

单词 包办代替

See also:


run the whole show
undertake to do everything by oneself


substitute (X for Y, or a number in an algebraic expression)

代替 v

replace v
cover v

External sources (not reviewed)

16.84 刑事改革干事(P-4)将领导司法科开展以下工作:(a) 制订禁毒办的政策和战略,协助修订、 更新和执行相关联合国标准和规范(特别是关于囚犯待遇的标准最低限度规则、联合国女囚犯
待遇规则和女犯罪者非拘留措施(曼谷规则)和联合国非拘留措施标准最低限度规则(东京规 则);(b)
[...] 在刑事改革方面制订禁毒办的工具和手册并提供培训;(c) 为各国提供刑事改革咨 询服务包括判刑的改革、监 替代办 法 和 重建公正方案和监狱管理;(d) 支持在冲突后同维 持和平行动部和政治事务部以及计划署和其他机构联合编制方案。
16.84 The Penal Reform Officer (P-4) will lead the efforts of the Justice Section in (a) developing UNODC policies and strategies and supporting revision, updating and implementation of relevant United Nations standards and norms (particularly the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules); (b) developing UNODC tools and manuals and providing training in the area of penal reform; (c) providing specialized advisory services to
countries in the area
[...] of penal reform, including sentencing reform, alternatives to imprisonment [...]
and restorative justice
programmes and prison management; and (d) supporting joint programming with Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Political Affairs in postconflict settings, UNDP and other agencies.
在维也纳,和平利用外层空间委员 会正在制订提供会议记录替代办法 , 将 包 括 电 子音频文档,并在可能的情况下 配之以上传的参考资料,例如书面发言和(或)会议英文记录誊本。
In Vienna, the Committee on the Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space was
[...] developing an alternative delivery method for its meeting records, which would consist of digital sound [...]
files supplemented,
where available, with uploaded reference materials such as written statements and/or an English transcript of the meeting.
报告包括: 按物 质分列的由于执行各项活动的结果淘汰消耗臭氧层物质的情况,以及所使用 的替代技术和所使用的相替代办法 , 以便让秘书处能够向执行委员会提供 有关所导致气候相关排放的变化的信息。
The report should include ODS phase-out as a direct result from the implementation of activities, by substance, and the alternative technology used and the related phase-in of alternatives, [...]
to allow the Secretariat to provide
to the Executive Committee information about the resulting change in climate relevant emissions.
积极支 持根据主要安全标准确替代房舍( 包 括 调 动东道国主管当局的支持)及房 舍适当的重新安装,这已经扩大到相关总部 办 事 处
Active support in
[...] identification of alternative premises compliant with prevailing security standards (including mobilization of support from host country authorities) and in their adequate re-installation was extended to the field offices concerned.
认识到需要为发展融资采取富有创意的改进办法,以应对当前全球经济情 况、贫穷和实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标所带来的挑战,并强 调指出,这些办法既不应替代也不 应影 包 括 官 方发展援助在内的传统来源的 发展筹资水平,而且此种办法应本着伙伴、合作与团结精神加以制定,同时应考 虑到共同利益和每个国家本国的优先事项
Recognizing that innovative and enhanced approaches to financing for development are needed to address the challenges posed by the current global economic situation, poverty and the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development
Goals, and stressing that
[...] these new approaches should neither be a substitute for nor negatively affect the level of traditional sources of development financing, including official development [...]
assistance, and
that they need to be developed in a spirit of partnership, cooperation and solidarity, bearing in mind the common interests and national priorities of each country
包括由 开发署、儿基会和联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)为 100 000 人提供 手工采矿的农替代办法以 及基本社会服务,以支持联刚稳定团目前在马西西县 Rubaya 矿产交易柜台采取的干预措施。
That will include the provision by UNDP, UNICEF and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) of alternatives to artisanal mining [...]
in agriculture for
100,000 people as well as basic social services in support of ongoing interventions by MONUSCO at the mineral trading counter in Rubaya, Masisi territory.
在订正决议草案 E/CN.7/2010/L.8/Rev.1
[...] 执行部分第 5 段,麻醉药品委员会 将欢迎秘鲁和泰国提议共同主办一次国际讲习班,这次讲习班将于 2010 年 11 月在泰国举行,其包括参观各 替代 发 展 试点,与当地从业者讨论 代 发展 方面的最佳做法和经验教训,并接着共同 办 一 次由主要利益相关者参加的替 代发展问题国际会议,这次会议将与联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室密切合作举 办。
In operative paragraph 5 of revised draft resolution E/CN.7/2010/L.8/Rev.1, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs would welcome the proposal of Peru and Thailand to jointly host an international workshop, to
be held in Thailand
[...] in November 2010, consisting of visits to various alternative development sites and discussions on best practices and lessons learned in alternative development with [...]
practitioners in the field, back to back with an international conference on
alternative development among all stakeholders, to be organized in close collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
在此方面,成员国正在采取各类不同的模式转换 举措,其包括:(a) 更多地使用内陆和沿海水上通道;(b) 扩大公共 交通运输网络;(c) 推动采用非机动化运输方式;(d) 作为道路交通运 输替代办法,增大铁路网的载量并使之电器化;(e) 对车辆的需求实 行管理;(f) 利用智能型交通运输系统技术来改进交通运输;(g) 采取 各种缓解政策包括车量减排政策、使用生物燃料、以及使用高效燃 料船只和航运战略。
In that respect, various modal shift
initiatives were being taken by
[...] member States, including: (a) more use of inland and coastal waterways, (b) expansion of public transport networks, (c) facilitation of nonmotorized transport, (d) additions to and electrification of the rail network as an alternative to road, (e) vehicle demand management, (f) improved engineering with intelligent transport system technology, (g) mitigation policies including vehicle emissions [...]
reduction policies,
biofuel use, and fuelefficient ships and shipping strategies.
替代性安排包括:充分利用布宜诺斯艾利斯的奥坎波镇建立一个 和教科文组织相连的文化活动中心;在教科文组织魁北 办 事 处刚被关闭的那段时期,由蒙 特利尔的教科文组织统计研究所暂时承担原由该办事处行使的一部分宣传职能,以避免相关 工作的突然中断。
Other alternative arrangements included, for example: taking full advantage of the existence of the Villa Ocampo in Buenos Aires for the establishment of a centre for cultural activities [...]
related to UNESCO;
or temporary assumption by the UIS in Montreal of some of the information functions previously performed by UNESCO’s Quebec Office in an initial running-down period so as to avoid a sudden break.
(a) 欢迎多个会员国制订国家预防犯罪和儿童司法改革,特别是防止儿童
[...] 参与犯罪的综合行动计划,确保获得法律援助,尤其是对极度缺乏资源的儿童 而言,并且减少拘留未成年人并缩短拘留期限,特别是在预审阶段,方 包括 通过采取转送教化,恢复性司法和拘 替代办 法 , 使违法儿童重新融入他们的 社区,以及对所有接触司法系统的儿童采用对儿童情况敏感的程序
(a) Welcome the development by several States of comprehensive national action plans on crime prevention and child justice reform dealing in particular with preventing child involvement in crime, ensuring access to legal assistance, especially for children with scarce resources, and reducing the use and duration of juvenile
detention, especially at the
[...] pretrial stages, including through the use of diversion, restorative justice and alternatives to detention, [...]
the reintegration of children
in conflict with the law into their communities and child-sensitive procedures for all children in contact with the justice system
我们强调需要加强非监替代办法, 其中可 包 括 社区服务、恢复性 司法和电子监控,并支持实行改造和重新融入社会方案,包括旨在矫正犯罪行 为的方案和为囚犯提供教育和职业培训的方案。
We stress the need
[...] to reinforce alternatives to imprisonment, which may include community service, [...]
restorative justice and
electronic monitoring and support rehabilitation and reintegration programmes, including those to correct offending behaviour, and educational and vocational programmes for prisoners.
近年来,人们日益关注利替代办法 有 效处理争议的可能性,其 包 括: 投资人与国家之间的直接谈判、利用申诉问题办公室或主管政府机构、调停、 正式调解、争议解决委员会、早期中立评价或事实调查(UNCTAD [...]
In recent years there has been an increasing
interest in the
[...] possibility of using alternative methods for managing disputes effectively including: direct negotiation [...]
between investors
and States, the use of an ombuds-office or lead government agencies, mediation, formalized conciliation, dispute resolution boards, early neutral evaluation, or fact-finding (UNCTAD 2010).
为此,需要采取有针对性的多部门干预措施, 其包括: 通过当地居民的有效参与防止进一步破 坏生态,促进流域综合发展方案;保护土地、水源、 动植物、人力资源的综合办法;建立预警系统和灾 害应对小组;以及,推广替代谋生办 法 , 特别是制 订旨在夯实生产基础的就业计划。
Targeted multisectoral intervention
[...] was thus needed including: promotion of integrated watershed development programmes through the effective participation of the local population in preventing further ecological disturbances; an integrated approach to conservation of land, water, plants, animals and human resources; development of early-warning systems and disaster-response teams; and promotion of alternative livelihood opportunities, [...]
through development of employment schemes aimed at increasing the productive base.
咨询委员会认识 到,秘书长提出这替代办法,是因为他确认离职后健康保险福利被视 为一种服务条件,因而应列入共同工作人员费用之内。
The Advisory Committee
[...] understands that this alternative is put forward [...]
by the Secretary-General in recognition of the fact
that after-service health insurance benefits are considered a condition of service and, therefore, should be included within common staff costs.
尽管取得了成功,非洲区域在持续淘汰甲基 溴方面遇到重大障碍,其中涉及化学和非化 替代办 法 的 问题 包 括 持续使用或不当运替代办法 导致害虫抗性;本地市场没有替代办法的供应;某些替代办法没有登记使用;和 [...]
Despite this success, the region was starting to experience major barriers to
the sustainability of
[...] MB phase-out, including problems with both chemical and non-chemical alternatives such as pest resistance [...]
caused by continuous
use or improper application of alternatives; the non-availability of alternatives on local markets; the failure to register certain alternatives; and restrictions on some alternatives, which were banned, for example in European markets.
(b) 开展关于虐待儿童的不利影响的公众教育运动,以改变对体罚的态 度,提倡在学校和家中实行积极、非暴力形式的纪律 包 括 作 为学校体 替代办 法的“绿色里程试验制度
(b) Carry out public education campaigns about the negative consequences of ill-treatment of children in order to change attitudes to corporal punishment, and promote positive, non-violent forms
of discipline in
[...] schools and at home, including the pilot green mileage system as an alternative to corporal punishment [...]
in school
其中特包括在 战略和技术 层面加强安理会对维持和平行动的规划、落实和评估 工作的参与;加强与秘书处之间的对话和信息交流; 加强安理会的军事专家知识;改进维持和平任务的起 草和制定工作;更好地管理现有资源,探讨用其办 法替代部署 部队;尽可能用民事手段替代军事手段; 缩小进而结束行动的能力;以及更好地利用维持和平 行动以外的手段管理脱离危机战略,如在建设和平委 员会范围内。
In particular, these include greater involvement of the Council in the planning, follow-up and evaluation of peacekeeping operations at the strategic and technical levels; the strengthening of dialogue and exchanges of information with the Secretariat; the strengthening of the military expertise of the Council; and improvement in the drafting and development of mandates; better management of available resources in thinking about alternatives to troop deployments; substituting civilian for [...]
military means whenever
possible; the capacity for reducing and then closing operations; and a better use of instruments other than peacekeeping operations to manage crisis exit strategies, for example within the Peacebuilding Commission.
(a) 制订一项全面的注重权利的政策,确保处于流落街头境况的儿童享有 倾诉权,落实流落街头儿童的权利 包 括 警 察拘 替代办 法 、复原和重新融入社 会
(a) Design a comprehensive rights-based policy, assuring the right of children in street situations to be heard and
fulfilling the rights of children in
[...] street situations, including alternatives to police detention, [...]
rehabilitation, and reintegration of children
麻醉药品委 员会在其第五十五届会议上通过了一项关于“落实关于 办替代 发 展 问题国际 讲习班和国际会议的提议”的决议以及一项关于为 代 发 展 包 括 预 防性替代发 展制订特殊营销机制战略的决议。
At its fifty-fifth session the Commission on Narcotic Drugs adopted a resolution on follow-up on the proposal to organize an
international workshop and
[...] conference on alternative development, as well as a resolution on the development of strategies on special marketing regimes for alternative development, including preventive alternative [...]
2011 年,领土的监狱管理局提出了符合其囚犯改造任务的方案,同时社区复 原部提供了基于社区的改办法,以 替代 监 禁 , 包 括 强 化日间监督方案和导师方 案,以协助阻止与帮派有关的枪击事件。
In 2011, the Territory’s Prison Service offered programmes in line with its mandate to rehabilitate prisoners, while the Department of Community Rehabilitation
provided community-based
[...] rehabilitation alternatives to imprisonment, including an intensive day [...]
supervision programme and
a mentoring programme to help stem gang-related shootings.
[...] 标准——确保能源效率;提供卫生设施;审视取代集 中供电和卫生系统的行之有效、成本效益更高 替代 办法;最大限度地利用再生材料包 括 目 前在太子港 逐个社区用压石机压碎的碎石瓦砾。
This is the first time we have ever had a building code — ensuring energy efficiency; providing sanitation; looking at alternatives to centralized electricity and sanitation systems that work and that are more
cost-effective; and
[...] making maximal use of recycled materials, including the rubble that is now being crushed [...]
neighbourhood by neighbourhood in Port-au-Prince.
次级方案 3(调查)项下经费减少(102 700
[...] 美元),这反映了 以往的支出模式以及在使用视频会议和电话会议 替代办 法 方面所做的努力。
The decrease under subprogramme 3, Investigations ($102,700),
reflects previous expenditure patterns, as well as
[...] efforts made to use alternative means, such as [...]
video and teleconferencing.
秘书长认为,现行做法替代办法,即为应计的离职后健康保险福利 部分或全额供资,将使:(a) [...]
眼下和未来的费用得以解决;(b) 费用得到 更好地匹配,从而使福利费用计在接受雇员提供服务时期的预算下;(c) 对会员国长期缴款的要求得以减少,因为投资收益开始补充预算;(d)
无 供资的离职后健康保险债务的增长得到遏制,使之不会变成联合国的一 项更沉重的负债(同上,第 45 段)。
The Secretary-General
[...] believes that the alternatives to the current [...]
approach, namely, partially or fully funding the after-service
health insurance liabilities as they accrue, would (a ) address both immediate and future costs; (b ) enhance the alignment of costs so that the costs of the benefits are incurred under the budgets receiving the services from the employees; (c ) reduce the long-term contribution requirements by Member States as investment earnings begin to supplement budgets; and (d ) contain the growth of unfunded after-service health insurance obligations from becoming a greater liability on the United Nations (ibid., para. 45).
(c) 依照各项国际药物管制公约,尽可能地提供必要的财政和政治支助, 以调查、监测和核查户内户外种植场地古柯树、罂粟和大麻种植规模,并与有 关的国际机构和其他国家政府分享这种信息,以便根据每一国家或区域的具体 情况,增进在根除药物作物和实 替代 发 展 ,酌 包 括 预防 性 替代 发 展 方面的 合作;(d) 确保拥有必要专门知识的国家、联合国毒品和犯罪问 办 公 室 和联合
(c) Provide the necessary financial and political support, to the extent possible, to survey, monitor and verify the extent of coca bush, opium poppy and cannabis cultivation, both in indoor and outdoor cultivation sites, consistent with international drug control conventions, and share this information with relevant international agencies and other Governments with a view
[...] increasing cooperation on drug crop eradication and on alternative development, including, where appropriate, on preventive alternative development, in accordance with the specificities [...]
of each country or region
按照《宪法》的规定,在土地改革尚未完成时,玻利维亚政府、有关各省省 政府应支持包括妇 女在内的受强迫劳动做法影响的土著人民开发获得收入的 可替代办法和 创造可持续的生产和商业活动。
In accordance with the Constitution, and while land reform is not completed, the Government and the prefectures of the relevant departments
should support the
[...] development of viable alternatives to obtain incomes and the creation of sustainable productive and commercial activities for indigenous peoples, including women, affected by forced labour practices.
刪 除“指控 中 國 ”中的 “中國
[...] ”,並以“香港被 利用以”代 替;在 “ 竊 取 ”之後加 上 “ 及 轉 運 ”;刪 除“其中並牽涉香港特 別 行政區 , ” , 並以“可能代 替 ; 刪 除“中國 (包括香港)” , 並以“香港代 替 ; 刪 除“和 美 國 之間的 貿易”中的 “之間”;刪 除“及民間 交 流 活 動 ” , 並以“關係 ” 代 替 ; 及 刪 除“呼籲中 國 內 地及” [...]
, 並以“促 請 政 府 積極向 外 國,尤
其 是 美 國國會,解釋香港的《進出口條例》及嚴 謹的管制措施, 爭 取 香港繼續享 有目前較 內 地 寬鬆的 戰 略 物 資 進出口 管制;本會 亦 鼓勵” 代 替 。
To delete "China had stolen" after "made unsubstantiated accusations that" and substitute with "Hong Kong had been used to steal and transfer"; to delete "; these accusations involve the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKSAR)
[...] and have" and substitute with ", which may"; to delete "affected" after "seriously" and substitute with "affect"; to delete "China (including Hong Kong)" and substitute with "Hong Kong"; [...]
to delete "and the
exchanges between the two peoples"; and to delete "calls for the Mainland and" and substitute with "urges the Government to vigorously explain to the overseas communities, particularly the United States Congress, the Import and Export Ordinance and stringent control measures in Hong Kong, and to make efforts to ensure that Hong Kong will continue to enjoy the relatively lenient controls, as compared with the Mainland, over the import and export of strategic commodities; this Council also encourages".
成功的国家还通过了促进增长的战略,这些战 包 括 :国家积极支持筹集和 恰当调拨资源,为国家支持的接受者制定明确的绩效标准,加强与当地利害关系 方的对话,以及建立空间,据以根据本地需要和能力考 替代 性 政 策 办 法 等
These are key components of good economic governance. Successful countries have also adopted
[...] strategies, which have included active State support for mobilizing resources and directing them in to productive activities, setting clear performance criteria for the recipients of State support, enhancing dialogue with local stakeholders and establishing the space to consider policy options in line with local [...]
needs and capacities.
在 “來臨,”之後加上“加上政府政策不利青年人,”;及在緊接句號 之前刪除“及 (四 ) 從教育和社會文化入手,投放資源,提升網絡公 民素質,以及推廣理性、互信、互相尊重的溝通模式,從而有效 凝聚社會智慧”,並以“(四 ) 推廣社會對青年議政採開放態度包 括其 表達意見的形式,以維護其表達的權利;(五 ) 完善選民登記 制度,使年滿十八歲的青年人可以盡快參與投票;及(六 ) 修訂《電 訊條例》及廣播政策,提供大氣電波及電視廣播平台,令青年人 可以充分行使言論及發表自由代替。
To add "coupled with the fact that the Government's policies are not beneficial to young people," after "network era,"; and to delete "and (d) starting from education and social culture, to allocate resources to enhance the quality of the network citizens, and to promote a way of communication based on reasons, mutual trust and mutual respect, thereby bringing together social wisdom effectively" immediately before the full stop and substitute with "(d) to promote an open attitude in society towards
young people's political
[...] commentaries, including the ways they express their opinions, so as to uphold their right of expression; (e) to improve the voter registration system, so that young people reaching the age of 18 can participate in voting as early as possible; and (f) to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance and broadcasting policies to provide the airwaves and the television broadcasting platform for young people to fully exercise their freedom of speech and expression.
影响逐步淘汰的可持续性的关键因素和需要进一步分析的问题,都已经查明 包括 所选替代品的 技术可行性及其经济可行性;可能影响已实现逐步淘汰的可持续性和维持 逐步淘汰的现代机构能力的市场问题,还有政治管理问题。
Key factors affecting sustainability of the phase-out and issues
needing further analysis
[...] were identified, including technical feasibility of selected alternatives and their economic [...]
feasibility; market
issues that may impact the sustainability of the phase-out achieved and the existing institutional capacity to sustain the phase-out; and political regulatory issues.
秘书处代表说,R-507 和 R-404A 是当前与为冷
[...] 藏室安装的现行系统兼容的唯一可获得的技术,但工发组织曾表示工发组织希望鼓励乌拉 圭探讨使用碳氢转为两个剩余企业 替代办 法。
The representative of the Secretariat said that R-507 and R-404A were the only technologies currently available that were compatible with the current systems being installed for cold rooms, although UNIDO had indicated that it
would encourage Uruguay to explore the possible use of
[...] hydrocarbons as an alternative for the two remaining [...]




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