry runner industry. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
前者的植株是到欧洲和W俄罗斯局限分布于匍匐二倍体(2n = 16); 他们有nonauriculate茎生叶,1-1.5毫米的萼片和花瓣和果通常-5) * 长于花梗。 flora.ac.cn | Plants of the former are prostrate diploids (2n = 16) restricted to Europe and W Russia; they have nonauriculate cauline leaves, sepals and petals 1-1.5 mm, and fruit often 2-3(-5) × longer than the pedicels. flora.ac.cn |
这是茂盛,多叶的种,具一种小的绿色的圆锥花序, 从小型多孔软岩到在更潮湿的形势方面的非常疏松,几乎有匍匐茎的发展,体型非常受环境因素的影响。 flora.ac.cn | Habit is greatly influenced by environmental factors, from compact tufts to much laxer, almoststoloniferous growth in moister situations. flora.ac.cn |
影片真实记录了美军部队军事演习的场景,他们艰难地穿过柏木沼泽地、组成人链渡过河流、匍匐前进并利用杂草和铁兰掩护。 wdl.org | In this 1940s film, made in northwest Florida in color but without sound, U.S. Army troops practice slogging through a cypress swamp, make a human chain across the river, crawl on their bellies, and use weeds and Spanish moss for camouflage. wdl.org |