单词 | 募款 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 募款 —raise moneySee also:募—raise • collect • canvass for contributions
但是,当Camila发现自己需要花费太多时间 筹 募款 项 , 却没有足够时间陪伴这些儿童时,便辞去这一职务,并于1996年成立Kid’s Company(儿童公司)。 clarinsusa.com | But when Camila realized she was doing too much fundraising and not enough working with the children themselves, she stepped down and in 1996 established Kids Company. clarinsusa.com |
至於籌募款項 的多寡,會視乎院校付出多少努力而定,與院校的規模 及成立的日子沒有關係。 legco.gov.hk | The amount of donations secured would depend [...] on the efforts made rather than the size and age of the institutions and he [...]called upon the community to support the institutions. legco.gov.hk |
因此,你的组织要具备一 定的募款能力,确保不会因资金问题而 暂停TNR工作。 animalsasia.org | Therefore, the animal protection organisation must have fund-raising ability, to ensure that the TNR work will be not suspended due to financial problems. animalsasia.org |
2003年,Oris作为Polly [...] Vacher的主要赞助者,支持她独自经极地全球航行,为残障人仕的飞行奖学金 而 募款。 oris.ch | The year 2003 saw Oris as principal sponsor and watch partner [...] to Polly Vacher’s circumnavigation of the globe via the [...] poles, raising money for flying scholarships [...]for disabled people. oris.ch |
醫管局和政府應該加緊想辦法募捐,例如向賽馬會 籌 募款 項 , 以應付龐大的 需求。 legco.gov.hk | The Hospital Authority and the Government should step up its efforts in raising funds, from the Jockey Club, for example, to cater for the great demand. legco.gov.hk |
李太說,她的目標是促進粵劇藝術文化,並為 C P A D 募款。 cpad.org | Mrs. Lee said her goal was to promote the art of Cantonese [...] Opera and to raise funds for CPAD. cpad.org |
2005年,在朋友的推荐下,凌锋在妇联的儿基会下开设了民族孤儿救助基金,担任主任,也成为主 要 募款 人。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In 2005, with a friend’s recommendation, Dr. Ling started the Ethnic Orphans Foundation as director but [...] also as a major fundraiser. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在 2000 至 2005 年期间,由这些募款资 助的项目总花费达到约 77 530 000 非洲金融共同体法郎。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the period 2000-2005, the total cost of projects thus funded amounted to approximately CFAF 77,530,00048. 152. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于Ann患病,且是此公益组织的主要 募款 人 员,这一奖项将用于雇用一位专 职 募款 人 员 ,雇佣期限为两年,这一人员首年将负责募集160,000英镑,以便采购300个癫痫发病警报系统。 clarinsusa.com | Given Ann's illness and the fact that she is currently the charity's main fundraiser, the Award will be allocated to the employment of a full time professional fundraiser for two years, who in year one will be tasked to raise £160,000 to purchase 300 epilepsy alarms. clarinsusa.com |
家教會進行募款活動 ,以資助補充課程及課外活動所需經費。 sfusd.edu | PTA raises funds for enrichment programs [...] and extracurricular activities. sfusd.edu |
但是,换个角度来看,如果能尽量节约需要支付的工作成本, 那么就等于提高了现有资金的利用率, 对 募款 工 作 也是一个有力的补充。 animalsasia.org | However, cost saving will increase the consumption of the current funds, which is a powerful supplement to fundraising. animalsasia.org |
由VITAS員工和義工組成的團隊,也將參與4月15日至16日在佛州那不勒斯(Naples)舉行的最大規模「抗癌接力 」 募款 活 動。 zh.vitas.com | A VITAS team of staff and volunteers also will participate in the Naples Relay for Life on April 15-16, the largest Relay for Life fundraiser in the state. espanol.vitas.com |
在参与飞行活动以为残障人仕募款之 前,她曾做过理疗师与音乐教师。 oris.ch | She worked as a physiotherapist, then a music teacher, before becoming [...] involved in fundraising for the disabled. oris.ch |
他的倡议已筹到将近680,000 欧元的募款,用 来帮助受害者重建家园。 audemarspiguet.com | His initiative has already raised nearly 680,000 euros to help the victims. audemarspiguet.com |
所募款项代表着SRCB全体成员对日本受灾群众的诚挚慰问和对地震遇难者深切的哀悼。 srcb.ricoh.com | SRCB Labor Union responded as fast as it can to express deep condolence to the disaster victims and to call for a donation to help those in need following Japan's devastating tragedy. srcb.ricoh.com |
执法人员火炬跑最终段的接力象征着年复一年由执法人员发起的多 项 募款 活 动。 resources.specialolympics.org | The Final Leg is a symbol of the numerous fundraising events that [...] happen every year to make [...] fundraising by law enforcement officers the biggest single source of donations to Special Olympics. resources.specialolympics.org |
赞美主,在圣诞节募款之后,我们印制了80,000本儿童圣经故事和40,000本关于祷告的灵修及家庭书籍;随即在今年,我们又用圣诞节后收到的奉献,进一步印制了20,000本儿童书籍,以及20,000本关于祷告的灵修书籍。 amccsm.org | We praise the Lord that following on from our Christmas appeal when we printed 80,000 copies of our children's Bible story books and 40,000 copies of the devotional and family books on prayer, this year we have been able to print a further 20,000 children's books and a further 20,000 books on prayer with donations that came in after Christmas. amccsm.org |
自 2001 年起,OCLC 為「頻譜創議」提供財務上的支援,並主辦獎學金餐會,成為 其 募款 工 作 中的一部分。 oclc.org | Since 2001, OCLC has financially supported the Spectrum Initiative and has hosted scholarship dinners as part of its fund-raising efforts. oclc.org |
聯合國兒童基金會基金(U.S. [...] Fund for UNICEF)在美國透過募款、提倡及教育,為 UNICE [...]工作 提供支援。 sites.kiwanis.org | The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s [...] work through fundraising, advocacy, [...]and education in the United States. sites.kiwanis.org |
替经联合国认可的非政府组织举办活动:尤其是在这种场合,代表 团的代表应考虑到,不管活动的目的多么有价值,也不要进行任何实质 [...] 性的事务,例如通过决议、举行选举、颁奖 、 募款 或 举 行任何纪念仪 式。 daccess-ods.un.org | : especially on these occasions, representatives of Missions should bear in mind that, notwithstanding the worthiness of the purpose of the event, no substantive business such as the passage of [...] resolutions, holding of elections, presentation of awards or [...] solicitation of funds, nor ceremonies [...]of any kind, may be conducted. daccess-ods.un.org |
10 月 14 日 - [...] 團隊成員義工犧牲假日在豔陽高照的星期日協助我們的指定公益贊助對象之一,新加坡聾人協會 (SADeaf),進行募款。 hk.marinabaysands.com | 14 October - Team member volunteers gave their time on a scorching Sunday to help our designated charity, [...] SADeaf with their fundraiser. marinabaysands.com |
加州要贏是很難的, 但是一些決戰場,像是佛州內華達州,有足夠的亞裔成為致勝關鍵,我們了解其重要性,或許可以幫他 們 募款。 ktsf.com | Asian American and Pacific Islander Democratic leaders kicked off the convention by holding an official party caucus to outline the campaign’s strategy to reach voters. ktsf.com |
请为我们最近发出的募款信能 够获得广大回应祷告,好让我们能够继续使用这些材料,在圣诞季节中继续祝福中国的弟兄姐妹。 amccsm.org | Pray for a good response to our recent appeal, so that we can continue to bless our Chinese brothers and sisters with these materials during the Christmas season. amccsm.org |
在隨後數年 裡,我們亦將以通訊、募款及社區參與三大主題做為主要挑戰目標。 khyentsefoundation.org | We have also identified [...] communications, fundraising, and community [...]involvement as three main challenges in the coming years. khyentsefoundation.org |
我抵達拉普拉塔市中心的火車站,經 過 募款 告 示 及站方貼出的誤點公告,搭火車返回布宜諾斯艾利斯途中,讀到一則與水災有關的報導,阿根廷知名氣候學家證實,受全球暖化影響,此次暴雨威力變得更驚人,一如颶風珊蒂在美國的經驗,類似問題在世界諸多地區都可能發生,原本看似足夠的排水系統突然不敷使用,無數民眾突然身陷淹水之苦。 thisbigcity.net | Traveling back to Buenos Aires on the train, I read an article about the flood, where a leading Argentine climate scientist confirms that the storm was worsened by global warming in a process similar to what happened during Hurricane Sandy. thisbigcity.net |
该基金会成立于 2004 年,享有资 金越来越多(2007 年约有 9600 万),已为 5861 人提供了帮助,尤其是孤儿、老年 人、残疾人以及寡妇(2007 年募款分配情况:50.5%分配给孤儿、21.05%分配给 老年人、7.95%给残疾人、6%给寡妇、12.5%分配给 zakat 的工作人员、2%用于 机构运行开支),主要是儿童资助活动和培训活动(提供信息、指导)以及开展创收 活动计划(残疾人电话亭、各类产品零售活动等)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since its establishment in 2004, the Foundation’s funds have risen steadily and stood at approximately 96 million in 2007. It has helped more than 5,861 people, the main beneficiaries being orphans, older persons, persons with disabilities and widows (in 2007, funds were distributed as follows: orphans, 50.5 per cent; older persons, 21.05 per cent; persons with disabilities, 7.95 per cent; widows, 6 per cent; alms collectors, 12.5 per cent, operating costs, 2 per cent). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们筹备这项义跑活动的目的不仅仅只是为了协助马来西亚盲人协会筹 集 募款 , 更 重要的是提高参与者对视障人士的关注并体验他们失去视觉能力的生活。 systematic.edu.my | The reason we organised this run was not [...] only to raise funds for the Malaysian [...]Association for the Blind but also to create [...]a sense of empathy among participants to experience how it is like to be blind. systematic.edu.my |
2011年2月25日佛羅里達州羅德岱堡訊 -- VITAS創新安寧療護®布羅瓦郡將主辦晚宴 和 募款 活 動 以支持當地和國際的人體免疫缺損病毒(HIV)/愛滋病專案計畫。 zh.vitas.com | Fort Lauderdale, Florida, February 25, 2011--VITAS Innovative Hospice Care® of Broward County will sponsor a gala and fundraiser to support local and international HIV/AIDS programs. espanol.vitas.com |
同濟會及其分會──包括由大學生 組成的國際同圓社(Circle K International)、14–18 歲學生組成的同青社(Key Club)、11–14 歲學生組成的同少社 (Builders Club)、6–12 歲學生組成的同幼社(Kiwanis Kids),以及成年殘障人士組成的同濟行動會(Aktion Club)──每年募款金額 超過 1.07 億美元,並奉獻 1,800 萬個以上的志工小時提供社區支援及兒童服務。 sites.kiwanis.org | Kiwanis and its family of clubs—including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students age 14–18, Builders Club for students age 11–14, Kiwanis Kids for students age 6–12 and Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities—annually raise more than US$107 million and dedicate more than 18 million volunteer hours to strengthen communities and serve children. sites.kiwanis.org |
在原住民团体(Shiwiar与Zaparas印第安人)提 出 募款 维 护 生物多样性并自主提高土地利用价值等诉求后,基金会在非政府组织Arutam的监督下,出资在境内二十处村落培训环保守望员。 audemarspiguet.com | Following a request from indigenous organisations (the Shiwiar and Zaparas Indians) to find the means to conserve the biodiversity and promote their land themselves, the Foundation financed the training of eco-wardens in 20 villages, under the supervision of the NGO Arutam. audemarspiguet.com |