单词 | 包涵 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 包涵—containless common: bear with excuse forgive See also:涵—include contain culvert
1.4.7 根据第一次调查的结果,我们在所选中的 13 间商店中,选出包涵最多预先包装食物的 商店并进行上述的调查工作。 cfs.gov.hk | Page 3 1.4.7 The shop selected for the abovementioned procedures in the [...] second survey was the shop with the [...] highest number of prepackaged foodproducts [...]amongst those 13 selected shops in the second survey. cfs.gov.hk |
由于时间关系,我无法全面探讨安理会这些行动的影响,但是希望着重指出 这一行动所包涵的几个政策问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Time does not permit a comprehensive review of the implications of these Council actions, but I want to highlight a few policy issues embedded in this practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
2015 年后的议程应包涵哪些内容,人们意见不一, 但各利益攸关方似乎都同意,需要拟定单一的 [...] 2015 年后联合国发展议程,其中 心是可持续发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Views differ on what such [...] an agenda should consistof, but stakeholders [...]seem to agree that there is a need to work towards [...]a single United Nations development agenda, post-2015, with sustainable development at its centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
中期报告及年报包涵全面的财务及业务回顾,以及企业管治、管理层讨论及分析等章节。 asiasat.com | The interim report and [...] annualreportcontain a full Financial [...]Review and an Operations Review together with sections on [...]Corporate Governance and Management Discussion and Analysis. asiasat.com |
历史新高或新低」是包涵名次和排序的概念,统计差误是关乎绝对数值的问题,两者属於不同层次,各有理据。 hkupop.hku.hk | Record high orlow" encompasses the concepts [...] of ranking and ordering, whereas statistical differences relate to absolute values. hkupop.hku.hk |
法律改革委员会正进行谘 询,以考虑是否将「持久授权书」包涵的范围进一步延伸 至授权人的物业及财政事务以外的事宜,包括授权人的个 人照顾。 legco.gov.hk | The Law Reform Commission of HKSAR is conducting a consultation to consider whether the scope of EPA should be extended beyond the donor’s property and financial affairs to include matters relating to the donor’s ‘personal care’. legco.gov.hk |
制片的主要职责包涵了进度会议,器材排班,应 收帐项,了解作业状况,并完成最终成品。 motion.kodak.com | The producer’s [...] responsibilities includescheduling sessions, [...]scheduling equipment, obtaining receivables, tracking elements [...]in the facility, and delivering the final product. motion.kodak.com |
关於就流产、终止怀孕或死产的情况发还部分而非全数 款项的原因,政府当局表示,退款数额订为不超过20,000元,目 的是希望产科套餐服务收费能够减低非符合资格人士使用公营 产科服务的意欲,以及包涵医管局推行新产科服务安排所需的 额外成本,当中包括运作预约制度的支出及提供服务的额外人 手开支。 legco.gov.hk | On the reason for providing a partial but not full refund for cases involving miscarriage, termination of pregnancy or still birth, the Administration advised that the refund amount was set at no more than $20,000 as a disincentive for NEPs to use public [...] obstetric services, as [...] well as tocover the additional costs incurred by HA in the implementation of the new obstetric service arrangements, which included thecost [...]of operating the booking [...]system and additional manpower cost for providing the obstetric services. legco.gov.hk |
每个程序集合包涵36步,每步可包含36个程序,程序集合的每步运行时间。 onearrows.com | Each collection of programs to bear withthe 36steps, each stepcontains 36programs, every step of the collection of programs running time. onearrows.com |
(2)昨日关於「香港市民身分认同调查」的发放包涵大量参考资料,读者适宜点击《香港大学民意网站》(网址为http://hkupop.hku.hk)内之「最新内容」详细审阅,以了解有关调查的背景和争论。 hkupop.hku.hk | (2) Yesterday’s release concerning [...] the “survey on Hong Kong people’s [...] ethnicidentity”includes a largeamountof reference [...]material, readers should click [...]on the “What’s New” at “HKU POP SITE” (website: http://hkupop.hku.hk) and read in detail, in order to understand the background and controversy related to this survey series. hkupop.hku.hk |
对此,一些会员国认为目前迫切需要教 [...] 科文组织帮助会员国提出文化指标,并在加强文 化政策方面给予更有力的支持,使文化政策享有 应有的地位并包涵所有的计划活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In that regard, certain States 153 considered it urgent that UNESCO assist Member States in providing cultural indicators and that even greater support be provided to [...] strengthen cultural policies to enable them to regain their [...] appropriate place by encompassing all programme [...]activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
21项 建议,内容包涵法律改革、服务、宣传、专业知识分享、性别观点主流化及性别 [...] 相关培训,以及及早识别和介入等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The WoC also put forward 21 [...] recommendations covering law reform; services; [...]publicity; professional knowledge-sharing; gender [...]mainstreaming and gender-related training; early identification and intervention, etc. daccess-ods.un.org |
阁 下 同 意 呈 交 上 网 站 的 [意 见] 将 不 违 反 任 何 第 三 方 的 任 何 权 利 包 括 知 识 产 权 ; [...] 以 及 此 [意 见] 不可包 涵诽谤性 的 、 不 合 法 [...]的 、 辱 骂 性 的 或 猥 亵 性 的 材 料 。 tokyobuy.com | You agree that no comments submitted [...] to the site will violate any right of any [...] third party, includingthe intellectual [...]property rights and the comments will [...]not contain libelous, unlawful, abusive or obscene material. tokyobuy.com |
服务包涵盖订制化的系统解决方案。 bosch.com.cn | Customized system solutions [...] complete theservicepackage. bosch.com.cn |
法律改革委员会正进行咨 询,以考虑是否将“持久授权书”包涵的范围进一步延伸至授权人的物业及财政 事务以外的事宜,包括授权人的个人照顾。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Law Reform Commission of HKSAR is conducting a consultation to consider whether the scope of EPA should be extended beyond the donor’s property and financial affairs to include matters relating to the donor’s ‘personal care’. daccess-ods.un.org |
当阁下使用 COSME-DE.COM﹝本网站﹞或注册成为本网站会员的同时,阁下将会被视作接受本条款之所有条件及规则所规管;所有该等条件及规则﹝包括但不限于 COSME-DE.COM 的私隐政策﹞于此经提述均被包涵在本条款内。 cosme-de.com | Before using this site or you may become a member of COSME-DE.COM, you must read and accept all of the terms in, and linked to, this Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. cosme-de.com |
因此,包涵了人与自然当前和未来福祉的和谐的概念至关 重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concept ofharmony, encompassingthe present and [...] future well-being of both humans and nature, was therefore very important. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告包 涵(其 中包括)以下范 畴 之 若 干 主 要 建 议 cre8ir.com | The report contains(amongother things) some [...] major recommendations on the following areas cre8ir.com |
现有工具包涵盖了广泛的领域:在和平与安全方面编制了冲突后 需求评估工具包,以帮助用户思考冲突后各方面的情况;其他两个工具包用于提 高工作人员关于冲突预防分析、优先次序确定和冲突预防分析能力评估的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thetoolkits now available cover awide range of fields. In the area of peace and security, the post-conflict needs assessment toolkit was designed to help users reflect on all aspects of post-conflict situations; two other toolkits were designed to increase staff capacity in conflict prevention analysis, prioritization and assessing the capacity to conduct conflict prevention analysis. daccess-ods.un.org |
这套指引包涵三个主要有助减低马鈴薯和谷類制品中丙烯酰胺含量 的策略 cfs.gov.hk | This set of [...] guidelines cover three main strategies for reducing acrylamide formation in potato and [...]cereal based products cfs.gov.hk |
此外,由于世界各地 许多加纳人和其他国民的多次不愉快经历,加纳代 [...] 表团认为,外国人有权要求由主管当局审理其案件 的权利应包涵尽一切可能寻求当地补救的权利,包 括诉诸法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, in the light of the numerous unpleasant experiences of many Ghanaians and other nationals around the world, his delegation believed that the right of an alien to have his or her [...] case reviewed by a competent authority should entail the right to exhaust [...] local remedies,including access to the courts. daccess-ods.un.org |
斯宾诺莎之车”包涵两种要素:我称之为“精神”要素和“世俗”要素。 shanghaibiennale.org | There are two different kinds of elements [...] in the “Spinoza-Car”: I call them the ‘spiritual’ ones and the ‘profanes’ ones. shanghaibiennale.org |
凡 一 切 於 网 站 上 使 用 及 展 示 的 材 料 (包 括 但 不 限 於 文 字 、 照 片 、 录 像 、 声 音 及 图 形 、 音 乐 、 标 识 、 标 志 、 连 结 、html 代码 、 商 标 、软 件 以 及 其 他 在 网 站 上 出 现 的 材 料) ("内 容") 均 为 tokyobuy.com 及 其 专 营 商 所 拥 有 或 持 牌 , 因 此 受 到 版 权 法 、 商 标 法 、 服 务 标 志 法 , 和 / 或 其 他 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 [...] 或 其 他 国 家 的 专 利 权 [...] 法 律 所 保 护 ("知 识 产 权"); 而 现 在 及 将 来 一切包 涵在[内 容] 中 和 属 於 内 容 的 知 识 产 权 , 无 论 任 [...]何 时 间 均 为 tokyobuy.com 的 专 有 财 产 。 tokyobuy.com | All materials used and displayed on the site (including but not limited to text, photographs, video, audio and graphics, music, logos, marks, links, html code, trademarks, software and other materials that appear on the site) ("contents") are owned by or licensed to Tokyobuy.com and its proprietors and are protected by copyrights, trademarks, services marks, and/or other proprietary laws of hksar or other countries ("the intellectual property rights") and all present and future intellectual property rights in and to the contents shall at all times be the sole and exclusive property of Tokyobuy.com. you agree that the use of the contents on the site is solely for personal and noncommercial (other than for the [...] purchase of merchandise from [...] the site) purposes (the "permitted use") provided that no right, titleor interest [...]of any nature in [...]the contents downloaded or copied for the permitted use shall be transferred to you. tokyobuy.com |
因 此 , 尽 管 我 们 有 少 许 迟 疑 , 我 们 仍 总 结 认 为 , 虽 然 我 们 与 小 组 委 员 会 的 大 多 数 成 员 一 样 , 同 意 订 立 新 的 实 质 欺 诈 罪 , 但 我 们 并 不 认 为 订 立 该 委 员 会 所 建议包 涵﹡欺诈 计 谋 ﹢ 的 元 素 的 罪 行 是 适 当 的 做 法 , 我 们 提 议 另 觅 新 的 定 义 。 hkreform.gov.hk | With some diffidence, we have therefore concluded that, while we agree with the majority of the sub-committee that a new substantive offence of fraud should be created, we do not believe that the sub-committee's proposed "scheme of fraud" offence is the appropriate course to follow. hkreform.gov.hk |
对包涵体进行变性、复性及纯化处理,并以8 mol/L 尿素溶解的包涵体作为免疫原免疫BALB/c 小鼠制备多克隆抗体。 actazool.org | Inclusion bodies dissolved in the solution of 8 mol/L urea were used as immunogen to prepare the polyclonal antibody in BALB/c mouse. actazool.org |
格劳博服务项目包涵括现状分析,提供建议,能效优化,并直到全套设备的效率提升。 grobgroup.com | The GROB services package not only comprises status analyses [...] but also consultation offers through to the optimization of [...]energy efficiency and the improvement of the overall system efficiency. grobgroup.com |
以上文书表明,受灾国对本国领土范围内的人员所承担的主要责任反映出主 权的“内部”方面,它可能也包涵在灾害影响超出国家应灾能力的情况下寻求外 [...] 部支持的义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The foregoing instruments suggest that the “internal” aspect of sovereignty, reflected in an affected State’s primary [...] responsibility towards persons within its [...] territory, may encompassa duty toseek [...]external support where national response capacities are overwhelmed. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些应用得益于使用了至少两种优化计算处理器的系统,包涵在基因组信息学、互联网数据处理、商业处理优化以及大多数非64字节浮点高性能计算(HPC)的应用中。 tipschina.gov.cn | The applications that benefit from a system with at least two optimized compute processor typesare those within genome informatics, Internet data processing, business process optimization, and most non 64-bit floating point HPC applications. tipschina.gov.cn |
据一项新的研究,在我们的太阳系中形成的最早的固体——钙铝富集包涵物(CAIs)及陨石球粒,它们都是在陨石中发现的——是在同一时期开始形成的,时间大约在45.67亿年之前。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The first solids to form in our solar system -- calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) and chondrules, which are both found in meteorites -- began forming at the same time, about 4.567 billion years ago, according to a new study. chinese.eurekalert.org |
串 谋 诈 骗 罪 名 的 定 义 已 反 映 其 [...] 覆 盖 范 围 : 该 罪名包 涵一项同 意 作 出 非 法 [...]作 为 的 协 议 ( 该 非 法 作 为 毋 顸 属 於 刑 事 罪 行 ) , 或 一 项 同 意 以 非 法 [...]手 段 作 出 合 法 作 为 的 协 议 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The breadth of the charge is inherent in its [...] definition: that it can consist ofan agreement [...]to do an unlawful (though not necessarily [...]criminal) act or an agreement to do a lawful act by unlawful means. hkreform.gov.hk |