单词 | 募捐 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 募捐noun—fundraisingnless common: collectionn 募捐—collect donations solicit contributions 捐募—collect donations solicit contributions See also:募—raise collect canvass for contributions 捐n—contributionn 捐—contribute tax 捐v—donatev
这些活动极少正式登记为政治活动,而是为慈善事业的 募捐,在某些司法管 辖范围内这种伎俩可能被作为欺诈行为而遭到起诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | These are rarely, if ever, officially registered as political events, but rather as fundraisers for charitable causes — a tactic that may be prosecuted as fraud in some jurisdictions. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了应急努力,粮农组织在古巴的实地方案由 14 [...] 个技术合作项目组成,主 要是利用技术合作方案和 Telefood募捐运动项目的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to emergency efforts, the FAO field programme in Cuba is made up of 14 [...] technical cooperation projects, mainly using resources of the Technical Cooperation [...] Programme Facility and TeleFood projects. daccess-ods.un.org |
之后,贝克汉姆为联合国儿童基金会在该地区的紧急人道主义工作,发起了一项 募捐集资的全球呼吁。 unicef.org | There he helped launch a television fundraising appeal with the recording of a public service announcement, an important asset in that campaign. unicef.org |
目前,恐怖分子大多依靠这些技术 来沟通、收集信息、招募、组织、宣传其思想和行动及 募捐,但最终可能会利用 信通技术实施攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the present time terrorists mostly rely on these technologies to [...] communicate, collect [...] information, recruit, organize, promote their ideas and actions, and solicit funding, but could [...]eventually adopt the use of ICTs for attack. daccess-ods.un.org |
今年的活动为Wooden Spoon发起了慈善募捐,其为支持英国及爱尔兰的贫穷儿童和年轻人而贡献心力。 oris.ch | This year’s event raised money for the Wooden Spoon charity which supports disadvantaged children and young people in the UK and Ireland. oris.ch |
在北京,悼念仪式后,美国使馆举行了慈善 募捐活动,募集所需物资,如衣物,毯子、可以保存的食品等。 embassyusa.cn | Following the ceremony in Beijing, the Embassy community held a charity event to collect needed items such as clothing, blankets, and non-perishable food. eng.embassyusa.cn |
为了保证实施《援助计划》所需的资金,根据有关“要求教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机 构联合委员会在 12 个月内召开一次捐助者会议,以更大的实力体现本决议确定的目标”的 第 32 C/54 [...] 号决议,委员会提议在 2005 年 4 月以前举办一次募捐活动,为实施《援助计划》 筹集资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With a view to securing the resources necessary for the implementation of the Programme of Assistance and in accordance with 32 C/Resolution 54, which “calls on the Joint UNESCOPalestinian Authority Committee to convene a donor meeting within a period of 12 months in order to have additional capacities to achieve the objectives [...] set out in this resolution”, the [...] Committee recommends adonor event to be organized [...]before April 2005, to mobilize funding [...]for the implementation of the Programme of Assistance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
参加者在其各自社区为此次航行筹款,还 募捐现金,准备直接交给加沙民 众。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants raised money within [...] their communities for the trip and [...] also solicited cashdonations which would be given [...]directly to the population of Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到文化的潜在作用和本组织在这一领域的协调职能,教科文组织于 [...] 2011 年 4 月 19 日在巴黎举办了一次文化募捐大会,汇聚了各会员国、多边机构和组织、开发银行、私营部 [...]门和民间组织的代表。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Given the potential of culture, and of the Organization’s coordination [...] mandate in this field, UNESCO has [...] organized a ConferenceofDonors forCultureinHaiti [...]for 19 April 2011 in Paris bringing together [...]representatives of Member States, institutions, multilateral organizations, development banks, the private sector and civil society organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
学生所募捐的善款被用于为这些小学提供学习用品和为各种学校活动提供支持,例如植树和植被恢复。 norway.org.cn | Money collected by students is used to supply the schools with school materials and supporting various school projects, such as tree planting and restoring. norway.cn |
与此同时,Stephen A. Schwarzman 正在开展一项筹集 2 亿美元(约合 12 亿元人民币)的募捐活动 ,这将使该奖学金项目成为中国至今接受的、最大一笔主要资金来自国外的慈善捐赠。 china.blackstone.com | A simultaneous fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $200 million (¥1.2 billion) will make the program the largest charitable effort in China’s history with funds coming largely from outside the country. blackstone.com |
在中国募捐失败的原因有以下几点:许多中国富翁不愿将其财富暴露于公众,他们长期以 来一直在捐助祖祖辈辈居住的村庄,而且他们并不赞同美国人公开捐赠的方式。 avantageventures.com | Among the reasons for the failure toraise philanthropic dollars in China were that many of the country’s rich would find it socially inappropriate to draw attention to their wealth, that they already had a long history of supporting their ancestral villages, and that they were opposed to the overt and public manner in which Americans donate. avantageventures.com |
除了能够发自内心、坚持不懈的照顾猫咪,在接受了一系列必要的培训之后,社区TNR [...] 工作的牵头人就可以承担起社区TNR的各项具体工作——诱捕、绝育、放归,甚至包括招募 社区内的新志愿者、在社区发动募捐活动 为流浪猫筹集绝育资金等,进而将TNR工作持久进 [...]行下去。 animalsasia.org | In addition to the sincere and unremitting care of cats, after receiving a series of necessary training, the community TNR program leader can undertake all the community [...] TNR work including; trapping, neutering and [...] release, the recruitment of new volunteers [...]in the community and initiating fund-raising [...]for the sterilization of stray cats in the community. animalsasia.org |
例如:一群维护个人拥枪权利的人士 可以通过这个网站组成一个非正式政治行动委 员会,为支持他们立场的候选人募捐。 americancorner.org.tw | For example, a group of gunrights activists could use the site to form an informal political action committee and raisefunds insupport of candidates who agree with their policy positions. americancorner.org.tw |
澳电为响应南亚地震及海啸的救灾行动,於日前举行了员工 募捐活动,联同公司之捐款合共为 澳门币十三万六千圆正 [...] (MOP136,000.00)。 cem-macau.com | To help the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in South-East Asia, CEM organized an [...] internal fund raising campaign from the employees, which [...] added with the donation from thecompany, [...]totalled MOP136,000.00. cem-macau.com |
十二名 Geiger 员工为儿童脑肿瘤基金会募集超过 2000 美 元 ,此项募 捐是“援助孩子骑行” (Ride for Kids) 活动的一部分。 hermanmiller.cn | Twelve Geiger employees raised more than $2,000 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation as part of Ride for Kids, a charity motorcycle event held every year in Atlanta, Georgia. hermanmiller.com |
在 东部丘陵地区活动的一个基于身份组成的组织 Pallo Kirat Limbuwan 全国阵线, 据控利用 4 名儿童进行“募捐”活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Pallo Kirat Limbuwan National Front, an identity-based organization operating in the eastern hill districts, allegedly used four children for “fund-raising” activities, and the Tharuhat Autonomous State Council provided training in martial arts to children in Dang district. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,作为圣克拉拉市和圣马特奥市今年假期的食物 募捐活动中的主要捐赠人,您将自豪地听到和读到关于Marvell社区领导力的信息。 marvell.com.cn | Additionally, as a majordonor tothis year's holiday [...] food drive in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, you will be proud [...]to hear and read about Marvell's community leadership. marvell.com |
民研计划在策划「3.23民间全民投票」时,已经采用「取之社会,用之社会」的原则,先以公开 募捐形式由巿民决定活动应否进行,继而接受民间人士(包括学生)的建议,把宣传和组织工作交由民间人士和机构进行。 hkupop.hku.hk | When POP initiated the “3.23 Civil Referendum Project”, the principle of “what is taken from the society will be used on the society” was adopted right at the start. First of all, we let citizens decide whether the project should be carried out by calling for public donations, then, we took the advice of different individuals (including students) to let public members and organizations to handle the promotion and coordination. hkupop.hku.hk |
网际网路专家卡文(Andy Carvin)观察 了公民新闻、部落格、网际网路募捐以及 社交联系网站对政治运作的影响,并指出 它们将是2008年选举中不容忽视的因素。 americancorner.org.tw | Internet guru Andy Carvin describes how citizen journalism, blogs, Internet fundraising, and social networking sites have affected the political process and, therefore, cannot be ignored in the 2008 election cycle. americancorner.org.tw |
参与者攀爬上位于曼哈顿时尚街区和时代广场中心的 42 层高楼,为 inMotion募捐并引起人们对 inMotion 的关注。 china.blackstone.com | Participants climbed the 42-story skyscraper in the heart of Manhattan’s Fashion District and Times Square to raise financial support and awareness for inMotion. blackstone.com |
(*)此项募捐是为回应宗座对地方教会的一项明确呼吁:宗座依据法典1271条,吁请各地方教会按其财力,给予宗座更大的支持,使它能善尽对普世教会的服务。 catholic.org.hk | (*) This is our response to an explicit appeal of the Apostolic See, on the basis of Canon 1271, for more contribution from the local Churches according to their resources, so as to give greater support to the service of the Apostolic See to the universal Church. catholic.org.hk |
自1997年开始,尼森先生一直与联合国儿童基金会合作,那时他还是“零钱表爱心”募捐活动的代言人,这项活动筹集飞机上乘客捐献的零钱来帮助发展中国家的孩子们。 unicef.org | Mr. Neeson has worked with UNICEF since 1997 whenhe was the public face of the Change for Good partnership, which collects unused currency from airline passengers to help children in the developing world. unicef.org |
这些项目大 多数是 Telefood募捐运动捐款项目,都是规模小,自成一体的农业、畜牧或渔 业项目,目的是协助具体的群体——多半是小社区或组织——通过增加粮食或收 入实现更大的生计安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | For the most part they consist of telefood initiatives, which are small, selfcontained agriculture, livestock or fisheries projects that help specific groups of people — mostly small communities or organizations — achieve greater livelihood security through the generation of more food or income. daccess-ods.un.org |
慈善决策制定并不存在一个统一的决策模型。”Osili 提示道,非营利组织 的专业人士应根据不同夫妻的慈善关注领域,生活经历及决策制定过程来量身定 做他们的慈善募捐计划。 worldfuturefound.org | There’s not one model that rules charitable decision making,” cautions Osili, who notes that nonprofit professionals should tailor their solicitations to individual couples’ philanthropicpriorities,life experiences, and decision-making process. worldfuturefound.org |