

单词 勾地表

See also:


tick n
affair n

reach for (with hand)
surname Gou
strike out


the surface (of the earth)

External sources (not reviewed)

為善用土地及增加單位供應量,部分 委員建議把一些已勾地表內一段長時間的土地,撥給香港房屋協會 (“房協”)興建房屋。
To optimize land use and increase flat supply, some members suggested allocating land which had remained on the AL for a long time to the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) for housing development.
(o) 政府當局應全面檢勾地表政策 ,並就定期拍賣土地制訂 靈活安排。
(o) The Administration should conduct a comprehensive review of the AL policy and bring flexibility into regular land auctions.
(一) 位於海輝道的用地(九龍內地段第 11146 號)的賣地條款是經各 有關專業部門審核後,才納入供申請售賣土地一覽表(下稱勾 地表”)內。
(a) The Conditions of Sale for the site at Hoi Fai Road (Kowloon Inland Lot No. 11146) were included in the List of Sites for Sale by
Application (commonly known as
[...] "Application List") only after they had been vetted by the relevant [...]
professional government departments.
正如剛才梁美芬議員在她的演辭中提到,紅磡紅鸞道臨海的兩幅綜 合發展區被列入勾地表中,擬作酒店及商業用途。
As Dr Priscilla LEUNG said in her speech earlier, the two Comprehensive Development Areas at
the waterfront on Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom, are included in the
[...] Application List and intended for hotel/commercial use.
勾地表外, 發展商亦可以 透過其他途徑獲得土地供應,包括購買私人土地,收購及整合 [...]
Application List aside, developers [...]
may acquire land through various means, including purchasing land in the private market,
acquiring and assembling existing properties for redevelopment, and participating in property development projects of the two railway corporations and the Urban Renewal Authority.
(m)勾地表所列 的土地若到了財政年度結束時最終沒有被勾 出,應盡快推出拍賣。
(m) Land included in AL but eventually not triggered for sale by the end of a financial year should be offered for an auction as soon as possible.
林鄭月娥今日聯同地政總署署長譚贛蘭及規劃署署長伍謝 淑瑩舉行記者會,公布即時生效的 2010-11 年勾地表。
Mrs Carrie Lam attended the press conference today together with the Director of Lands, Miss
Annie Tam, and the Director of Planning, Mrs Ava Ng, to announce the 2010-11
[...] Application List which takes immediate effect.
(xii) 我們在推行計劃時不會選勾地表上 的 土地或公 屋用地。
(xii) Land for MHPP will not come from the Application List or sites earmarked for PRH.
(三 ) 當局預計其餘4個發展項目何時才可開始接受預租申請;該
[...] 等項目的發展進度主要受制於甚麼因素,有否方法加快它 們的發展進度;若有,詳情為何;若否,會否考慮 勾地 表上滾 存多時仍未售出的土地,轉作興建“置安心”計劃單 位之用?
(c) when the authorities expect the remaining four projects will invite applications for pre-letting; what factors that the development progress of these projects will be subject to, and whether there are ways to expedite their development progress; if there are, of the details; if not, whether the authorities will
consider turning some of the
[...] unsold sites which have remained on the Application List for a long [...]
time into sites for building MHP Plan flats?
勾地表並非房屋供應的唯 一來源,另一個供應來源是契約修訂。
The Application List was not the sole source of housing supply.
有委員指出,當局不 應過分依勾地表作為 土地供應的主要來源,因 勾地表 內 的 土地, 只會在發展商提出申請時才推出發售。
Some members pointed out that the Administration should not excessively rely on the Application List (AL) as the main source of land supply, given that the sale of land under the AL would only be triggered upon application by developers.
正如上文所述,賣地條款是經各有關專業 部門審核後,才加勾地表內。
As mentioned above, the Conditions of Sale will be included in the Application List only after they have been vetted by the relevant professional government departments.
視乎市場情況,我們會考慮指定更 勾地表 內 的土地由政府主動 拍賣或招標出售。
Depending on the market situation, we will consider designating more sites in the Application List for sale through government-initiated auction or tender.
政府的房地產政策,是順應市場需求,從土地供應入手,勾地表制度 為主軸,輔以靈活的優化安排,不定期推出土地 拍賣,以增加供應。
The Government's policy regarding residential property market is to respond to market demand through the supply of land, with the Application List System as the main axle supplemented by flexible improvement measures and land auctions from time to time so as to increase the land supply.
為增加各類型酒店的供 應,我們會勾地表內『限作酒店發展』用途的試驗計劃納為常規,此安排亦適 用於由發展商提出的土地契約修訂或換地」。
To increase the supply of different types of hotels, we will regularise the pilot measure of offering sites ‘restricted to hotel use’ on the Application List.
根 據 這 項 計 劃勾 地 表 內 酒 店 用 地 的 售 賣 底 價 , 以 及 選 擇 「 限 作 酒 店 發 展 」 的 土 地 契 約 修 [...]
訂 / 換 地 個 案 的 補 地 價 , 會 按 照 土 地 限 作 酒 店 發
展 評 估 及 徵 收 , 而 非 該 土 地 的 最 大 許 可 發 展 潛 力 , 不 論 酒 店 用 途 是 否 該 土 地 的 最 佳 發 展 。
Under it, the reserve price of hotel sites on the Application List and the premium [...]
for lease modification/land exchange
cases opting for "hotel only" development will be assessed and charged on a "hotel only" basis instead of their maximum permissible development potential irrespective of whether hotel use represents the optimal development.
會 否 改變逐 年訂勾 地 表 的方案呢?
Will the approach to draw up the Application List on a yearly basis be altered?
(二) 若有原建有政府物業的土地可騰空,而又適合作住宅或商業的私 人發展用途,政府會考慮將該些土地納 勾地表 內。
(b) If sites with government properties can be vacated and are suitable
for private residential or commercial development, the Government will consider including
[...] them in the Application List.
由 於賣地條件限定作酒店用途和訂明酒店的樓面總面積,我們評估 二零零八至零九勾地表內「 只作酒店用途」發展的用地時,是 基於酒店和其他在賣地條件規限的用途的公開市值,並按這評估 訂出底價。
As a consequence of the Conditions of Sale having restricted the use to hotels and stipulated the amount of GFA for hotels, we will assess the open market values for the “hotel only” sites in the 2008-09 AL for hotel use and such other uses as restricted under the Conditions of Sale, and set the reserve prices of such sites on the basis of such assessment.
(a) 為推動旅遊業,政府以試驗計劃形式在 2008-09 年度勾地表內加入訂明「限 作酒店發展」的土地,以供出售。
The 52 residential sites included in the 2011-12 Application List and the List of Sites for Sale by Tender are available on the Lands Department webpage.
第一,高地價政策死灰復燃,政府通過與一些地產商的協議,將賣地的 做法改變,而勾地表的做 法,實際上將地價和樓價定在一個政府和地產商 認為所謂合適的水平。
Through an agreement with property developers, the Government has changed the method of land disposal. An Application List system is adopted which literally fixes land premiums and property prices at a level which both the Government and the property developers consider appropriate.
現時政府 的政策 是 透勾 地 表 制 度 , 提 供 不同面 積 及 用 途 的 土 地,以 公 開 公平的原 則 讓 所有有興 趣 的 發展商都可參與地 產 發展。
At present, the Government's policy is to supply land of various size and use through the Application List System, so that all interested developers can participate in real estate development under the principle of openness and fairness.
就預算案演辭第 100 段中提及「我們會主動勾地表內指 明兩幅酒店用地,在年 內由政府主動推出拍賣或招標,以推動酒店設施發展。
It is mentioned in paragraph 100 of the [...]
Budget Speech that “we will specify in the Application List two hotel sites for
government-initiated sale by open auction or tender this year to foster hotel development.
(a)-(c) 現行 2008-09 年度勾地表已登載於地政總署網頁,供公眾參考。
(a) – (c) The current 2008-09 Application List is made available for public information on the website of the Lands Department (LandsD).
我剛才在主體答覆也提 過,我們去年曾嘗試主動推出柴灣連城道的土地,但未能成功賣出, 我們亦立即不滾存該幅土地至今年 勾地表 , 並 已把它交給房委會興 建公屋。
As I have just said in my main reply, last year our initiated sale of the site on Lin Shing Road in Chai Wan was not successful; we did not roll over this site in the AL this year, and have handed the site over to the Housing Authority for the construction of public rental housing.
(三 ) 當局會否考慮勾地表中未 能賣出的土地改作興建居者有 其屋(“居屋”)計劃或置安心資助房屋計劃(“置安心計劃”) 的單位之用,以增加落實作興建房屋的土地,並減少對地 產商勾地和投地,以及對私人重建項目的依賴?
(c) in respect of the sites on the AL that are not sold, whether the authorities will consider switching the use of these sites to building Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats or My Home Purchase (MHP) Plan flats, so as to increase the provision of land confirmed for housing development, and reduce reliance on real estate developers' applications for land sale and bidding for land as well as on private redevelopment projects?
(一 ) 未來 5 年 , 當 局 計 劃 推 出 發 售
的 私 人 土 地的總 面 積 ;當局 有否計 劃 把 更多幅 土
[...] 地 納 入 《 供 申 請 售賣土地一表 》(“ 勾 地 表”) 內 ,特別是發展 規 模 較 小 的 [...]
土 地,讓 中小型 發 展 商有機會 參 與 ; 若 有此計 劃,請說明
詳情;若 沒有, 原因是 甚麼
(a) the total area of private land scheduled to be put up for sale in the next five
years; whether it has any plan to
[...] include more land in the List of Sites for Sale by Application, [...]
in particular those with
a smaller site for development, so that small and medium-sized developers have the opportunity to participate; if it has, of the details; if not, the reasons for that
根據發展局於2012年10月向本會提供的數字,在全港的法定圖則上未經批租或撥用的政府土地當中,(i)規劃作"住宅"或"商業/住宅"用途的共有391.5公頃,當中18.9公頃已納入申請售賣 地表 (" 勾地表 " ) , 餘下的有372.6公頃;(ii)而主要作新界小型屋宇("丁屋")發展之用的"鄉村式發展"地帶用地則有932.9公頃。
According to the figures provided to this Council by the Development Bureau in October 2012, in the unleased or unallocated government land on the statutory plans of Hong Kong, (i) there are a total of 391.5 hectares of land zoned "Residential" or
[...] [...] "Commercial/Residential", among which 18.9 hectares have been included in the Application List for land sale (the "Application List"), with 372.6 hectares of the land remaining; and (ii) there are 932.9 [...]
hectares of land which
are zoned "Village Type Development" mainly for the development of New Territories small houses.
註 : 雖 然 位 於 沙 田 石 門 安 耀 街 、 安 群 街 與 安 麗 街 交 界 ( 沙 田 市 地 段 第 4 3 3 號 ) 的 1 幅 商 貿 用 地 沒 有 納 入 2 0 1 0 -1 1 年勾 地 表 內 , 但 政 府 主 動 推 出 該 幅 土 地 售 賣 。
Note: Though not included in the 2010-11 Application List, the Government had initiated the sale of a business site at the junction of On Yiu Street, On Kwan Street and On Lai Street, Shek Mun, Sha Tin (STTL 433).
為了確保房地產市場有平穩的土地供應,政府除了繼續 勾地表 制 度 出售 政府土地外,也採取主動賣地的做法。
To ensure a steady land supply for the residential property market, the Government has adopted the practice to initiate sites for sale in addition to continuing to use the Application List for disposal of government sites.




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