

单词 勤俭朴实

See also:


hardworking and frugal

俭朴 n

extravagance n


sincere and honest

External sources (not reviewed)

美国经济的各个行 业都应该为研究生提实习和勤工俭 学 的 机会。
All sectors of the U.S. economy should seek
[...] ways to provide internships and work study opportunities for graduate students.
比如,美 国的跨国公司都有能力为研究生创造一 实 习 和 勤 工 俭学 的 机会以便为他们提供最前沿的培训和在不同文化氛围中 工作的机会。
For example, U.S. multinational
corporations are in a position
[...] to create internship and work/study opportunities for graduate students [...]
to provide cutting-edge
training and exposure to working in diverse cultures.
尽管周恩来在政治上的权威和他英明的影响力,周恩来一生的生活都 俭朴。
Despite his power and influence, Zhou Enlai lived an extremely simple life.
Provide internships and work study opportunities for graduate students.
朴实的材 料运用、纯净的颜色与精简的细部构造,使空间在此成为完整的生活背景,同时也成为接纳窗外自然环境的极佳载体。
Simplicity and consistency in colors, materials and detailing make the space into a clean and pure background for the family’s daily life as well as the natural surroundings outside the windows.
学会了做人的基本道理:通实习, “看到了什么是严谨、什么是谦虚,什么是胸怀, 什么是乐观,什么是热心,什么是细心,什么 勤 奋 , 什么 俭朴 ”。
Learned basic principles how
[...] to make yourself a good person: Through practice, we learned what it really means by seriousness, humbleness, broad bosom, optimism, enthusiasm, charity, diligentness and thriftness.
新疆当地政府为达到年度农业收获配额,通过 勤 工 俭 学 ”项目强迫数千名当地学生劳动。
The Xinjiang provincial government forced thousands of local students to labor through “work-study” programs in order to meet yearly harvesting quotas.
还有一些小学打着职业培训的旗号,以政府批准 勤 工 俭 学 项 目为掩护,为工厂和农场提供童工强迫工作。
Under the government-sanctioned work-study programs, elementary schools supplied factories and farms with forced child labor under the pretext of vocational training.
朴实的外 表下暗藏着令人惊喜的功能与效果:由一个恒温龙头、两个开关阀及一个不对称花洒 喷头组成的雅生·奇特里奥 M淋浴解决方案提供无限可能。
A reserved exterior harbours a refreshing function and effect: the Axor Citterio M shower solution comprising a thermostat, two shut-off valves and the asymmetrical shower head is only one of many possible combinations.
Banks need to go back to giving customers a well-informed person to whom they can talk, face to face.
勤俭特别 强调,明天即将迎来中秋、国庆双节假期,这是国 实 行 节假日小型车高速公路免费通行政策的第一个假期,希望交通、公安等部门以及公路沿线各级政府要高度重视,做好各种应对预案,加强安全隐患排查,及时处置突发事件,采取有效的工作措施,确保道路畅通,让群众过一个安乐祥和的节日。
He had special emphasis, tomorrow is about to usher in the Mid-Autumn Festival, national day double holiday, [...]
it is the country
executes holidays small vehicle highway toll free policy in the first holiday, hope traffic, public security departments as well as the highway along various government wants to take seriously highly, make all kinds of plans to deal with, strengthen the safe hidden danger investigation, to handle emergencies, take effective measures, to ensure smooth transportation, let people lead a peaceful and happy holiday.
不幸的是,俄罗斯是没有爱尔兰长笛的不同品种,在商店里,只有 朴实 的 号 角200 P被发现。
Unfortunately, Russia is no different assortment
of Irish flute, was found in the store,
[...] only the most unpretentious horn 200 p. But [...]
in three colors and sound are quite satisfied.
为落实这一提议,它确定行动以协商一致意见为基础,治理以 诚实、透明朴实为基 础,并以《和平协定》为国家行动的指导方针框架。
To achieve that goal, it defined actions based on consensus: ensuring honest government, transparency and austerity and re-establishing the peace agreements as the guiding framework for the activities of the State.
正如 秘书长此前给大会的报告(见 A/64/633 和
[...] A/65/643)所述,当该战略得到全面执 行时,勤支助部将实施战 略规划、整合、质量控制职能,并在总部与会员国联 [...]
络;全球服务中心将执行现在由外勤支助部在总部执行的不需要与会员国和秘书 处其他部门频繁互动的业务往来职能;各特派团将在区域服务中心支持下直接向 维和人员提供服务。
As the Secretary-General has previously reported to the General Assembly (see A/64/633 and
A/65/643), when the strategy is fully
[...] implemented, the Department of Field Support will conduct [...]
strategic planning, integration, quality control functions and liaison
with Member States at Headquarters; the Global Service Center will perform the transactional functions now carried out by the Department of Field Support at Headquarters that do not require frequent interaction with Member States and other Secretariat departments; and missions, supported by regional service centres, will provide services directly to peacekeeping personnel.
b. 还实施了其他与法定旅行有关的俭 措 施 ,其中包括差旅费的报销仅限于已 入围的候选人,或将入职前旅行仅限于被分配到“D”级或“E”级艰苦的 工作地点。
(b) Other austerity measures related to statutory travels have also been implemented, including [...]
limiting the reimbursement
of travel costs to short-listed candidates only, or limiting pre-assignment travel only for assignments to “D” and “E” hardship duty stations.
任职者将在“团 结”项目开发实施阶段向勤部和 维和部提供全职的专门支持;确保外勤部 在外地行动和总部各部门开发和落实企业资源规划方面进行监督并及时采取行 动;制定与全球战略相辅相成并协调统一的内部政策和战略,以确保在外勤部 和维和部各部门以及外地行动中顺 实 施 “ 团结”项目;代表 勤 部 和 维和部 参加与开发实施“团结”项目有关的部际会议、工作组和工作队;与管理事 务部“团结”项目小组、外勤部各司、维和部和政治部有关部门和外勤部支持 的所有外地行动进行联络。
The incumbent of the position would
[...] provide full-time dedicated support to DFS and DPKO during the development and implementation phases of Umoja; ensure departmental oversight and timely action on the development and implementation of enterprise resource planning in field operations and Headquarters offices; develop internal policies and strategies that will complement and integrate with the global strategy to ensure a smooth implementation of Umoja in DFS and DPKO offices as well as field operations; and represent DFS and DPKO [...]
in interdepartmental meetings, working groups and task forces related to the development and implementation of Umoja; and liaise
with the Department of Management Umoja team, all DFS Divisions, relevant DPKO and DPA Offices and all field operations supported by DFS.
第一个战略侧重于总部外审计,第二个战略则更多地面向总部机 构,审计重点将放在俭、效率和实 效 上
While the first strategy focused on field audits, the second strategy will give increased coverage to Headquarters with a focus on economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
朴教授 与其他两个知名教授(中国的 P. Wang 教授和日本的 [...]
A Taira 教授)于 1988 年成 立了亚洲海洋地质国际会议,每三四年在中国、韩国、日本、泰国和印度举行一 次,其中第 8 次会议将于 2014 年在韩国举行。
Prof. Park with two other eminent [...]
professors (Prof. P. Wang from China and Prof. A Taira from Japan) established the International
Conference of Asian Marine Geology (ICAMG) in 1988, which has been held every three or four years in China, Korea, Japan, Thailand and India, and of which the 8th Conference will be held in Korea in 2014.
此外,分钟刻度缀朴实的黑 色和白色图案,令人想起赛道格子旗织的设计,而经电镀处理的定时器(钛合金款和玫瑰金款采用黑色设计,铂金款采用蓝色设计)则搭配立体外框,创作灵感源于高性能赛车的仪表盘。
The minute track, meanwhile, is depicted with a discreet, black and white pattern evoking the design of a chequered flag and the galvanic chronograph counters (black on the titanium and pink gold editions, blue on the platinum edition) feature raised frames based on the dashboard instruments of a high-performance car.
如果您勤工俭学的 想法,这是完全没问题的。
It's possible to work while you study, if that's what you want to do.
如秘书长所述,业务连续性管理股在以下两个方面与信息和通信技 术厅密切合作并得到其支助:(a) 对秘书处的关键/非关键系统进行分类, 以此作为总体业务影响分析的一部分;(b) 落实电子通勤能力 ,这将构 成业务连续性计划中的一项减少风险措施,并得到信通厅的支持(同上, 第 26 和 27 段)。
As indicated by the Secretary-General, the Business Continuity Management Unit works closely with and is supported by the Office of Information and Communications Technology in two aspects: (a ) the classification of critical/ non-critical systems of the Secretariat, as part of the overall business impact analysis; and (b ) the implementation of telecommuting capabilities, which constitutes a mitigation measure in the business continuity plan and which is supported by the Office (ibid., paras. 26 and 27).
审计活动 的重点将放在俭、效率和实效上
The audit activities will now focus on performance in terms of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
它将使本组织作为多边良好雇主组织的地位发 生大变,变成一个效率和业绩都分别成为大幅度削减和 俭 代 名 词的机构。
It has changed the Organization drastically from being a good multilateral employer to an institution in which efficacy and performance have respectively become synonymous with drastic cuts and savings.
如关于主管外勤支助事务副秘书长办公室的一节所列,提议将工程科 1 个 工程师续设员额(P-4)改派到副秘书长办公室方案执行协调小组,其职能改为方 案干事(P-4),以支持全球勤支助 战略 实 施。
As presented in the section under the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for the Department of Field Support, it is proposed that 1 continuing post of Engineer (P-4) be reassigned from the Engineering Section to the Programme Implementation Coordination Team in the Office of the
Under-Secretary-General as a Programme
[...] Officer (P-4) to support the implementation of the global field support strategy.
(d) 为确保在共有或关联活动领域为外地行动提供
[...] 了进展:在平民保护领域,制定指导军事和警察 部门的工具和培训材料,分析保护平民的协调机 制,进一步分析执行保护平民相关任务的资源和 能力实施维和部-外勤部的 早期建设和平战略, 涉及如何安排其早期建设和平任务的轻重缓急 和先后次序;与会员国开展的讨论威慑、使用武 [...]
确定和启动其他的制订标准项目和对军警部门 的相关培训;旨在加强联合国维持和平工作的指 挥和控制框架的评价取得进展。
(d) Ensuring greater coherence in the guidance and support delivered to field operations in cross-cutting or interrelated areas of activity also advanced in areas such as: protection of civilians, through the development of tools and training materials related to guidance for military and police components, analysis of protection of civilians coordination mechanisms and further analysis
of resources and
[...] capabilities for implementing mandates relating to the protection of civilians; implementation of the DPKO-DFS early peacebuilding [...]
strategy on
how to prioritize and sequence their early peacebuilding tasks; further progress in the dialogue with Member States on deterrence, use of force and operational readiness; the identification and commencement of additional projects for the development of standards and related training for uniformed components; and progress in an evaluation to strengthen the command and control framework for United Nations peacekeeping.
提议编列 120 800 美元差旅费是为了向以下活动提供技术支助:监督工程 作业、数据中心的建立以及西班牙巴伦西亚支助基地信息和通信技术系统的实施 (57 800
[...] 美元);会见指定官员,商讨有关乌干达恩德培区域服务中心的问题,确 保该中心的建立与全球勤支助战略 实 施 (63 000 美元)相一致。
The amount of $120,800 is proposed for travel in connection with the provision of technical support for the following: to oversee engineering work, the establishment of the data centre and the implementation of information and communications technology systems at the United Nations Support Base at Valencia, Spain ($57,800); and to meet with designated officials on issues related to the regional service centre in Entebbe, Uganda, ensuring
that the establishment of such a centre is aligned with
[...] the implementation of the global field support strategy [...]
秘书长认为归功实施全球外勤支助战略的其他成就包括:秘书处有能力 加快建立联利支助团,与其实务组成部分相比,特别是由于全球服务中心提供支 持,因而产生的外来足迹较少(A/66/679,第 78 段);通过一个相对小型、产生 [...]
域服务中心和南苏丹特派团的能力和设施(同上,第 79 段)。
Other achievements attributed by the Secretary-General to the implementation of the global field support strategy [...]
include the ability
of the Secretariat to expedite the establishment of UNSMIL with a lighter footprint for support functions as compared with its substantive component, owing in particular to the support provided by the Global Service Centre (A/66/679, para. 78), and the delivery of mission support services for UNISFA through a relatively small mission support structure with a light footprint, drawing on the capacities and facilities of the Regional Service Centre and UNMISS (ibid., para. 79).
中心通过特色项目“全球社会效益孵化器”(GSBI(TM))、在Impact Capital的研究“俭创新实验室 ”以及和“科技奖”的合作,吸引全球企业和科技资源造就社会企业能力。
Through its signature program, the Global
Social Benefit Incubator (GSBI(TM)),
[...] as well as the Frugal Innovation Lab, research in [...]
Impact Capital, and collaboration with
The Tech Awards, the Center engages business and technical resources to build the capacity of social enterprises around the world.
我们充分重视希望所有这些议题得到平衡的愿望,但基于常识和 俭 的需 要,如果你确信没有人会要求对某一专题发言,就不必再召开会议了。
We fully appreciate the desire to have balance accorded to all these topics, but common sense and fiscal prudence seem to suggest that you should not feel it incumbent upon you to call a meeting if you have determined that there are no further requests to speak on a given topic.




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