

单词 包办婚姻

See also:


undertake to do everything by oneself
run the whole show

婚姻 adj

marital adj
matrimonial adj



External sources (not reviewed)

每年,数百万儿童被贩卖,遭受性剥削 包办 婚姻、非法收养或强迫劳动的奴役。
Every year, millions of children are trafficked, enslaved through sexual
[...] exploitation, arranged marriage, illegal adoption [...]
or forced labour.
没有可靠的受害人数的统计,主要是因为很难区别基于胁迫、伤害威胁或 者欺骗立约的强迫婚姻和涉及一定社会压力同意 包办婚姻 之 间 的区别。
There are no reliable statistics on numbers of victims, not least because it is very difficult to distinguish forced marriages, contracted on the
basis of force, threat of harm or
[...] deception, from arranged marriages that may involve [...]
considerable social pressure to consent.
包办婚姻在世 界上许多地方存 在,这是建立在双方同意的基础上的,而逼婚无需当事方的同意,或至少无需双 [...]
Arranged marriages, which exist in [...]
many parts of the world, are based on the consent of both parties, whereas forced marriages
do not involve the consent of the parties or, at any rate, both of the parties.
工作 组认为,必须强调逼婚包办婚姻之 间 的区别。
The Working Group believed that it was important to highlight the distinction
[...] between forced marriage and arranged marriage.
必须注意到质役姻和包办婚姻之间 的区别。
It is important to note the distinction between servile marriage and arranged marriage.
包办婚姻是婚 配一方或双方没有表示同意的一种形式的婚姻。
Non-consensual marriage is a form [...]
of marriage where one or both parties have not consented.
又敦促各国公开谴责对妇女的暴力行为,从高层发挥明显和持续的领导 作用,预防对妇女和女孩的各种暴力行为,特别是要努力抵制作为歧视和有害行
[...] 为及做法的根源的对妇女有害的态度、习俗和性别偏见,如女性外生殖器残割包办婚姻和早婚、杀害女人、以名誉的名义犯罪和以激情的名义犯罪
Further urges States to publicly condemn violence against women and provide visible and sustained leadership at the highest levels to prevent all forms of violence against women and girls, and, in particular, in efforts to confront the attitudes, customs, practices and gender stereotypes that lie at the core of discriminatory and harmful acts and practices that are violent
towards women, such as female genital
[...] mutilation, forced and early marriage, femicide, crimes [...]
committed in the name of honour
and crimes committed in the name of passion
她们的签证状况特别依赖包办婚姻 的 持 续状况,至少要若干年。
Their visa status typically depends on the continuation
[...] of the arranged marriage for at least a [...]
certain number of years.
(或) 包办婚姻的家 庭暴力时,依然无法获得家庭暴力受害者庇护 中心的保护。
It called attention to the fact that shelter centres for victims of domestic violence remained inaccessible for Roma girls under the age of 18 who suffered violence based on early and/or arranged marriages within their families.
这是一包办婚姻,但 是这对夫妻却情投意合。
An arranged marriage, but the couple does [...]
not mind.
性生育 计划组织 ”讲 到有害 的 传统习俗和 侵 犯以乞讨为 生 的罗姆
[...] 人儿 童、青 年和妇 女 的性权利等 问题,包括早 婚包 办 婚姻,有 些女 童和男 童 甚 至 只 有 12 岁,以及议论和在婚前和婚后检查妇女是否失贞的做法。
The Sexual Reproductive Initiative (SRI) made reference to harmful traditional practices and violations of sexual rights of
begging Romani children,
[...] youth and women, including early and arranged marriages, as early as [...]
12 years for both girls and
boys and the discussion and practices to check on the women’s virginity prior and after marriage.53 5.
继续采取行动改善妇女状况,并采取额外行动杜绝强迫 包办婚 姻、多妻制和性暴力行为
76.77. Continue actions to improve the situation
of women, and take additional actions to eliminate
[...] forced or arranged marriage, polygamy and [...]
sexual violence (Lithuania)
第3天 -在众议院会议:志愿人员将有一个交互式会话,文化主题, 包办婚姻 系 统和联合家庭体系与当地的协调员。
Day 3 - In House session : Volunteers would have
an interactive session on cultural topics
[...] such as arranged marriage system and joint [...]
family system with the local coordinator.
对妇女和女孩的暴力,包括性暴力和有害传统习俗,如 ba’ad( 利用女孩结婚 解决争议 ) 、所谓“荣誉杀人”、早婚 包办婚姻 和 强 奸,在阿富汗仍然普遍存 在。
Violence against women and girls, including sexual violence and harmful traditional
practices such as ba’ad
[...] (use of girls in marriage to settle disputes), so-called “honour” killings, early and forced marriages and rape continue [...]
to be persistent and widespread in Afghanistan.
[...] 曼斯坦加入了《消除对 妇女一 切形式 歧视公约》 , 但 斯 洛 文 尼 亚 指 出,许 多 妇女 的人权问题仍然引起了 严 重的关注 , 例包办婚姻、对妇女的 暴力和对离 婚 妇女 的 歧视做 法。
Although Turkmenistan has acceded to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Slovenia noted that many women’s human rights issues still cause
great concern, such as the
[...] practice of arranged marriages, violence against women and discrimination against divorced women.
自设立以来,办公室处理了很 婚姻 事 件 ,主要与离 婚和社会问题有关。
Since its establishment, the centre has dealt
[...] with numerous matrimonial cases related mainly to divorce and social [...]
委员会敦促各国政府 保护和促进充分尊重人权和基本自由,而不论年龄 婚姻 状 况 , 包 括 消除针对女 孩和妇女的一切形式歧视,强调须加强保健制度,确保保健制度优先普及性信息 [...]
和生殖信息及保健服务,包括计划生育、产前护理、安全分娩和产后护理,以消 除可预防的孕产妇死亡率和发病率,且在各级采取行动消除性健康和生殖健康不
佳、意外怀孕、不安全人工流产引起的并发症以及孕产妇死亡率和发病率等相互 关联的根本原因。
The Commission urged Governments to protect and promote full respect for human rights
and fundamental freedoms
[...] regardless of age and marital status, including by eliminating all [...]
forms of discrimination against
girls and women, and stressed the need to strengthen health systems and ensure that they prioritized universal access to sexual and reproductive information and health-care services, including family planning, prenatal care, safe delivery and post-natal care, in order to eliminate preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and to take action at all levels to address the interlinked root causes of sexual and reproductive ill health, unintended pregnancy, complications arising from unsafe abortion and maternal mortality and morbidity.
這些事包括婚姻雙方與香港和其他 相關地方的聯繫,以及申請人及其家庭子女在香港以外地方因離婚所 獲得的經濟濟助等。
These matters include the connections that the parties to the marriage have with Hong Kong [...]
and other relevant places, as
well as financial relief that the applicant and children of the family have received in consequence of the divorce outside Hong Kong.
失踪人员的权益包括其婚姻状况 、财产和资产,在确定其命运或承认其死 亡之前的任何时候都必须受到保护。
The rights and interests of
[...] missing persons, including their civil status, property [...]
and assets, must be protected at all
times until their fate has been ascertained or their death recognized.
缔约 国还提及它通过了新的立法包括: 2003 年第一百二十五 号《平等待遇法案》(2003 年 12 月 22 日通过),其中禁止 基于性别婚姻状况 和怀孕进行歧视;2004 年第一百三十 二号法案,该法案修正了 1998 年第十九号《刑事诉讼法案》 并增列了也涉及家庭暴力问题的紧急诉讼程序;2005 年第 九十一号法案,该法案修正了关于《刑法》的 [...]
1978 年第四 号法案,增列了限制令,将其作为缓刑监督官监管下的一
项行为规则;2006 年 2 月 13 日通过的关于刑事诉讼的 1998 年第十九号法案修正案,该修正案包括限制令,这是一项 新的强制措施;2004 年第一百三十六号法案,该法案修正 了关于儿童保护的 1997 年第三十一号法案,修正后的法案 把禁止虐待儿童纳入了匈牙利法律体系。
The State party also referred to the adoption of
[...] new legislation, including the Equal Treatment Act CXXV of 2003, adopted on 22 December 2003, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, marital status and pregnancy; [...]
Act CXXXII of 2004,
which amended the Criminal Procedures Act XIX of 1998 and introduced the urgency procedure that also concerns the subject of domestic violence; Act XCI of 2005 amending Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code, which introduced the restraining order as a rule of conduct under the supervision of the probation officer; an amendment to Act XIX of 1998 on criminal procedure adopted on 13 February 2006, which includes the restraining order as a new coercive measure; and Act CXXXVI of 2004, which amended Act XXXI of 1997, on the protection of children by which the prohibition of child abuse has been incorporated into the Hungarian legal system.
按照該兩條條文,㆒名女性的子 女包括了 其最後㆒任丈夫與另㆒名女子在所締結的有 婚姻 ㆗ 所生的子女,以及 凡提及任何㆟的兄弟姊妹,即指該兄弟姊妹是該㆟的同㆒父親的子女。
These are that a child of a female includes a child of a valid marriage to which her last husband and another [...]
female were parties and that references
to a brother or a sister of a person mean a brother or sister who is a child of the same father as that person.
人权高办哥伦比亚办事处认为,允许承认这 婚姻 将 能 反映出最高的人权标准,据此, 所有类别的婚姻和家庭都能够根据平等和无歧视原则而得到国家的应有保护。
OHCHR-Colombia believes that granting this recognition would reflect the highest standards of human rights, whereby all types of marriages and families [...]
deserve protection from
the State, by virtue of the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
澳门特区政府自行或与私人团体合作 办 家 庭支援中心( 如家庭服务中心、 日间护理中心等 ) ,旨在协助面临特殊情况的家庭,并为此设立了有效的机制应 对危急情况,尤其婚姻或家 庭破裂、单亲家庭、低收入家庭和尤其是涉及儿童 的家庭暴力等问题。
The MSAR Government, either by itself or in
collaboration with private
[...] associations, has created family support centres aimed at helping families in special situations (such as family service centres and day care centres) and has developed efficient mechanisms to deal with crisis situations, in particular those arising from marital or family break-ups, [...]
single-parent families,
low income families and domestic violence, especially when children are involved.
需要对区域和国家一级的农业和渔业研究及农村基础设施提供新投资,推广 良好的耕种和捕捞作业及创新的可持续技术,还需要营销指导、有序和有效的融 资及更大程度的土地保有权保障包 括 女 性农民对土地的获取和控制,不论她婚姻状况如何。
New investments are required in regional and national agricultural and fishery research and rural infrastructure, extension of better farming and fishing practices and innovative and sustainable technologies, as well as marketing advice, structured and
effective finance and greater
[...] tenure security, including access to and control over land by female farmers irrespective of their marital status.
在此背景下,总干事决定对教科文组织人事条例中有关“配偶”定义的条款,做一 正式的修改,使包含所 有经国家法律承认 婚姻 关 系,无论配偶性别。
Within this framework, the Director-General has decided to introduce a formal amendment of the relevant UNESCO Staff Rules on the
definition of the term
[...] “spouse” in order to encompass all legally recognized marriages in national legislation, [...]
irrespective of the gender of the spouses.
学校和居民社团也办关于 家庭计划的咨询活动,家庭计 包 括 婚 前, 夫妇间及遗传方面的指导、怀孕控制方法的咨询、不育的处理、遗传及性传染疾 病的预防等工作。
Family planning includes pre-marital and genetic issues counselling, information on birth [...]
control methods, treatment of infertility and prevention
of genetic and sexually transmitted diseases.
至於條例草案的細節內容,我們關注到第29AB(3)條訂明,婚 包括“在法律上屬無效或可使無效 婚姻 ” , 而該 婚姻 可 成 為禁制一 方申請經濟濟助的理由,我們認為此舉是不合理的。
As for the details of the Bill, we are concerned about
[...] [...] section 29AB(3), which provides that remarriage includes "a marriage that is by law void or voidable", and [...]
such a marriage may operate as a bar to an application for financial relief.
智 利 建议(a) 确定 暂停适 用 死刑, 以期予以 废除 ; (b) 批准劳工方面
[...] 的基本公约,尤其是劳工组织第 87 和 98 号公约、以及《保护所有移徙工人及其 家庭成员权利国际公约》;(c) 确保男女婚姻方面,包括配 偶的选择 婚 姻 的 解 体、子女的监护及遗产等方面享有同等权利。
Chile recommended (a) the establishment of a moratorium on the application of the death penalty with a view to abolish it; (b) ratifying the fundamental labour conventions, in particular ILO Conventions 87 and 98, as well as the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families; (c) ensuring that men and women
enjoy the same rights
[...] with respect to marriage, including the selection of spouse, dissolution of the marriage, child custody [...]
and inheritance.
委员会仍感到关切的是,在法律上和在实践中,长期存在妇女在婚姻和家 庭事务上的不平等现象包括强迫 婚姻 、 对 要求离婚妇女的严重歧视和妇女在婚 姻财产继承权方面的低下地位。
The Committee remains concerned about the persistent inequality of women in matrimonial and
family matters in law
[...] and in practice, including forced marriages, severe discrimination [...]
against women demanding divorce and the inferior position of
women in relation to the inheritance of conjugal property.
委员会注意到最低法定结婚年龄为18 岁,但同时感到关切的是,在某些族 群中,存在女孩早婚和强迫结婚的习俗 包 括 不在当局登记的传 婚姻 ; 委 员会 对于报告的买婚姻情况 也感到关切,委员会指出,这种习俗在经济困难时期可 能会恶化。
The Committee, while noting that the minimum legal age of marriage is set at 18 years, is concerned about
the practice of early
[...] and forced marriages of girls in certain communities, including traditional marriages not registered with the authorities, and about reported instances of sale of children for the purpose of marriage, and notes that [...]
such practices may be
exacerbated in times of economic hardship.




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