

单词 包子

包子 ()

steamed stuffed bun


土包子 n

bumpkin n


what's gone can never come back


quick-tempered person


burial mound
unsophisticated country person (humble, applied oneself)
country bumpkin


pita bread (Middle eastern flat bread)


seed enclosed in artificial capsule


wrap jiaozi (dumplings or potstickers)

External sources (not reviewed)

子包括食 品添加剂、燃料催化剂、体育用品、特种建筑设备、电子产品、家用电器、遮光剂 和其它产品。
Examples include food additives, fuel catalysts, sports goods, specialty building equipment, electronics, [...]
household appliances, sunscreens and other products.
[...] 会还注意到,进度报告提供了南南合作的 子 , 包 括 拉加经委会与世界银行之间 的协作以及五个区域委员会之间的跨区域合作。
The Advisory Committee also notes
[...] that among the examples related to South-South [...]
cooperation provided in the progress report
are the collaboration between ECLAC and the World Bank, and cross-regional collaboration among the five regional commissions.
这方面的子包括法 学家联合会、苏丹妇女联合 会、苏丹人权网络和活跃在不同人权领域的各类民间社会组织。
Examples are the Jurists’ Union, the [...]
Lawyers’ Union, the Sudanese Women’s Union, the Sudanese Human Rights Network and various
civil society organizations working in different human rights fields.
17.4 根据《侵害人身罪条例》(第212章) ,任何人士意图促致任何子( 包括残 疾女子 )流产( 不论该女子是否怀孕) [...]
而非法向其施用或导致其服用任何毒药或其他 有害物品,或非法使用任何器具或任何其他方法以遂同样意图,均属犯可循公诉 程序审讯的罪行。
17.4 Under the Offence Against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), any person who,
with intent to procure the
[...] miscarriage of any woman (including women with disabilities), [...]
whether she is or is not with
child, unlawfully administers or causes to be taken by her any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means whatsoever with the like intent, shall be guilty of an offence triable upon indictment.
[...] 贫穷,提高弱势群体的地位,提高妇女地位和男女平等,以及落实所有人的教育 权,实现《千年发展目标》,并将这项权利扩大 包 含 非 法移民 子 女 等 方面采 取的措施。
It also noted with appreciation the measures taken by Costa Rica to reduce poverty, improve the status of disadvantaged groups, promote the status of women and gender equality, as well as the implementation of the right to education of all
to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and the
[...] extension of that right to cover the children of irregular migrants.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额 包 括咨询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用子手 段 传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际 子 计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects
[...] of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
这些子包括 2008 年格鲁吉亚局势,或过去二十年的索马里局势;在索马 里,粗暴违反国际人道主义法和人权法的情况在继续。
Those examples include, for instance, the [...]
situation in Georgia in 2008, or in Somalia during the past two decades, where
gross violations of international humanitarian and human rights law continue to be committed.
简单的子包括: 准备 的合同类型是否正确,承包人开始工作之前是否得到授权,选择承包人的政策是否得到贯彻 [...]
Simple examples include whether the correct [...]
type of contract was prepared and authorized prior to a contractor starting
work, whether policies regarding contractor selection were followed, whether payment was released on the basis of an approved payment request correctly issued following receipt of a valid invoice from contractors.
子包括沾 麵包糠或炸 漿的冷凍小生蝦,以及沾麵包糠或炸漿的冷凍或急凍魚柳、魚塊及魚條(手 指魚)。
Examples include: frozen raw breaded or batter-coated [...]
shrimp; and frozen or quick-frozen breaded or battercoated fish fillets,
fish portions and fish sticks (fish fingers).
这种国家机构的子包括: 阿根廷的两性关系问题观察机构、亚美尼亚的 打击基于性别暴力行为国家机构间委员会、柬埔寨的两性关系问题国家技术工作 [...]
组、各省两性关系问题联络中心和两性关系问题调整行动小组、危地马拉的防止 家庭暴力和暴力侵害妇女问题全国协调员、印度尼西亚的暴力分割妇女问题全国
委员会、墨西哥的全国妇女协会、缅甸妇女事务全国委员会和缅甸妇女事务联合 会、巴拿马的基于性别的暴力问题观察机构和全国妇女协会,以及西班牙的基于 性别的暴力问题政府代表团和暴力侵害妇女问题国家观察机构。
Examples of such national bodies include a gender observatory [...]
in Argentina, the National Inter-Agency Committee to Combat
Gender-based Violence in Armenia, the national Technical Working Group on Gender, provincial gender focal points and gender mainstreaming action groups in Cambodia, the National Coordinator for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women in Guatemala, the National Commission on Violence against Women in Indonesia, the National Women’s Institute in Mexico, the Myanmar National Committee for Women’s Affairs and the Myanmar Women’s Affairs Federation, an observatory on gender-based violence and the National Women’s Institute in Panama, and the Government Delegation on Gender Violence and the State Observatory on Violence against Women in Spain.
可以被视为是氟氯烃淘汰 管理计划的“共同出资”的其他 子包 括 :由于不可获得制冷和空调行业技术转换的全面 支助而使行业和消费者招致的费用;在转向可能不符合多边基金指南下规定资格的无氟氯 烃替代技术的过程中需要的额外投资;其他职能部委和当局的管理支助时间;以及行业培 [...] [...]
Other examples which could be considered as “co-financing” for the HPMP include the costs incurred [...]
by industry and consumers
due to non-availability of full support for conversion in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector; additional investments needed during conversion to HCFC-free alternatives that may not be eligible under the Multilateral Fund guidelines; management support time from other line ministries and authorities; and industry initiatives for training and technical support for HCFC-free alternatives.
此类有针对性干预的结果的一些 子包 括 :举办能力建设讲习班,以协助 科特迪瓦和几内亚比绍编写《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的国家报告;开展 能力建设努力,以促成在可持续发展委员会第十七届会议上协商一致商定外地一 [...]
Some examples of the results of those targeted interventions include: capacity-building [...]
workshops that assisted Côte d’Ivoire
and Guinea-Bissau with the preparation of national reports on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; and capacity-building efforts to pave the way for a consensus agreement at the seventeenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development on actions needed at the field level in the thematic areas of agriculture, rural development, land, drought, desertification and Africa.
子包括夾 心糖、可可脂甜點(以可可脂、奶固體及 糖製成)、白朱古力、朱古力碎(例如供烘焙用)、牛奶朱古力、忌廉朱古力、 [...]
甜朱古力、苦朱古力、夾心朱古力(中心及外層的質感有截然不同的朱古 力,不包括屬分類7.2.1及7.2.2所指的麵粉製甜點及糕餅),以及朱古力合成
Examples include: bonbons, cocoa [...]
butter confectionery (composed of cocoa butter, milk solids and sugar), white chocolate,
chocolate chips (e.g. for baking), milk chocolate, cream chocolate, sweet chocolate, bitter chocolate, filled chocolate (chocolate with a texturally distinct centre and external coating, excluding flour confectionery and pastry products of food categories 7.2.1 and 7.2.2), and composite chocolate (chocolate with added edible substances excluding flour, starch and fat).
项目的子包括:专用遥控潜水器和自动潜航器、海底石油 和天然气建造和生产服务仓、海底石油和天然气井室型歧管、预测设备发送和收 [...]
回过程中船只和有效载荷移动的计算机模拟系统、海洋学和气象学测量浮标系 统、深水海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)以及勘测船仪器和定制。
Examples of projects include: specialized remotely [...]
operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles; service capsules
for subsea oil and gas construction and production; chamber manifold for subsea oil and gas wells; computer modelling system to predict vessel and payload motions during equipment launch and recovery; oceanographic and meteorological measurement buoy systems; deepwater ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system; and survey vessel instrumentation and customization.
一些子包括主要针对受到海啸影响妇女的技能发展,以及制定自然灾害备灾教育支助工 具。
Some examples include projects on skills [...]
development mainly targeting women affected by the tsunami, and the development
of a Natural Disaster Preparedness educational support tools.
有 一些成功的事例——子包括斯 里兰卡的 Hatton 国民商业银行,以及印度的几 家私人银行通过国家农业和农村发展银行启动的方案——但尝试发展小额金融 [...]
Although there are
[...] success stories — examples include Hatton National Commercial [...]
Bank in Sri Lanka, and a number of private
banks in India through a programme started by the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) — many of the commercial banks that have tried to develop microfinance activities have faced considerable problems, and have not achieved the needed levels of outreach.
所讨论的子包 括: 通过更为有效的交通运输服务和废物变能源举措而实现的能源保护措 施;更有效计量水、气和电的使用;用气标准和建筑规则。
Examples discussed included: energy conservation [...]
achieved through more efficient transport services and waste-to-energy
initiatives; better metering of water, gas and electricity use; appliance standards; and building codes.
其他子包括每 年一 期的《海运述评》,它被私营部门利益攸关方,包括全球海运业代表,视为标准 [...]
Other examples include the annual Review [...]
of Maritime Transport, which is regarded as a standard reference among private
sector stakeholders, including among representatives of the global shipping industry.
这种 方案的子包括苏丹教育部为帮助达尔富尔学生赶上耽误的学校功课所提供的 方案,以及塞拉利昂教育部和儿基会向该国受冲突影响的青少年提供的辅助速成 [...]
小学教育方案(见方框 3)。
Examples of such programmes include those being provided [...]
by the Ministry of Education of the Sudan to help students in Darfur
to catch up with their schooling and the Complementary Rapid Education for Primary School Programme for adolescents affected by the conflict in Sierra Leone, being provided by the Ministry of Education of Sierra Leone and UNICEF (see box 3).
当前以及最近通过区域协调机制及其工作组推动开展联合活动的 若干子包括: (a) 关于联合国可持续发展大会的一份区域机构间出 [...]
版物;(b) 秘书长“联合起来制止对妇女的暴力”运动在区域层面的 启动和实施;(c) 妇女、和平与安全问题区域咨询小组的成立;(d)
“改善农业和农村统计工作的全球战略”的区域实施;(e) 普及教育 十年期结束进展说明编制;(f) 秘书长妇女和儿童保健联合行动计划 的实施;(g) 2010 年移徙与发展全球论坛亚太区域筹备会议的召 开。
Selected current and recent examples of joint activities facilitated through
the Regional Coordination Mechanism
[...] and its working groups include: (a) a regional [...]
inter-agency publication on the United
Nations Conference on Sustainable Development; (b) the launch and implementation at the regional level of the Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign; (c) the establishment of a Regional Advisory Group on Women, Peace and Security; (d) regional implementation of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics; (e) preparation of End-of-Decade Notes on Education for All progress; (f) implementation of the Secretary-General’s Joint Action Plan for Women’s and Children’s Health; and (g) the convening of the AsiaPacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Global Forum on Migration and Development 2010.
其他子包括危 地 马拉和巴拉圭,在那里,履约协助方案小组通过监测发现了管理体制建设供资方面的不合 [...]
Other examples are Guatemala [...]
and Paraguay where irregularities in managing IS funding were discovered through monitoring
by 10 the CAP team, followed up by high level discussions by the Regional Director to rectify the situation.
非實驗有 關作業的子,包括批 判性地閱讀、分析和匯報化學對理解物料世界所作 的貢獻;設計海報或單張,嘗試說服不同人士遵守綠色化學原則;撰寫報 [...]
告,總結參觀化工廠獲取的科學知識和概念;開發多媒體製品,說明聚合 物合成的過程。
Examples of such tasks include: critical reading, [...]
analysis and reporting on the contribution of chemistry to the understanding
of the material world; designing a poster or pamphlet aimed at persuading people to follow the principles of green chemistry; writing a report to present the scientific knowledge and concepts acquired after a visit to an industrial plant; and developing a multimedia artefact to illustrate the synthesis of polymers.
在本模块中,标记是指粘贴用于帮助确认植物产品身份的名称和/或其它鉴别信息的标签(例如, 子包 装袋 标签)。
For the purposes of this module, labelling means to affix with a label (e.g., seed bag tag) that is marked with a name and/or other information that can be used to facilitate confirmation of plant product identity.
一些主要的子包括: 参加关于烟草制品非法贸易的议 定书问题政府间协商机构的工作并提供投入(世界海关组织、联合国毒品和犯罪 [...]
问题办公室、劳工组织、世界银行、世界贸易组织、世卫组织);制定关于《公 约》不同条款的准则的政府间工作组(粮农组织、劳工组织、世界银行、世界贸
易组织、世卫组织、环境署);关于执行世卫组织《公约》与贸易有关的方面的 政府间研讨会(知识产权组织、世界贸易组织、世卫组织、贸发会议);关于执行 《公约》的区域讲习班(世界银行、世卫组织、开发署);资源较少国家的需求评 估(联合国/开发署国家办事处、世卫组织);以及缔约方会议的各次会议(劳工组 织、世界银行、世卫组织、世界贸易组织、开发署、联合国秘书处经济和社会事 务部)。
Some key examples include: the participation [...]
and input to the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body on a Protocol
on Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products (World Customs Organization, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ILO, World Bank, World Trade Organization, WHO); the intergovernmental working groups to elaborate guidelines on different articles of the Convention (FAO, ILO, World Bank, World Trade Organization, WHO, UNEP); the intergovernmental seminar on trade-related aspects of implementation of the WHO Convention (WIPO, World Trade Organization, WHO, UNCTAD); the regional workshops on the implementation of the Convention (World Bank, WHO, UNDP); needs assessments in lower resource countries (United Nations/UNDP country offices, WHO); as well as the sessions of the Conference of the Parties (ILO, World Bank, WHO, World Trade Organization, UNDP, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat).
与会者注意到,本区域对生态和谐和可持续能力深为关注,具体子 包括不 丹的“国民幸福总指数”、泰国的“充足经济”、大韩民国的“低碳绿色增 [...]
Participants observed that the concern to foster ecological harmony and sustainability was deeply rooted in
the region, as exemplified by the “gross
[...] national happiness index” in Bhutan, the [...]
“sufficiency economy” in Thailand, the
strategy for “low-carbon green growth” in the Republic of Korea and the “harmonious society” in China.
显著的子包括评价办公室支持国际评价合作组织的全球战略 规划;埃及国家办事处支持国际影响评价倡议、非洲评价协会和影响评价网络联 [...]
系网合办的一个主要的影响评价问题国际会议;并支持新近成立的摩洛哥评价协 会促进公共政策的评价工作,包括建立一个信息系统来监测和评价国家的儿童政 策和方案。
Notable examples include support by the [...]
Evaluation Office to the global strategic planning of the International Organization
for Cooperation in Evaluation; Egypt country office support for a major international conference on impact evaluation organized by the International Initiative on Impact Evaluation, the Africa Evaluation Association and the Network of Networks on Impact Evaluation; and support to the newly created Moroccan Evaluation Association on promoting public policy evaluations, including establishing an information system to monitor and evaluate national policies and programmes for children.
對殘疾的騷擾行為子包括口頭或書面形式的侮辱性言論或一些令人反 基於他人的種族而給予該人較差的待遇,或因某人或其近親的種族而向該人作出不受歡迎、 謾罵、侮辱或令人反感的行為,以致令該人感到受冒犯、羞辱或難堪,這些行為可被視為觸 犯《種族歧視條例》,或會引致法律訴訟。
Treating people less favourably on the basis of their race or engaging in an unwelcome, abusive, insulting or offensive behavior because of another person’s or his / her near relative’s race, which makes the person feel threatened, humiliated or embarrassed might have contravened the Race Discrimination Ordinance and would entail legal consequences.




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